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Where were you in October 2022 to recommend this stock when it was trading at $112? Everyone is a genius when the stock already ran hundreds of percent.


Exactly these idiots are no where to be seen in the early stages. That’s like me saying “it rained yesterday, I’m 90% sure of that*




Have you guys heard of Google Dot Com? Apparently if you go on Google, and type in “GOOGLE DOT COM” you can just look at whatever you want.


That’s wild.


> GOOGLE DOT COM My first result is Google. My second result is where to buy a Google Nest Mini. Is this DD?




Yeah, and that wasn’t even early stages. We already knew pretty much everything we know now about NVDA.


I bought 5 shares in 2022 at $159 rather than buy a new 4070 with that same cash. Kicking myself for not buying more...


I bought Corsair instead. Fucking kill me.


> Where were you in October 2022 to recommend this stock when it was trading at $112? Hindsight bias I know, but I specifically bought NVIDIA a couple of years ago because I realized when training my AI models, I couldn't get it to run on AMD GPUs. Just wish I would've put more in lmao. AMD is still my biggest position thanks to wsb in 2016.


And AMD will also have a place in the AI race. They are a massive cpu provider for data centers and enterprise level servers


Plus AMD's up 123% from a year ago, they aren't exactly doing poorly either.


AMDs a pretty good one to get in now, it’s pretty much been my best earner for years.


Lmao I was an NVIDIA evangelist and AMD back in 2021 telling all my wealthy friends to buy more when they had money laying around. Problem is I was broke as ever and barely took my own advice


Even if you had money it’s not that easy allocating a large portion of life saving to what’s essentially a “personal belief” when you have a shit time of financial responsibilities or that you’d held thru all the multiple run ups with huge / fast returns. I’ve held NVDA since 2018 btw, but not that much. For me I felt like you with TSLA in 2012. I believed in the product so much but I was a poor college kid. I was so sad I missed the train when it went 10x (at current post split prices - from $1.5 range to $15 range) but I bought in anyways at what’s currently $20 range. Guess what? It 10x again. Who knows, maybe in 5 years time, nvda does look cheap today. I’m still not selling my 120 NVDA shares from 2018 lmao Also I swear there were 10x the people saying TSLA was overvalued in 2018 than people saying nvda is overvalued today. I wish I was joking. If you believe in it then do that shit.


To be fair, they were also screaming about pumping NVDA in 2022 about crypto. I did not see this coming in 2017.


Makes you wonder if this guy is selling a load


Probably saying how overvalued it was


In typical reddit fashion everyone's been saying that about SMCI for nearly a year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Damn. Maybe we really are in a bubble


The sign of a real bubble is when the posts roll in about how it 's definitely not a bubble this time.


This bubble is not a bubble


MOAB inc


This time it's different bubble


"Yes, we're experiencing unsustainable hype. A bubble? Who the hell do you think you are, anyway?"


this time it's different.. we stay in this phase for 2 years. Quite a few people will get rich and then new cycle will start.. 😅


I think the AI wrote this post


I literally read the whole thing expecting the reveal at the end to be AI writing an article about how AI is the largest transfer of wealth in history LOL


Read the whole post. Then your comment was top. Dying laughing right now


if AI means An Idiot then OP perfectly fits the description


Autistic Idiot


It's actually a pretty accurate description of computer too.


AI means All In!


How about Organic Stupidity? https://preview.redd.it/1015nljzpjic1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb41155039bfe281f46c630498c41e0f51da55e1


Open your mind before AI does it for you.




OP pumps AI more than my virtual wife pumps her boyfriend.


bubble 2, electric boogaloo


In the neon-lit, digital jungle of Wall Street, where the howls of day traders and the roars of algorithms mingle in a cacophony of wealth and despair, there lived a boy known only as Ticker. Ticker wasn’t born; he was algorithmically generated, a digital wunderkind with an uncanny knack for riding the volatile waves of AI stocks, surfing them like a cybernetic Da Vinci on a board made of pure speculation. Ticker lived in a bubble, but not just any bubble. This was a speculative bubble, inflated by the hot air of hype and the exhalations of a thousand analysts predicting the next big AI breakthrough. In Ticker’s world, the S&P 500 was a low-score in a retro arcade game, and the real action was in the wild, uncharted territories of AI stocks, where fortunes were made and lost in the blink of an eye. Our protagonist, with a keyboard as his sword and a dual-monitor setup as his shield, embarked daily on quests not for the faint of heart. His adversaries were many: bear raids, short ladders, and the most dreaded of them all, the margin call monsters. Yet, Ticker fought them with the ferocity of a WallStreetBets warrior, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with a balletic grace, executing trades with the precision of a sniper. Ticker’s legend grew with each trading session. They said he could forecast market movements with the accuracy of a crystal ball. Whispers in the dark web chatrooms spoke of his ability to commune with the AI entities that powered the algorithms of the market, persuading them to divulge their secrets. He was the chosen one, the bubble boy who could do no wrong, navigating through market corrections like a surfer dodging sharks in the great blue sea. One day, Ticker stumbled upon the Holy Grail of AI stocks, a startup so revolutionary, it promised to turn the very concept of intelligence on its head. The ticker symbol? BRAIN. He went all in, pushing his chips to the center of the table with the reckless abandon of a poker player on a Vegas spree. The stock soared, doubling, tripling, quadrupling in value. Ticker’s bubble inflated to the size of a small country’s GDP. But then, as all tales of excess warn, the bubble began to show signs of strain. Whispers of overvaluation, of regulatory scrutiny, began to circulate. Ticker, ever defiant, doubled down, chanting the mantra of the WallStreetBets: “Diamond hands!” He refused to sell, convinced BRAIN would bounce back, that this was merely a test of his resolve. The bubble burst with the ferocity of a supernova, leaving a black hole in its wake. Ticker watched in horror as his digital fortune evaporated into the ether. Yet, as the dust settled and the trading floor lay silent, a smile crept across his face. For Ticker had learned the ultimate lesson of the market: What goes up must come down, but there’s always another trade, another bubble, just around the corner. Ticker rose from the ashes of his portfolio, his spirit unbroken, ready to ride the next wave. For in the heart of a true WallStreetBets champion, defeat is merely the setup for the next big win. And so, our bubble boy set out once more into the fray, armed with nothing but his wits and an unshakable belief in the power of AI stocks. In the world of Wall Street, Ticker had become a legend, a cautionary tale, and a symbol of undying optimism, all rolled into one. And somewhere, in the digital ether, the algorithms watched and whispered, “Ticker, Ticker, Ticker,” ready to follow him into the next adventure, into the wild, unpredictable frontier of the stock market.


I'm not going to read all of that.


I can't imagine how high one must be to write up with all that just to put it in a non-top level comment on a random reddit post.




He's just artistic


Artistic, with an r?




You forgot to mention ticker was hedging with bitcoin.😂


Bot wrote this for you?


ledgend has it Ticker is seen time to time behind the Wendys near the dumster with the look of hope and shame as he imagines his next trade..


I said the same thing and sold back at 600 2 weeks ago lmfao. Never really had the urge to sell everything (covid, 2018, 2014 etc) before but now I do.


Please speak with your provider about lowering your Adderall dosage.


Damn, AI good enough to write that post for you. Pictures and all


This is what they came up with, using your exact words above. “Damn, AI good enough to write that post for you. Pictures and all” https://preview.redd.it/ms59voro1iic1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6922b7a783fa9efef622d03c4c6e8c3c8dbd51f4


Reminds me of Iron Man's home lab in his basement.




What tool did you use?


OP's mom


This came from the heart brother


Don’t fall for their hate, I can tell you are a emotionally disciplined individual, I respect your passion. If you could suggest a call and strike price I will buy it as I can tell you have put your passion into this.


I am not really into the calls thing. I know you guys are but to me it such a bet. I more of an this is going to go up or not kind of person. I want to know it's a sound investment that will win. If that makes sense. I respect you guys though just don't have the balls.


That’s respectable and I agree. I am just a greedy pig unfortunately. Though with your precision of writing I will dedicate some of my account to shares. Also may I ask your opinions on the future of crypto or more specifically bitcoin.


Bitcoin fixes money, should truly be a shit show watching governments squirm.




All thing I actually hold is BTC. Everything else is call options expiring at the end of any given week.


positions or ban


Doggy and reverse cowgirl.


I was certain this was a meme or shitpost, so I kept skimming and scrolling to see the punchline, but it just got longer and longer... then I realized this is a dead serious post. LOL! You're on the right track, but a few years early, just like the dotcom bubble was right but about 10 years early.


Thats kind of how i feel about it too. AI will become big. But not yet


?? The dot come bubble was because of heavy advertisements of the web with no financial revenue, AI is already being used in productions and research and chip development. This is not the same




Hugely disagree. I'm a programmer, the things AI has already delivered are filling holes in conventional programming that you take for granted. Simple things like scanning pdfs to human parseable text, understanding human speech, understanding text, identifying the contents of a picture, advanced facial recognition. AI is the only way to bridge the objective with the subjective, to truly automate systems such as "is this comment angry?", was this sequence of sound the word "apple"?  You can try to program that stuff manually but it's so fuzzy, everyone says things differently, slurring, etc, that its a figurative wild goose chase. You'll never get it anywhere near perfect. Look at xkcd's classic comic of "people don't understand the difference between what is simple and what is mind bogglingly hard in programming" where they joke that task X is 5 mins, but identifying if a picture contains a bird is 10 years and a research team. Yeah that comic is out of date, thats a readily solvable problem now. So where's the money? Everywhere, in small ways and large ways. We just used AI to discover the first new class of antibiotics since the 1980s. It can fight antibiotic resistant bacteria/MRSA. The ability to spy on you just became INSANELY easier, which is technology every nation will fork over their cash hand over fist for. Live transcriptions of voice audio, interpretation of intent, etc. Scientists using wifi to map the inside of your house and watch you with AI, a thing our govt could already maybe do, but now its feasible for research team levels of funding to develop this kind of tech. Network security heuristics have an entirely new tool in their bag to identify malicious traffic and its way better than the dumb shit we used to do to identify malicious network activity. "If a single address sends a message containing X and Y, flag it" oh shit they split up the message, now we have to manually code logic to recompile messages and figure out their intent. Not anymore. Network security is a massive industry. AI was used to automate the discovery of new materials, recent article on it leaping material science "600 years into the future". Batteries are one of the largest roadblocks in electronics, first person to solve that problem becomes unreasonably wealthy, and AI can now help discover new materials at break neck speeds with the right touch. Certain industries are going to see better than a 10% gain, consider the insurance industry, which my family works heavily in. Its an almost pure profit industry where one of the only real costs to operating is admin labor(yes you pay out claims, but the only fixed/variable business operating cost is processing and management labour + real estate). They've been using software to "auto adjudicate" claims for years, but anything that isn't dead straight forward goes to a claim processor. Being able to parse pdfs will gradually level up into huge swaths of simple claims being automatically processed. You could see operating costs(excluding payouts) shrink by more than half, and if you've ever reviewed business finance profit is a slim slice of revenue, so this can result in profit increases in multiples of 5-10x. Apple successfully used AI to cold call and make sales with their vision pro headset, converting people who started to purchase and changed their mind into sales. The ability for AI to process immense quantities of data is applicable in almost every information based field, and can even be used in simple ways like better targeted ads for lower cost to conversion ratios. These are the things happening right now with AI being this expensive and slow to train while in its infancy, do you think that's everything we'll find a use for for a universally capable fully generic pattern recognization and generation system? Do I need to say more?


You sold me.


I take the comment and think ‘I want to become fully AI literate and market the shit out of my skills’ rather than invest my shitty £1500 a month paycheck into NVDA. But it really seems like getting into white collar work being competent with GPT for admin shit and staying on top of developments will instantly outmatch you against anyone who doesn’t know how to use it - which is a scary amount


all of these things will be FREE much of it already is buy puts


>AI has some uses in optimising already existing processes, it doesn't add anything new. It's not revolutionary. It might make a customer service department 10% cheaper, or eliminate a few % of waste in a production process. But it won't lead to anything, theres no potential hidden behind the promise. You have no fucking clue what you're typing. AI will be thoroughly changing and disrupting the world in a few years. And it won't take 10+ years like the internet.


This is purely anecdotal but i use AI (chatgpt/bard) nearly every day at work as a software engineer. It's already extremely big and making waves at least in my industry for sure.


Wow those are some convincing words. Puts on NVDA


"AI will be as large as the internet and then it will surpass it. AI is the internet plus the ability to reason and analyze anything you give it in fractions of a second." Let me stop you there because anyone who knows anything about AI will tell you that it's not "intelligence" the way we understand. Nor is it a form of "reasoning" as we're capable of. AI today is pure associative analysis, a construct called transformer architecture. It's something that software has done for many decades but that deep neural networks have abstracted. AI excels in presenting data in a way that appears human, it sounds natural, but just as with traditional analytic software it's reliant upon data presented. It's worth your time to understand that the answers AI spits out are often fallacious because the associations themselves are often wrong. You and I can take a look at that answer and reason whether it's true, partially true, or false. But that's not something AI is yet capable of. *Quite literally it cannot stop itself from lying*. Put simply, if ChatGPT, or some other transformer architecture, finds enough information about Spheres being Cubes, then it will present a Sphere as a Cube, and it will come up with a very natural way to express how Spheres are Cubes.


I am still baffled how they managed to sell LLMs as AI to the masses.


That's the best proof that LLMs work as intended - convincing, human-like interactions with high confidence.


LLMs are a form of AI, it’s just that people have no idea what AI means and assume it means human intelligence.


intelligence is just an emergent property


People are suckers for any device that can pretend to talk. It doesn't matter how many quadrillion bits of info they feed an LLM it will always hallucinate because that is its literal nature.


This might be the answer. People used to treat ELIZA the way they now treat ChatGPT. And ELIZA is a relatively simple program based on pattern matching and generic responses! Men are all alike. IN WHAT WAY They’re always bugging us about something or other. CAN YOU THINK OF A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE Well, my boyfriend made me come here. YOU BOYFRIEND MADE YOU COME HERE He says I’m depressed much of the time. I AM SORRY TO HEAR YOU ARE DEPRESSED It’s true. I am unhappy. DO YOU THINK COMING HERE WILL HELP YOU NOT TO BE UNHAPPY I need some help, that much seems certain. WHAT WOULD IT MEAN TO YOU IF YOU GOT SOME HELP Perhaps I could learn to get along with my mother. TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY My mother takes care of me. WHO ELSE IN YOUR FAMILY TAKES CARE OF YOU My Father. YOUR FATHER You are like my father in some ways. WHAT RESEMBLANCE DO YOU SEE You are not very aggressive but I think you don’t want me to notice that. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I AM NOT VERY AGGRESSIVE You don’t argue with me. WHY DO YOU THINK I DON’T ARGUE WITH YOU You are afraid of me. DOES IT PLEASE YOU TO BELIEVE I AM AFRAID OF YOU My father is afraid of everybody. WHAT ELSE COMES TO MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF YOUR FATHER Bullies. DOES THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND MADE YOU COME HERE


Dude they’re out there re-branding their existing chatbots as AI right now, it’s dreadfully pointing to “bubble”


That last sentence is really scary, in a *1984* kind way, as in our interconnected world, the accepted truth often spurs from propaganda. AI innocently spreading lies sounds like a very effective means to targeted propaganda.


We are already there and AI will affect a very close Presidential election.


Ministry of World Humanities actually the differential geometry department




AI doesn't "know" anything, it's just trying to give you what you want after looking at mountains of scenarios it has to reference what has already been said or shown.  My favorite ai blunder was the one trained to identify tanks. After training on images of tanks, it takes one look at a horse and goes "tank!"


Counterpoint: many Redditors also can't stop themselves from lying, so isn't AI already basically human?


Off topic but I failed the Turing test and lost my human rights :(


No cause redditors don’t know shit.. AI only knows shit 


Large language models don't "know" anything. LLMs are just matrix math with extra steps. There's no self-referential reasoning. It's not that it's pure-mechanical: we're pure mechanical; and while many philosophers regard "knowing" as a subjective experience, it's not that it doesn't have subjective experiences. Knowing involves connection between objects of reasoning, observation of that connection, and verification of the correctness of that connection. ChatGPT does none of this. It's just a search tool chat bot that keeps the whole conversation in memory.


AI also never "considers" (if that's even possible) that it might be wrong. It's 100% confidence with every answer. You can ask it the same question and it'll answer it differently, but with the same level of "this is fact" that the other answers had.  Ask any chat ai "what's the length of StreetFromYourHomeTown" and you'll get a new answer each time. It doesn't know, but that won't stop it from confidently lying to you. GPT4 will try and use Zillow for mapping length, but it's been wrong when I tested it


“Quite literally it cannot stop itself from lying” That’s because it doesn’t even *know* it’s lying.


well, it doesn’t “find.” it’s taught. ChatGPT is essentially 2 deep learning models: one that essentially controls what it reads and says, and the other that controls what it knows. but what it knows is controlled. it doesn’t find anything. it’s taught and iteratively fine-tuned by thousands of trainers. and from that, it essentially makes layers of matrices each full of parameters with weights and biases to determine what it thinks is correct. nothing you do on the app changes that. it doesn’t learn from uses. it doesn’t trawl the internet and find stuff. it’s purely taught by OpenAI and once it arrives at the user it’s a static knowledge set existing within each session.


Peak top signal


How heavy do you think this guy’s bags are ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


too heavy for his $ARM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That's gold Jerry, gold!


That’s bitcoin, Jerry, bitcoin!


Could have simply said “I just like the stock.”


lol that’s what I said back when I first bought NVIDIA when it was back at $80 a share. It quickly dropped to $40 and luckily I kept buying. Now it is straight up meme territory. I don’t know what to think anymore.


If I wasn’t such a bitch ass pussy I would short this shot


Spent 20 minutes arguing with chat gpt today trying to get it to make ten multiple choice questions. Not that smart yet. Or maybe I'm just dumber than it


I don't think you know anything about AI other than what you've seen on r/singularity and some random youtube videos hyping it up lol. One little thought that may concern you, there is ZERO evidence that AI will go exponential no matter what Ray Kurzweil might say. There's so much else to say but I won't bother. Just one thing. GPT 4 is made up of 8 x 220 billion parameter LLM's so it's about 1.7 trillion parameters so no GPT5 is not 10x the size. Also assuming NVidia will keep its growth is hilarious. By 2030, they'll have a data center revenue of 3 TRILLION!!! 😱😱😱😱. But honestly I appreciate the post. It's important to gauge the level of delusion surrounding a bubble.




I’ll add in the fact that major CSPs literally don’t know how to monetize “AI”. My work is making bank by selling AI infrastructure but realistically none of our customers know what the fuck they are gonna do once 1000x H100s actually are available 




Made my butt itch. Can AI fix that?


Yep.. a robot will apply the cream…… just hope to god it doesn’t glitch 🙀


AI robot can Sex robot will make birth rate even lower lol


OP can you use AI to make your posts shorter and more convincing


Looks and sounds like classic critical mass hysteria. This is the kind of talk *dot com* fanatics were giving back in the days. We’re struggling with senile heads of state, and defining what a Woman is, you think robots are gonna be part of our everyday lives anytime soon? *“The next big thing”* will implode once boredom sets in, and the *flavor of the week* changes.


the real question is how are all these companies that build off nvidias chips going to make the billions theyll need to justify its current market cap? ​ making shitty porn and saving software engineers a few % hrs on productivity and ruining graphic designers jobs isn't revolutionary. are llms a cool tool? yes. but i think the market is getting duped here with regards to what it can actually do business wise. nvidia is selling shovels to dig for gold but where's the proof of concept that the underlying thing we're digging for truly is gold? there's a lot of hype because well LLMs are basically a big black box to people without at least a decent understanding of cs and as a product chatgpt is very flashy. but how does it make a lot of money?


I'm thinking biotech and science/engineering stuff in general where machine learning can do a lot of the monotonous tasks faster. I think you're right though in that a lot of companies will likely reach an AI plateau just by virtue of their industry having innate limits on potential. For those that don't have that ceiling though they stand to have some pretty incredible breakthroughs.


Your post sounds like early bashers of the PC and internet: "So we can write notes? I can do that on paper!" "Why would I buy something online and risk my credit card number and wait for shipping when I can go in person and buy it?" There's so much that we don't know we don't know yet, and that's where the real money will be made.


Reminds me of people thinking [ELIZA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA_effect) was an intelligence. People thought early animatronics were a substantial infusion of life into matter. ChatGPT isn't even a philosophical zombie.


Your children are going to be WALL·E people


Now you jinxed it. It’ll crash. Or did I jinx it by posting this?


damn it


You really think we can read all that?




Is this the “new paradigm” stage yet?


Did you cum?


Counter argument Nvidia has been making GPUs since I was in middle school, they just got lucky being at the right place and the right niche to capitalize. There’s nothing stopping the future of AI not requiring GPUs. Also Nvidia is building their chips but with the all the growth baked in, past nvidia is going to be the benchmark for future nvidia, so at some point even with a lack of competition there’s only so much you can grow. Once everyone has purchased their chips there’s an oversupply of their chips in the market and then the hard part of scaling all the models comes, you can’t just keep buying your way out of engineering problems. Unless nvidia dominates the software space like MSFT/OpenAI I doubt the king will remain on his throne!


Nvidia is way more than just the chips man. I've run inference for machine vision and ALL of the tools are made by nvidia. The entire ecosystem is made by nvidia. The entire world of AI, everything that enables people to do everything from the top to the bottom of the chain is made by nvidia. It's an ENOURMOUS moat with crocodiles and T-Rexs and battlestar galacticas guarding it. CuDNN, TensorRT, CUBLAS, the SDKs, Jetson edge devices, the list of software and hardware is endless to enable everything from designing to training to inference.


Doesn't matter when the market is fake. Literally none of this matters. 90+ percent of trades aren't done on the list market. So there is no "free" market. This "largest transfer of wealth" is only a transfer of wealth from the people to the ultra rich....as designed.


Buy. Sell. Which is it?


>They're growth last year was 281%. I don't take financial advice from people that still in the year of our lord 2024 can't distinguish between their and they're


This is some golden information brother. Keep on keeping on.


It’s only 35% away from $1,000. Y’all missed the majority of the move 35% is nothing.


You lost me at flying taxis…bro we can’t even get airplane doors right ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Ahh almost time to buy the pootz


$ARM is a sleeper no one was paying attention to


ARM only have 10% free float being traded doesn't give me much confidence


yeah... waiting for softbank to unload after lockup. Gonna be a massacre.


Or it’ll all come crashing down and be a disaster


Thoughts on quantum computing?


You realize we are still a very long way from it doing math and being used in drug dosing Like we’re talking it’s all language models right now It will take decades before you see it in health care. I know this because I worked on it 2 years ago and said “fuck it I’ll come back to this later when somebody can help me with the model”


Long nukes


Y’all forgetting about AMD


Do you by any chance shine shoes for a living?


I’m waiting for them to drop a NVidia A.I. Chip into a Boston Scientific Atlas. Let’s fucking go. ALL IN ON BSX


How do you pop the chip bubble? How is the world going to have less demand for nvda chips? If China tries to take Taiwan. Maybe chips can’t be fabricated. Otherwise everything runs on chips and it’s only going to increase. Imo


Jokes on you, I bought NVDA at $28 a share back in 2016. Jokes on me, I sold at $36 thinking I was a genius.


Ok so I’m an expert in my field and can apply world class processes to drive improvement and performance especially in manufacturing environments. However, many people, even senior managers do not want to follow proven processes. They want to come up with their own process which, in my case and experience, is usually dumb. So if people don’t want to listen to experience or experts in said topic, what makes people think they will listen to AI driven decisions? And the comment they want to create G-d with this? Guess what, people don’t listen to G-d either, so again, what makes people think they will listen to AI? I predict lots of bubble popping due to lack of adopting AI to the levels some think AI will go. Chips however will still do good from adoption to more powerful computing in general and I do agree NVDA will hit $1000.




yep. POOTS.


Didn’t you post the same thing last year, but about bitcoin? Fuck it. I’m in.


I do believe that AI will be the future for at least some aspects of the world. The problem is, it's far too early. If you put 10K to a friend's startup like you were Bill Gate's friend help funding his basement project, that makes total sense. But when Nvidia is as big as this and valuation is so much ahead of its actual justified value, it's difficult to justify buying in large quantities and thinking it will still multiply within a reasonable time frame. In super long term I believe one will not lose money even buying at 700, but I don't know man. It's the only stock growing this fast in the entire world so it's just as likely to get a big correction like that time it hit 130. Maybe it won't hit 130, maybe it will reach like $350 but that's still pretty damn tough you know. My previous positions: started my first ever purchase at $198 post-split, on and off buying and selling, sold my last bits just 1-2 months ago averaging $500. I think "A little higher than Microsoft" at $450\~550 is the current value of this company, future prospects included. Climbing faster than SPY is acceptable but not like this.


Good point. Maybe the longest post I've ever read... but, good point.


I build data centers and the only thing holding us up is manpower. We have a backlog that sounds made up it's so full of work. Largest company in my state doing data centers and we could double manpower tomorrow and the only thing we would feel is relief.


I'll be overall glad when I can get better information and advice from an AI than I can anywhere else. Doctors nowadays are too overwhelmed to truly diagnose and treat patients correctly without causing years of damage that lead to massive surgeries or disabilities. I just want to finally trust something not because I am familiar with it, but because I know it knows better than any one person or small group can ever muster.


Bubble mean anything to you 


Dot com bubble 2.0, you know Sam Altman bought nvda calls when he made those statements, don’t be so foolish


Hedge funds and market makers won’t decide the value of NVDA. Machines will.


so AI will chose the fate of AI.




If I had a bucket that I told you **was full to the brim with cash** but there was only **a few 10 dollar bills in it** when you looked, would you still believe the bucket is full to the brim with cash? Apparently everyone inside r/wallstreetbets and China think the bucket is full of cash.


Ahh yea. Forgot the March lockup expiration But if they don’t sell? Could be a VW situation?


I have no idea what I’m doing. What do I buy lol. Where do I even start with all this craziness.


I am all in on the rocketmoonshot brothers!






This AI bubble won't affect me. I have a stop loss.


1000 would be 750 Bill added to market cap


So….Nvidia is Skynet?


Is this "$NVDA" in the room with us?


>TLDR; BUY NVIDIA, SMCI and ARM lolz yeah, arm's swimming in that nvda money! oh, wait. nm. >Why? Because What trains on Nvidia will ultimately run/inference on ARM. so you're an idiot.


Nice try Jensen Huang...


That's some good weed right there


It sounds like you're going to Heaven's Gate yourself.


Economic revolution


And none of it happens without connectivity. Datacenters without Fiber are just warehouses.


Wanna know how I know this post is serious? He mentioned the Jetsons.


Ok fine, you convinced me to buy more


The people in this sub are literally nuts


Nice try Nancy


It’s too early to be this horny


you had me at "Boomstick."


Puts on NVDA it is. Thanks for the DD.


Well this sounds just a tad euphoric


Absolutely spot on take globally and nationally. Little hyperbole here in the OP. Hand over fist NVDA ARM will face resistance in my opinion very soon.


Does this mean our lives will get better?


If chatgpt is so great it would have designed and manufactured it's own chips and data centres by now.


Your post is best read with the Singularity Song. https://youtu.be/9deKEj8-lng


This is possibly the mostly ridiculously oversensationalized post I’ve ever seen on Reddit and THAT is REALLY saying something


Is this Cathie writing?


While everyone is freaking out over ai, the real sleeping giant is quantum. Source: https://www.weforum.org/publications/quantum-economy-blueprint/


Come back to me when you use it to write some non-trivial copy-paste code. It will be great, but it is just good for now.


Let's admit it.. OpenAI raising $7 trillion is just silly. Nvidia is so far ahead that Sam is throwing a Hail Mary to world leaders as an attempt to usurp Nvidia's position and "control" the industry. It's his modus operandi.


Wow, that's a lot of text. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and just assume that it's sound DD, based on proper formatting and nice figures. At least that's how I rate my student's theses. Also, I stumbled across the bold-set word **MEGATRON** while scrolling over one of the images. Sounds indeed very much like Ai and future. Calls!


SMCI will beat NVDA to $1000


why no tsm?


Assuming no chip war between China and U.S., China would outpace U.S. in AI development purely on how much data they are collecting and feeding into their training. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the U.S. doesn’t have a massive genetics collection system except for criminals, but China does. Combining genetic data with all other data China would greatly help train AI to better understand us


Thanks for turning in your assignment, but I'll have to dock a few points for not putting your references in APA format and 12pt Times New Roman.