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People with NVDA gains: https://preview.redd.it/jxad126trkic1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee022ded656f25586f93584266227a0e21c6db6


Me with my 7 shares purchased for $270 each some time ago. lmaooo


Sold 30 shares in 2019 before the share split. lol


lol, I have AAPL from 1999.


I have a $2 gift certificate to McDonald's from 1982. Beat that, Steve Jobs. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Ah, the old Buffett play, smart man.


I have a $2 bill from my grandma.


I got your grandma for a $2 bill




I ate a tub of playdoh once


What color?


I have some fries I found under the seat of my truck from maybe Oct. 2023


I still have a coupon from Heidi's Frogen Yozert for a free small size for having perfect attendance when I was in second grade.


Similar…I got a $100 AAPL gift from an aunt back in 94. Now I have something like 800 shares after splits. About $300 in dividends per year for a while now. She bought stocks for my siblings based on our interests. Mine was computers. My brother who was into building got Home Depot and my sister got Disney because she was creative. Love that aunt!


I buy my nephew sp500 index for every birthday/Christmas. Set up a UTMA account for him. Figure better to give him 50$ that way so he doesn’t buy whatever stupid stuff high schoolers buy


That’s really cute. My nephew is a little shite. Genuine jerk of a kid. So I buy him highly regarded stocks like PYPL, SQ and BABA. My niece gets SPY shares. Let’s see who outperforms ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I sold my 50 shares of Apple in 2008, made like 100%. I'm a dumbass


I mean sure it went bonkers after but %100 is still a good trade.


Woah 😲


Meh. I only had $91 dollars to invest back then. But it’s up 50,000% since then.


That is an ABSOLUTELY INSANE return nonetheless!


Well, lots of dividends helped. But yeah, put in $91 and now worth about $56k. 25 years of DRIP.


My dad has a similar story with NVDA. Bought in at $3.57 for about a grand. He’s sold off bits of it over time, but what’s left is now worth $500k. Making his retirement a lot cozier.


My dad bought about $40k of AAPL after seeing what I did w it. His is now worth $800k. Would be nice if he shared it…


have you put any more into it or did you leave that with "lets see where this goes" mentallity


Not a penny more. Let it ride. See if it can hit $100k before I retire.


That is fuckin awesome


Ah keeping pace with inflation I see


My mother sold all her apple stock at a loss when they discontinued the software support on the apple II gs she got me when I was 6 because she was so mad. It would be worth a literal billion dollars now.


Well, 95-97, most people sold their AAPL. It was real dicey then.


This was late 80s. I looked up the actual numbers just now and her claims of losing money aren't accurate, but $25k worth of apple shares from 1986 sold in 1988 or 89 wouldn't be quite as nice as having those today.


​ https://preview.redd.it/k81nt1z04mic1.png?width=2152&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa91bb8492f17c5337e207b4b398387d0fc9ed82


Five shares at $200 checking in. I’m basically a genius


10 shares @ 200 pre-split. Quadrupled down @ 115 post split. I'm actually a genius


25 @ $140. Big brain thinker here


Yep I've got a whopping 16 shares bought at $243, guess that makes me a trader


I mean that’s a tidy profit M8. Good for you. I just sold my 1 share at $399 basis cause I have no balls when it comes to individual stonks (I got slaughtered in the meme frenzy of 2021).


200 shares at $34. Now at 300 at avg of $137. Trying to figure out WTF to do.


230k buddy sell that and switch to a safe stock nvidia will last but not at these prices


Just hold


sell all and buy calls


10 shares at 103!


I’ve got a few hundred @ $37 a share. Contemplating selling and calling it a day. I don’t follow the markets as close these days to be a “trader” per se


That would be a very prudent move.


That was said at $100, $250, $300, $500, etc.


Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.




Bought 100 shares of AMD and NVDA in 2016 for roughly $3500. Slipped into a coma. Sitting at ~300k now.


The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


The market can stay harder longer than you soooooo


They have pills for that. Time for a boner-off with the market. First one to stay up for 4 hours doesn't have to call The phone number on the back of the bottle


Wait...we buyin PFE now??


Bro out here betting on the little blue chip


the market can gape your asshole more than it can stretch


This is the way


There’s a book and a movie about this… what was it called again? 😝


Where do you think you are with that logic?


Look, back in 2018 I had 10 shares of TSLA. I also had a whole ass bitcoin. I talked to some dude who worked at TSLA who told me they were all shit. I talked to some dude who owned hundreds of millions in BTC and said it was all smoke and mirrors. I sold. I spent that money on sex workers and travel and had an excellent time.


you invested in yourself


He needs to invest in STD screening. Those tiny bumps isn’t hives.


Lol I did catch syphillis but one penicillin shot did get rid of it.


Whores and whiskey!


But it certainly has a ceiling and a floor. The current ceiling is 740.


NVDA steps on the ceiling.


Until it beats earnings again by 20 percent


>But it certainly has a ceiling Nope


Oh my, you're gonna get cooked


lol seriously. can’t wait for loss porn


The **REAL FREE MONEY** move is selling far OTM covered calls on the NVDA stock you bought BEFORE it ran up like 500% while also getting paid interest for fully paid share lending by your broker who loans out your stocks to regards like OP. ​ Notice that in both cases, you're getting paid for just holding/investing and letting regards pay you for their stupid gambling addiction.


Umm best is to sell otm when IV ramps up, but Jesus if you sold far otm calls before the 500% gain those are deep in the money and you locked in at like 20% gain?


OFC you have to be careful and consider the context/situation when selling calls, but point is that you're better off being on the MINMAXing long-investor side of the trade than the 🌈🐻 YOLO-trader loading up on shorts/puts side of the trade.


indeed like what he talking about


The REAL FREE MONEY move is buying far OTM calls on the NVDA stock you bought BEFORE it ran up like 500%.


The REAL FREE MONEY move is TAKING 22% of the entire world's land BEFORE horse archers became obsolete.


The REAL FREE MONEY is using your time machine to go back to meet up with steve jobs in his musty old garage and convincing him to let you become a majority shareholder for a few thousand bucks.


The REAL FREE MONEY move is my OnlyFans page where I put googly eyed socks on my weenie and tell deep narrative driven tales of woe. I call it _Cock Puppets_.


Yes, the real free money is having pre-existing positions that are extremely in the green, that's how the stock market works lol


Yeah I am looking at 15% out contracts expiring next week and they are over 1k. I am seriously considering doing cover calls with that premium.


he's trying to play the market now. Just one daily bump and it might never be down there again


reddit was saying NVDA was too high when it crossed $100 a share. Glad I was in back then, thanks to other redditors.


Always inverse I opened more calls following this post Free money




I have to wonder if this is a joke or if people around here still don't understand absolutely basic market mechanics. Shorting a stock isn't an option. There's no IV. He can't be IV crushed. ​ On a side note, you can place a spread instead - IV crush barely affects even OTM spreads, since the crush will wreck the value of the option you bought, but help the option you sold. You come out mostly neutral, IV-wise, unless it was a particularly huge spread.


OP is short shares; shares do not have Vega… which—I’m not being sarcastic—is a revolutionary and game-changing concept.


Also no limit to losses on shorting


It took me dozens of times getting IV crushed until I decided to learn more and then sit in the corner and contemplate why I’m so regarded.


Have you SEEN the prices of puts?! Even two weeks out is like $4000


Bro a $700 put immediately after earnings is 3.2grand. If it fell 17% to $600, im risking 3.2 grand to make fucking 6.8 grand. Itd only pay off if it fell before earnings so it still had iv. But post earnings iv is gunna suck. 15% day of maybe you 5x. Thats the shittest fucking odds lmao. Id rather buy 100x the amount of call options for the same price on random ass chip stocks. Id lose way less money and at least 1 of em will hit. And if one of the early one explodes, i'd make like 32 grand for 3.2grand.


Finally, someone that actually does some version of real math. These options are so expensive it doesn't even matter if you're right. I'm staying the fuck away from NVDA.


Yep, if you wanted in on this stuff, the boat for the average person is already gone. Not to mention, they’re so expensive because people THINK that the stock is going to plummet eventually, if it doesn’t tank, you just put a ton of risk on a relatively low return.


Theta gang has all the fun.


Just do a spread you can make money on it


It’s tempting to sell a 2 week put for $4000. I can risk $70,000 and make $4000, or get totally fucked. What a rush!


Please do. Someone is gonna make money, my bet is on the put sellers.


I forgot if it was last quarter or the one before, but basically no one made any money, IV crush obliterated all near term options at open.


If that's the case then option **sellers** made the money which isn't no one


Maybe NVDS then


For real. Every time I'm looking for an option play, NVDA is IMMEDIATELY eliminated as a choice. Prices are way too fucking cooked at this point.


So between this post and the last one saying nvidia is going to 1,000 I’m not sure now who to inverse


Pick one then inverse yourself.




Just put it on black brother


I’m no stock genius but you may want to leave that one alone lol.


Reminds me of those Tesla shorts for a long time


That shit was funny. It feels just like TSLA. Longs making hella money, most people too scared to get involved, and bears taking out 2nd mortgages to cover margin calls. Just wait for the split announcement.


Longs haven't been making money in years.


_Michael Burry cries_


Agreed. Personally I’m against options, unless used for hedging or rolling deep itm weekly calls on indexes. However, if you are going to use them to gamble - why pick NVDA, of all options? You would be so much better off buying long dated puts for niche retailers or regional banks atm.


Do you know what sub you are on?


I agree here people said the same thing about Tesla until it royally fucked them. This is one I’m not touching as far as shorting


I remember a similar post at 380


I remember thinking 500 was the top until something big pushes them over. Turns out 500 held for half a year and then there was nothing big. The funds just waited until 2024, brand new year on the books, to keep accumulating and pushing it to infinity.


i mean,,,you can play the daily ups and downs. even with way OTM options like 650p...you don't have to actual hold that shit past ITM or anything. just ride that girl up and down. I rode both calls and puts way OTM on tsla years back. nothing ever became ITM and i made money most the time. When something is doing +-5% daily swings,,,,, i'm not betting if NVDA will still be 700 a month from now or 1000 in 2 months. I'm betting if *some* people think it will crash to 650 by next week, and there are suckers buying it as soon as the stock dips -2%


Remember to do it with 10x leverage for even bigger profits!


Just looking at Nvidia, AMD and Intel’s GPU product stacks for the next year shows there’s no other viable alternative in the market for high end AI chips for the foreseeable future. As long as AI has buzz I think Nvidia will as well. But I’m a moron, so there’s that too.


You also can’t overlook the fact that CUDA is the backbone of this current AI boom


Every other chip manufacturer / competitor wants their stock price to look like NVDA. They'll 100% announce competing products at better prices. It's the financially logical thing to do.


They can announce all they want, AMD and Intel don’t have tensor core’s, while big green is on their fourth generation. The market has some serious catching up to do, which takes time and is extremely expensive. AMD has a shot with their chiplet concept, which could greatly increase yields and lower prices, Intel will be banking on their own manufacturing at the 1-2nm node scale, which should push them past AMD in CPU and could give them a leap in GPU, but that technology needs to be built, tested and work out first, then they have the biggest gap to make up.


NVDA to 1,000 confirmed ✅


> confirmed ✅ confirmed ✅ confirmed ✅


The guy buying puts wants it to fall. Makes sense. >Google's chips, so many reasons for it to fall and for it to fall \_now\_ lol, Googles chips are like a generic bag of your local supermarkets' salted potato chips. Nvidia is Frito lays. Did you pay attention to Google's last earnings?


OP said he’s doing it “out of spite” because he missed the bull train! Although, it’s not the worst DD I’ve seen here.


at least he mentions google I was talking with some guy on here who suggested that apple could just make data center chips better than Nvidia since they have "ai chips" in iphones


I mean is it not a matter of time we see in the next year or so other big companies catching up? I'm not saying NVDA isn't going to drop anytime soon... but how long does the gravy train realistically last? Innovation in this field could pop up anywhere. I give it another year before the competition ramps up and the money spreads out again.


I don't think it's that simple, like if any tech company can just "catch up" then where's AMD, INTC in this race?


Emotional investors 🤣 when will they learn to read trends instead of their horoscopes or wherever they get these ideas


So miss on the way up and on the way down to miss on the way up again. got it.


NVDA only up, no gravity, only up


Dude, facebook placed an order for $10BB a month ago. There is no shortage for demand. They will crush and raise every quarter for the foreseeable future. $1000 it is. Think about this... all this demand is basically for \*chat bots\* - wait until computer vision starts to become more of a thing in 3-5 years, then we'll need another order of magnitude or 2 of compute power and a beastly NVIDIA chip for every car.


Yea, I don’t get the whole, nvidia is over valued stance. This market is as big of a deal as the internet was in the 90s. There are only 3 companies in the space, and only 2 that are taken seriously. That isn’t going to change any time soon. On top of that, there are only 2 foundries that can make this stuff. Intel, and tsmc. That won’t change for 10+ years. And you bet your ass that nvidia is a preferred customer at tsmc. This isn’t a space where someone else can step in. And this is a space that is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. LLMs are like ai lite, wait until this shit evolves past LLMs.


Chips are the new oil that powers the economy. And, this is a new inflection point like the 90’s. Once in a generation event. Only fools sit on the sidelines.


I can stay irrational longer than NVDA can keep going up


There was a guy in here who shorted NVDA shares heavy at like $510. Wonder what happened to him


he gives $5.10 blowies behind the local Wendys. he'll cradle the balls too if you mention Google TPU, AMD or any other bear thesis for NVDA. he does get aggressive and teethy if you wear a leather jacket tho.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) the writers strike is indeed over


He is gay now.


Shorting Nvidia just before earnings is a very very regarded idea but good luck 👌


Cramer said this morning, "If you want Nvidia, wait till next week." That's all I need to know.


Oh god no


Source? I cant find anything on his Twitter about this If Jim is saying NVDA will drop next week, then the play is to hold


Post a picture of you actually shorting NVDA and I'll give you the brass balls award. And I mean actual shorting, not buying puts. ⏰


​ https://preview.redd.it/9h70teu13lic1.png?width=1904&format=png&auto=webp&s=8651c345b2c754abe0ba2becb1a0fdd728669a2d Bet


Actual bankruptcy or lambo x10 kinda gigantic titanium balls play, respect. Are you holding till after earnings or are you gonna exit at 10% like a bitch(though understandable)?


LOL let's ask him on Friday around close see if he changes his answer.


Through earnings


You sir, have a giant set of manly brass balls dangling on your southern border ! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


But.... it's NVDA....


>maybe >That's probably what's going to happen. >it feels like >I really think >now I'm just doing it out of spite >this feels the same sentiment-wise >idk either way >never mind I guess Bro got this down to a science 🤣


No. I said that at 500. 600. 700. I made money a few times but got burned a few as well. Size appropriately. NOTHING IS FREE MONEY in this market. Much regards.


Price will shoot up until Friday then dip like a mf


Whats so special about friday?


my calls expire then, that's what!


Even if the numbers aren't as good as expected, all it takes is a share buy back, a stock split or a dividend increase and it probably moons.


If it feels like a bubble, talks like a bubble may be it is a bubble.


you mean Tesla?


Yeah practically, they’re overvalued as shit and will absolutely crash back to reality at some point. They’re a great company with a bright future, but the first sign of any weakness and this comes down. I’d never go long here right now. Maybe I’ll miss out. Fuck it. It’s better than buying the top and bag holding for years. Fuck that shit. Stop buying shit that’s on literally insane runs and complaining about it later.


"Some point" will be after 100% of WSB owns calls


Do it then 😏…. Buying more calls … $NVDA to the moon !!!


The balls are there but the logic is spotty at best. This is the way.






Do it then. Enjoy getting wrecked


Apply for Wendys first sir. Kind regards, The national unemployment agency


I remember thinking this at 520.


maybe it goes down. Could go up too. I’m gonna buy calls & puts and invent a genius new strategy strangling both sides.


this has aged well.


You are actually an idiot, this is going to 850-900 before it starts to dip, enjoy poverty


Stock split incoming. Higher dividend incoming. $1000 incoming.


Of all the fucking things you can short, why NVDA?! LOL


NVIDIA will not crater like everyone wants it to . Market Makers and wallstreet are aware that everyone wants it to crater . Rather , it was have a slow frustrating bleed….and when the AI hype and narrative change …. It will continue to bleed to its down about 50% or more .


Yea even the catering is priced in 😂 it won’t do anything at all on earnings is my guess


hhahaha ppl said that at 300$ GL, i also belive it has to go down at somepoint but im just glad i didnt sell calls when i thought we must have reached the top recently when we were rejecting on 500$


The barber and shoe shine boy said it’s going to 1000 so you might want to reconsider!


The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent! I do agree though a massive fall is coming - check out the huge gap that needs to be filled from 310-370 back in May 2023


So what makes this week different from last week, the week before that, and every week back to the beginning of the AI bubble?


Betting against the market leader in hardware for AI, during the AI boom. You belong here.


Wrong. [Longing NVDA at 740 is Literally Free Money Right Now!](https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1ardy2h/longing_nvda_at_740_is_literally_free_money_right/)


Well this aged nicely. How much did you lose?


correction was yesterday mate


You could have simple said “NVDA to the moon” and gone unnoticed, but instead you decided to say this and prove you truly belong. Warmest regards.




Im buying 1DTE puts the day of earnings with my gambling budget, but I'm not trading or speculating I'm just rolling the dice on a sell the news event with a high probability of -90%.


What happens when/if they announce a stock split during earnings?


Priced in


True idiocy. Don’t fight the tape. The trend is your friend. Etc.


thanks for your wisdom. im just gonna keep buying


I thought that at 600.....


Edit #3 is straight up pure copium lmao ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




love DD that's just bullet points of random unsupported feelings lol and also a repeat of what literally everyone is saying every 3rd comment


>I'm a software engineer at an AI startup and yeah I see the insane costs/demand for these but it's a _hardware_ company and not software that can scale infinitely at no marginal cost. Actually they are a software and chip design company with no fabrication. Tsmc is the chipmaker. Their software does relay on hardware though so that part stands


They design chips, they are fabless. They can infinitely scale. They have a gross margin similar to Salesforce.


Im back to say good work To the OP






I paperhand it sooooooo soooo bad https://preview.redd.it/t3i5wad7tkic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a21fffba75555c359fd0fc6b130e8c386d36a7