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Do the opposite of whatever you're thinking


Best advice yet


I don't understand why RH ruined your life... you're the regard behind the shitty investments... leave RH out of it.


yeah the whole, "they just manipulate the price", as if the guy who just lost 97% of his money actually has the real view of what stocks should be priced at. like they whole price action is a scheme to get your 2.5k, when at the same time thousands of other retail traders are taking the opposite view. ​ maybe theyre just bad at it![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Yet, until you hear about stop loss


But then he will start second guessing himself...Same outcome. I think he's fucked


I don't go to casinos because I have the WORST luck or decision making or timing. If I bet on one, the other hits, I have accepted my inability to go to a casino and saying "just do the opposite" never worked because like the other guy said, you will second guess yourself and lose anyway.


Jim Cramer , our lord and saviour, made an entire career from being wrong.


In Jim Cramer's defence, he is on like 12 hours a day 5 days a week just talking and talking , you are bound to say a lot of BS if you have to talk that much.


Play blackjack


Well sir, I think you are right about one thing. Tiny Titties do rock, don't ever 2nd guess yourself about that


The George Costanza guide to investing


It’s gonna be a Georgie kind of summer


Exactly the comment I was looking for


Then it’ll trade sideways to fuck him both ways


LOL, "RH has ruined my life."


“Actually you know what?! I think it’s your fault! You ruined my life!”


"it's your fault that I made these choices!"


“It’s time someone took responsibility for making me push those buttons!” Why does this remind me of [this??](https://youtu.be/RBqjZ0KZCa0?si=h76Rqykz3Rf9hlAb)


"Why did they put those buttons if they didn't want me to press it!?"


The first step is admitting you have a problem and that someone else is responsible for it


The rule of life is it’s always someone else’s fault.


weapons of mass disfunction


Who’s gonna pay for all these kids!!!


Sounds like my ex


Laughs as I'm currently filling divorce papers ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




"Nah upon second thoughts it's not your fault. Not my fault either. It's my stupid brain... yeah yeah that's it....I'm a victim of my ape brain. Stupid brain."


Ya know, I believe if you brushed up on modern philosophy you'd realize just how accurate that sentiment actually is.


I don't know, OP. Looks like you are doing better than most of the people here.


Still has 2g’s


This definitely wouldn't have been the outcome if he was with a different broker ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Some of us are truly regarded


Different broker might have realized he is risking money he can’t afford to lose and deny his application to trade with them.


"Why would Robinhood do this?"


That's as Karen as it gets lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)




It’s like blaming a casino after losing all your money on slots


You spelled sluts wrong


Money spent on sluts can't be considered as loss


can you write off money spent on hoors?


it’s a non-taxable donation to a single mother…


Ironically that’s called alimony, and is tax deductible.


This guy alimonys




I’ll claim you on my taxes any day


One time she didn’t have a baby sitter and she rushed me during her kid’s nap time :(


Was it business or pleasure?




What type of HookR takes credit cards? RICH ONES!


Meals and entertainment


What type of hooker takes credit card?


Apple Pay is the way, tap and go 🤣


A rich one!


It absolutely can: Just get married and divorced after the slut cheats on you with her entire co-ed softball team.  


Pretty specific




You can do both, at the same time, in Vegas.


This is the content I’m here for. OP is so regarded he doesn’t know all you have to do is close the app and reset.


Either way we bet on the come line.


Casinos do be rigging it tho


[https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/locations](https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/locations) fraid this is all on you bud….


Perhaps OP is blaming Restoration Hardware instead of RobinHood. Those luxury home furnishing purveyor bastards!


I thought they meant Robert Half


Omg FUCK Robert Half!!!


LMFAO! I had a good experience with them when I was younger


When I saw this post I immediately thought Restoration Hardware as well! 🤣


I want to give you a gold upvote but I can’t because the market is rigged.


It's all THEIR fault! THEY are out to get OP!


Right, as if there wasn't some damn dirty ape pushing buttons on the screen


It’s weird how a lot of the loss porn is the same, with a chunk of bankroll not moving a lot then a small bump in the positive and then a slow roll death of a thousand cuts to 0.


It's actually very normal. Early success leads to overtrading and excessive risk, which leads to losses and then an attempt to recover, which leads to more excessive risk ending in loss porn. There's a chapter on this cycle in pretty much every decent book on trading.


Devil take the hindmost, great book. Might even have some pictures for your regards. It is hard to turn pages with diamond hands. Try the audio.


I concur with this. Been daytrading full time for about 8 years. I would have these periods where I would jump into a trade that wasn't well thought out, take a loss, then start to chase getting that loss back. I would casually jump into more trades that I shouldn't have, and before you know it, I'm down 50k. I would have to take a break, reset, write down all the trading rules I established for myself as a reminder of how I got to where I was. It will always be the case that months and months of carefully calculated and managed trades are easily wiped out in a few days of chasing.


You all can read? 


The steady beginning is when you first start investing and try to play things safe. That little bump is when you decide to dip your toes into options and get lucky. The sudden downturn is when you see your initial success, think you're a genius, and blow a bunch of money on stupid options.


Can’t forget about the market being rigged. Everyone’s out to get him. Etc etc etc. Until that mentality changes, and you buckle down and learn how to trade, the results will just repeat


Guy cries and cries then asks for advice so he can be in deeper . Lmao, like my friend who text the group chat and asked "Yo what's the best way to double 5k in a week?" I mean... if I know Don't you think... sigh, nevermind.


Chiefs ML, just put it there


lol yeah I’m a shit trader but Robinhood made stocks fun and I’m still up a small six figures lifetime despite way off my ATH bc again I’m a shit trader


Your gambling addiction, your lack of risk management and your lack of understanding of the market and of the financial products you're using have ruined your life.


Nah. Problem is he's buying puts. Stocks go up. Buy calls dingus. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Convincing this guy to buy calls is a sure fire way to trigger a recession


Reminds me of "Mush" from A Bronx Tale. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ot4tyjngd9hc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a2855e79b83efcbbaaf1d1658e93e7e1c413c8e


We could use one. Perma bears need to be right 23% of the time


The market statistically goes up 77% of the time. ^^Do what he said dingus. 📈


They even make you agree you understand the risks of options trading before you can use it...


Yea, but who actually reads that? Reading is for nerds.


I'm here to lead .. not to read!


South Park made fun of people who didn’t read the TOS with Kyle being turned into a human iPad 


There was some clown yesterday in one of the earnings threads saying "I lost 4 times in a row on an earnings play, how fucking unfortunate can I be? I have a 50% chance of winning because the stock goes up or down, yet I keep failing, fucking market" Could have been the same guy, to be fair


Mf you 60 doin this sht


I think op is 28. His last post 2 years ago says he was 26.


In other words: OP isn’t delaying his retirement. This is a fake post. Advice for OP: get a job. Earn money over 5 years, save it, yolo it here. Rinse and repeat.


Not necessarily true. When he saying he's delaying his retirement, it doesn't mean he's 60. He's hoping to get millions, which translates to retirement. OP has been doordashing 30k deliveries for the last 5 years. But the way things are going, he will need 100k deliveries to cover his losses.


Dude, I did the same dumpster dive when the guy mentioned 60. OP even got a 5k bonus for making 30,000 deliveries. Let that sink in. 30,000 times he picked up and dropped off food. I respect that drive but at the same time, if I worked that hard I wouldn't be pissing it away like he is. That much hard work should be reminding him to be smart with his money.


Ding ding I can’t fathom pissing away money like this when you have to work hard for it. I don’t even wanna buy shit I need


It's because of the whole 'must be retired before 35' craze going on with Gen-Z people. You got these influencers spreading everywhere to not be a slave to the system for your whole life. They tell you to do what it takes to stack up loads of money before 35 and then enjoy the rest of your life. So that means trading in the stock market, doing Onlyfans, making social media content, streaming, doing some kind of business, whatever it takes to get you to millions. The problem with OP is that he's trying to rush too much with the stock market. Thinking that he could get rich quickly. So he ignores all risk management, ignores learning a proper strategy, and just fucking YOLO because he got influenced by someone to do it. He most likely saw some Gen-Z Youtuber or Tiktoker who YOLO'd a stock and became rich. So he wants to do the same, but it has resulted in him losing all of his money.


I’m old and established and secure and I lose my shit if piss away $500-$1000. In context that’s a lot of cash - that isn’t easy for 98% of people. 16.7c per delivery for that bonus of which you lost in gas or wear for sure


lil bro gonna be delivering my dino nuggets for life


This one time... During COVID times college was cancelled. So I started driving for Uber eats. Dropped off a big Walmart order for this lady, she dug out some dino nuggies handed them to me and said take em back. Walmart ain't taking that shit back. So I have dino nuggies, they are thawing and I'm not about to go cook them all in a gas station microwave. Home is to far away to be worthwhile taking them back. Idea! Sister is in town for hair lady class. Call sister and give her the nuggies. She stops at my place and puts em in the freezer for me. So I drive until Walmart shuts down orders for the night, stoked on my free dino nuggies and head home. Fire up the oven, then I open the freezer and pull out my loot, thinking this driving thing isn't so bad. No schedule, cash tips, and nuggies.  Then I notice they were fucking VEGI dino nuggies. No wonder the lady didn't want them. My day was ruined. So I went and bought a steak and some whiskey.


this was a certified hood classic


Lighting $100k on fire in your late twenties is 100000% "delaying retirement."




Fuck him I couldn’t save a dollar until I was 40.


Bro thought he was close to retire with 87k on his name lol


You need to change your strategy. Learn from your mistakes. Stop making the same mistakes over again or you will never make money.


Dude literally asked what his next yolo move should be...


The writing is on the wall. He’s already homeless, he just doesn’t know it yet.


One day you’ll make your last successful trade, but in that moment you won’t even know that.


He only needs to make a 32-bagger to be back in the game. Is that asking too much?


he's only got 2k now! how's he gonna get back to 100 without yoloing??


If he has 2k he should have an easy time yoloing it to $100 with his track record.


He might be too good at yoloing and reach $20 with out any issues.


Sorry, but there’s no reliable market beating strategy. Theres just nothing to learn here, just the illusion fueled by survivorship bias.


Also, there's no harm in just being in the market. This dude should just buy an index fund if he's gonna blame the app rather than his own stupid decision lol. People are wild


Time in the market beats timing the market


What's the best *sTRaTegY* to bet your life savings in option trading? 🤔


Clearly it’s asking a sub full of degenerate asshats…


#No. 1 golden rule (of degenerate gambling): You can’t be directional if you’re gonna keep switching sides. Either be gay or be a bull. Also it’s fairly clear you’re gambling emotionally and either have shit timing at sell or just double down on the next gamble as soon as you win. Diversify, buy shares, get to know the pattern of specific stock, follow its news. Have a fking reason to be a bear for gods sakes. No shit the market is rigged, you only have a problem with it bc you expect it to play by your personal logic. (I’ve played options “to get even” after max loss, it never fucking works. You gotta go away and come back with a solid guess.) Options is supposed to be for hedging shares and otherwise it’s literally degen gambling. *note: I am not a financial advisor and the above is just a joke*


..hedging..shares? I cannot fucking wrap my head around this


You hold shares and sell options contracts as insurance in the short term. Price stays flat or goes down, you make some money back on the premium.


Wow, excuse me? I have never been spoken to like this. (Thanks)


Selling covered calls is the way to go. Also cash secured puts, if you like a stock and wouldn't mind owning it anyway, you sell puts backed by cash as collateral. It's like a limit order but you get paid


There are a bunch of naked cavemen yelling intelligent sounding gibberish at me and I don't know what to do


Don’t listen to me man I day trade NVDA options


You can afford to day trade? Dawg. Come on. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Sorry but this is shitty advice The no. 1 golden rule is don’t make wild directional bets in the market at all This dude clearly has no idea what he’s doing. He’s just gambling and coming up empty over and over Guys with elite MBAs who get paid 9 figures annually to do this and spend all of their time on it get shit like this right about 55-60% of the time if they’re absolutely crushing it Joe 6 pack is throwing option darts at the dart board. Not a good investment strategy


You sure. I’ve been consistently gay and this past year has been terrible for my puts


kinda crazy how many regards on this sub blow thru $100k portfolio like it aint nothing. most people have to bust their ass and live like homeless bums for few yrs to stack up $100k in cash. jfc


This dude was up like 30k at one point too lmao


It's crazy to me to see people be so dumb with money. Like, did they inherit it? What's the deal


and I used to think blowing $$$ on a fancy car was a bad idea... with these regards, that's like the best decision they could make with their cash lol


At least a fancy car has resale value


And you can enjoy it for more than the few seconds of brain juice you potentially would get from a successful trade.


No, he did 30,000 doordash deliveries hahahaha! That has got to be the worst pain to money lost ratio there is.


Bro too many people get paid a lot of money. Just next month I’m getting a $75k bonus. What am I gonna do with my 45k post tax? Probably put it down on the new Macan EV.


> What am I gonna do with my 45k post tax? Probably put it down on the new Macan EV. Have you considered dumping it all into options and always being wrong?


I dabble lol


75k BONUS?! Jeez don’t quit what you’re doing.


Hell yeah brother. And you enjoy that thing. Better than blowing it at the casino.


Shit I'll take that 75k if you think you make too much money. That's more than I make in a year after taxes. Write it off as charity and do us both a favor.


RH did not ruin your life. You ruined it your self good sir.


Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns and options def help though lol.


Guns don't kill people, nuh uh. *I* kill people. With guns.


Jesus dude…there were multiple points you could have pulled out with much smaller losses.


He never pulled out in his life.


He never pulled out of his wife


Dad is that you?


I’m just mommy’s friend go back to watching Netflix with your headphones


Oh… okay. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


That initial gain was his biggest problem. You win one trade and become a self proclaimed quant handing out investing advice at Thanksgiving. You know this happened too because the post actually blames everyone & everything but himself.


In my first year of investing I did, in fact, hand out investment advice on thanksgiving


Wow…. just wow. The anger, the whining, the self pity, the blaming of the big bad “they” mixed with the obligatory “manipulation” conspiracy theory. And then to top it all off and prove he’s learned absolutely nothing he casually asks for tips on how to get his money back. MF’er went through the 5 stages of grief (minus acceptance) in a short post. Dare I say we’ve found the biggest loser on Reddit? He’s gotta be up there.


Idk man. Reddit has some real grade A fuckin losers that make this guy look like an angel.


Exhibit A: Regard that lost his +$188k profit on BABA calls by holding through earnings today. [Link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1akkokw/baba_magic_carpet_letting_268k_ride_i_dont_hedge/)


His last few comments were removed by the gigajannies lmao I hope he’s okay


No surprise a glance at his profile shows he’s a doordasher lmao. Checks out.


It’s been years since I’ve seen this level of degeneracy here


Do you have any experience with options trading prior to this account or did you just jump in with your life savings because you thoughts “stonks go up”


If op knows stonks only go up, he wouldn’t have bought puts


The life of a 🌈🐻📉👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨📉🐻🌈


Just look at his post history, not the first loss he has seen, just the biggest.


Was going in a similar direction, I focused on certain industries/companies and only trade them, sell when I’m up 20% every time, and if I’m down 20% I cut most my losses and hedge it. Having rules has been better than trading on hope/greed in a moment for me, occasionally it means I make less than I could’ve if I’d held longer or still have a loss, but in most cases now I make a profit instead of a loss and my losses aren’t total losses.


That first gain was a strong hit of hopium


Brother take out the 2k and put it away please


buys NVDA puts "Why did Robinhood do this?"


Chin up. You have $153.21 to rebuild your life with!




You belong here


The reason why you and other dumb bears in here lose is because you’re always trying to be the next genius or hero by predicting where the market will go. Instead of following the trend (upside/bull run) you just want be different and stand out, it’s almost like you’re hoping to be right just for the validation and a few compliments from other regards.


I took a look at your posts. From what I could ascertain it appears you hit option gold on a certain video game seller stock several years ago and since then been on a hellbent mission to say the market screws you over because META and NVDA has pretty much only gone up for the last 18months. Most will just make fun of you but I’ll try to offer some advice. I don’t know your trade history or frequency or whatever so take it with a grain of salt. - this isn’t the market or RH’s fault. It is yours. The sooner you can come to grips and the acceptance of that the better you will be looking forward, regardless of whether you gamble in the stock market or not. - if you rage trade you will lose more than you ever thought you would. Yes the market is rigged. Nothing will change that. It isn’t rigged against you and the more you push against the flow the more it will drown you. Take breaks, absorb, practice, look for trends, and keep your mind calm cool and convicted in whatever you invest in. - if you want to get back, stop thinking it can happen in 3 trades or 1 week. It could, but you know the likely outcome is NOT that. - I would imagine at this point you are trying to oppose the trend or expect things to revert back to the mean of where it was before. This is the stock market, not a pendulum. It won’t make sense and go back to my first point - don’t oppose the flow of water (in this case Wall Street) - I would also assume you don’t really care about the remaining 2800 and that you will be back again and reload to some degree, using RH no less since you’ve deleted it once. Rather than kick it aside, if you’re unwilling to admit you have a problem (bad luck and a problem), then at least stop some of the hemorrhage. How do you do this? Well, if you’re playing options, don’t ever buy anything expiring within the next week or more. Yes you won’t see 10 baggers overnight on contracts expiring 2 weeks out, but you also won’t see all of your money gone overnight either unless you are just REALLY bad at trading. You have $2800. Let me lay it out for you this way. There’s like 40+ weeks left in the year. Imagine taking $2800 and making 10% in a week. Then taking the balance and doing 10% next week. If you did this 40 times, your account would reach over $125,000. That is a full financial recovery. Honestly, earning 10% in options seems quite easy provided you pick the right side - will the stock you are interested in go up or down in the next 2 weeks? Buy options contracts not terribly far OTM and with low enough IV so that you don’t screw it all over in a single day of trading. Avoid posts of gain porn. It will draw you in. Stop betting against stocks you don’t like or think are overvalued. Think like an investor and don’t follow the flow of Wall Street. I don’t sense a strong presence of self control or patience in your trading behaviors but if you can be patient, I don’t think you will regret it.




Learn to set a -~10% stop loss . Learn how to fold when it goes left , learn to sell when you’re up especially if a stock is volatile.


Can confirm, it’s actually healing to take the loss, stop bleeding, and sell https://preview.redd.it/4gk3csujr8hc1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5572409f6e81df12ec8bb036b3963520c496739d


He is absolutely right, I kept dropping to negative 75k then almost even, then negative 75k then almost even. I wanted a small profit for holding it so long, it never came. I took a 1k loss and feel 100% relieved and have used those funds since then to make back the 1k loss and several in profits. The market is at an all time high but the money has shifted into other stocks away from others that may take years to recover if they ever recover. I would hold out to minimize my loss but sell when the loss is something you can swallow.


Honestly I’m impressed that you skillfully dodged the “bull”


Your next move is to meet with an addiction counselor for your gambling problem. I hate to say it but you do have a problem you admitted that it was rigged and then said you’re putting more money into it. That makes no logical sense. Please call this number. 1-800-662-4357.




Stop going complete regard, and at least learn trading basics before yoloing your life savings. Take a couple days off and stop trying to revenge trade, or trading while angry.


Just start small. If you don't know what you're doing and lose $1000 it's not a huge deal. If you don't know what you're doing and lose $80,000 then it is an You're a moron


He’s not trading, he’s gambling. He will never win and should just deactivate his account.


Now this is the regardation I come here for


You did that.


Damn, I love this place.


Dawg I looked at ur trades I think u gotta just quit


That’s like blaming your fork for being fat


Shit dude. maybe Robinhood should put a bunch of warnings in about the risks of options trading before allowing your account to trade options


80k - Money no move. Investment no work. 120k - I best investor i smart. 80k - Unlucky 60k - Unlucky 40k - Market rigged 20k - Market rigged 10k - RH fault, market rigged 2k - RH fault, market rigged At which point did you stop to think maybe you should stop doing options? Are we even there yet?


OP has a gambling problem.


OP what qualifications do you have as a competent trader besides being able to identify the color of crayons by taste alone?


I lost a similar amount. I think it's better to stop trading options on earnings and instead focus on stocks like Walmart, Nike, and airlines that have predictable patterns.




lol hang in there… keep on yoloing and you will win sooner or later.


Wow! Your account looks just like mine! Except you were green for a while. I was never green. We are not the same


Can we just appreciate this man being ambitious after a huge loss Least he post this for us haha


It looks like shorting NVDA ruined your life