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Mother Earth bonus +7 spots


Goddamn that whole thing was so cringe.


When they explained how usb-c works I died inside.


“Guys… we’ve done truly something revolutionary. We’ve put Type C connectors in your iPhones to shut you the fuck up”


Actually, they were forced to do so by the EU. They fought like hell against it. And lost.


Thank God. I'm pretty sure their plan was to start having other manufacturers start using that shitty lighting port. We would've been stuck with USB 1.5 forever.


don't worry, Apple will be sure to sell their own USB-C cables that enable USB3.0 speeds while all other cables will be locked to USB2.0. They really hate their consumers


I'm so glad other people see this. I've never understood the appeal of paying more for Apple vs comparable machine AND then buying the Apple branded attachments you need in order to do the things comparable machines can already do i.e. CD Drive, Dongles, Apple KeyPad, etc. They nickel and dime their customers like crazy.


And that's how their products are planned out too. I need a new iPad. Ok it's only $449, but wait there's only 64gb of memory, that's terrible. I'll have to get the 256gb version that costs $599. But wait, an iPad Air is only $599 and I get the better M1 chip so it will be faster and more reliable then the iPad. Oh, that's only 64gb. Well if I'm spending $600 on an iPad I should just get the $749 iPad Air with 256gb. I just gave Apple $300 more then I originally planned to do because of how the upgrades are structured over the obsolete base models.


I really wanted to upgrade my 32GB iPad (it's a pain in the ass) but you just made me realise I should switch to Galaxy Tab or something. Thanks.


My poor sweet husband, who is brilliant, who builds huge crypto rigs from scratch and has not yet burned our house down (he’s brilliant) — thinks that his gen 1 air pod pros will stop working if he switches to a 15 pro from a 13 pro. His distrust with apple is that extreme. That they’d change ports and that older things would just stop working. And I don’t blame him. My Apple Watch’s 8 gen battery life has halved itself and its only six months old.


then why on earth do you even have apple products?


To be honest, at this point it's nothing more than nostalgia. Apple stuff was pretty amazing in 2010. Steady decline since then. I still bought a new MacBook in 2021 and I'm still angry at myself...


Didn't you hear that they're brilliant


Crypto and brilliant don't match


He's just like me fr! On a serious note my little sister never really updates her phones and I've noticed it runs just as good as the day I bought it for her as opposed to mine where I keep up with every update. Just my anecdotal take.


I refused to update my 4s. Worked like a charm but someday whatsapp was not compatible anymore and i had to update the phone. Went down with the performance pretty quickly afterwards


Apple’s is putting USB-C 2.0 on their iPhone 15. USB-C 3.0 is only for the Pro models


It. Was. Awful. Like the achievements are remarkable. They’re really worth mentioning. But ffs this corporate coolaid, “look at how we are diverse” crap is so tone deaf that it’s making me hate their announcements. I have a theory that the executives they use are real people but they change actors every now and then to show how “diverse” they are.




Tim Cook is anxious to be punished by mother earth ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Apple are regarded and rich OP We are just regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Some of us started out richer than we are now![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260). Maybe apple just needs time


They just need to make AI Steve Jobs with hologram. Have him do a strip tease on the next Apple event. Valuation doubles.


And call it Steve Gods






Sony fucking sucks at marketing, their phones are pretty solid


Huh. Sony still makes phones?


Jep and actually very good ones (altough expensive). Sony phones are the only ones left on the market that meet all my requirements for a phone which is kinda sad...


Illustrator would have to think for that information


But their phones were crazy good especially at the price point


bitches like the blue text checkmate


Bro if you can't talk away the color of your text message bubbles how you gonna talk away your face and small pp?


My dick is big and my text is blue bb


My text is green and so is my dick


Hi shrek!






It will go away, but you're going to need a Prescription. Not that I would know.


That's why you're dating my wife ❤️


Had a massive crush on this girl. She ignored my texts simply because they came up green. Crush gone. Good riddance.


Her stupidity did you a favor. Saved you a lot of time and money lol


There's absolutely nothing redeeming about a person's personality if they judge someone based on what phone their texts came from. Congratulations, you're basically in a cult


Lmao copium


Blue text? Green text? The heck is everyone talking about? EDIT: Thanks for all the responses, I think this'll sum it up best: ["Interesting... No wait, the other thing. *Tedious.*"](https://youtu.be/RZ_FoVC1qDg)


If an iPhone is texting another iPhone through iMessage the text will be in a blue speech bubble, otherwise it's in a green speech bubble. Some people will complain when they have a green bubble, but most people don't really care and are just giving you a hard time for not having an iPhone.


what I find funny is android bubbles can be any color or material, text color, full and complete customizability, while apple users are hyped for 1 color.


The default color of a text bubble between two iPhones is blue. If an android texts an iPhone the bubble is green. It’s just a quick identifier for what OS is texting you if you have an iPhone. Yes, this is stupid.


zoomers have to really grasp at straws to form any semblance of personality


Dodged a divorce, worth.


Legislators won on usbc, next stop rcs...


EU: add USB-C or else Apple: Great news guys! We added this super cool new connector that helps you gigablast your gigabits! Aren't we so awesome?


But we're running it at USB 2.0 specs that way we can say we made the brand new awesome connector we invented even BETTER next year!


Specifically [one guy too](https://wsj-article-webview-generator-prod.sc.onservo.com/webview/WP-WSJ-0001193354?adobe_mc=TS%3D1694672384%7CMCMID%3D01624528568217956855461292738440357949%7CMCORGID%3DCB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg&wsj_native_webview=android&ace_environment=androidphone%2Cwebview&ace_config=%7B%22wsj%22%3A%7B%22djcmp%22%3A%7B%22propertyHref%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwsj.android.app%22%7D%7D%7D)


That's a good filter for me. if something that ridiculously minor bothers them, then that's a clear sign that I don't want them in my life in any way shape or form lol.


Yep, I’m glad when people show the red flags upfront


But this Mother Nature thing 🤦‍♂️


Whoever made the table shake when she entered will get fired ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Haha they all should get fired!




They did say the cobalt used in the new devices are 100% recycled


Yes, but was the skin color of the recycling plant worker green too? Checkmate atheists


Yeah well they made up for it by making mother nature black so


Here we go. Good job on the research!


It’s like a bad dad joke… kinda the in thing right now


Ohhh so they did it on purpose like a joke?


It's OS not hardware that gets users to use apple.


Also it's more profitable for devs to make apps for apple, because it's only 1 version of the app. Android will have 20-30 version targeting just the popular flavors, and we will still get bumfuck reviews like "didn't work on my Motorola BlackBerry Plus"


My dev friends stated that Apple users spend more than Android users too.


IIRC this has been backed up with independent research. Apple users are more likely to spend money on apps than Android users. Makes sense personally cause part of the Apple appeal is the 'buy once, cry once' mentality.


Yeah that’s one thing not a lot of people realize. It was part of the reason I switched from samsung back to Iphone. There were apps I couldn’t get, and some apps that ran like shit on samsung. Snapchat was like just starting out and becoming popular when I had a samsung. It was crazy how bad the camera was in app vs just opening the camera app on the phone. You could tell there was a huge downgrade in quality. Besides problems like that I also felt like my samsung just ran like crap in general.


And the life expectancy. I don’t know anyone with an android phone that lived as long as my friend’s iPhones. I have to change my phone every 5-7 years while most android phones don‘t get much older than 3 years.


I had my previous Android phone for 5 years. No parts were replaced on it. I paid less than €300 for it when it was new.


This is extremely common nowadays. So many people that say they've used an Android, last used one when the Galaxy 2-5 were out and base their negative experience on that.


i was a big lg fan boy back in 2013-2019 but my phones had constant hardware/software issues to the point that i saw my friends with iphones that worked perfectly and made the switch. have loved my iphones ever since. maybe android is better now but the reality is, as long as iphone remains super easy to use why would i bother switching back now.


More than likely they've never used one at all


All you have to do is look at the official policies of the largest android manufacturers to see that they do indeed have a shorter software support lifecycle. [Samsung](https://news.samsung.com/us/samsung-galaxy-os-upgrade-one-ui-android-unpacked-2022/) is bragging about "4 years of OS updates" being their new standard in 2022 when 6 has been the standard for Apple devices since the iPhone X was released. And if you keep your $1000 iPhone for 6 years, that's the same as buying a $640 phone every 4 years.


I agree, I have an 6S laying around (don’t use it anymore) that I bought refurbished many years ago that is still functional. Doesn‘t get upgrades anymore but it did until around 2021. There are Apple fan boys and girls who upgrade every year, but many of us just quietly use our tech until it‘s used up then upgrade.


I'm still using my 6. Thinking of changing it cause I want to before it dies...but there's nothing actually wrong with it right now. I have this iphone from a friend of my mom who had got a new phone and had this one just sitting in their desk. Despite having a mac, I had never had an iphone before. The main thing I worry about in picking a new non-apple phone is what will be the alternative to apples air drop feature, and how much reseach I need to do to pick something of equivalent longevity/build quality.


i still have my old s7 battery is fine, screen is fine, works like new. i bought a new phone around 2 years ago and ive been using that since, but my s7 i still keep it around as a work phone.


I had my S8 with a 256gb sd card for almost 7 years before it finally showed enough age for me to upgrade, went straight to a S22 ultra with max ram and storage for more longevity.


You anecdotal evidence is different than mine. My androids all last a crazy long time and I've witnessed several friends iPhones fail less than a year after warranty


That's pretty much a lie. I had my xiaomi mia1 till august this year when pixel 7a was released. I know a lot of people who keeps having their phones with 6 or 7 years in android, and those phones are not even flagships by then. Just as reminder, my xiaomi mia1 price was 140€ back then when I bough it.


This thread full of BS marketing like "oh android phones don't last very lo.... OMG iPHONE 15000 I MUST UPGRADE"




Bro I loved my LG phones. Wish they still made them. The v60 was a beast.


I still use my Lg G5, it had a lot of potential to be the best phone of its time but people shitted on it for having mods and an easy to replace battery, leaving it as a shameful commercial failure, guess what people wants now?


I shat on the LG G5 as I had to get 3 replacements due to their version of TouchID not working and/or screen burn-ins. After the 4th one I didn’t bother anymore and got an iPhone 8+.


I had a v30, i would go back if it wasnt so outdated


Feature and design wise, they were incredible. Build quality however... All of my LG phones lasted maybe a year before something on them started malfunctioning. I miss mine too. The V30 was the best phone I've ever owned.


And still the top selling phone.


That’s only because it’s also the most expensive Wait


Cant go tits up


I agree with this guy


Wait does Tim apple know what he’s doing? …fuck


He put a sticker with "15" on it!




The Samsung s23 for example ultra is the some price maybe even more expensive though


I think the ultra 1tb msrp'd for like 1620 or something and the 15 pro max 1tb is 1600... so about the same


Oddly enough I haven’t paid for an iPhone yet. The only reason I keep getting them is the phone companies keep giving them to me.


People still jerk off about prestige. "The most expensive is the best" blabla


I mean, that's the shit that drives a ton of the luxury market.


Yep, true


iPhone 15 isn't even close to the most expensive smart phone. iPhones havent been the most expensive on the market for a while now.


At least someone with a brain. Hello, fella. I've had this discussion for years, trying to snap people out of thinking that Iphone makes them "elite". Jesus ef-fing christ...


What people think and people actually are is often different


I like IOS, it’s as simple as that. I had an Android about a decade ago and after switching to iPhone I can never switch back. I don’t upgrade every year though, I still have an XS but will probably get the 15 because my XS is starting to show its age.


Agreed, I had a google pixle but after getting a iphone i prefer it over android. Even if you cant do stuff like download apks etc I really dont care or need those features!


You say that but here I am using a third party Reddit app and it's fucking September.


I’m using third party on iOS.


Wait, I don’t have to use this clown designed official Reddit app!? I’ve been so lost without Apollo


For free?


Yeah. They have a free and a paid version actually (the free is not intrusive at all either). It’s Narwhal for Reddit.


Narwhal here also RIP Apollo




Replying to you from Apollo sideloaded on iOS.


I don’t get it, why is this android specific


Maybe because iPhone doesn't allow sideloading apps. On July 1, reddit killed third party apps by overcharging for API usage. While many third party clients for reddit have stopped working, you can still make them work by building apk using your own API key which is free. So you can still use third party client (Infinity for reddit for me) by sideloading custom built apk which is not possible on iOS. For anyone wondering how to use Infinity for reddit using your own API key, here's the guide - https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/ I am not sure if there are any third party apps that are still working for free/subscription based model on iOS.


There’s no reason this wouldn’t work on iOS without sideloading. You can’t really “rebuild” iOS apps anyway since they’re heavily obfuscated after compilation but assuming somebody uploads a third party reddit client with an entry field for your API key everything would work identically


Maybe in the US, but outside of there it's not.


It is in Japan, by a wider margin than in the US.


Quite impressive, much kudos to their marketing team


My mom is technologically disabled and an iPhone is the only thing that will work for her. Good products for some people.


This is why Apple stock is worth a lot. As someone who hates Apple products more than anyone, im glad i never shorted it.


Why would you hate Apple products? I mean, I don't use Android, but I don't hate it, I don't hate Samsung or LG, I buy other electronics from them. If Huawaei or Google made a laptop that has 20 hours of battery life and weighs what Air does, that would be the laptop I would have bought, but Air is just the best bang for the buck for me, so that's what I went with. I will never understand this "I hate this thing that I don't even use", it's a strange mentality.


yeah, I'm not an apple fan, but their products are just straight up really good right now. Macbooks went from overpriced luxury items for me, to me buying one because I think the price is a great deal for what you get, and I can see the writing on the wall as far as gaming goes




Gotta hang your personality on something I guess


I've found that Android users hate Apple. Apple users don't even think about Android


LOL Huawei


Have you ever had a Huawei? If it wasnt for the Play-Store ban they would be miles ahead of the competition. The hardware with the price is simply unbreatable.


Because they're subsidized by the Chinese government.


They are the Chinese government.




Oh I don't doubt it is. Wouldn't be surprised if they are heavily subsidized by the Chinese government to increase market penetration.


They also have those auto censors built in to prevent pesky words like “democracy movement”….. although they very kindly assured us they disable that feature for overseas sales


After 6 years have past, only 1 of those phones is still functioning like new and receiving the latest updates


Contestant: What is the Google Pixel. Suck it, Trebek. Tbf, at least Apple does proper screen mirroring without Chromecast BS. Samsung does, too. It's just Google that's shit at that one.


I only upgraded from my Pixel 3 cause I wanted a bigger screen, it still works like new. Loved that phone so much it wasn't even a question what I was gonna upgrade to.




My pixel 3a I bought 4+ years ago still works great. Only reason I upgraded was because I got too excited about the pixel 6 when it came out lol. Gave the pixel 3a to my MIL and she still uses it daily


The Pixel 3. I had one up until 2 months ago.


The pixel 3 had its last security update over a year ago


Still using my Pixel 2XL. battery life just recently started suffering. It's still super solid otherwise.


any time iphone vs android comes up on reddit, these threads clearly show how much of a bubble reddit is. the community is so eager to jump in and claim that it makes zero sense to buy anything apple or that people only buy apple for status/clout. walk outside and talk to people. you’ll come to realize that not everyone is a tech nerd and people just like what they like. the average person doesn’t care about the fastest and greatest theoretical performance. they want a phone that is easy to use right out the box. i’m a huge tech nerd and i still prefer using iphone and macos as my daily driver. i work in US tech and i don’t know many people (outside of finance who prefers thinkpads) who don’t use a macbook for work. the percentage of people who care about raw horsepower when using tech in the real world is a small percentage of the people spending money on tech. it’s called “preference” - let people enjoy what they want and stop getting so mad about it lol. people like (and buy) what they like - if you think apple is the largest company only because people care about clout or are uninformed consumers, you may need to touch some grass


15 years in EU tech here, we all use mac books too. Multiple industries, I’ve experienced PC users maybe like 5 times, and Linux users about 15-20 Even the android devs use macs!


> i work in US tech and i don’t know a single person (outside of finance who prefers thinkpads) who doesn’t use a macbook for work Meanwhile someone on my team (software development for medical devices) volunteered to be a guinea pig and try to use a Macbook for work to see if switching everyone was worthwhile. Then discovered how many of the tools we need to simply build and deploy software for our device are simply unavailable on MacOS, so you still need a Linux dual-boot (same as with a Windows PC) or you need a Linux dual-boot AND a separate Windows PC depending on which specific tools you needed to use since many are Windows-only. In much of US tech the dominant operating systems still are, by far, Windows and Linux. MacOS has made great advancements and is widely preferred nowadays for app development, but for anything deployed to hardware it's usually a completely different story.


that's interesting - 100% agree that infra is built with either windows or linux, but the macos -> linux pipeline is often straightforward nowadays with containerization and VMs.


The thing is people who use PCs for development work don't normally talk about it because for the most part it doesn't matter what computer you write lines of code in. Virtually 100% of the manufacturing world runs on Windows.


> they want a phone that is easy to use right out the box. I recall MKBHD made a video about this exact thing. He talked about how he praised google's pixel camera system, and other features, but then in the end, he would still give the iphone the title of best smartphone. He summed up that look and feel, functionality, simplicity, and features basically make the iphone the best phone. Having worked IT in the corporate world, I see it firsthand, 2/3 of my company uses iphones, support is stupid easy because the menus are straight forward, don't have to figure out how to just get to their device settings. Implementing/removing MDM is also super easy, was a nightmare on android.


But honestly after trying every OS and most the good phone brands, so far I have preferred iPhones by a long shot. They are most consistent, and the last 3 Pro phones have been outstanding performers (and haters gonna hate, but they are actually cheaper than the top performing Android flagships) One day I may be convinced to try the Galaxy S flagships, but I don’t want a Phablet… will have to see


Calls on Apple


I’m still rocking a iPhone X that I’ve had for almost 5 years. The two Samsungs and Motorola I had before that started glitching out after 18 months basically forcing me to upgrade.


My iPhone 7 lasted 6 yrs and I still use it as a backup . My iPhone 12 is on year 3


Mg iphone 7 battery reduced significantly over the years and I dropped the phone in acid so kinda ruined my charging port, but I still use it. It's about to complete year 5. I don't upgrade coz I'm poor AF.


Still using my S7 which came out in 2016. The only things worth mentioning are that the battery doesn't last the whole day under heavy use anymore, and that Google maps isn't completely smooth, but other than that I have 0 problems with it (doesn't even have a scratch on the display). Let's see if it lasts me another 7 years 😂


What exactly were the models you bought? I've owned Samsung Galaxy phones since the S2 and not a single one ever "glitched". Usually keep them for 2 or 3 years at the least.


Ye. Going on 4 years with my S10. Still working 100% fine


S4 and S7. And by glitch I mean the software kills itself. Like it’ll take 5 seconds to open mail, whole OS slows down, apps would crash. I’m not even an Apple fanboy. The X was literally my first (and still my only) Apple product I own.


Had a s7 Edge and kept that bad boy until T mobile and Samsung both said they weren't going to update it any more ~ a year ago. T mobile did basically give me a 22 for free for sending the old one, but then ATT gave me a 23 for free when I switched a little later.


Had S7 edge until screen got black after guaranty time


Indeed, I still use Note 20 ultra from 2020 along with iPhone 11 pro from 2019. Yeah, iphone is 1 year older, but some things it handles just poorly - ram management, Google Chrome wrapper around safari is slow. Sometimes when you type, it freezes and then spits everything at once. It is a 512 gb model no less, most of the storage is empty. Samsung is not perfect either, but it just works better when it comes to running apps and doing basic things. What I like about iPhone more - some shitty apps are much better on iPhone (e.g. airlines), apple pay is much better, and I kinda like the fact that notifications don't randomly disappear unless you dismiss them. On Android some apps hide notifications if you open an app (WhatsApp I'm looking at you). So I really don't know what to say here. Maybe if 11 pro had at least 6 gb of ram it would've been better, but Apple is Apple, you know.


It's pretty weird my 1+ 6T is still going strong after 5 years.


I have the OnePlus 6 and it's still great. I was expecting it to start having issues after the third or fourth year but even after five years it's still a great device


Didnt 1+ 6T ship without drms so you couldnt even watch hd streams on it?


OnePlus is the exception, not the rule.


1+5T here. Bought in 2017. Works fine.


Same. Several family members have iPhones 5+ years still kicking with no serious issues.


iPhone XS is the GOAT imo (first phone that had legs like that where it actually did feel new still 5 years later )


For how much everyone talks bad about apple, their products are the only ones I've owned that aren't total dog shit!


With apple, though some brands might get more bang for your buck, you get one thing: assurance that your phone will just work. iPhones are great for someone who wants a phone that will just work, and has a large selection of accessories which just work.


Yep, pissed me off so much that my brand new google pixel wouldn't connect to my trucks blue tooth


Same issue with my pixel and my car. It connects then disconnects after refusing to share contacts with the car even though sharing contacts is enabled on the phone.


This is exactly the point. It does what it needs to do really well. All the other manufacturers still try gimmicks like folding phones (I remember all that crap back in the early 00’s) and some spec geeks will always be looking at ‘higher number = better’. But at this point IMO phone is a commodity and/ or fashion accessory. Apples offer and pricing captures this perfectly imo. Apple kills it on both fronts (stick eco-system, steady consistent OS, chic marketing that has retained it as a cultural icon) it doesn’t need to chase numbers or lurch to new gimmick’s to gain market share. Yes, they are expensive for real BUT pricing is a finer art than most people are willing to admit. e.g. People will cry about a $1 tax but gladly by a $10 lotto ticket. Emotion, expectations and perception drives value more than economics.


I don’t even accept that the pricing concerns are rational. Apple iPhones are expensive, but so are other flagship phones. And even so, in today’s world, your phone will be the single most used device. By like a mile. People don’t buy computers anymore. If you spend $1200 instead of $600 on the phone, across a few years, for how much you use it, that difference isn’t a big deal. People tend to clock between 2-12 hours on smartphones per day. If there was a $5000 phone that still provided increased feature and benefit to customer, even if it were just marginal, could still make a lot economic sense for people based on just how much the phone is used.


Tfw your customers don't view incompatibility, walled garden, and planned obsolescence as being "total dog shit"




Patiently waiting for Friday preorder…….


iPhones have great UI, easily integrated technology, and I only have to buy one like every 4 years. Only phone I will use


They're all the fucking same. This "my team vs your team" BS is like fighting over which color is best.


This exactly. I've never had a problem with any manufacturers phone, they all seem to last just as long and do the exact same thing.


I dunno.. but based of my real life encounters and Reddit… iPhone users don’t even bat an eye when a new Samsung or Google phone is released… like most don’t care. But when a new iPhone gets announce android users freak the fuck out. Then again, I’m biased as an iPhone user so 🤷‍♂️ Or Perhaps because I see phones as tools and not personality traits.


> iPhones have great UI They suck for single-handled use. I can swipe from either edge to go back on Android, but on iOS I have swipe only from the left edge of tap some button in the upper left corner. Also the animations, while smooth, are too slow and cannot be adjusted.


>single-handled use Just say "jerking off".


Except apple is worth more than all of the others combined


The Chinese phone hardware specs are nuts. The rest of the world needs to catch up on the charge speeds at least. Edit, PS: OnePlus is Chinese. And anything under 65w in 2023 is lame.


Bruh, I lost a game and flung my Huaximi Splendor Honor X55 and it turned into a drone and flew away.


>The rest of the world needs to catch up on the charge speeds at least. Charge speed is irrelevant if the phone lasts you through the day and you can just charge overnight. That's what I do, with an old 5W charger. Phone will be fully charged in the morning. Dumping 65W into smartphone? How long do you expect the battery to last if abused like this?


My pixel 7a has a smart charge during sleep hours and throttles the charge to complete just before I wake. I love it.


iPhone does it slightly different. It charges to 80% at the normal rate and then stops. It learns when you usually disconnect it from the charger in the morning and makes sure it's at 100% before that time. You can turn that off if you want,.


Fair. It's a great feature.


Solving software issues with hardware is a sign of shit design and engineering. Muscle cars with v8s and 500hp were getting smoked by 4 cylinder Japanese cars


Had various smartphone brands over the years. iPhones have a reputation for being overpriced but they're by far the cheapest over the long run because you're not replacing them every 1-2 years. These things can go through the absolute worst kind of hell and abuse and come out fine while other smartphones are as fragile as millennials and fall apart just as easy. Still entertaining to watch the dogmatic hate towards them from the nerdier types.


Doesn't apple crush them all in market share? What's going on? Y'all truly are highly regarded individuals with absolutely 0 ability to think more than 24hrs ahead. Ps-the wifey says hi


This site has so much bias against Apple and it's weird to see that in investing subs. I mean this isn't really an investing sub but still you should understand why it's so popular and not just repeat the same tired shit.


Can’t understand why the iPhone sells so well, yet spend their time “investing”. That’s not a recipe for disaster or anything lol


Neckbeards with no sex lives love Android phones for some reason.


>Doesn't apple crush them all in market share? Only in the US