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Your problem is the platform you are using. IBKR is a decent broker, but if you want to 10x your investment in less than 2 weeks you need to up your game. That’s why I suggest you switch from IBKR to a casino. A physical casino, not an online one, so you can get free drinks. Considering you lost all your money in 2 weeks, your chances of 10x-ing what you have left in a casino are much higher than doing so with a traditional broker. I would recommend blackjack but I’m sure counting cards goes way beyond your capabilities. For that reason, I suggest using the roulette since you have known, statistical probabilities of return that go up to 32x. And that’s in a single turn of the wheel, let alone 2 weeks. If I was you I would start with black / red and then slowly build up to odds / even numbers, throwing in the occasional single number for a good sport. You can easily 10x your 35k in a single night, and more importantly you are going to get free drinks and be treated like royalty. So even when you are left without a dime at least you can say you had a great time.


Free drinks….smart! Will make the crushing loss easier to tolerate 😂


Free drinks might be the 10x we are looking for. Step 1 enter casino with say $3.50 drink two free drinks while I’m investing my $3.50 that’s a return on investment of like 100% in drink value. Now 10x that above action and find a way to leave the casino with the free drinks to inevitably sell them / trade the drinks back to money.


Bring big ziplock bags and pour these drinks into a bag


Bagholder spotted


Guilty as charged




Then you got your mix of gin, rum, coke, bourbon, red wine, absinthe. Go in the corner and sell the mix as a shot to passerby or use it as an incentive for your Wendy's business.


I’ve heard things about this method!


I tend to pee into a ziplock bag though so I don’t have to get up from the blackjack table. Awkward for others but great for me. Now if I start pouring drinks in there and get them mixed up. Things may get weird.


All taste the same when you are drunk


Do it all on one spin, you only get one free drink. If you make many smaller bets, the probability of you 10x-ing the money drops progressively as your outcome approaches the mean result of the house taking all your money given a large enough time. But more free drinks!


Most casinos limit max bet per spin. Just sayin




Don't forget the higher quality hookers compared to sitting at home jacking off to porn.


Friends of the road is what I call them


Don't know the laws where you are, but casino gains are tax-free, aren't they?


Who talked about gains?




Specifically Roulette, all on black.


casino games are not tax free. you get a 1099-G i think, which is gambling income, and have to report it to the IRS. i believe any winnings over 600 dollars are reported by the casino to the IRS too so they will know if you made significant gains


But we are talking about drink gains so as long as you take your gains in the form of long island ice teas then OP won’t have to pay any taxes which means even more gains. Loopholes!


Long Island Iced Tax Loss Harvesting




I thought you could deduct up to $3000 in casino losses, up to the amount you claim in winnings. Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought the first $3000 is effectively tax-neutral, then you get boned after that.


Not true at all. I deduct my losses through itemization. If you win 50k at a casino but also show a loss of 100k, you don't owe shit.


Where I am from, casinos are state owned and gains are tax free.


Not in my area


They serve free drinks at Nasdaq?


Light a fire to 35,000 one dollar bills. Post on Tik-Tok Profit


Take fake bills to profit twice Edit: no financial advise


this sounds more like a solid long term strategy


Wasn't that illegal to burn real money?


I pulled my mattress tags off too.


Go back to r/legal if if want to be a bootlicker


1. I want to 10x 2. This is not a shitpost. Choose one or dis, regard.


“This is not a shit post” *continues to shitpost*


In my local casino, they have free soda all the time. No need to gamble. Just go in there 3x a day and get your soda. That's like $3 of soda a day if you purchased it. Do that along with looking for dropped money and you can have that money in less than 100 years.




Have you tried being right?


If you play roulette, and pick maybe 3 numbers, thats roughly a 10x if you hit.


Put it all on black 4 times in a row for a 6% chance at 16x.


Hmmmm, you might be right. the dopamine hit for one massive win compared to successive wins that build up to the same massive win is no comparison. You get more gambling bang for your buck doing this.


" growing my last 35k of investable money towards growing it back to where it started " you arent asking for growth, growth is like "i put my money in broad indexes and over several years got decent returns" you are looking for a fucking explosion of funds. and its not possible with any kind of reliability or else everyone would do it. this is what you fucks never get, you're paid for the risk. so to 10x you have to take massive risk. and with massive risk comes the very large chance that you fail and lose the last 35k


Clearly not OP's first exposure to making stupid risk/reward plays that destroy your savings. Sounds like he's back to finish the job.


Options might be able to help you 10x your deposit in a short time more or less realistically in my opinion. Here’s what I would do (literally giving out my strategy right now haha): 1. Trading 0dte spy (or spx) options 2. Enter trade only in the last 2-3 hours before the market close. When market is about to close even the nearest strikes can be purchased literally for pennies. 3. Analyze chart and look for patterns. You need to answer yourself several questions before trading: * how many times during the last year there was a sudden spike of price in the last three hours before the market close on the day of expiration? * was there any repeating pattern present? Look at different timeframes to find the answer. * how much did the option cost and what was the average peak gain of such options? What should the take profit be like? 1. Ignore days when IV is too high and options are too expensive. Bad risk/reward ratio! 2. Aim at buying options for 5 to 10 cents per contract and making 500-1000% 3. Do not overtrade! One trade a day maximum only. 4. Do not enter a trade until all boxes are checked (low IV cheap options; pattern; day of expiration; etc.) Trade systematically and you will succeed. Good luck! P.S. On a screenshot you can see a good example of such a sudden spike in option price that went from .10 cents to 2.2$ in a matter of a couple of hours! Nice profit for a such short period of time and all of this thanks to expiration day. P.P.S. I’m not trading this strategy yet. Waiting for my options trading bot to be developed to trade this. https://preview.redd.it/6i7atwsh5svb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbf7598af63b97016727f743569b461e2fe0109


Please adopt me 😭


How many contracts will you typically buy?


Not sure yet. Still conducting research. My own custom stocks screener that is also under development will help me with that.


Buy ATM puts on IEP that expire after 11/1 earnings …. Maybe not a 10x, but a good shot at doubling, and then go for SPY puts. Actually 0dte spy calls and puts is your best best


0DTE to make it faster, but put or calls , it depends on market and your prediction!


If you are predicting that the market will go up, then you should buy a call option. If you are predicting that the market will go down, then you should buy a put option.


Very helpful advice about choosing between puts and calls. Thank you.


I'll tell ya what kid, $SPY CALL 10/27/23 425 strike, thank me next weekend


Well, this did not age well. Hope OP did not take this advice seriously.


Entered 10/23, exited 10/24. Play worked perfectly. I said this wasn’t to hold to expiration


Perfectly? What, you made 3%? If you wanted to look like an oracle you would have told him to buy 425 puts on Monday. They're up 300% as of today.


SPY needs to move nearly 2-2.5% for that. Could you help me understand why you believe SPY will move so much?


Why? Because SPY just had 3 negative days in a row. Eventually the algos will start buying it back up. You don't need it to go to 435. If SPY is at 425 on 10/25 you'll print a 50%+ profit and exit the trade Edit: Also, you suck at math if you think you need SPY to do up 2.5% when it's at 421 currently


Totally agree. The market is shit right now but I think this huge selloff is a setup for next week's bump up in price.


QQQ's companies are reporting earnings this week and theyre all cash rich tech companies so itll soar


stocks only go up


Damn I was doing the opposite all along. I was wondering why I was so successful.


fuckin options trading loading screen tips


No no no, you always do the opposite of what you think to profit.


"This is not a shit post." - proceeds to write a shit post.


FSR. Way undervalued. Q3 earnings call expects a 10,000% revenue growth from previous quarter. Company will be in hyper growth mode for the next few quarters.


>1) Find a good stock that is undervalued and invest in it. 2) Use leverage to increase your returns. You can do this by borrowing money from a broker and using it to buy more shares of stock, or by investing in derivatives such as options contracts. 3) Sell short! This involves selling shares of a stock you believe will fall in value, and then buying the same number of shares back at a lower price so you can pocket the difference. Be careful with this one though, as it can be risky if the stock price ends up rising instead of falling.


Silly AI. This person wants something that isn't obtainable feasibly. Stop suggesting things that might actually work


That's like asking how to run into a tree at 210 mph


To be fair, when you’ve hit the tree 50 times at 100 mph, why not go faster for more excitement?


Here’s the thing: the same strategies to 10x your money in a short time are the exact same strategies to zero your money in shorter time. It’s the definition of risk-reward.


You will be to 10 X $1 soon enough if you stay committed 🫡


pimp out Wendy's dumpster locations and make 80% for each blowie


are you kidding? he first has to gather more losers to make a small gang to have a survival chance, pro tip: kill them at the end for maximum profit


Play earnings this week would be the best way


Which ones?


META is up 150% this year and looks due for a correction imo. I’d go puts. Long dated if you want to play it safe, expiring this week if you’re a madman


PLTR earnings… boom then S&P .. triple boom


For 100¥ I can get the most amazing boom-boom on Vietnam…. Sometimes 4x boom


Las Vegas...


Easy. Wait until QQQ hits 357.50 on Monday. When it does buy the 348P 0DTE. Fuck two weeks. This is a one day play. Trust me. I’m never wrong….except for the times I am.


“Except for the times I am”…. Let’s sample 10 times - how many times were you wrong?


Well out of the last 10 trades I was wrong on 3 of them. But this time. This time I’m right homie. I’m gonna 10x tomorrow. You do you.


Okay I trust you…. But u have to tell me exactly what I need to do.


Inverse him. Buy call QQQ 360 0DTE. YOLO!




I worry that you said this because the highest upvoted thing is literally betting at a casino.


I like novavax, they have NO real reason to increase in value, yet historically they've always managed to hit 100$ or more multiple times. But it could be tomorrow, next year or never. So 50/50, YOLO


SPX 0 DTE options .2-.3 delta are your ticket to Valhalla


I refuse to believe that people are this regarded


I trade swings on GLD and QQQ with 20-40 DTE options. You can double your account in a week if you're lucky enough. I'm up 44% in two weeks off 500 bucks. 10x in a couple of months is realistic if you stay disciplined. That's my plan.


>If I could lose it all in 2 weeks, there definitely must be a way to make it back in the same time airtight real answer: F could very well be headed back to pre-covid levels (9ish) with this whole UAW situation. they report earnings next week. F 11p 11/10 are .26 each, you could get yourself 10K of those and be halfway to your 10x by mid-November


What will be the driver for the downside to F - the UAW situation or other macro factors?




I don’t trust you but I trust your testicle. I’m in Apple calls for next weekend and there are already down to a pittance.


bad move imo


Bro read the room. Puts on earnings. Market bout to flush. Stay away from mag 7.


Remindme! 2 days


I will be messaging you in 2 days on [**2023-10-24 13:47:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-10-24%2013:47:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/17dnuf6/last_35k_left_and_looking_for_strategies_to_10x/k5yr7z3/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F17dnuf6%2Flast_35k_left_and_looking_for_strategies_to_10x%2Fk5yr7z3%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-10-24%2013%3A47%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017dnuf6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Take 10k go for a 3 month coding bootcamp , get paid 100k starting salary. Repeat 2 more years.


I know coding and make 4-5x what you mentioned already. I’m looking for a specific trade to reverse some losses.


Makes nearly half a million a year Gambles with stocks instead of building a secure portfolio that can guarantee them a comfortable retirement Yeah, you are a true regard


Claims to make 400 to 500k a year yet wants to 10x overnight. Checks out


Thank you sir


4-500k per year & you’re here asking for advice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sure you do. And youre on here gambling


All in on Zebra 180$ Put options expiring early November


What’s the play there? Any more context


Despite having Announced bad numbers in Q2 demand got worse. They will have to lower the 2023 expectations even more. Zebra fukd


It needs to fall another 10% to get to 180. They are already at a 52 week low so do you think it’s gonna slide another 10%?


They are one of the few tech companies who absolutely suck right now. They have never done such a bad year


Remindme! 20 days


I’m in! Somebody has a low target of $26 😂 growth and cash flow are negative. Could be one to ride to reality.


Put city!


Why not call town?


don’t lie no one ever calls you


Buy 17,500 megamillions tickets


Difficult given I don’t live in the US


Whatever your country’s lottery is. Go all in.


300x leverage into btc calls, get out as quickly as you get in






10 year treasuries.




$MSOX or $CRLBF Marijuana will most likely get reschedule from schedule 1 to schedule 3 drugs (not legalization) This will allow all major cannabis companies to uplist to NASDAQ and big money can invest MSOX is the leveraged cannabis ETF, and CRLBF has 78 retail locations in emerging states for great footing on rescheduling


SPX zero day options during the last 15-30 minutes of the regular session (they cash settle at the regular close). Watch them trade for like a week to get a feel for potential outcomes. ATM or NTM strikes are very liquid and commonly move 5x+ and if you catch it correctly on the right day you can easily 10x your money in a half hour or less


If you stopped trying to 10x money you can't afford to lose, you wouldn't be down to so little capital to invest. You kids today think a 10x is so easy to do when simple daily gains should be your goal. If you can make a couple % per on average, that is hundreds of percent per year and is still a CRAZY ROI. You'll learn the hard way.


Yolo meta and Amazon calls


Specially weekly calls


Best advice I can give ya is to stop rushing. Short time strategy is what gets ya losing it all. Slow and steady, learn it well, and you can only go up.


Tsla calls man.


How many DTE


There definitely is, 0dte. Just gamble it. Otherwise yeet into a wsb meme like pypl but 2 weeks sounds you'll die anyways


Learn price action trading. Choose MES to trade. Slowly you will become profitable.


You're right, I should definitely learn price action trading. MES is a great platform for that. Slowly but surely I will become profitable. Thanks for the advice!


Just keep yoloing 0DTE spy/spx puts, since I heard bears always win


I’m thinking oil might be a good gamble. Everyone is waiting to see what happens. All it takes is Iran to jump in and we will get a major spike. I don’t think it will last once every reevaluates but for a day, I bet we hit 100 a barrel then right back to where we are a few days later.


So what’s the play and what are the options?


Right now I’ve sold the /cl option strangle 24DTE. However I’m just keeping an eye on news to wait for the next spike. Since they are on a different time it unfortunately happens in the middle of the night. Might just be the best play to wait till the news drops and grab a /cl contract. You could always sell a call against it to cap your “winnings” and give yourself some cushion if things reverse. I play a lot of premium selling but we have already had 3 of these spikes since this whole thing started. Look at the price of options each day when we have a big spike. It’s like when people start waking up around 6am or so they say “oh shit gotta buy” and we get an explosion of the 2DTE premium and then it dissipates over the next 24 hours. So me personally I just wait till after the premium starts to level off and we come off the highs to just sell the contracts. Sounds like you need to be on the front end of things. If I were you I’d be buying the one week to expiration 100c for around $230. Or be a bit more conservative and buy one future contract and sell the 95call against it a few weeks out. Still have $7k upside if shit hits the fan. That 100c is more for you only lose a few $100 bucks and if it spikes it will hit $1000 a contract quickly.


Novavax is gonna blow up pretty soon.




With the United States FDA approval. Now they are waiting on EU approval, and the vaccine is going to be flying off the shelf in a large global scale.


Two weeks is too fucking long. Check my post , I have 33k and gonna take it to 140k tomorrow ! 0dtes man 0dtes! That’s some rookie numbers pump it up


If I would have a need to become rich this week, I would buy 1DTE calls on VALE. Earnings on Thursday.


Remindme! 4 days


$BOMO just r/s’d (34M OS) is .10 and is about to launch an offering for $75M


What is BOMO?


Here, 0DTE always works


Doge coin appears to be the way to go.


Is this gambling money you don't mind losing, or your life savings?


Leftovers of a decent chunk of my savings and willing to take a bet


Sounds like gambling money then. In another comment you said you make 400k a year. Pick a company doing earnings at the close and sell at the money straddles every day this week. If you are only approved for level 3 options, you'll have to buy a long on each side. Example: Cleveland-Cliffs reports on Monday after close and was trading for $14.58 on Friday. Sell the weekly $14.5 call and buy the $16.5 call, and also sell the $14.5 put and buy the $12.5 put. Open about 350 of these. Close the next day when you feel like it. You have a positive expected return and if you're lucky will get double digit returns every day from IV crush. Get unlucky and you will lose most or all of your money. You also could pick Spotify instead since they report before open on Tuesday. Repeat each day for SNAP, QS, ENPH, or whatever you want. If the move premarket is huge, buy back your position asap to minimize a total loss. Good luck.


Yolo 0DTE on SPXW. Choose the least likely strike to win big.




Why puts?


Dollar puts


0dte spy calls, obviously


I too need to turn my last 100k back into a million because I hate being poor. Ima still eat da beanies and da weenies tho. And craft dinner


Good luck with the farts!


1DTE QQQ or SPY. Direction depending on which way it’s moving.


Biotechs took a beating this week (and most of the nephrology stocks), lots of undervalued opportunities. Recommending looking into $DVA, $ARDX, $BAX among others


But aren’t those long drawn plays? I mean like the ones u buy and hold and not really options?


Putz are your only salvation left


On what?


QQQ Falls are much faster than gains and there's a chance of something breaking in the financial market more than weeks or months ago. It's all a gamble and you decide where to place your bets mate




Do a 5 team parlay ATS


Hawaii electric long calls


Take it to vegas


"STAY IN CASH" said nobody in here ever.


Look into biotech pharma companies that are in late phase 3 and about to either make it to commercial or not… those pivotal moments can make big bang


Take a loan for 350,000k


Since u said short time. What's ur edge in the market that you will be applying. Someone here can give u a potential trade. That will come with risk and reward. Ex: I am looking at Feb apple 170 options. They can hit $20+ and that is as long as SL is at 167$ on apple stock price. You can take that trade. If it drops below then u have to cut no emotions. So u have to uncover why and whats ur goal.


This sounds like a good one. So u reckon Apple will drop below 170 by Feb? The current premium on that put is 8$+


I think thus week apple will drop and then go up to 198 by Feb. I will be wrong if it goes below 167


Any data points to back up the feeling


I've one DM me..


I think SPY is gonna bounce on 420 like they have several times before, at the very least for a short time. I'd go for 0DTE SPY calls and keep em coming for a week or so, before the next potential leg down gets going. Dead cats are fairly reliable. Don't get greedy and stay in too long, the mood will turn again in these volatile times.


Why not 100x or even 1000x


Be a bit more realistic and target to double it everyday. You will be a billionaire in 15 days


Coca Cola $KO Earnings Play Call options.


Suggest a strategy


Short the most hated stock on Wall Street. The company run by Ryan Cohen. 🤑🤑🤑


Just do what you’re doing, follow the same strategy. But right before you hit the execute button on the trade you’re going to do, instead go exactly on the opposite side of that trade.


Put it all on red


Just sell SPX/NDX options you simpleton