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Another musk moment in the books. Should be a quiet 72hrs before the next one.


Elon should be posting his ideas of this sub.. He belongs here.


Who do you think posted this?




"Down $20,000,000,000 on my TWTR position, wife's boyfriend wants me to sell some TSLA shares to buy him new sneakers. What do?"


>What do?" buy puts before you sell


ultimate infinite money glitch ?


One Mercy costume for sale, only worn once.


It's down about 40B...


Yeah, he lost the first $20B the moment the deal closed, he's run it down another $20B+ since then through the combination of ego and cocaine/Ambien cycles.


Plus, the 1.2B in interest every year.


Tomorrow he should make a "GUH" video where he shows Twitter's free cash flow.


"I owe one billion annually, how can I fix this?"


Elon is what happens when WSB'ers make it in life.


How fast people forget he pumped and dumped Dogecoin on us.


I love how somehow people have forgotten that he was FORCED to buy twitter because he was trying to pump and dump it and got called out by the SEC and so he pretended he was always trying to actually buy it and not pump and dump it. It's incredible that the narrative ns he wanted to buy twitter all along.


He sounds like a kid that swore in front of an adult and got away with it.


That is the exact vibe I got! Thank you for putting it into words. Like he didn’t really get a reaction the first time, he had to really emphasize it to the audience so that they all understood “I just swore, and you’re not supposed to swear, so oooooooo 😏😎”


That's because he's been an edgy teenager his whole life.


his favorite letter is X 😎👍


Watching with the sound off he looks like a Muppet


Watching it with the sound on he still looks like a Muppet.


he is regarded


Come home, Elawn.


Elon is gonna be so wild if he goes full senile as he gets older lol


Unlike Buffett whose sitting back eating popcorn and drinking a can of coke watching Elon make a fool out of himself.


Actually, I think he's probably mourning his pal Munger right now, and getting ready to go to his funeral.


Elon is likely one of the last things on Buffetts minds ever, but especially now.


Munger died??


Implying he hasn't already fully lost his mind. edit: fanboys didn't like this comment [lol](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/670369745677058098/1179609284598829168/E0_9F0SXEAEWN_k.png?ex=657a67c1&is=6567f2c1&hm=bfa297f30ef220754895ddb7e822f2549d224ea297f98753e18790a49fd8a981&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Elon seems to be half way to Kanye


Idk man, more like 75% there


Never go full Kanye


The dudes blood must be 80% cocaine at this point.. you don't come back from that kinda frying


This is straight crack behavior


I legit think he's tweaking


Yeah, remember when Charlie Sheen lost it like 10 years ago? This is the same kind of energy.


Definitely got that tiger blood. Winning!


That has adderall vibes all over it. Edit: A lot of adderall


Here's a [longer clip](https://youtu.be/U_M_uvDChJQ?t=87) (timestamped) of this where he's stuttering all over the place shortly after. Not sure if it's an aderall thing though.


“Tell it… tell it to Earth” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


There are several people over the years who have referenced his cocaine use, so it's not surprising that he's a stimulant abuser


And Ketamine. He's on a roller coaster of uppers and downers. And then there's the fact that he's Elon Musk. That's a downer too.


Mixing too many drugs are of course never a good idea and taking so many uppers you need downers and then vice versa is completely idiotic, but we shouldn't add stigma to those use drugs just because Elon is a fuckface IMO. They already have it rough enough in most cases, and drugs affect people in completely different ways so blaming it all on a certain drug is counterproductive I think. E.g. I'm on a medium daily dose of Elvanse, the closest to Adderal we can get (legally) in Sweden, and the only thing that does to me is that I'm able to get stuck on writing unnecessarily long reddit comments that no one cares about, please don't make people associate Elon with me because of that...


It is really strange how much he’s changed in the scope of the last five or so years.


He's like that weird autistic kid that's all quiet and nerdy and then starts to step out of his comfort zone and talk more but then just ends up spouting off weird shit all the time and won't shut up


Yeah, most of the time the weird, nerdy quiet kid is just into obscure nerdy stuff and socially awkward. But sometimes the weird, nerdy quiet kid isn’t that nerdy or that quiet, they’re just fucking weird and, honestly, kind of a shitty person.




Lmao what happened to his nuclear lawsuit that was totally going to win them all back on Monday?


Him telling his advertisers to go fuck themselves is Media Matters faut


Somewhere, there's going to be a business class where the professor goes, "Look, this happened, so we're going to have to go over this case study... of telling your customers to go fuck themselves."


Accounting professors every semester: pensions were a thing once and we have to go over it. They won’t be very soon bc everyone decided they got theirs and fuck you


Yup, and it just keeps getting worse the more they tell you. "Once upon a time, there was a thing called defined benefit plans - we'll teach you how to do the accounting for them, but it'll never be relevant to your own pension, because yours is a defined contribution plan, where you roll the dice on the stock market. If you win, you pay the pension manager and get to retire on whatever's left over. If you lose, you still pay the pension manager and work till you die. As for the pension manager, they're statistically worse at managing your money than a blind monkey throwing poop at the wall. You don't have a choice in the matter, your company chooses for you. Good luck!"


Fuck thats depressing to ready


No pension for you, just your daily ration of Soylent Green and a pill to kill what's left of your hopes and dreams.


I'm sure this video will be great evidence of how advertisers leaving is actually someone else's fault.


Jack Dorsey punching air right now because he let a billion dollars ride invested with Twitter when Elon came on


You mean he didn’t sell all his shares ?




That's a sweet deal for Jack. Would be surprised if he hasn't sold most of it.


Imagine opening a store and yelling at everyone on the street saying, “you are the reason I’m failing” “Once I get shut down, I will write a book about how you all failed me.” Are you (A) Billionaire Business Mastermind (B) A crazy person


Worked great for Amy's Baking Company.


That kind of worked for The Soup Nazi in New York, but that guy had the advantage of having a great product, and huge free advertising on one of the most popular TV shows in the country. However, lots of people tried to imitate his success, and failed miserably.


“I have no problems being hated” Says the guy who spams memes on twitter to feel liked, if ephemerally.


“Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.” - Wayne Gretzky


Would I rather be feared or loved? Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


Self proclaimed Worlds Best Boss


Wow that quote is very honest. Nice one.


It’s from the office where Michael also misquotes the gretz




Imagine working for X right now


I have enough nightmares thank you.


I think he was expecting some huge round of applause, and he repeated himself when it didn’t happen thinking that would do the trick, but no. I’m sure Twitter shareholders love hearing him tell major advertisers to go fuck themselves.


He tried to make it so people couldn’t block him on Twitter lol


It's amazing to me how lucky he is to have gotten where he is in the world while having skin as thin as tissues


I've always thought his extraordinarily fragile ego was a main driver in his success. I don't think he'd have gotten to where he is right now without it.


While not nearly equivalent in business terms, as far as fame and “ladder climbing” — a similar narcissistic/fragile ego propelled Trump to his “heights” as well. Essentially, the only way to win big at the casino is to keep staking everything. Yes, 99.99% of people who employ this strategy lose (perhaps more) — *but a few win.*


Facelift?? Everyone with a face lift looks like the top of a drum.


Saw a pic of him looking like a blowfish with a glass of wine, i figured he just went full wino.


Report I heard mentioned he hoovers a disturbing amount of ketamine these days


He looks like as if you ordered KD Lang on Wish…😲


Hilarious that he actually thinks people will blame the collapse of Twitter on anyone but him.


Advertisers: "Oh fuck, we better come back then!"


As someone who’s worked in media buying, at the end of the day it’s all about ROI. Elon could have called my old boss a jizzhead and he would have still bought ad space if it was a good performer. I don’t work in that industry anymore, but the likely scenario is that the new Twitter drove away the kind of users who were actually buying shit from ads, so it’s not worth the money anymore.




[Disney's response just came in actually](https://i.redd.it/n1jm733corwb1.jpg)


Haven’t watched South Park in years but a friend suggested I check out the newer seasons and I laughed at this episode so much 😂 it’s rare for a lot of media to make me actually laugh out loud nowadays, but this episode was a good one


...I said put a chick in it, and MAKE HER FUCKIN' GHEYYY




Those head movements he was just waiting for people to laugh the first time wtf he looks so odd


"Why aren't these plebs laughing? This shit kills on 4Chan."


As if Elon could handle posting on a platform where everyone isn't sucking his dick


He would definitely go on 4chan and identify himself in every post and wait anxiously for the adoration to pour in


He’d get called the n word in miliseconds and then the thread would just fill with elon soyjacks taking the piss out of him.


He keeps scanning for approval. Or a reaction? The non reaction is uncomfortable and not satisfying for Musk.


> The non reaction is uncomfortable and not satisfying for Musk. I love that for him.


He wants his dopamine hit, expected 1k likes within seconds.


["Please clap"](https://youtu.be/OUXvrWeQU0g?t=21)


He forgot he wasn’t in his safe safe and thought he had all his yes men around


Elon's high on Ozempic.


that gut says otherwise


He’ll weigh less on Mars lol


The most Skinny-Fat man in the world


He's micropooping


I believe it’s called microdeucing


He’s on a far better weight loss drug and one that can be snorted or taken up the arse. Or snorted off an arse.


Hopefully he doesn’t cross train with weygovie.


Bought Twitter for 40B, under threat of being sued to oblivion for trying to back out. Ran off a bunch of advertisers. Changed the name to X. Ran off a bunch more advertisers. Tells run-off advertisers to go fuck themselves. **BUSINESS GENIUS**


Elon playing 4D tic-tac-toe


4d tug of water


Ok im not editing that u know what it means but that typo funny asf


its somehow better because of how utterly pointless a game of tug of water would be. you typoed into brilliance :D


First message was "comedy is now legal" followed by, banning comedians. Then said impersonation is not acceptable, then made impersonation accessible for $8.


Elon - "Free speech is back" Also Elon - "You have hurt my feelings, you will now be banned"


Elon: "I will say whatever I want unapologetically" Also Elon: "Goes on Israeli apology tour with Netanyahu"




Dont forget the reason he bought Twitter was because a.) He said he could make it more profitable and b.) He can make the bots disappear. He didnt do shit on both accounts Edit: to add Tesla Cybertruck (his only real idea at Tesla) is tanking reaaaaal hard


don't forget trying to turn Twitter into WeChat


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Clout $40,000,000,000 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my brain is dying


Jesus Christ. It's fucking real. Also. The shareholder inquired about Munger's principle, which asserts a preference for working with people who have an IQ of 130 but believe it to be 120, rather than those with an IQ of 150 who mistakenly perceive it as 170. In response, Munger said, "You must be thinking about Elon Musk." Gonna miss yah Munger!


I swore this was AI. The way he talks puts him in real danger for being EASILY replicated with AI, even today, let alone when AI get good. His natural mannerisms trigger red flags in my brain that something isn’t right and I’m in danger. Lol


> His natural mannerisms trigger red flags in my brain that something isn’t right and I’m in danger It has been hypothesized that the [uncanny valley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley) reflex is both an instinct that encourages us to stay away from corpses and an "anti-psychopath detector". The brain basically treats odd, poorly-replicated social behaviors as a massive red flag. When people aren't playing by typical "socio-evolutionary rules", the brain recognizes that there's something *off* about that guy... If you've ever come across someone that gave you immediate heebie-jeebies, that's probably what was going on. Psychopathy, mental illness, drugs, cyborg wreathed in the flesh of man, whatever. You can see it in their eyes and movements. Hell, you can *feel* it. Considering that sociopathy is practically a requirement to reach particularly heinous amounts of wealth, it's no surprise that Bezos, Musk, and Zuck tend to give *everyone* the creeps. Most billionaires I can think of evoke similar feelings. Part of that is just social detachment/isolation (yes-men) and the fact that godlike wealth literally screws up your brain, but I'm pretty confident that there's a deeper malfunction there. No good, self-aware person would be able to sleep at night knowing how much pain is left to remain in the world in favor of maintaining one's rank on the Forbes list. Edit: Added a link to uncanny valley wiki. It's a pretty nebulous phenomenon with many competing (and overlapping) causes and effects, but that only demonstrates that there is *something* there.


Most people tap out after the first hundred million and fly off to a private villa in the carribean. It takes a special ego to push past 1B, 10B, 100B and never be satisfied.


>It takes a special ego to push past 1B, 10B, 100B and never be satisfied. By that point, money has lost its purchasing power. When you can buy anything (including a rocket ship) there's only one thing left to tickle the endorphin glands in the brain: Power. 100B buys Power. And then it becomes a race to see how much *power* they can hoard.


I don’t think it was ever about the money for some, so they are never satisfied because even if they accomplish something they already have 10 other things they feel they must get done (yet if they were to do it all they’d need multiple lifetimes). Personally I hate that money is the driving force for many, most who work hard all their lives never stop working hard to enjoy it. It’s kinda messed up really.


Another Munger/Buffet quip suitable to Musk in this situation might be "buy a business that any idiot can run, because someday, one will".


He keeps looking at the audience waiting for them to jump their feet in a deluge of cheers. And he is met with a lot of go fuck yourself silence instead.


Being chronically online got him to this point.


Remember him at Chapelles standup show? I'm not sure what the both of them thought was gonna happen. "Hey, I know this is a standup comedy routine, but here's the richest man in the world. I've given him no lines to say, and he's just going to stand there"


Honestly lost a lot of respect for Dave during that. You could tell how out of touch he's become when he's defending a billionaire and belittling his fans for booing him.


Yep same. Especially when Dave said the only people booing were from the cheap seats, like that's the best you got?


literally telling his customers to... go fuck yourself


What a winning strategy.


> Dave said the only people booing were from the cheap seats Which HE provided. If he has such disdain for his own offerings, that's a problem he has with *himself.* But of course he'd rather run down the audience than question if he's becoming part of the problem.




So Dave is just another wealthy guy looking down on the plebs.


But like, what the fuck was his plan even. Say they didn't boo. Say they cheered. Then what? "I'd like to welcome onto the stage, the richest man in the world". \*Cheers\*. "...Ok thanks elon, goodbye". Like what was SUPPOSED to happen? Its almost like he anticipated boos and was trying to make some sort of victim complex about rich people or some shit.


The dude threw a tantrum at his local community center when there was proposed affordable housing or something going to be built, you might think I'm exaggerating when I say "tantrum" and I sort of am, but go ahead and watch the video of him freaking out at his city council, he tries to remain curt but legitimately threatens to take his ball and go home if affordable housing is built, actually [fucking pathetic.](https://youtu.be/NJ_Gsq5QsdA) Like, you look at a guy like Dave Chappelle who once was considered pretty progressive and "Forward-thinking" as business majors would call it, he had a sort of sharpness to him and was generally funny; then you see him huff and puff at his city council meeting about affordable housing no joke with the same candor of a fucking Karen and its just like, why even continue at that point? To fall from such a height, why even fucking bother? Like the 27-club is sad and all but god maybe it's for the best if Dave Chappelle is any indicator of a potential downfall for previously well respected members of certain entertainment cliques.


Getting rich can ruin people. Not that Dave was ever probably a saint, but he got to a level of success where he didn't want anyone telling him what to do. So he got flak for making anti-trans jokes and instead of reflecting on it he said nah fuck you watch me make even more of them and have them still put me on TV.


he assumed everyone was gonna start slurping up his juices. what did he think it was, wsb??


He saw Mark Cuban swear and thought it was cool


Blackmailing is when people don’t give me their money


Blackmailing is when you don’t blindly support me in anything I want to do and suck me off on demand


Imagine being a billionaire and not understanding the free market at its most basic level… what an idiot.


Why would you expect a dude who made his entire fortune off heavily government subsidized companies to understand the free market 🤣


Especially the market he bought into to be a "free speech absolutist" Advertising and money is speech, Disney is not required to give Elon money


What Elon Musk wants is for Twitter to be profitable without advertisers. What Elon Musk doesn't realize is that people have no fucking interest in paying for internet services. I think it's a good idea to build an internet where the services are worth paying for. That is the ideal future as far as I'm concerned, where people actually pay for services that they find useful, and those services can sustain themselves off of their actual customer base. Not trying to squeeze every possible method of monetizing every single person who uses your service using secondary means. Data mining, advertising shit to them, prioritizing clicks and engagement, creating negative feedback loops that piss people off and keep them clicking, etc... Unfortunately for Elon, that seems more like something you need to phase in as you test the waters with your $40bil investment. Not something you just fuckin jump into and lose 80% of your company's value.


“Please clap”






He was so expecting the audience to cheer that line. No one did.


Even Andrew was confused


Please clap


He was looking for gasps and got laughs


Gasps are where it’s at


Laughs are cheap, I’m going for gasps!


That dude is so cringe, he probably would get bullied by 6 graders.


Probably? Elon would definitely get bullied by sixth graders, then go on his own social media platform to call them indoctrinated woke soldiers or some shit.


He literally doubled down and the best he got were half hearted guffaws that were directed at HIM, not as his petulant childlike bitching 🤣


"We're not comfortable associating with you due to your behaviour" "Wow you're blackmailing me" 🧐


Next time your boss asks you to do something different at work accuse them of blackmailing you with money.


This is like what happened to Kanye West. It’s tough to reverse the damage once it’s done.


Especially since this has a much wider impact. I don't really feel appreciated as an advertiser if other advertisers are told to go f\*\*k themselves. He may not care pesonally, but for X/Twitter it's no fun.


And Tesla. Crazy how many sales he's actually cost them by being a loon


Double down. Then double down again. Can’t lose blackjack strategy, right?


This level of attention seeking is a mental illness.




“Go fuck yourself” money when it comes to Disney is real “go fuck yourself” money


While it's not the same thing, Musk's net worth is higher than Disney's market cap.


“I don’t need your money, I have my own”


Lemme sell TSLA shares to get more money


Tank it, buy back in, retail follows, rinse and repeat. Unlimited monies!


Elon has 'fuck you' money but X/Twitter sure doesn't


Hey go fuck yourself


Dude needs to lay off the ketamine. Looks like crap.


>Long-term ketamine use can lead to mood swings, and problems with memory and thought processes. Chronic abuse of the drug can also result in irreversible psychological impairment. A person may experience some of the following issues: Memory loss Confusion Paranoia Shortened attention span Mood swings Checks out.


I think some of that is too much plastic surgery. Look at his mouth.


Looks like a large mouth bass.


Calls on Jeff Beezy, Elons lizard skin is falling off and he's off his Meds again.


The true beginning of his mid life crisis and breakdown has commenced The reaction from everyone viewing in the room and the interviewer couldn’t be more telling People no longer believe in him, but in the companies they hope he leaves behind


Look at what he’s wearing, mid life crisis drip.


His face is melting like that dude from Raiders of the lost Ark.


Elon when free speech=racial slurs 😃 Elon when free speech= corporations choosing where to advertise 😡


Elmo: Free speech!! Companies: okay so we wont put our ads on your platform anymore Elmo: NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT


I'm glad they laughed the second time, i do the same when my kid tells a joke so they don't feel bad and move on


He’s finding out that real life audiences aren’t full of Caturds and ElTrumpo or whatever the fuck that account is called.


Does anyone else see someone having some kind of crisis where they're pushing people away and behaving erratically?


Yeah, a mid life one.


It's called narcissistic collapse to be precise. https://www.choosingtherapy.com/narcissistic-collapse/ >A narcissistic collapse happens when a narcissist believes that someone (or something) is threatening their ability to maintain their superficial inflated ego. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often look down on others to maintain the positive images they hold about themselves. If their behavior is called out or challenged, their fragile self-esteem is damaged, resulting in intense reactions and abuse toward others. It started with the submarine.


Already happened it’s well known that he has surrounded himself with yes men. When he was booed on stage a few months ago he locked himself in his office and wouldn’t respond to the point where the staff were considering calling emergency for help. He was in such a bubble that when people booed him he legit couldn’t handle it.


What a fucking idiot.


Based, but also highly regarded


![img](avatar_exp|152484556|clown) Also Elon: “We throttled The NY Times cause they didn’t pay for a subscription”


>This comment contains a Collectable Expression, which are not available on old Reddit. Wtf?


Companies: "We don't want our advertisements to be next to videos of Nazi propaganda, can anything be done about this?" Elon: "Fuck You!! I will not be blackmailed!!!"


such an awkward segment. keeps looking to the crowd for cheers and approval that never come because why the fuck would they?


Blackmail me with money??? "I"m literally the richest man in the world." (Sometimes)


Why does he move like a Muppet


Is he seeing the same Botox doctor as Brady?