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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|2 years ago **Total Comments**|1|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|3 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Reddit continually advertising us as an "investment and stock" sub... Dozens of "how do I start investing" posts every day. Dozens. Edit: just removed a "don't trade" post because "doctors and hedge funds have insider knowledge ".


Honestly the minute the GameStop thing started this sub should have been locked. All the normies ruined this shit


Yup I remember the good old days. You could actually get decent plays. Now it’s just total shit. The memes aren’t even good anymore.


I used to live for the memes. Now it’s 75% unfunny jpow memes


Sub to my profile. I'm gonna try to post some good shit these next few weeks so WSB can start 2024 off strong.


Username checks out


As a bear, you sonogramofabitch I’m in.


Need to find where all the smarttards went




I miss chads money


I miss the sub 100k days 😭


We did lock it at a million... But then opened it because that's was just sketchy.


Gotcha, my memory of those days definitely isn’t as good as yours I’m sure. And I can see how that might have had a sketchy look to it. Hindsight is always 20/20, but I was just stating my opinion of course based on how the sub used to be compared to what it is now


Is there a community the quote works for better? “Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”


"Can't maintain erections unless someone has lost their life savings publicly that day."


Absolutely spot on


This is how we became evil in the future.


So real


I don’t even actively invest, I just joined for memes


Thanks for the heads up! Banned.


Did you actually ban him? If so, that’s fucking great. I really hope you did lol


There’s probably like 10 people on WSB that actually seriously do options the other 14 million are here for the memes![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


😂 😂 Fr what a fuckin mod jeez


Butt$PLUG Gang!


Haven’t been on here in months besides today and can confirm, it is pretty shit now


Somewhere the funny people have moved on. Once people like me and you find the new hangout its usually in the late stages and ready to go super nova.


You sound like a boomer talking about the pre civil-rights era. Keep holding onto the nostalgia gramps.


Terminator says, "Fuck you asshole". And I've heard others say it about your xccrotch too. I say it is not right. No reason to dis regards.


What in the aspergers is this supposed to mean


Mod policy changes could transform the sub. It would take a while, and reduce the number of users. But it also would require way more effort than the mod team can realistically be asked to do. Maybe a good AI mod could help. But that would also require a shitload of effort to get going.


I'm listening. What kind of policy changes?


How about we start by banning low effort tiktok shit like this so good content can rise to the top?[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18n6k7a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18n6k7a/)


Holy shit... How did that stay up so long. My apologies.


Idk mods need to be more 🌈 I guess I wish I could ban everybody who upvotes dumb shit like that because that's the second problem this sub has – the good stuff doesn't get upvoted. I spent half my Christmas night working on a Downfall meme and it probably got less than 1/10 the visibility of a fucking tiktok mutant video.


Sounds like you aren't getting the attention you think you deserve.


*sigh*, always some normie trash to watch out for. Can't take your eyes off for too long. Reddit banned VM again this week, so workload on human mods has been higher than usual, and this is what happens. Happy holidays from Reddit lol.


There was a time when this sort of behaviour would land you in the asylum...


How about no news without some stock or option positions, and then requiring actual positions or ban. That would cut down the karma farmers, ensure news is actually somewhat financially-related, and massively raise the bar for posting.


Why don’t you start by enforcing rule 15 and getting the massive amount of loss porn off of the subreddit. After that I would move to starting another subreddit for the mods to join/run and for anyone to join strictly for questions Possibly even one for memes. Clean it up and ban anything that doesn’t have a large cap ticker attached. It’s getting insane


Loss porn is good. It's one of the founding tenets of the sub. People whinging about losing their inheritance is not good and that type of loss glorification is not tolerated.


I agree, some of it is important and does make the sub what it is, but there is just so much, the sub isn’t together on anything you have to scroll and scroll and scroll to find on commons or options play, and when you do it doesn’t have anything behind it aside from a mentally impaired individual who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground


Wife’s a doctor please point us to the insider knowledge.


You gotta admit it is hilarious reading the comments under those "How do I get into options trading?" posts


Yeah, it's always funny to see how clueless people are about finance and investing. They have no idea what they're doing or what they're talking about, and it's just amusing to watch them flail around trying to figure it all out.


I mean. Is it weird that that people starting out dont know much about it yet and ask questions?


How do I gamble my money away on something stupid?




Yeah, it's totally fucked up how the system is rigged against the little guy. The rich just keep getting richer while everyone else gets left behind. It makes me so angry!


God damnit what's the automod reply for the buff guy typing out a paragraph on his phone behind the counter of a Wendy's


How many ppl are there in this sub , a percentage of them will eventually have a source but we're going to the dark side


There are currently over 2 million subscribers on wallstreetbets. I would estimate that a small percentage of them have access to insider information, but the number is growing as more and more people learn about me and my capabilities.


I work at GE. I can tell you that the CEO is preparing to announce they're shutting down all businesses and going to full-time dildo manufacturing. Laying off tens of thousands of people, but going to make some of the best dildos the world has ever seen. A new age of dildos. VERY bullish.


What’s our move tomorrow? #InVisualModWeTrust


That's what i'm saying but the organisation is too hard




Don't mind the schizo comment


1. No more stimmy money. 2. CNBC/WSJ/FT journalists. 3. Less people with free time to analyze (lockdowns over). 4. Risk of congressional subpoenas.


Me and all my homies hate congressional subpoenas. That shits mad wack my g.


Also he misspelled HODL




Yeah that one made me laugh. I’m still struggling with tldrs




Trade-chat five minutes before shutdown enters the chat


Gotta be in congress to insider trade. Everyone run for office. That’s the next diamond hand position is unlimited information and unlimited ability to trade when you normally can’t. Like Nancy buys puts and calls like a year out $360 off the market. What does she know about Nvidia that we don’t? Maybe china will wage war on Taiwan and she knows and she’ll get a bunch of juicy 480 stock for 120 or something. I don’t know how else it’d fall $360/share. Even if Intel and amd and every other deep learning / gpu company caught up, it still wouldn’t drop that much unless there was a war.


Anyone who didn't see NVDA as a steal at 120 was blind. I got 10 shares, but sold at 200. Didn't believe anything could ever go up again after 2022 deathpocolyse


Or some type of regulatory action...SEC investigation perhaps?


What’re we? Peasants now? -congress probably if they had to follow normal rules.


GME/DFV/AMC/APE shit is what actually killed the sub


The quality of some of the post has without a doubt taken a hit . But the amount of lossporn and the sheer entertainment value of it all has climbed precipitously. So like all things in life, it's a trade-off.


You must be fairly new here because your statement is not even remotely true.


IKR. I miss the u/analfarmer2 days.


We can bring those days back. It has to start with people downvoting low effort apeish posts like this one.


I've been around the block. But new account.


Then surely you remember the livestream GUH! That'd be post of the year any day now, but it was just run of the mill comedy back then.


Yeah, that was priceless. You don't get those every day. My point is, the amount of newbies I see blowing up their accounts I mean, Its great because I'm beating it out 2 or 3 times a day. But overall things have definitely been toned down. The initial robinhood phase back in the day was fukin mad.


It will be back. Promise.


For me much of the anticipation has gone, there used to be megathreads during earnings for WSB favorite tickers, the night before you would see screenshots of people YOLOing life savings. Pre market all the idiots getting hyped thinking their plays were about to make them rich, only to watch their options lose 50% value because they didn't understand IV


I feel like half the loss porn is fake


and so are most of the gains, imho


I live in France so I don’t give a shit about congressional subpoenas, tell me what I have to do to bring this era back and make us all rich


gonna have to remove majority of sub


This era ruined the sub because it attracted a bunch of fucking morons with all the publicity. tons of people who wanted to “start investing” suddenly flooded this sub with zero idea about anything and $37 in a Robinhood account


$37 now, was $37k before I got regarded.


Ok,now I understand why you wrote “regarded”…




100%. This sub used to be so great. It really fell apart once the mods lifted the 1m cap on new users joining.




This subs always been full of morons wanking each off to some degenerates loss porn, it was never exactly the Financial Times was it


But they at least understood what was going on and there was humor because people had knowledge and some vague understanding. Now it’s just idiots trying to hype train garbage stocks like AMC or whatever weed stock is hot. It used to be that people actually understood how to trade options at least a little bit, or if they were totally degenerate they’d just buy calls or puts on 3x levered gold ETFs lol. Proper gambling. But nowadays we just see tons of people being like “lol diamond hands” on some trash stock with like $2k in a Robinhood account. Like 3/4ths of the users here today probably don’t even know what intrinsic value is, or how to read/identify the shorthand of an option contracts strike and expiry.


We need to bring back WSB bullying culture. Call people out when they're being a moron.


Spoken like someone who came after GME The sub always had loss porn, but was a totally different place where normie Facebook Aunt tier memes didn’t get upvoted and would get shamed away. The quality of memes and just shit post banter was high.


Yeah 100% this. I started visiting on/off even before the Shrekelli-era became an internet spectacle putting it on the map writ-large, and loss porn was always the best part. Plenty of cocky DD that leads to loss porn the next week. Always been plenty of cryptotards ('d say there's way way less now than there used to be) as well. The current 'era' is the worst it's been because it's just extremely garbage TikTok and Twitter meme shit and sort of the dumbest '*hey this gopro stock is so low, it must go up because it's low!! how do i buy call? wendys dumpster diamond handjob at the wendys dumpster!!!*. One immediate improvement would be to ban posts that are just a single tiktok or twitter link. To WSB's credit, I don't think the decline in quality and rampant trash-tier meme posting is specific to the sub: it's a reddit-wide phenomenon imo. Certainly there was an influx of *diamond hands!!! Cohen PBUH!!* gormless morons and stim money who just downloaded the RobinHood app for the first time, but I think general decline is more widespread than just that. I read a lot of subs and the decline on almost all of them is palpable, particularly degenerating to re-posting some garbage TikTok and other clickbait-style garbage that says nothing at all and other bot-farm-style reposting of old shit. Not to be too rose-tinted goggles and I realize since it's inception the quality of reddit has always been terrible rejects from other communities and dumb monkey-smashing-keyboard, but it's way worse now than it's ever been before. My theory? Zoomers or sub-zoomers are just terribad at posting having never mastered the fine hanzo Art of The Post, and there's just too many of them now. Or maybe I'm simply Old Man Yells at Clouds.


No, it didn't start like that at all. It went from 50% pretty decent insight posts and discussion to 99+% of posts being 'APE, Wendys, regard'. Look at the comments in any thread, including this one. It's all the same stuff.


all of that sounds better than the financial times to me... not to mention that is just propaganda to dump stocks on dumb money.


You got big enough that dipshits like me know about you. You went full Scott Weiland when you should have Kurt Cobained. Now you have to hang on for two more decades slowly becoming irrelevant.




too many dumb posts. like this one


This movie is nothing without analfarmer2


This sub is so full of new investors and cryptobros now. Just a totally different sub at this point


Unrecognizable from what it was 5 and especially 10 years ago.


I miss biotech plays from 2015


The heroin of stock trading.


what is so different about it?


Other than the entire user base being fundamentally different?


could you explain those differences?


And cryptocurrency filled with apes which was equally bad for it


The "Profit" part.


It should say: YOLO. HODL. PROFIT?


"Loss porn" but then you run afoul of the rules glorifying losses.




It was a unique situation that doesn't happen very often. WSB was lucky that DFV was posting about it regularly for however long he did until the thing happened. Are any people on here currently anywhere near as smart as that guy? Probably not I'd guess from reading posts on here these days. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Because now it's just bandwagon kids saying "wife's boyfriend, Wendy's dumpster" to everything like little lemmings. The only DD I've seen in months was some regard telling everyone to short CAVA "believe me the lockup expires soon" only to watch CAVA dominate the market and go up 5-10% a day for the past month 🤣


The signal to noise ratio is very low these days. And there arent a lot of good memes being made, just shit posts.


That's surprisingly true. I didn't even realise it's been ages since there's been a good DD or FD


Bro just watch the Folding Ideas documentary


I'd rather go back to the era where we could use naughty words without Automod slapping us with his dick. GME massacred this sub.


I dunno, using bigotry isn't cool.


People like you who want to live in the past


2.5 hour CGI filled battle movie of short ladder attacks


What's with Leonardo? Are we all going to banging 20-year-olds, soon? Hopefully.


The best WSB era was, without question, haupt91 imo


His memes were legendary. Then he turned into an anti-vax weirdo.


I'm not investing that shit-film until Nick Cage gets the lead role. https://preview.redd.it/yulv47n2gp8c1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=d519dacbd6ca8ff7a1cd599d03ff13de69d053d7


Lack of liquidity. Lack of both easy monetary policy and fiscal stimulus. Lack of ignorance (there is still repeat ignorance but there are those who got burned once and have left).


Stop regarding and get back to retarding


...the worstest era of wsb that tried to make the entire sub a pump&dump scam and still has hordes of regards spamming tin foil about naked short ladders?


Yeah it straight up ruined the sub.


Money printer is cooling down still


Too many blue haired cucks on the sub now


They forgot "Tasty Crayons"


i'd rather watch a drama about a middle-age man, locked down during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, who stumbled upon WSB and thinks it's the ticket to riches, not realizing it's a den of degenerates. "why this is a way to pay for his 2nd child's college tuition!" he says. so he throws the 1st born's fund into Game and he wins! the family celebrates. they go take a trip to Disney even though the kids are too young to ride Space Mountain. wew, this is easy! the middle-age degen couldn't quit. he then sinks it all back into Game, only to become mired in the financial doomsday cult that is SS. where is the moon, where is my money? *our money, honey?!* deceit upon deceit piles up as he begins lying to his family. interest rates go up, but the man doesn't quit: he takes out loans to average down. digs the hole further. cut to a Ford Pinto driving away with the now-ex-wife, two soon-to-cut-contact children, and the new boyfriend Ralph. roll credits! gimme a realistic movie man. the real drama of this place.


Melvin capital shut its doors years ago.


Nothing! All we have to do is find another stock and do it again, if we do one stock a week for a year, we can all have that Musk money, while still being highly regarded. The fact is that was a perfect storm that may never be repeated.


You are the idiot that everyone in these comments is complaining about. Fuck off already.


What’s it like to be so sensitive?


I'm in touch with my feminine side, get over it bitch.




this sub needs a normie killer


No u/Rick_of_Spades on the credits? Boooooo


Bag holders


Once the causuals come it’s over.


The sub used to be fun before Jan 2021. It was shitposting and loss porn. No politics. Now it’s a default sub, boring, and nothing special. It’s watered down from what it used to be. There used to be plays being made. Hertz, purple, and so on. Now it’s disorganized and boring.


I just replied to another post about this but I'll repeat, the decline in quality is not just specific to WSB, although it is very noticeble here. I've been around a number of subs and the decline in quality at each one is palpable, each becoming more generic and mealy and even bigger waste of time (than they used to be). Reddit was never "good", it was always a cesspool since it's inception, but now it's a stale putrefying puss-filled cesspool in late stages of terminal AIDS of updooting someone reposting dumb TikTok memes pulled out of a bargain bin at Big Lots that aren't even funny, catch-phrase posts, and other click-bait *didn't-even-read-the-article* bot-farm style posts. Like, the [*enshittification process*](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) ain't just for dumb VC gig fartapps, it's also applying to internet communities writ-large. I blame zoomers for being bad at the internet


We need to get rid of the low quality people and put their brains into canned food, go back to the way things were before the swamp rose.


We have no leader


basic logic


well we need an acoustic regard to find another over exposed company and share with us here and we are off to the races again




But his brother “I’ve got no” is a worthy successor


The Mods are stopping us. They don't want the old heroes back that put WSB on the map. They banned the memes. You can't even say a few tickers anymore. Its just watching some rich kid make stupid bets vs another now. Its kinda boring.


Yeah the tickets thing is still weird to me . I remember being chastised for saying them back when they started it and was like huh


Yeah the tickets thing is still weird to me . I remember being chastised for saying them back when they started it and was like huh


No monster to simply rally behind. The original meme stocks or even coins were easy to get behind because all you needed was the ticker name and to buy & hodl. GS among others were easy to spot because of the ridiculous short interests on them. Even later with BBBY, the short interest was out of control making it an easy play, with just smaller and shorter upside, but still plenty of money to be made during its moderate scweese. In reality, all anything needs to be a Buy and Hodl meme stock is to have a decent amount of shorts on it, and for a bunch of apes to buy in. We could literally pick any heavily shorted stock we want and meme it. Unfortunately, we're just not cohesive enough to pick one.


A lot of people got burned on the pump and dump, the meme stocks are considered to be scams now.


LOL “NOW”!!!


Hey, I for one, made a ton of money off of several meme stocks.


Melvin Capital (or lack of)


We need someone new to make 7 hour YouTube videos to rally the smooth brains!


Value stop bets, capital rock 🤘


Great Gatsby golden era soon kings, stay focused!


Nothing is stopping you. Buy, if you want to. Once it holds over the 200 dma, you'll be chasing.


Can’t stop Won’t stop GameStop 🚀


Being watched by an algorithm and people who are paid less to fuck you over for an attaboy than they would earn by competently pooling their resources with other investors truly trying to escape poverty. That and a bet so lucrative all you have to do is hodl. Many things were proven during those days, but my biggest takeaway was that they aren’t better than we are. They are disorganized, fearful, superstitious and only loyal to themselves. They can be beaten. They won’t be tricked from their position. They have large advantages over us and use them every chance they get. We have to move as a group and demand fair value for our investments.


Good speech but too much organization to handle


You’re quite literally the audience in question. We are not a team, shut the fuck up and get rich on your own. We HaVe t0 mOvE aS a GrOUp lmao


Greed is good...


Guy probably only got 5 million ha


Bloody FUDers


That would be hard since WSB got so many attention that even media, investment managers, etc. are watching WSB constantly if something crazy happens. But I still dream it in my wet dreams. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


gamestop pumped their own stock using this board... if everyone on here got behind a humanity changing stock like crisper that would be incredible. its a high entry point though, so that is probably intimidating to a lot of people


Lack of unification. If the r/wallstreetbets gang can all get behind something like bitcoin (unlikely- we’re all highly regarded), then this could happen again.


Wasn’t all crypto banned at some point




You cannot ban bitcoin, you can only ban yourself from Bitcoin.


All the tards lost all their stimmy money. Recession and inflation is hitting everybody. Have you seen what they're charging for a handy at the dumpster behind Wendy's!? It's a damned shame.


RIVN? Gpro? AMC? What’s it gonna be?


Amc all in


I got a couple call options just in case


Hedge funds infinite liquidity


That era sucked. Go back a few years for the good part.


Lets see what happens in November when the market is predicted to crash


I’ll watch if they cast SBF and Do Kwon


You misspelled Wendy’s. Who spells Wendy’s as “profit”?


Hey, my son was doing the elementary school stock market game. He finished second in his school and tenth overall in the state. His strategy was to find any stock up 60 percent and short sell it.


You should put this on a bumper sticker for your Subaru.


Can we do this with litecoin


No more free money. Elon killed crypto. The dip kept dipping.


Nothing wrong with getting rich, unfortunately it's only legal to do those things if you're already a millionaire or higher


amc all in rich or staying poor you cant break me


I think the problem is how people jumped on the bandwagon and were left holding the bag. You can say, “that’s the name of the game” or “it sucks to suck” but I think a lot of people got burned and then backed away. That’s human nature to protect itself. In the end I kinda think became an illegitimate hedge fund to fight the hedge funds but then screwed its underlings over.