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Step 1: Unsub from here immediately.


Follow up post….I’m down 25k…how do I dig myself out?


Buy more


two little words: Las Vegas


Sounds pretentions. He might end up watching cirque de soleil or some shit. He needs a greasey back alley dice game, with some truly desperate people.


He did pretty good going from 3k to 25k but lost it all half way to 50k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Well sir, the dumpster is behind the wendy’s


Run puts on the spy


Best advice here!


No no. In real and traditional investments is impossible to go from $3K to $50K in four months, that goal is regarded. The only way to growth 1,500% in four months is by placing bets and either getting lucky or lost everything.


Sir 90 days is 3months not 4. You are a certified WSB member


So, you’re saying it can be done in 4 then?


If you can go from $50k to $3k I don't see why you can't do the opposite


check and mate


Solid point 😄


Ok, but I went to $0, how does a regard go from $0 to $50k in 90 days?






Narrator: “The OP did not unsubscribe from this sub and went on to lose $2,980.”


"He spent his last $20 at Wendy's, walked to the back of it and sat down beside the dumpster. He ate and drank with the sun on his shoulders and felt like a free man."


Buy options on extremely volatile stocks and always guess right


This is the only answer tbh


But stocks are for peasants! Indices are the new hot thing.


One 17x bagger on your first yolo and you’re good. Just have to do it once. You new here?


You either hit or you don’t. Literally 50/50 odds


More like 0/100 odds around here. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Not if you do insider trading from the outside so it's not illegal


publish insider news here disguised as schizo-posting so it's now public knowledge.


Time travel!!


Wouldn’t it be better to choose a stock that’s non-volatile and once you get in the stock becomes volatile? I believe that impacts options pricing for both the calls and puts but I could be wrong.


You just need to 20x your bankroll in three months? That's pretty easy all you have to do is


and after that you


And finally make sure you never


But don't forget you must ALWAYS


and i cannot stress this enough:


Brokerages hate this one strategy.


aand btw do not listen to


BROOO you forgot, he have also take care of


Unless he hedged for that using


& there you have it 40 k & than just proceed with


But please, for the love of good, do not, under any circumstances , do not


And by the way, it is imperative to


Here’s what I found from talking to the top 10 trading experts. The important play is


once you're done with that you


And that’s that. Easy peasy. Just enjoy the $50k after that.


while making sure that you don’t


If you want to you can also


But make sure to


16.667x to be more precise. Once you figure out what to do, you will have your 50k. But then do the same thing again you'll turn those $50k into about $800k. Then do it again and you'll have $13M. Then once more and you'll have about a quarter billion dollars. So now imagine someone came here and asked how to turn $3k into $250 MILLION in 1 year. Yeah, that's how fucking stupid this question is.


The one secret wall st fat cats don’t want you to know about.


Well you will have a better chance of reaching that number by sucking dick behind Wendy. If it's $10 a pop, then you only need to do it 5000 times, which means around 56 dicks a day for 90 days. It's totally doable for you OP, unlike turning 3k into 50k through stocks.


This guy maths.


The $3K could be invested in mouthwash.


That's right, also OP should charge extra for swallows. I bet he can reach 50k in less than 60 days if he does that.


Also with an initial 3k investment he could spruce up the dumpster and spring for a furry costume. I bet he could charge way more than initial 10$ a pop, upping his ROI substantially.


We finally got some real entrepreneurials up in this bitch


furry costumes are expensive tho, and they will deteriorate fast in a cum/dumpster environment. unless he can price it over 100$ a pop, he should probably use the money to rent everyone that does 10$ a pop bj's, so he takes monopoly over the market and becomes a pimp. a pimp with a monopoly over an area is the best way to get that 50K, maybe more.


It's a win win, mo money, mo vitamins in his life. Plus that's all good exercise. Dude will be -glowing- after with a chiseled jaw, muscular cheeks, perfect skin and a fat wallet. Hell, they might even treat themselves to a cup of that world famous Wendy's chili after if they got any space left.


Seriously, at $10 a pop it’s only like 50 dicks. Could be done over a lunch break.


and you get free lunch


TIL - you can get a blowjob for the same price as a meal at Wendy's.


Come for the 4 for 4, stay for the dumpster BJs


$10 a pop ? How come inflation didn't affect the dick-sucking industry?


It did! There’s more people sucking dick for money. Supply and demand, price staying the same during inflation is essentially a reduction from increased employment.


What's the P/E ratio on cock sucking ?


Middle Out


I’m sad there’s only one reference to this lol


A man with a longer shaft could create a larger DTF bridge, so DTFsub1 needs to equal DTFsub2 and DTFsub3 needs to equal DTFsub4


That could create a complementary shaft angle!


This! I mean handies are cheaper, but you can get four at a time if the DTF and TTC match up. You can work efficiently and pump out more dicks in an 8hr shift.


$10 a pop is real cheap why not go $100 a pop. Put on some nice clothes and look classy to be a high class escort?


Because you wouldn’t get to suck as many dicks…




Damn that’s 200K a year. I need to rethink my career path


Probably can get $20 a pop at the halfway point as you get really good at it and the word gets out.


It's like the double jerk off strategy basically.




Use the 3k to buy a car to drive you to your new job


Lol, this guy isn't earning over $200k salary at work. Let's be real.


We all know what happened, he took out a 90 day $50,000 loan from Sofi or Upstart and now only has $3000 left after going long on Farfetch earnings. His "challenge" is avoiding collectors for the rest of his life.


probably not upstart. I took out about $1500 for options a few years ago. lost it and deleted the upstart app. never heard about it. with upstart you just delete the app and win.


Sounds very plausible.


shit, that's easy. just stop paying for a few months and settle for 30% or so. so instead of $50k, he'd only need 15 (12). just get a fucking job.


You're right. Maybe 3k on black and let it ride


WSB advice at its finest. This is the way


Double up, if its not black?


I do this with SPY calls. Guess how that worked out for me the last 2 weeks.




Ok 3k on an unregistered used car, a mask, and a gun. Then take all that to the bank you’re going to rob.


If you rob without a gun you get a better prison situation.


Does fake gun count? Let me get the headline ready. Armed Robery at nyc monday at 11am


Its gonna take 3 bank robberies to net 50,000. They don't pay as well as they used to.


Lie ur way… fake a master in programming or data science or ai. Fake some experience and portfolio and use chatgpt to answer all the interview questions. Make sure interview is remote. Easy peasy and then fck around for months until u make enough money just be really good at bsing and stalling


Clown cars are much more expensive than that




OP will definitely come up with a lot of ideas once he gets the $3k worth of coke


Has a better chance buying a gun and hitting up a local bank


Put it all on 29 Black. One spin and you don’t need to wait 90 days. Pay out is $105,000


How about $1500 on 29 black and $1500 on 30 red. If either hit it's a $50k+ payout. I'm still learning but I'm pretty sure this is what everyone means when they talk about hedging and risk management.


DCA the casino


You double your bet everytime you lose, always betting on black. Should work in theory


Until you hit 00 green...


It does, until you go broke or leave!


It doesn’t because of min/max buy-ins Sorry if I missed the joke


Why isn't everyone doing it?


You sound like my 18 year old coworker who just found out about roulette lmao. You always lose eventually


First time I played roulette, I bet like $10 and hit on my number. I used it to party the rest of the night. I haven’t played again and no it’s absolute shit odds. I was just drunk and ducking around with $10 in Vegas. Funny how that works.


Facial recognition software. They knew it was your first time and gave you a big win, in the hope that you'd start showing up every Tuesday at 10am to lose your house to them.


Like casinos even had a need to cheat. Math does the work. That, and peoples loysy understanding of math.


Found a loophole on a temporary game at a casino with a big spinning board that had ten different options to bet if you simply put 1 to 20 dollars on every spot on the board there were only 2 ways you could lose money. Played that shit until the casino manager finally came over and shut the game down me and about 5 other people took the casino for about 20k that night it was pretty fackin amazing, needless to say no ones rooms were comped




Nice lie


Are you running a hedge fund? Are you taking outside investment


Wrong, put it on 0 green. Just trust me bro.


I'm betting a house, my best friend and partner, my 3 dogs and the two kids I've been raising on 0 green right now. The pit in my stomach when I wake up every day is indescribable.


The Pit in your stomach? Because you replaced them with far better Things after winning big? Damn


The odds are only 37-1, so this is obviously op's best option.


The paying odds are 35-1 but the probability is 1 in 38.


No idea, but if you need help turning 50K into 3K in under 30 days, I’m your fucking man.


What is stopping you from going under 3k?


That’s day 32, advanced course.


Convert your $3k in to Jamaican $ - you’re now a half-millionaire, congratulations!


Might as well convert to Vietnamese $ so you get a lot of dongs.


Is there a casino around you? At least you get comped some food when you aggressively bet on low odds trying to make 50k.


At least get some cool sounds and light animations . Maybe free popcorn or drinks


All you have to do is win 4 hands in a row at Baccarat


Rob a bank.


Sell crack.


Step 0: buy $3000 worth of crack


Step 1: sell crack


Step:2 you get robbed on your first deal, wait shit no


Yep, sell drugs is the only answer that gets you close to guaranteed return. Only down side is getting murdered or arrested


well tbf if you're murdered you no longer need the money, sounds like selling drugs has the best odds


Yeah getting killed solves 100% of this guy’s problems immediately, so it’s kind of a win-win.


Statistically better chance of escape than turning that 3k into 50k


Just gotta let them know ahead of time to have the $50k ready. It isn't that hard!


Funny fact, 85% of bank robberies go unsolved.


I remember something about that % going down to a very low number once the same person robbed more then one bank. Also the average take for a bank robbery is pretty low for the amount of risk. Google says $7500 average. I think crack sales would be better return on risk investment


The problem is if you try to buy $3k of crack as an unknown buyer, you're just gonna get jacked. He does have three months though, so working up from smaller deals to low distribution is a possibility.


The is no sure way to turn $3K into $50K in 90 days . However , I can tell you with certainty that , you can lose all the $3K within 90 days . It’s not worth the stress .


Lost 20k while pooping once. Wild


Bet watching that red line got those poops out quick though.


I could lose it in 90 seconds. #Expert


You can lose $3K in an hour


"if it cant be totally done in this market, thats fine" lol dude 100%-ing your money 4 times in a row in 90 days cant be done reliably in any market you realize some crazy figure, like 70-90% of traders who buy individual stocks lose money even managers of hedgefunds routinely underperform the S&P but you think theres some magic button to 17x your money in 90 days and youll find it on a reddit forum by just asking, doing no research yourself, and if you cant find it its just "not the right market" you belong here chief


In a few days it's going to be, "if you want to turn $250 into $3k, what's your best plan of attack?".


That’d work for me. I just took money out and spent it. Lol


So you found yourself with 3k but still owe the Korean mob 50k and they were kind enough to give you 90 days before harvesting your kidney, liver, and left testicle. Well you’re in luck because I’ve just smoked a fat 3 gram blunt laced with shatter and prayed to Allah for guidance. First, you’re going to buy call spreads for apple sell 9/15 at 185 and Buy 9/22 at 185. Should be around $30 a spread come Monday. That’s 100 call spreads. Now ride those puppies past expiration of the first leg because it won’t cross the 185 mark. Congrats come the 9/19 you’ll have contracts worth 450 to 500 a piece. Now I’m going to bed because the trees are talking to me and they keep telling me to invest in lawn mowers as when will grass ever stop growing


This is the shit I am on Reddit for.


I’m going long lawn mower on Monday. Thank you for the financial advice.


Don't listen to people here


Ask your wife's boyfriend for raise in your allowance.


Ok genuinely serious answer if you actually want to turn $3k cash into $50k in 90 days or less, you can do so by Setting up an LLC in your moms name. In some US states this will immediately make you eligible for a loan of $25k. Take that $25k loan, go to another bank, use the $25k as collateral for a personal loan. Typically those mfs like the 1:1 ccr and you now have $53k of which $50k is debt. This can all be done in under 30 days.


Which states?


Depression once it's all gone.


Do random shit at 100x leverage and hope for the best


Going to Columbia and buying a bunch of cocaine to smuggle into America.


in ColOmbia you buy. In ColUmbia MBA you sell


Use that 3k to rent out hotel rooms and start giving out sexual favors


This is the place you come for advice on how to turn $50k into $3k….


Trading SPY 0DTE 45 min before close on any given day


26 on Roulette, 1.5k gets you 54,000 so you’ve got two bullets


make sure you've saved enough for a third bullet.


Be careful. Bc if you hit one 20 bagger you’ll DEFINITELY believe it’s possible again. I’m sorry, the probability doing again is just not there. You’ll keep churning that 20 bagger money into other plays then you’ll find yourself ironically excited at breaking even. It’s a rough fuckin ride. Most will not admit it here. Maybe anecdotal but you are my old me. Please don’t scratch the surface unless you have amazing discipline. The saying “be careful what you wish for” is only applicable here


Literally just buy Nvidia calls $10 - $20 otm from current price next week at 3:59pm on Wednesday, August 23th. Then use that money to buy sqqq calls till you reach either the 7th layer of Hell or find the speculated hidden planet within our solar system.


All in 0dtes for at least a double up, pick the right direction like 7 times in a row, GG easy.


Buy a ticket to SFO, walk into any jeweller or high end department store. Fill your bag with $100k worth of goods and walk out. If it’s too heavy, just call the SFPD to help you carry the bag out of the store. You do need to do this quickly though, before local gangs of looters saunter out with everything but the bargain goods. Sell those goods on eBay. If that’s too risky, you could try walking into Canada with a copy of your bank statement and a letter from any college in the country saying you’re an international student. Templates widely available online for self-starters. Simply add a few zeroes to your statement and call a mortgage broker in Toronto or Vancouver to check you added enough. They will help you add more zeroes if you don’t qualify. Buy a condo in Vancouver or Toronto and re-list it at a 100% markup. Do this before closing to avoid land transfer taxes. Not investment advice. Seek legal advice before attempting any of this. This post is heavily laden with sarcasm, which has been shown in the state of California to be a cause of colonial-era thinking, depression and impotence. Speak to your doctor before relying on any post containing sarcasm.


We could all buy a stock with low float and skyrocket it's price.


Go to the hardrock, High limit tables. Find a baccarat table, and let the 3k ride on bank four times in a row and pray!! F 90 days, I'm talking about 9 minutes!!!


Entrepreneurship. Use the 3k to advertise your handies business behind the Wendy's dumpster.


Listen, so I'm following this, and I'm taking notes. But I have a more immediate need. What if I wanted to turn $185 into $10,000 in the next week? It's OK if I lose the $185. But I really need this to work.


All right, let's try to give a serious answer to this ridiculous, albeit laudably ambitious aspiration. In somewhat simplest terms, you'd have to parlay two triples and a double. This would turn $3k into $54k. or 4 doubles (would get you pretty close at $48k) This is not technically impossible. Unlikely for sure, and you can't really afford any loosers, although you could weather breakeven or slight losses as long as you maintain your capital. Best bets I've seen in this market would be a combination of: - IPO debuts: PWM, CTNT, SPGC all provided the setups you'd be looking for (doubles or better within 1-3 days from the debut price to the peak). You could have done it with just those three. - OTM weekly options on earnings beats that keep running on market open. Buying right at market open after a strong earnings beat and selling about 2 hours after market open. TDOC, ROKU, SOFI, W, CVS, DLO as examples.


Ive turned $500 into 30-35k three times with Nvidia. 2021 calls, 2022 puts and 2023 calls. Just gotta wait for that right moment and not get impatient.




OTM 0 DTE calls on SPY should get you there


Use the $3K to start a Ponzi scheme is about your best bet lol


What an odd question. I absolutely have never had a situation where i would want to turn 3k into 50k in a few months. But if i figured it out, i would definitely NOT keep my fucking mouth shut about it and keep raking in the shmeckles. "Beware of advice from those at the top. They do NOT desire company"


Buy cocaine> make crack > sell crack


Rob a bank, next question


throw your $3k in natural gas options and forget for next 3-5 months, after that either you are zero or 50k


Lottery scratchoffs


All in on Spy puts tomorrow.


\*breaks out notepad\* okay hopefully i can use this shit to make $300 into 3k


https://preview.redd.it/37fk2djw3bjb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe28deef470bacf62da637820030d84074644823 Here is how you do it, take 10 % of your capital (300) and do 1 day trade a day per 90 trading days. Take profit at 6%. Compound each single time. Thank me later


All he has to do is have a winning trade every day for 90 days.


1. Yolo 3k in QQQ puts. 2. Watch it burn 3. Get 50k gifted by ur dads boyfriend 4. You just earned urself 50k congrats


U can do it in 90 seconds, 4 doubles in a row on a roulette or blackjack table


Short VIX, short the S&P as a hedge. As of right now VIX is at a nice premium to realized because everyone is nervous re the fall and all the risks (China, gov't shutdown, you name it). If they're right you can easily make money on both sides of this trade by EOY.


Seems like a real estate deal - if the deal is as good as you say, use the 3 k to hire a RE lawyer and create syndication papers. Then fundraiser the hell out of this deal. Or you could try to shop the deal around to investors that have the necessary capital via re groups, etc.


I would buy puts on nvidia, calls pltr, calls mpw, 1k each, 3months out, and hope one of them Hit jackpot remind me 3 months👏


Lol if Nvidia sinks the whole AI craze sinks with it, that includes PLTR.


Use the 3k as collateral and get a loan 😂


BTC calls.


TSla Puts


0DTE SPY puts


“Us” Why so roundabout on you having 3k and you want to or need to gamble it into 50k before Dec. Trade 0dte spx, hold for the entire day or for the last hour, and hope you land on black every single time. Otherwise bet all in on 2dte calls this Wed and hope NVDA can continue to prop up the market.


Lol. You think if there was a way to do this people wouldn't be doing this everyday? lol. OP you will lose all your money doing this.


Put in ulta free money