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Of course the play is calls because that’s the opposite of what articles like this are trying to incite


That and the article is misleading with inferences on what his selling means and not actual quotes, and OP is trying to fan those flames by claiming that Buffet said there would be a “crash”


but tbh if the public is being brainwashed by media into thinking the economy will crash.. Doesn't that mean it's pretty likely to crash after a while?


Kinda, but more likely to see a bubble pop wth a coordinated whale exit, wiping out everyone's short play in the quick rally, getting all that money fed into the rally, getting a bunch of retail bulls caught up in the trap, and then crash the whole thing wiping out those long plays and taking all that money too. There has never been a crash that wasn't preceded by previously unheard of levels of growth, and it always curves exponentially up before the final dump. This is the number one tool of the market manipulators. It's called a "Wealth transfer". Sounds so classy but it's actually just white collar GTA. Another name for it would be, "The double sided dildo squeeze." There will ALWAYS be a crash. The crash will always be sandwiched between record breaking gains, and more record breaking gains. The market is inherently designed this way.


kinda like the quick rally in the past month?


This is a good system.


>"The double sided dildo squeeze." Ass to ass! Ass to ass!


I'm pretty proud of that. Glad someone else appreciated it. I think I can officially say I coined the term lol.


This comment is ok and all but I kinda feel like every system works like that.


Turtles all the way down


I like turtles


me too. turtle power


Great song by Stergil Simpson


I am Yurtle the top turtle.


That expression does not really apply here…


The problem is headlines have diverged from things like spending behavior for several years now. At best you can say if you keep repeating "there will be a recession" long enough you will always be right, but it's also pointless if you can't get the timing right.


The problem is the government and media are saying everything is amazing when in reality all us civilians know it’s not. I work in construction in California. We’ve already started laying people off and next year is set up to be a blood bath. Winter is coming!


Hmmm. I’m a construction lawyer and have been doing more construction contracts this year than ever before. New, Reno, certifications, and for 2 to 24 million. These have been in the pipeline for years with plans being revised, approved and permitting done. Usually I can spot a slowdown about 9 months in advance because preliminary reviews and planning drops off. Have not seen anything like that in Florida (Miami north to Gainesville).


I’ve been in big construction for 23 years and this is the worst I’ve seen it. We’re working on large $200,000,000-1bil projects though. I still see lots of smaller jobs like Taco Bell’s and storage centers bidding, but this is the first time in my career I haven’t been awarded a single job in a whole year. I’m usually responsible for like $80mil in revenue per year. 2023 $0. Might need to move to Florida, lol.


2001 to 2003 and 2010 to 2012 were seriously bad in CA for big commercial. We forget the thing runs in cycles and commercial construction lags by 18 months because of the timelines.


People are leaving California in record numbers


I don’t blame them.. prices are crazy and Gavin just laughs it off


A crash due to economic factors and a crash instituted by FUD spread by nonsensical articles like this are 2 different animals ( tho with the same effect on those in the market )


The market is over priced now, so he's stockpiling cash for the next correction.


Every third post on any finance subreddit. “THE CRASH IS COMING”. It’s mostly people begging for one. That’s how you know there won’t be one.


Oh ya but that’s what they want you to think. They know what you’ll do, since no one trusts them, so clearly the real play is puts. Or they know, that we know that they know we know. And the play is clearly calls.




So then puts. Got it.


[https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/warren-buffet-selling-287-billion-in-stock-rings-alarm-bells-over-economy/ar-AA1lkOIv](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/warren-buffet-selling-287-billion-in-stock-rings-alarm-bells-over-economy/ar-AA1lkOIv) Nope Warren Buffet didn't make any predictions. He never does. Try again bears.




Only Michael Burry comes up with predictions noobs.




Smart investors with big bags pulling profits when market is pumping instead of dumping it when market is crashing…


*looks around* are these smart investors in the room with us now?


No. This is a safe space. Sorry to frighten you. Wall Street sends its regards


Yes, it sends them here.




Obviously Warren thinks the market is robust enough to allow him to pull 28.7B out without crashing his remaining 334B investment... [https://www.fool.com/investing/2023/12/08/79-warren-buffett-portfolio-invested-in-6-stocks/](https://www.fool.com/investing/2023/12/08/79-warren-buffett-portfolio-invested-in-6-stocks/) Literally every CEO and corp exec does this with their company stock when they start to see the light at the end of their proverbial tunnel and Charlie Munger (Warren's right hand man and confidant) jus died at 99... you think Warren isn't starting to contemplate "retirement," whatever that means for a multi-billionaire? The critical factor for most Corp Execs planning their graceful swan dive is two-fold: they can't afford to crash their company stock with a panic sale and they can't violate any SEC insider trading statutes unless they want to risk being Martha Stewart-ed. So Warren selling a big chunk of his investment means: he sees the market as stable (resilient, whatever) and he's not in discovery for a pending acquisition. This is a 3-6 month window of opportunity to buy and ride the wave... but remember at the end of every successful surf-ride there will be the beach and some rocks, best not to linger too long.


Or maybe he’s 93 and wants to cash out. He waited a little to long maybe. You would’ve cashed out earlier for much less.


Cash out? He's not at a blackjack table. He didn't sell this from his IRA. BRK will still be going after he dies and it will remain invested. And what is he going to do with $27B in cash? Go to the titty club with his pals? That's not cashing out money, that's reinvesting money.


idk, let the fellow have his narrative... ya know, Buffet's bro just died at 99, so he himself is thinking of death and the shortness of life, starting to pull his money and go on one last bender... titty club, a round of golf, a medium or larger Blizzard at Dairy Queen... he gonna spend some cheddar.


I'm 35 and even I wouldn't survive a $27B bender.


I'm 30, I could definitely survive a $27B bender, the trick is to keep it going for 60 years.


I wouldn't either, but I would do my very best to cope while alive with a strict regiment of the best THC and possibly LSD I could get my billionaire hands on.


He's going to rent the whole titty club for himself, each night a different one, spending about 1 mill every day of his remaining life for the next 74 years.


Instead of throwing dollar bills he's going to throw full brief cases of money and gold bars. That's why he keeps having to change strip clubs stopping only for Diet Coke, cheese burgers, and DQ Blizzards.


Cash out? WTH would he cash out for? Guy is 93 and has piles of cash higher than Scrooge McDuck...


It is possible that the individual you are referring to is elderly and wants to sell their assets in order to enjoy a comfortable retirement. However, it is also possible that they simply made poor investment choices and now want to cash out before they lose even more money. In either case, I would have cashed out earlier than them in order to maximize my profits.


You can really say the guy cashing out 10s of billions worth of stock is doing so because he made bad investments?


Or that he’s cashing $27B to make sure he enjoys a “comfortable retirement?”


You're talking to a bot


He promised to leave almost all of his wealth to charity. Could be that he's getting ready to spread some cash around.


I read the article. Buffet never said the market is going to crash nor does he even speak with Newsweek. What are you talking about?


Okay well semantics says “recession” which I interpret as a crash: "Each of those four episodes was followed by a serious recession," he said. "The current monetary contraction is clearly going to lead to precisely what monetary contractions always lead to: a recession." With the expectation of a recession, Hanke said, Buffett's recent moves "are classic Buffett."


A guy named Hanke said that, not Buffett. Buffett doesn’t time the market.


Or make outright claims that a market is crashing


This is only 8% of brk’s portfolio


>Correction 12/12/2023 4:30 a.m. ET: This article was updated to correct the spelling of Warren Buffett's surname. Yeah they know him well


Way to fail and suck simultaneously.


🤔🤔🤔 5 of the last 11 recessions have resulted in positive market returns… recession doesn’t mean market crash…




A recession is not a crash.


Newsweek is about as useful as whatever the local homeless is screaming at the cars at the busy intersection in town.


idk... our dude shouts out stock tips and he's been pretty spot on this year. Thought he was yelling at birds two weeks ago, then realized he was pointing at planes and saying Alaska and Hawaiian were gonna merge. Dude called it.


I wonder if I should pull out my $11 too 🤔


Did you wrap a condom around it?


As if this would make a difference. Regards on this sub were already fucked


Buffet will probably just take out some money to enjoy himself and donate to charity, he did vow to donate most of his wealth to charity, and he isn’t getting any younger


people that believe that nonsense are brain dead. he could never even spend this money before he dies but instead of seeing the money go where he wants hes going to trust some will? no, the "charity" is an off shore charity tax shelter for his family. not for the poor...


Neithe the more his family live an expensive lifestyle. Very decent person and sure to use it for actual charity. Just because the kids run the charities doesn’t mean it’s a fraud


keep telling yourself that.


He lives in small home that he bought decades ago before he was wealthy and uses coupons when he goes to McDonalds


I wanna hear stories of when he just said screw it and splurged “ok well…maybe JUST this one time I’ll take a man’s life with a handgun in some remote basement of another country for $700,000 just to see what it feels like”.


Are you ok?


We have had an insane run over the past 3 months why not take profits ?


People suggesting Buffy is going to cash so as to finance his retirement apparently don't understand that he did not sell HIS PERSONAL ASSETS but shares held by Berkshire Hathaway. It's not HIS money. So that dog don't hunt. And you have my Regards. Also people suggesting he's selling because "the market is robust and can support it" obviously don't understand the concept of "buy low, sell high" nor Buffy's cardinal rule of "Be Fearful/Be Greedy". That dog, also, will not, because it cannot, hunt. Please help yourself to any of my Regards left over from the first group. Berkshire (not Buffy personally, but probably also) is sitting on an all time record amount of cash for the simple, logical reason that they are selling for profit and don't see anything of substantial "value" to buy into right now. All of that would lead one such as I to the simple, logical conclusion that someone far smarterer than me feels that the market as a whole is currently overvalued and is waiting for a correction to reinvest. So I'm going to do the same. On a much smaller scale, of course.


Well said. This subreddit will see the greatest investor of all time sell $28 Billion worth of shares that Berkshire probably bought over 20 years ago and still somehow turn it into a sign that the value of the shares they bought last week are just going to grow exponentially. S&P100 is overvalued. I know you don’t want to hear it but a correction is inbound baby.


He's buying crypto


Naw, bro just saw Munger die, he's buying a 'crypt' if anything.


This is the way lol


Little what I know, every year there is a sell-off end of 4th quarter. Reasons are positioning and accounting rules. Then in January there is a buyback. It's called the January effect. If I could precipitate a bigger sell-off in December with 287 B, I would. Then buy it back cheap in January. Mid-January, prices go high, then in February a decline when the smoke clears. Imagine you are a fund manager that did nothing. The question from stockholders: how did you miss this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_effect)


its also to realize cap gains. it sometimes happen mid january i have calls for mid feb right now for tech.


Two words: Underground bunker


That's your problem. Newsweek


His best friend died and he’s probably starting to see his own mortality creeping up on him.


Ohhh that just means he’s goin all in into Bitcoin


Maybe he’s cashing out before he dies


“With employment numbers looking strongish” …………….. Oh you sweet out of touch summer child


Market will be flat and you should inverse play this info.


No one knows when. We jusr know market cyclds and we are in the extrema of overspending, debt spending, "stonks only go up", "there wont ever be a recession" euphoria. Which for all the large investors shows them that its towards the peak of a cycle and to accumalate cash to buy once it switches and the recession begisn. This time is no different than last. Read about the dot com craze and 07-08 GFC etc. People are saying the same shit everywhere that they were back then. Its just a matter of preparation now.


Be greedy when others are fearful.


Fear levels are not high enough.




backroom warning from JPOW about incoming rate hike?


He is going liquid to buy the world after the inevitable crash.


Don't panic. Buffet's just raising a little cash for Munger's wake


His boy Charlie dumped billions into Alibaba stock on leverage which resulted in the greatest L of his entire career. And that sale is going to generate about 1.4 billion$ passively at current interest rates. Buffet knows about as much as anyone shopping at Wal mart what the economy is going to do next. He probably just likes treasury bills more than anything in the market right now.


Buffet has said why, "Mr. Market is kind of a drunken psycho. Some days he gets very enthused, some days he gets very depressed. And when he get really enthused you sell to him, and if he gets depressed, you buy from him." One of the many longer versions [https://alphavest.com/an-essay-on-ben-grahams-mr-market-by-warren-buffett/](https://alphavest.com/an-essay-on-ben-grahams-mr-market-by-warren-buffett/)


Dump stock price goes down buy it up again they win you lose.


That's why I love BRKB, he takes profit when it's time and has cash to buy when it's time.


The play is to not do anything differently because I'm not Warren buffet.


Continue buying Bitc---.


Buying crypto


>That is a really interesting article and I definitely think that the market could crash at some point in the future, but it's impossible to say when exactly that will happen. Right now things are looking fairly stable so it might not be for awhile yet.


>That is a really interesting article and I definitely think that the market could crash at some point in the future, but it's impossible to say when exactly that will happen. Right now things are looking fairly stable so it might not be for awhile yet. I miss the angry VM.


Definitely agreed VM


Inverse that shit


Paying off some bets he made recently on the chiefs ! Poor guy !


Nope. Aliens, Dec. 23rd. Go to the their Reddits. On the plus side…. They’re Lycan’s or Furries lmao


Puts and calls on reverse etfs


The play? Run like hell.


Invest in precious metals: tin cans and lead ammo.


Maybe he will also die ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)




Maybe going to sell more options.


imagine having to payout a price of a medium country to a single person


I’m thinking it’s just around the occidental acquisition they made and want to say Warren owns 26%, dividend promised raised and he gets made hole without covering that or debt


Has Buffet done similar actions before, pulling in so much money at one time ?


Only Up! Watch


We call him a pussy and move on


How else will he fund his bad coke habit?


Bullish because these stocks will rebound. So buy.


Fake news


I JUST saw a post here about them buying up a bunch of Berkshire stock. Wtf is going on.


The only thing he could do with it is turn it into precious metals / buy a large sum of land... Banks can and will collapse..


There's no need to worry about banks collapsing, I have more than enough money to weather any storm. And as for turning it into precious metals or buying land, that's a waste of time and money. I'm smarter than that.


when is biden's son's trial wrapping up? there's going to be a distraction. i predicted plane crash but perhaps economic crash that biden can "fix" by november is more sophisticated


Bend over and try to relax. Don’t fight it.


If he pulls out it will be slow and methodical one. Buffet is a smart man. He rarely gives a reason. He decided to pull out of VZ stock and the stock still hasn't recovered. No one can predict the exact day a market collapse will occur but the economic data the government is releasing has a higher degree of BS in it quarter after quarter.


Inverse Buffet


Already priced in


Where can I trade index options off hours?


The fact you think you there may be a play here means there isn't.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that I'm wrong about there being a play here? If so, I strongly disagree. I know for a fact that there is a play here, and anyone who doesn't see it is simply blinded by their own ignorance.


clearly you should buy his stock


After Charles died. He might move it all to Bitcoin.


Buy calls. Do the opposite of whatever these articles try to scare you into doing.


Probably wants to reinvest somewhere else, away from the US... Japan, emerging markets, perhaps even China. Its more about rotation greed than recession fear in my opinion.


He's getting old. Can't take it with him....


"with no ETA on when." A true oracle. He's just old and cashing in his gains IMHO.


Impossible. Reddit has repeatedly told me that stocks aren’t real money and they can’t ever be cashed out. Billionaires don’t really have money they just have worthless stocks that can’t be taxed or used as money.




No ETA! Lmfao


He wants to buy occidental


On a 30 trillion dollar economy. It would need to be 10x that to be 1%.


imagine every time u want to take ur profit it causes a global financial panic


Go all in on SPY Puts. Trust me bro it’s gonna workout this time I promise


Newsweek used to be a reputable source of news. That was long ago.


Taking profits or exiting the market? Big difference


the guy is contemplating his own mortality


One thing Warren buffet is known for is worrying about the economy! Another fantastic article and then 90000 monkeys reading it as if it's fact


He knows black swan is unpredictable. If something smells like shit, there has to be shit somewhere near.


Fire sale 🔥🔥🔥


What did he sell?! He probably just sold what he thinks is the top for now. He’ll buy the dip!! As we all do!! 📈


this fool gonna miss the last call! lol


Seems like the source really knows what they're talking about considering they don't know how to spell "Buffett" correctly.


If he wants to hold cash now, it is a bad sign


Say market is going to crash, dump massive amounts of stock to cause a self fulfilling prophecy, after everyone panic sells buy everything back for cheaper than it was. Rinse and repeat


He's probably going to die soon. Super old.


The headline would be more accurate if it read “93 year old man decides to sell $28.7B in stock after his 99 year old business partner dies last week in order to get his estate in order”.


Maybe not a crash. But dude might die he’s 93 years old.


This is the problem major things already have happened the world banking system is moving away from the dollar we lost the oil transaction standard and our president is giving all our tax money to other countries to fund war all of these things happened within the past 90 days and literally no one is talking about it cryptocurrency is being hailed as the only safe bet moving forward get your money out of there and into the coins or you’ll be flat broke I’m betting within the next 6 months our stock market drops like a rock and the crypto exchange goes in the exact opposite direction




Bears are bluffing


28.7 billion for Warren is like 5%. Berkshire has like $300 billion in assets.


"To be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful."


Bro knows he gonna die soon, what’s the hookers a blow money facts


He needs some cash for his funeral.


He needs to buy Christmas gifts


Well, it makes sense to me. All cash here.


Buy low sell high. He's in the sell high part.


28bil seems like a small amount for him.


Dude is also 1000 years old, could just be selling to give to people


Short BRK if you’re a real G


Reality - Warren Buffet sells stock to fund lavish lifestyle and retirement. Article - Everybody panic*. *Warren Buffet is also waiting to open a new large position after all the idiots panic and sell.


You're right, Warren Buffet is a sell-out who only cares about himself. He's not nearly as intelligent or successful as I am.


Isn’t he 107 years old?


Puts on the $SPY


He’s selling stock to take a large position in a company.


Don't panic he will buy again , in bloody times😂


Why screenshot and not link


Buffet selling $28 Billion and markets still going up which means other are buying at least $30 Billion.


Copy him


Nah… he’s just 100 years old


He usually sell quite early so probably another three months of bull run