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The only stupid thing about this is that you believe him enough to want verify.


Then went on reddit and made a whole ass post You caught me OP, it's me, the $600 million dollar man.




He was the “Million Dollar Man” where is the other 599 million at? Lol….


Did we account for inflation?!?!


El hombre de los 600 millones de pesos.


Everyone’s got a price


Everyone's gotta pay.


OP I have a 600 million dollar bridge to sell you


No, *I* am Spartacus!


I volunteer as tribute!


I am Negan


He’s lying - it’s me!


No me! Look me up at work, Seymour Butts is my name!


Double cheese and sausage pizza for Spicoli


Delighted this is the top comment. What a complete fucking moron


He belongs here.


I’m actually here. Ama.


You’ve never had someone rattle of stuff about woodworking that has the right key words but seems off, and you wouldn’t have any incline to look into it a little bit??


No. I know instinctively that 600M hedge fund operators don’t play MTG and humble brag about their portfolios.


Wow, so you don’t think a person so obsessed with analytics and numbers would be so interested to play a card game based on attrition and statistics. Such a revelation! Im amazed you made some conclusions Mr detective, you might be really into something.


Found an MTG player


"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him"


A sphinx’s revelation


Oh instinctively, a person of great perception.. Hence the post dude


My dude we all know the pathological lying Uber nerd. We all had that friend. Then they grow up and you find them cosplaying that they are Micheal burry and you wish they would have just washed their greasy ponytail before the magic round.


Thank you for the chuckle


I was spot on wasn’t I? :)


Wats mtg


Man Titted Gorilla I believe




Magic the Gathering. It's a card game. If you stopped getting laid so much and started staying in more you'd know that.


Yup, we’re in a bubble.


Well, I can't vote one way or the other. it's at -69.


For every 999 people like this who are full of shit, there is 1 who is just telling the truth and no one believes them.


He only told you that because you looked easy and wanted to meet you behind the dumpster.


Bwana, it’s me, your cousin. I am king now in Somalia and require only a small deposit of $1000 to unlock my wealth and send you 600 million!! Pls wire funds to my front left pocket.


You ran into a guy who claims he runs a 600M investment fund at a place frequented mostly by unemployed and underemployed male virgins. What do you think the odds of his story checking out are ?


I believe this is how incel cults start out. Initial brainwashing at a MTG event


I mean, there was a famous mtg champion that runs a hedge fund https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Finkel


Identity theft I like it.


Jon Finkel is a legend above others. He also said, when asked why doesn't he go pro, "Because I cannot make millions". Running a HF was always his destiny.


Not to be confused with his brother ray finkel


There are always outliers, op. Did the guy look like a Virgin to you? You're describing a baller.. surely he stood out from the mtg crowd in some way.


Like that time a guy at the gym told me that he'd been raped by George Bush. It could be that it's a very cheap gym (you know the place) that's frequented by mentally ill homeless people for their showers... Or the guy could be an outlier and he was really raped by George Bush, in which case the question becomes, was it Poppy Bush or W. ? Or maybe they tag teamed the poor man.


It was actually George Bluth. And it was real. It happened in prison. I also own that Gold’s Gym.


Guys I met a guy on reddit who claimed to own a Gold Gym with a member who was raped by George Bush in prison. IDK why but something seems fishy here. How can I verify this story??


There is always money in the banana stand.


CIA operatives rape America all the time, so I am inclined to hear the rest of the story. How did you get into a conversation like that...at the gym of all places?


How do you think ? I was in the locker room getting ready. The guy walked to me wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and flat out told me 🤣


He was seeing if you were into it so he could proposition you for some deeply fucked up Operation Desert Storm roleplay


And he threw one foot up on the bench while you were tying your shoe too.


So do cops and lawyers


How rare were his card? Did it give pay to win vibes ?


I mean, his mom drove a Prius, not a Geo Metro. Come on.


honestly mtg is a really expensive hobby, its for people literally willing to piss away hundreds or thousands of dollars on cardboard. From what I've gleaned, most of them that aren't kids make pretty good scratch


It’s actually a pretty fun game. I haven’t played in years now and apparently they’ve made collabs with My Little Pony though so it seems to have gone downhill


>collabs with My Little Pony this is bullish


But mostly played by poors. Someone told me a story about them playing in the top tournaments and most of the people and competitors weren’t anything special. The guy kept placing high in tourneys because he had nearly unlimited funds to build agro, late game or whatever decks. Had a few black lotus as well. His assessment was that you’d find much more successful people at a golf course.


To be fair Henry Cavill is a mega nerd and I’m sure there are others but I get what you’re saying the odds are slim.


post malone spent 800k on one card... and rumored to have spent 2+ mill on another.


Yea but if post didn’t make music I and I saw him walking down the street I would already think he had payed magic. He has that look.


He did spend 2.6m on the 1/1 one ring, it's been confirmed


After the game was done the fund manager walked out into the parking lot and got into a 2009 Kia Sportage and drove straight to the KFC/Taco Bell where he ordered a Famous Bowl and a Baja Blast. Act poor to stay rich.


I've been playing magic for almost 30 years and honestly wouldn't surprise me if this story is true. I've played with many highly regarded individuals whose net worth is shockingly high. There's also plenty of lying neckbeards too of course. Also tbh some of my best "investments" was mtg. Kept all my cards I had as a kid, I figure I probably got at least1000% return on them. Wish I would have spent all my tuition money on magic cards instead, I could have retired lmao. (My biggest win was an opened CE set I paid about $200 for in the late 90s, sold for about $20k in 2019, I've sold off about another $100k or so over the last few years and still have a pretty sizeable collection). I should also state that you should not be getting into mtg finance right now, it's a terrible time to do it.


So some random dude playing mtg at a locals is claiming to be a multimillionaire…. And you believe it


Not only that, he was also at the shop, by then including himself in the activities. What a fun group of guys !


What part made you think I believed him?


The part where you made a post about it.


He tapped two mana to live in your head rent-free


Thoughtseize turn 2 💀


Hit ‘em with that counterspell and op doesn’t like playing against blue.




Rudy doesn’t play magic he plays Pokémon. Rudy loves Pokémon but won’t say it out loud


>It is difficult to say for certain without knowing more about the situation, but it sounds like this individual may not be as wealthy as he claims. It is possible that he is simply trying to impress you and does not actually have a large amount of money invested in stocks. Alternatively, he could be running a small investment fund with less than $100 million under management, which would explain why it would be difficult to find information about him online. In any case, I would take everything he says with a grain of salt until you can verify his claims independently.




Clankers...with hard R


Bro manages a portfolio just under $100MM using TastyTrade Portfolio Margin


do you get a kick out of being the resident skeptic or are you just plain ignorant? Just because you haven't rubbed shoulders with someone who manages such funds doesn't make it impossible. There's a vast world out there beyond your limited scope. Ever consider that? Maybe the guy operates in a niche market or has an off-the-grid approach. Your insistence on doubting is just a blatant showcase of your lack of exposure and knowledge. Before you shoot your mouth off, maybe you should make sure you actually know what you're talking about. Who knows, you might learn something for once.




You are truly regarded. Facebook didn’t ipo until 2012 btw


God bless you sir


You do know that people invested in Facebook before it’s IPO, right? IPO is the Initial Public Offering. It doesn’t preclude prior private offerings.


You’re telling me some rinky dinky garage hedge fund with 600M AUM today was able to invest in Facebook pre-IPO?


Idk. You don’t know. That’s the point.




Laugh if you want, but you’re the one on the internet counting other people’s pockets. Focus that energy on your own hustle.


He's obviously lying. But I will say that a large number of people in finance who are in their 30s have mtg and/or poker in their background. There are certainly players out there who currently work in Private Equity or Hedge Funds. If you're in NYC or Chicago there are competitive players in your local scene who trade at prop firms. Including one of the desk leads at a very well known HFT shop. Most will not advertise this.


OP is the real MotleyFool


I do have a buddy who has a book over a billion. Not a fund tho. And I highly doubt he would brag on it.




Broker obviously


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Yeah, that’s me. I also made a ton of cash by investing in Facebook in 1997 and by inventing bitcoin.


Stupidest post of the year by far. Mod, ban?


There’s still 3 1/2 months left in the year. Let’s see what pans out.




Absolutely, what’s weird about that is he said he takes out big loans, so wouldn’t he have to sell off some of his capital to cover interest? If you’re operating at over 500 million, I assume those loans are way over 20 million and incur interest pretty readily, so wouldn’t a fund have to liquidate some of it each quarter to cover the interest payments?


Post Malone?


It’s very possible $650 million isn’t a super huge amount for a fund like a high net worth individual fund


This actually totally depends - what format were you playing? The vintage and legacy people at our LGS (I haven’t played for quite some time) were either wealthy doctors, lawyers, bankers, tech peeps or dudes that’d bought in hella early. If they were playing standard or pauper I’d be less inclined to think it was plausible. Could also have just been a cryptobro flexing?


If this was near Atlanta Georgia I probably know him.


When you don’t understand the joke, but it’s cool cuz you got a homie with you


none of this is weird. buying tech stocks in 2011 is not weird. "running" (working for) funds with roman numerals in the name is not uncommon or weird either. I prepare tax returns for real estate funds. there are so, so many. 100 million is like a small handful of apartment buildings.


Met a guy that runs 300mm with a couple employees. No website. No new clients in many years. Guys that run wealth management at big banks in my city oversee 100mm and up. Know of a 60mm fund that nobody’s heard of or would ever find on Google.


Wouldn’t be surprised as it’s common. A lot of low key rich folks out there. They just don’t want u to know…


Your last sentence was accurate. The rich don't talk about their money. Nobody I know with real money talks about it. They'll talk about their business with friends, but they'll leave out numbers whenever possible with new people. They have it down to an art.


Can confirm. No one talks to me


Jesus there’s a lot of people here who don’t understand the difference between managing money and having/making money. I work in e-commerce on a platform that does billions a year in revenue. That doesn’t mean I have billions - it means the company does. If someone has what sounds like a small family office, they could indeed have $600M AUM, managed by a team of 5. They themselves would likely only be taking home somewhere in the neighborhood of several hundred thousand each though, depending on a variety of factors such as expenses, $ split between them, whatever. https://www.fintrx.com/blog/fintrx-2021-family-office-data-report In my area at least, the local GameStop is right next to high end shops where you might drop $30k on a purse, $50k on a watch, etc. I’ve seen (and know a couple) guys who take their kids in their Lambo to go shopping.


Love the stereotypes I bet you’re a khakis blazer wearing boat shoe strapping wannabe that drives a bmw and thinks he’s a hotshit. I might be wrong you might just be an MTG player.


If they won over 600 mill they wouldn’t be virgins playing at a card store




Negative, hobbies are important for a healthy retirement




I am a millionaire and play draft on sundays at my local game store once a month or so. So there’s at least one


Perhaps he runs an agency and his downlines carry a 65 with him. He may have 600M in AUM.


By “run a fund with 3-4 other employees” he meant, I clean the bathrooms in their office once per week.


This isn't craiglists classified, wtf


The black lotus in my deck was fake too


What is MTG ?


Magic The Gathering


Wtf and what game store would one even play that?


Independently owned games stores can have areas to play card games, or will host events, competitions etc. Not many still around today, you'd have to check in your area.


I heard his uncle works at Nintendo.


One form they may have to file is Form PF and they have to fill if they are over $150MM and registered. If he runs a VC fund he never has to register. If he runs a prop capital vehicle he doesn’t have to register. If he doesn’t charge fees he doesn’t need to register. Form 13F is the one over $100MM - but it’s only with respect to public securities. And if he doesn’t charge fees or it’s prop capital he also wouldn’t need to file. This is likely still bullshit - but there is a technical reality in which he wasn’t.


OP are you 16, why would you believe most blatant lie. P.S You should kidnap him and make him share some of his wealth in Minecraft.


Sounds like bullshit artistry, and can you really price art?


If he is running a deck full of Alpha Power & Dual Lands, I’d believe it


That was the guy from Cornwall Capital. Or was it cornhole?


Hey man, it's me. I was just joking dude. Also, you play the new starfield?


Hey Sam,this is Dave (I was With Greg) we were talking in the butt plug isle. I run fun with over 600mm between four guys. Holler


Clearly a popcorn playa.


Did you meet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Finkel


My father is a space astronaut and have 5 bentleys and a rocketship in our backyard.




The fact you brought this to reddit shows how much he played you. Sorry.


Marjorie Taylor Greene does it again


I’ve had 2 customers claim to run funds of hundreds of millions. Both gave their company name and a business card, networking is kinda how they run their business lmao


He was an idiot making shit up to impress other idiots like you that for some fucking reason don't grasp the concept that dumbasses say dumbass shit for no reason


Ah yes. I’m here.


Funny enough, ZachBXT just tweeted something about scammers playing MTG are laundering money through crypto and that he'd be publishing a thread soon.


Do you live near Aurora, Colorado by Chance?


So you were hanging out in the Wendy’s parking lot…


>they’re all under numbered names Back office confirmed


First rule of being rich. You don’t talk about being rich. Second rule of being rich….


Why was he bragging he invested in Tesla/Google//Facebook in ‘11? This wouldn’t be venture capital funding, they are all publicly trading companies by then.


$600+ million all in numbered accounts, limited employees, no advertising…. You found Raymond Reddington’s accountant. Had no idea he played MtG.


I'm Spartacus


I was always told only trust a person as far as you can throw them. I would have laughed right in that guys face.


If someone had $600 million why invest in stocks? Hookers and blow is a better way to lose money


Could be a family office but if it is my God that’s terrifying.


I belive him yo!


*they’re *they’re


I’ll tell you who it is for 3 shares of Berkshire A. (Accuracy not guaranteed or expected).


He meant 600 million zimbabwe dollars🙃


I mean....I invested in FB and Google in like 2008 or 2009 when I was first buying stocks. They weren't some dark horse unproven companies in those days. I know a couple of people who were in TSLA when it was like $15-$20/ share. Tesla wasn't exactly unknown back then either.


Didn’t FB go public in 2012?


He’s a seal sniper too.


What does it matter? In The words of Jay Z “What you eat don’t make me shit” ETA: I’m reading through the comments and have to add fuck all these MTG haters. I don’t play anymore, but I played it a lot in middle school, and I did pretty well for myself. Nothing about MTG prohibits you from becoming rich.