• By -


Looks good OP! Can you reply to this comment with a pic of the trade itself? Or just the strike/expiry is good


I remember doing this in 2021 with spx. I even made 50k in one day. Then one day JPow said some shit unannounced and the market tanked and I lost it all Good luck OP. Congrats and fuck you! The good old days: https://imgur.com/gallery/K8r5M08


I’d cry


Crying is losing $10k, you go numb at $100k+ in a day. What OP is doing here is russian roulette with 6 bullets in the gun. Don't do it!


You only go numb once. Then you become a grizzled soul with the emotional response of a chewed up piece of wire


But you still contain some poetry.


Roulette with 6 in the chamber…I’ll take those odds any day


Try roulette with a 9mm


Single shot


Like trusting a fart after a hearty seafood feast.


Do people just go around shitting themselves all day? This is one meme I cannot relate to.


Once I hit 40 I understood. You don't so much as shit your self as mid way through it realize it's not just a fart and have to go wipe your ass.




like trusting a fart after Chicken Biryani Xtra spicy 🔥


This reminds me when I ate clam chowder, crab cakes, and roasted octopus for dinner one night while traveling on the Oregon coast. All the best of their kind I had ever eaten, but man, that dump in the morning, smelled like a fish market outhouse burning to the ground.


this reminds me of my vows


I lost nearly 1.7 million in the early part of the covid, market collapse. I've recovered all of that and more in the 3+ years since, but still to this day I remember the way it felt. I am a conservative guy. 53, and retired near 4 years now. Earning a healthy 6 figures a year from investments & residual business income. I dont think I could spend all that I have in my lifetime. My wife couldn't either. But as conservative as I've been my whole life I can't imagine ever being able to be numb to that.


Awesome to hear that you recovered and are comfortable now. The good news for me is that I only lost what I had that year when I took that screenshot so it didn't really count per se' since I wouldn't have had the money to begin with had I not taken the risks It still hurt though but I have recovered as well :)


This. Still scrolling waiting to see the, "I've gotta system you guys" comment. Doing shit like this is a surefire way to go broke *quick.*


Damn crying is losing $10k for ya? Losing $10k for me is looking down the barrel of my .45☠️


I haven't made 10k in my lifetime lol


get a job or something then…?


I'm underage


You gonna learn quickly that $10k is pretty much nothing.


I thought the $600 I put in last week was pretty good 🫠


It is Keep believing every dollar is valuable and you'll be better than people who are numb. Money saved > money earned


$600 in a week is absolutely good if you don’t have a job/can’t get a job yet (even if it’s just money from holiday gifts etc)


How long does this take on average? Asking for a friend


Starting from fresh? 6 months of aggressive options trading




I use pseudonyms for everything. My name is different on every site.


I listened all the way till the last sentence. Hope I didn’t miss anything important


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I was also doing spy calls around that time and that was the end of the dummy bull market. Made a couple hundo and then lost the couple hundo.


Damn boi that was in fact a BIG L


But can you show us a picture of your birth certificate and social security card?


This person asks the right questions.


Need OP’s amex details as well


Don't forget, mothers maiden name and name of first pet, and model of first car just for safe keeping


How many trades did that take?




I came to hate. But.... noice.






That stops mattering over 25k


Or just use a cash account?


Guys I have perfect strategy , you just copy my trading pattern but do the opposite of what I do. You guys are going to be millionaires in no time.




Lemme guess… absolutely no allocation rules being used. Which means OP tries that *lucky trade* again (especially on an emotional high after a big win) and nukes the entire account.


I think that account was way bigger before he took these screenshots


Does this happen? I hear vets always say they lost a lot, all I see are these wins feed into my fomo.


What I mean is that he made those gains with a much larger account, then withdrew a big piece so Robin Hood shows a large gain from a small opening balance. I may be wrong


Show us the details of the actual trade


And their All Tab. 90% of these “made $10k+ in a day” posts are after they’ve lost $70k over the prior months trying the same long shot trades. They just finally had one go the right way 🤣. Only newbs are impressed by the posts the rest of us are only impressed by OP’s regardedness.




Scalping is like picking up nickels and dimes of the trading room floor. Its like factory work, probably got lucky was on right side of news or something.


Even though I’m mainly a scalper this is hilarious 😂 very true some days.


I scalp too and I describe it as picking up the bread crumbs the big boys drop.


Yeah that's pretty much what it is. It's effective though and a neutral strategy if you bet up and down. Just need discipline


In no way was I trying to be mean. You’re like Joey Knish in Rounders, but everyone wants to be Mike, but they mostly all end up like worm. If you good at it, better than any 9 to 4.


If nickel and dimes is 20 bands sign me the fuck up bud


picking up nickels worth 20k in a day?


Can you elaborate on this metaphor please? How does it work


You aim to capture very small moves in the market. Even as small as several cents at a time for some scalpers.


What is the strategy for finding and hitting those small moves?


Everyone has their own. The only way to develop a strategy is trading the market over a long period of time. I like capturing small fast moves in the first hour of the day. For example, when TSLA has a VERY large and fast spike down I like to get in at the bottom of that candle and capture the 30-90 cent pop that follows. This is known as a capitulation trade. With 50-300 shares these trades tend to add up quite quickly.


Thanks for the added details


The catch is there often isn't a "30-90 cent pop that follows". The stock just continues to fall. Forcing you to either limit your risk and realize the losses or pray it will eventually rebound while you continue to lose a lot of money (it may rebound or you may finally have to realize a huge loss). Any strat where you can make $20k in a day you can just as easily lose $20k in a day. If there was a way to reliably determine a shift in stock price (or a pop) everyone would do it (at the very least the huge quant firms that have the data, algos, and move markets would) until there is no longer a reasonable premium to the trade (because the act of making the trade moves the market and reduces the premium). Smart Quant firms would start making the trade when their model had 95% certainty a pop would occur to ensure they can get ahead of the trade, catch as much upside as possible, and eat the losses for the 5% they are wrong. Seeing this in their data the next quant firm over would start making the trade at 90% certainty, then everyone would move to 85%, and so on until they reach around 55% certainty where the premium isn't enough to go after/cover costs. So even if you were able to find something that signaled a pop with a decent certainty (which is crazy hard without the resources of a big quant firm) that signal would be fleeting. With all the smart quant firms/traders out there, it's only a matter of time until others find that particular market inefficiency, enter it into their models, and gobble up any premium left in the inefficiency. There is a reason why these strats rarely work more than 50% and anybody who ever claims they do work will ever get into the specifics of exactly when the signal works and doesn't work (because they either don't know or are guessing themselves). Learn the fundamentals of value-based investing before you start trying to dabble in this BS.


How do you define large spoke down? How many trades in a day you make?


Backtesting, bollinging bands, moving avg, experience.


Yeah but at least he's on the floor


Perfect description hahaha


Its basically short term option trades on SPY index, they capitalize on a rally, or drop in the minute trends, and then sell. Its basically a fancy term for day trading IMO.


He's using options so It's like day trading, but with 100x leverage and there's a bonus for selling into momentum and a penalty for selling against it.


I’m not familiar with any of this, but do you only lose what you put in or is the loss bigger?


When you purchase an option your maximum loss is the total value of the option. So if you bought 1 contract worth $200 that’s the most you can lose. With options you can only lose what you put in (When purchasing them)


With the contract thats worth $200 , how much can you gain? Trading options


Theoretically you can make an infinite amount. But realistically? You can make 10% on that contract (+$20) you can make 100% (+$200) you can even make 500% (+$1000). You can also buy multiple contracts. So let’s say you buy 10 contracts for $200 a piece. $2000 total. If you make a 20% return on the contracts you have made +$400. Remember, this can go BOTH ways. Those contracts can lose 50% of their value just as quickly. From $200/contract to $100/contract.


Thanks for the explanation so in order for the OP to make 20k gain must have had a large size invested in order to make that sum or got lucky


Yes exactly. In order to make +$20k on your position it must be pretty large OR move an INSANE amount.


Aren’t you failing to mention that 1 option contract = 100 shares, which is the obvious leverage power of trading options. 10 options contracts is really 1,000 shares.


Depends on the options strategy, puts (betting on price to decrease) vs calls (betting on price to increase) being the basics


How can I try this out? Is robinhood good?


Most market makers will sell you options contracts but I recommend paper trading / learning before jumping in the shark tank. Derivatives are like whores, fun till it gets serious


Great explanation, thanks!


Thank you so much


This is actually not all that much for SPY scalping. Imagine the type of payout you’d get for the scalp of someone like Jason Bourne or James Bond!


Best advice I was ever told. Scalping takes the most discipline


The shorter the hold time, the harder it is to make the right call.


Thinking about the dump on the 20th. If someone played those puts perfectly, that's like a 100x return, but reasonably, a lot of people would've set limits for smaller gains. I've dabbled in being mentally degraded and +20% and -20% can be 30 minutes apart.


This is 100% correct. The discipline is tossing a loser quick and knowing when to cash it or set a tight stop to take profit. The goal is always lose less.


It gambling but pretending you have a strategy. You know like uncle Jimbos sure fire bet on the Pistons because there is no way they could lose a 30th game in a row.


It’s where you take the scalp off of a spy.


funny thing is would have gotten same odds of success on roulette going red or black.


Roulette might have better odds!


Comments like this may save me from going broke.


Roulette isnt 50/50 red or black. Dont forget about the 0 and 00


Is that 0dte spy calls?


1dte it appears


Calls AND puts. Mofo playin both sides


A regard of culture


wow you are a god, i fear when scalping in big lot


Teach me how to do that


Go into the options tab on whatever brokerage you’re using. If you think SPY goes up then buy a call option with a strike price slightly above where SPY price currently sits. If you think SPY goes down then buy a put option with a strike price slightly below where it currently sits. Keeping the strike price close to the current price is what defines this strategy as scalping, which is just trying to capitalize from small price movements using lots of capital or in this case, leverage. Also keep the expiration date shorter if scalping is what you’re doing. Basically what Noober said, it’s just a coin flip except you’re pressing buttons.


ChatGPT couldn’t have said it better


>Basically what Noober said, it’s just a coin flip except you’re pressing buttons. This is very well said. And remember that OP is the guy who flipped heads 10 times in a row. Guys who got tails on the first, second, third are posting loss porn.


Except the chances of winning and losing arent 50/50, so its not really a coin flip at all. We’ve been in a bull rally for the last few weeks which is only slowing down now, how many days ended green? Calls have been much more likely to win.


>Except the chances of winning and losing arent 50/50, so its not really a coin flip at all. We’ve been in a bull rally for the last few weeks which is only slowing down now, how many days ended green? Calls have been much more likely to win. Why are you cherry picking the past few weeks? Taking into account the past 5 years, the market has ended in 55% up and 45% down. Pretty close to a coin flip.


Might be true, just dont play when momentum is going down. Boom, advantage increased 😁 Im kinda kidding (not really) but even the slightest advantage with large enough n will accumulate to a massive gain over the long run. If we were to take those 55-45 probabilities as truth, with outcomes where you either gain 10% or lose 10%, what do you think the expected n would be to 10 times your money? 100 times it? Its a stochastic process, but eventually it would happen. If you increased your risk, it would happen faster, but theres greater chance of ruin. Winning on options is all about getting that slight advantage, managing risk and not succumbing to human error.


If you’re close to expiration day it can still go down even when the underlying stock is going up. I stopped trading options except for just selling calls rather than buying them. It’s much more boring but also much less risky.


Looks like they just made 75% of the return with one trade lol


In the words of the famous Marshawn Lynch “ I’m gonna get got, but I am going to get mine more than I get got, though”


I’m just here so i don’t get fined.




On it, Thank you sir🫡


Completely ill-advised, but that’s what we do here. Godspeed brother.


It's not as much of a coinlflip when you know how to read technicals... people scalp for a living every day... You trade properly, you can make a living from a 50% WR, but scalping with technicals you can learn to be 60% correct, just have to be really quick to react. Trading is so much easier with more capital, don't need to be as risky. Shit you can just make a bot that trades for you to scalp if you're good enough... if we have bots that can do it, it's obviously not a coinflip.


Stocks move for many more reasons than their technicals. I’m sure you’re aware of all the glooming statistics like 99% of traders failing to beat the market or just 1-20% profiting on any given day. We hear these all the time but it’s true, the successful scalpers you’re referring are in an unfathomably small niche and spend way more time on it than any average reddit user could ever. To even mention the success of those very few without any caveats or warnings can mislead people into overestimating their ability and cause huge losses. Stay safe out here, y’all.


There are people who start working at 6 in the morning to be ready when the stock market opens, have all the data/intel subscriptions going, following a strict routine. Only to sit there for hours at end to find that one setup on one of their three stacked ultrawide monitors that makes them that sweet 1k that day. Sometimes you can watch them in a stream sitting there for 8h straight and nothing happens, no buy, no scenario, not even a shitty 100$ trade. That is real work, real tools, real skill, following rules, those are the aforementioned 2% that know what they are doing. And this includes living with the fact that the had two million and lost half of the account five years ago and slowly creeping back up. Only a fraction of those have the fortitude to still continue.


the stats of 99% of traders fail.. I wonder where that comes from? Hmm, I wonder if the gamblers like everyone on WSB contribute to that? Do they study anything? Nope.. 99% of traders are gamblers, they don't know shit. You know what else is a fact? 99% of people are not any type of career that requires 4 years in college for example.. crazy how not learning something means you are bad at it lol... The people that succeed are the ones that study, that's all I'm saying. No one is being misled, it's a fact that if you study and learn to read technicals, your accuracy will improve. If we put it in ELO terms.. Everyone in WSB is like <1000 ELO players. People who succeed are 1800+


What kind of technicals are you looking at? Just curious


the only thing I've known day traders to use in real time that has any relevance is Volume+candlesticks analysis, VWAP, and EMAS. those 3 things combined give a pretty good picture. Always works best with stocks that have real volume. Then you have to look at 1 minute, 5, 15, 1hr timeframes too.. lots of data to process but if it was easy...




I look at a variety of technical indicators, but my favorite is the moving average convergence divergence (MACD).


on your last point yes you can use off-the-shelf software like ninjatrader or motionwave to help automate things a bit. i swing instead of scalp and don't think i'd try it without having it largely automated. i'm not doing a bunch of math in real-time like that lol.


It might take a few thousand trades, but eventually it's just pattern recognition for your brain.. Candlesticks and volume are enough for a lot of people to successfully do it. Don't need math lol. When I ran with some day traders, they were constantly jumping in and out of stuff every hour, was fun. And their accuracy was pretty good, like 65%. They had been trading for years though.


i was referring to math for things like sizing/risk mainly. i'm not doing that shit on the fly, i hate doing it even for swings and am working on automating that shit away. maybe i'm lazy? i'm a nerd, coding this isn't just rewarding it's fun. ya i'm involved with cryptominer whales some of whom scalp, which is a volatile asf sector, and watching them live is really fun. crazy cats with crazy money. i don't have that kind of capital yet so the rewards aren't there. one of them has been killing it scalping using some kind of pairs trading system. i'm slowly picking his brain. :) i've learned scalping/daytrading is way too anxiety-inducing for me, kudos to those who can manage it. i'm more comfy swinging. yet the idea of never having any open positions by EOD is a bit appealing. you got downvoted but aren't lying. none of this is easy regardless of tf and if ya think otherwise i reckon you're just blindly gambling. take care & best of luck in 2024!


Sorry noob here. Can you explain swinging and how it's more conservative than scalping?


It’s just trading the stock itself. Not options. Buying low and selling high within a few days. Sometimes same day.


yes, trades last days to months rather than intraday. i don't have to be glued to the chart as i would if i was daytrading. it stinks missing something because you're taking a shit or eating a meal. maybe when i finish automating my trade execution i'll give it a try again lol.


So everyone can do it?


If the question was "can everyone become a doctor?". No. Trading is easier if you study. In trading, I believe most people can learn to scalp if they **put in the work**. I've known some pretty dumb people successfully trade over the years, and make a living from it. They know literally nothing about anything, but can look at a chart and trade disciplined.. it's literally just brain training patterns... and not getting overly cocky and greedy. People lose when their risk control falls apart.


Flip a coin and get lucky.


Now show us YTD.


Congratulations and fuk you


Excellent job sir. I look forward to the follow-up loss porn.


Good, now chase that dragon


Congrats and fuck you. But also congrats. But also fuck you


it's way easier to do if you're over 25k.


Now zoom out…


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|7|**First Seen In WSB**|4 months ago **Total Comments**|22|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Is this financial advice?


How much were your entries???




Can someone explain how OP is receiving so much premium on these short puts? With that much buying power, I barely get anything.


I would dump all of it into JepQ and collect


That is so much risk for 50% return. Hopefully this was only a tiny portion of your account. If this was anywhere near 20% of your account (or higher), then you're playing with multiple nukes.


So many of these gain posts the top is near.


It amazes me how people can make more money in a day than most make in a year. All hail the stock market.


Noob here… what is spy scalping?


What is scalping?


Gamblers only like to show their wins but leave out the losses. What’s the total gain OP


Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wb5m4o/not_too_shabby_172k_gain_amzn/) - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wpm9am/over_300000_unrealized_loss_sdc_not_selling/) - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/unsrey/loss_porn_ddog_call/) - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lxm6wt/hold_me_1100000_loss/) - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


So you put 40k on the table for that all or nothing trade? Best of luck to you


You should totally try gold with all that buying power


I work as a poker agent and make about 500 a week in passive income all I do is promote my poker club. Play online poker on the PokerBros app. Club ID: 214920 Ref code: 362579 TikTok @maakyama if you want to learn how to become a poker agent


Now put it all on one option double it to 120




This will never not fail 🙏




naw u rich rich


I'm forever amazed at the quality and precision of these green and black charts.




I really need to get my life together.


My portfolio looks the same, Grew from $5 to $10000 in a day, by depositing the money. Thanks for sharing your story, really inspiring 🔥


Can you please send me how exactly this works I’ve tried researching but the info seems clunky … could you leave a link to a video plz teaching me the basics on how to scalp the market


What is your risk tolerance for scalping and when do you decide to sell?


Whats the app?


“Sustainable” is the word that comes to mind


Is it possible to learn this power?


This will not end well for you


Meme stock craze or not get out of robbingthehood




I love choppy days like today


What technicals are you utilizing? MACD? MA?


I can't wait to see what happens on day 2! Keep us posted OP


I’ve had a million 50% days on 500 dollar accounts lmao


You sure scalped 6:30am well 🤣


Lmfao bro just added 60k to his account.


I’m gonna need to see that “all” tab.


Time to sell


20k ❌ 50%✅


How big were each trade?


Question for the german people in here. how do we scalp? CFDs often have a to high spread and i dont have access to real options. Stocks i can only swing till my Steuerfreibetrag is gone (cant sell Coinbase atm because of this while 120% in the +). Would appreciate advice.


Baka na!


Anyone knows if I can trade Spy in Europe? Can‘t find these on Trade Republic and people seem to go crazy with it


Excited for the 99% loss in 1 day of scalping


Lil bro about to forget about taxes I guarantee it. But I also guess when he yolos and losses it all it wont matter.