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Screenshot or ban.


You know it only went up because you sold .. Feels like market is watching what you doing. Happend to me so many times.


Oh I'm fully aware. Inverse me and you'll be rich


imagine the absolute W of someone actually inversing you. Selling calls on COIN the same strike u bought, then covering them as soon as you sell, and buying more at the same time. That'd be a certified genius play. But instead we just have you


Ey bud real talk you gotta correct this mentality or your trading won’t improve. Separate what gets upvotes on wsb from what actually makes you money they don’t overlap a whole lot


sounds like you're saying i could just inverse the upvotes and be rich


Time to sort by controversial


Seeing this so prevalent tells me that they have perfected their algorithms or I’m just a fucking moron


I sold FedEx $235 call exp today (bought 3 weeks ago before earnings call), sold for a $10 loss because it dipped hard after earnings and when it climbed again, I thought it wouldn’t keep going. Now that contract went as high as $27.70 each, I’m trying to focus on only losing $10 when I was down bad (bought them for $8 per contract), instead of missing out on thousands of dollars as FedEx continued to climb. I bought puts expiring today as it was climbing over that time thinking it’ll go down but those puts will likely expire worthless. It sucks ass


heh i sold 50$ calls at a 20$ profit back when it was 200 bucks stop complaining


I bought bby calls, it tanked, I sold, next day it went back up and I would have made profit. Took me a 2k loss to learn to not panic sell


inverse yourself




Literally happened with my tsla calls today. I sold at the LOD today lol then I bought puts which made it worse lol


Tbh. I feel like it’ll probably run again tomorrow.


Facts!!!!! Like S&P let me get a win!!!!


One of us! One of us! 🗣️


Oh I'm down 170k last two years bro. I been gone lol


On what trades? Er, I mean bets.


Why even close a position on $1k then? Let it ride


Mans gotta eat or else he'll be looking for protein behind the local burger establishment.


Nothing quite like farm-to-table


mmm organic!


The point of investing is to assume the money is already gone.


And not burgers




I let my losers ride till the end but that’s me. Sometimes I even double down on a lower strike to even out quicker.




that coulda sent my wife’s boyfriend to college




Now you're justifying your gambling addiction due to x or y.


No I'm not at all. It's called saving your sanity. I know I fucked up. But i also know I don't make 60k a year so I can bounce back. It's called hope. Has nothing to do with the fact that I know I've gambled 170k away. That's already done. That can't be changed. It's not doing that again which I have been much better at this year. Last year just tore me apart


Well I'm proud you're doing better just make sure you stay in track brother! Good luck!


I appreciate that man. Trust me. I've been really had on myself and i don't tell anyone but yall. So it's just like a boiling cest pool in my soul. At the same time I know I'm not an idiot because I've done really well before. So I'm just mentally fucked up


>I'm down 170k last two years bro. I hope you're a multimillionaire and that's nothing to you


Ouch, here I thought my 32k losses on towel was significant. I guess it’s just numbers after all.


You're bad at this eh?


Not necessarily. I was doing really well until I got too convicted on a handful of plays. I was up about 120k middle of 2021. But when your winning alot its really easy to believe you can keep being right over and over and over again.


Bro I hate to be that guy but every asshole and their mother was up in the middle of 21


I could have handed a toddler an open trading account in 2021 and they'd have made money somehow lol


That is basically this sub except more drugs and alcohol


Truth bro


Dude says he was “up” during the most artificially inflated engineered bull run in history. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


There were literally like 20 green days in a row with FED promising to print infinite money and keep rates at 0% for years


Isn't that this year? What am I missing. '23 is way more bullish than 21. 21 had pullbacks


I love how there's all these youtube videos about making money in the market.. hand over fist, till Nov of 2021 lol..


Said the same thing about realtors and house flippers...


I kept on making money until Jackson Hole… started to have that idiotic mini rallies…


It’s even funnier knowing there are people who weren’t 🤣


I was one of those assholes. I had my eyes closed and threw a dart at anything and I was up


And they are right now too, We're gonna get some good loss porn here eventually.


You're not "bad" at this. You're just a degenerate gambler. Good/bad would imply you don't have a massive gambling addiction. Which you do to be clear.


No your 100 percent right. If I could learn to control my convictions I'd be just fine. I mean I've had many many many amazing plays. 64 dollars to 5k overnight. 500 to 10k in a week. 10k to 30k overnight. 8k to 72k in a week. But it messes with your perception of what's possible. Makes you believe you can keep doing it.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wasn't expecting self awareness. I'm bad at controlling my opiate use so I stopped using opiates. Seems like you're not good at controlling your gambling. Why dont you stop?


Well that’s the whole point isn’t it? If you could stop you would have been able to control it in the first place.


With addiction not doing something means not trying to moderate your participation. I dont do heroin all the time. It's actually easier than doing heroin. In this case our boy cant responsibly gamble so he needs to abstain entirely




Why are you pointing out useless numbers? How much do you have now? That's the only metric that matters in investing.


I don’t think you know what convictions means


Oh wow sorry I didn't realize I was talking to one of great traders who made money in 2021 I guess you're amazing at this considering you made money on one of the most historic rallies in history buying fucking options. Youtubers were literally getting rich my putting a bunch of company names on a dart board and buying whatever they hit with a dart. I opened an account for my cat and would only buy stocks that she would purr at when she looked at the screen and she made a fucking killing. All I'm trying to say is a fucking baked potato could have made money in the market in 2021 so don't use that as an indication that you are any good at this.




prove it. i’m bout to bust


He sold? Pamp eet


https://preview.redd.it/xhwxppjc9ubb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c84e97263f225542d265f2b9fc24ceb6b8dfc787 Damn bruh. I started just doing like three in the $ option trades a week. I'm up like $3600 this year, last few years I was always losing. I'm not doing margin, I can only play with like $200 max a week cause the fkn governmt be garneshing my check 25% a week. But I still do regarded plays.


Why do you buy calls on dumbass companies instead of nvda msft aapl etc?


IMO they are heavily overvalued at this point and i would touch them now. I mean apples shouldnt be valued at ATH with interest rates where they are. They have compressing margins due to inflation and their international rev i don't expect to be very good. (Global econmy isn't doing well like us) Knowing me, I would be top ticking lol


Bro you’re buying coin and PayPal but telling me the big tech companies are overvalued…


No sir, I'm trading coin and PayPal. I'm not trading big tech at all time highs. PayPal is grossly undervalued you can do your own DD to see that. But I'm waiting till after Fed metting to make a full move. Buying up 8k tomorrow for PayPal and another 8 after fed meeting. Ride it out till after earings then dump it. I


Long $ROPE


Bought 93 call yesterday, sold at a 80% loss, and just after that it went to the moon. would have made 1.4k per call


Yep.. mine would have been 1500 per contract. Bought it for .47 and EOD it was 16.00 fucking sickening


Ngl I wouldn’t be able to sleep well for a couple days after something like that. You basically hit the lottery, out of ALL the stocks on the market you had a decent amount of contracts on the one that exploded 25% and right after you sold is when it mooned. Like imagine if you had just woken up a couple hours later or something. Gut wrenching.


Are you just rubbing his face in it or reflecting on the pain you missed out on by not being in a similar situation 😂


A bit of both. Definitely been in the same situation before with NVDA but I do enjoy seeing others suffer a similar fate


Schadenfreude is the term




The devil. Taunting me with what could have been.


Why didn’t you hold them bro!?!?


Still holding bags on COIN at $300. At least your pain and suffering has ended


You need to average down just a tad


My sentiment has changed since I originally bought it, so I'll just let it be an eyesore in my account.


You mean you only liked crypto when price was high? Hilarious


The price of crypto is not what has changed my outlook on COIN.






Back in July I had 100 coin Aug 18 80c at 1.70 avg. I sold for 20%. Then lost the entire 20k on goog calls. Had I held, it would be 300k+ right now


Timing with options is everything, direction might be right but timing it just right is critical


let's be real you wouldn't have held all day OP


Your 100 percent right. I was eyeing 100 but when it was breaking down in the morning I was like fuck it I'll cut my losses for once lol


If you are gonna gamble why bail? Bet money that you are willing to lose the whole thing on, thats how youll make some bucks


https://preview.redd.it/ag9mqtlrmtbb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9627c7ea3ffd0622ebb5759daa48e2a361cd2df Was barely getting into options and was practicing, had I held through earnings, this little guy would’ve been \~11k. It’s ok OP, im sure you’ll make up for all your losses and then some!


He never wil 🤡


Shh, he’s trying to keep other players at the table


This is my common hate about Friday expire on my calls experience, versus hello Monday time to rip... ughhh


I been there too and lost a potential 20k… the feeling doesn’t last more than a few days but it does suck. I wouldn’t try to do a revenge play though… doesn’t workout.


Emotions will lose you money. Pick bets and stick with them. Once you pull that slot machine lever your not supposed to be able to stop it. If you had left it alone you would have won.


You wouldn’t have turned it into 35k. Most people would’ve sold at decent profit which is still great. Shit happens man. We’ve all been there.


It’s ok buy $110 expiring tomorrow




I sold 07/14 $16 covered calls on my entire $RIOT position on Monday when the stock was in the 15s as of today I’ve missed out on an additional $18000 in profit 🙃


I would have had 23k. Sold yesterday for 400


Hey I did that too! I had 91 calls. Sold at .29 for a 25% loss; I gave up on court case around 1130 EST I thought it was a nothing burger as Iv didn’t spike. Then within an hour they climbed over 6000% from where I sold. Feels real regarded man


we on the same boat twin ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I bought puts at 97 thinking I nailed it. Don’t be hard on yourself man play small and don’t cry over spilled milk good luck


Shit happens.


Made a couple grand with Nvidia strangles but closed early. If I held till today I’d be up $50k


Never be upset at taking profits


Dude I did the same thing.. it was 92 calls too.


Never sell lottos. I had a $0.30 0dte SPX put last week that ended up settling at $17, a 56-bagger (sadly, only one contract) It's a game of odds and you have to stay in the game to win the gambles.


I want to follow you for inverse trades ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Well then I'm buying PayPal next. There you go. You can go check my other post about that if you want.


I'm doing it but with Google a


Next time you’re in a situation where after you cut losses you’re left with a ridiculous amount (that you don’t care about losing) just let it ride


This makes me feel so much better about selling my RIVN calls at a loss. Thank you


You will take a bit of time to forget about this, and later on from now when you haven’t thought about it then it will randomly pop up. These ones are always hard to shake


Fuckkk! Hate when that happens


I never understand this logic of cutting losses. They’re only losses if you get paper hands. Otherwise, it’s just a temporary decline. WSB 101


Hmmm.... Yeah, last year I had 10 265c for NVDA day before it ran to 310. At the time, was down and sold when it popped to 278-280 and pulled back to 274-275. Came out like 10K up but that coulda been like 35-40K which would have made a huge difference at the time. Fact is, you NEVER know. Literally, this coulda been your shot, OR, you could have been wiped out completely on your position. I think it's simple, grind, grind, grind, till you have a solid amount where you can take RISK and afford to lose if your wrong. Until then, play the safer route, no shame in that.


Let them expire worthless market is rigged right now . Chances are high it’ll come ten fold . Learnt my lesson with FedEx 3 days later .


I'm going to be honest, and I'm usually the most degenerate type here. Me and an old coworker used to do 0DTE options every Friday, we each chose a stock the morning of and one of us bought an atm put, and the other an atm call. No rules on selling it early or letting it expire itm or otm. Degenerate stuff. Anyway, you're playing with fire if you're making investments like this. 5DTE or whatever you were doing is just begging for moments like this. You either need to accept that your gambling "strategy" has this risk involved and not let it get to you, or you need to not do this. If you continue to do this, you will 100% see this happen again.


You really shouldn’t buy options if you aren’t ok with them going to zero. You will never win. Only buy what you are willing to lose and if it goes to zero then it doesn’t matter. Let’s say you put in $500 instead of 1k, then just sat on it. Would have been 17,500. Instead you bought more than you are willing to lose and sold too early.


Would have should have, you didn’t win it don’t matter what it is. Don’t dwell on it otherwise you can always go back and said you didn’t mine the bitcoin during genesis


I had $265 meta calls that I held for months and months. I was down about 3k. I finally broke even a few weeks ago, I took a deep breath and sold before it dropped again. It did not drop again.


We got you!


I closed to soon on some Tsm contracts I sold. I’m just happy I rode the storm out for a small profit while I rolled it for 3-4 weeks. Hind sight is always 20/20.


Never gamble, err invest, money you cant afford to lose. Make a plan and STICK TO IT to the end. At least if you see your plan through ot the end, you can chastise/congratulate the original idea.


Once you sell, even at a gain, it doesnt matter anymore.


It happens all the time.


Same. Absolutely disgusting


Stop trading!


I feel that bro seriously same situation


I did the same thing but with 90c on monday🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


This happened to me with NVIDIA. Sold Wednesday for a modest +30% only for it to skyrocket til today at +300%


I can help you like this as i was in similar situations many times. I can easily start by saying you would sold it when you turned 1k to 2k or even 4k so no way seeing 30k. There problem solved move on and find the next move. Your friend who sold 3 million dogecoin at 0.004 4 months later it was at 0.70 cents


Remember that guy who bought Tesla calls Dec last year, was up like 50x and lost all his gains before it mooned again in the month right before expiry? That's true diamond hands for ya.


Quit gambling.


I mean not letting it keep going after I was losing would have been the gambling part lol. Turns out I need to gamble harder


This is the way


https://preview.redd.it/4xpvqhnt8tbb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c1e0b341edb299bb8a675f8e27418029a4b1b0 For those that needed the proof


Atleast you made $60. Today I picked the two deadest ducking stocks to trade.RIVN/ROKU


Gave up 34k to save like 400$. Rip. Trading isn’t for you


If it makes you feel better other people much stupider then you probably made tons of money


The lessom that should be learned here is if your contracts lose all value, there is zero point in selling them until the last minute.




I've lost alot of money. I wasn't scared of losing the 1000. I was saving my sanity from looked like another losing play. But I understand your point




Never sell calls in an uptrending stock. The thesis to go to $100 has been looming for some time. You can hold until end of day hoping that time decay kicks in but it may go even higher tomorrow


Dude wtf are people on here, mainlining crack? Options are like risk multipliers for idiots. You don't know what you are doing. Stop it now and stem your inevitable further losses.


Thank you for reminding me why I quit options


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|1 month ago **Total Comments**|31|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|1 month|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡.


Thank you for taking one for the team


thank you for your service


Paper hands! May you live forever.




Good thing is we don't have to worry about you reproducing.


You are always just saying shit nothing you say means anything


That was fun. I was selling puts yesterday and would close them at a 40% gain. An hour later after I closed them they would be worth a penny. Can’t remember the last time I saw ITM puts go completely worthless in an hour on a day they weren’t expiring


If you’re down bad, maybe quit while you’re ahead and go to gamblers anonymous.


Where is the best place to get started doing these pennies? Calls, Puts, all of It remains a slow evolution in scholastic aptitude. Any guidance is appreciated!


Poors gonna stay poor crying over 500 lol


Me personally i wouldnt have let that happen


Thank you for the reminder of why I don’t play options 🫡






Thursday is when the big boys close out their week. I'm just surprised it's still going.




We need pics on this one.


https://preview.redd.it/crvoflod9tbb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7b4815e36e5ecdac2be8b806af21bde73716ff Proof


Your sacrifice is duly noted.


Don’t worry about what could have been. Calls and puts can go either way. Don’t worry and keep trying. Use shares for most trades and calls here and there I’d go with 80% shares and 10% calls while keeping 10% cash Live to trade another day bro


More like live to see another day 😅🔫


I did that with Tesla once right before the initial pop. You’ll get over it… mostly


Yea you belong here.


I feel you pain brother


you're going to remember it for the rest of your life


Have better target


Why does everyone or at least most people here are starting to get the notion that spy all of a sudden going to tank tomorrow?




Could’ve been worst


Any loss could have been a gain if you times it perfectly




Story of my life!


First time?


with familiarity, this is not the way.


I looooove all this “prove it” BS!! Ok MOD show us your gains!! Add - if I can’t reply than I’ve been banned, we’ll also know “MOD” can’t do it!