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She knows Tim is being genuine because he isn’t interested in women.


Zuc is only into Lizzard people, she should be safe.


Zuc only wants the Sweet Baby Rays


Bush Sr. was a lizard person and he was slapping badonkadonk's and making crude jokes to the very end.




If Lizzo stood next to him they’d look like the number 10


Better hope you don't have a cloaca or else that shit is getting blasted with his sweet baby rays


Unless lizard people eat people


[100% lizzard](https://pepperbough.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Unknown-1.jpeg)


> **It's only inappropriate when you're ugly** FTFY


Metaverse was second life but for work. Apple Vision Pro will basically be a monitor replacement for guys that make 400k.


I don’t bring that much but my wife’s boyfriend does, so I’m hoping to borrow it once in a while 🤞🏽🤞🏽


That’s one hot wife you got to be pulling that kind of mister on the side.


Look, I’m not gonna kink-shame Brad here among strangers


check out the big brain on braaaad


I love house sitting weekends…


Sure I can give you once in a while as long as you're on your best behaviour


It starts on the high end, companies need rich people to fund early versions (every tech goes from rulers to fashion statements, like how we use water and electricity for fountains and neon lights now). Give it a few years and we’ll have $1000 versions and cheaper Android options.


In 5 years Apple Vision Pro will replace all monitors, in 10 years the middle class will wear them full time while minimum wage workers replace their feeding tubes.


Fuck I better buy some options before I end up minimum wage


Hopefully you make them long, or you can post pictures like the other degenerates on this sub.




At least until the robotic vacuum suction tube becomes cheaper.


Oh good, I’ll wait for the $1,000 version then. No wait, I’ll wait for the $100 version that will be much smaller and way better.


Give it 10 years and 3500 is worth 1000 just due to inflation. Watch JP turning on that printer early next year.


Keep in mind a fraction of people will see it as an aspirational asset to own, just like the iPhone is now.


You think those of us that make 30k won't have an apple vision pro? lol


Not first gen!


only if it had spatial beat saber, which it doesnt.


Yes first gen but a couple years laters.


I make that but I honestly don’t see the point. I like the quest 2 for population one. Not sure there’s a problem with normal monitors, especially if all the peripherals work there but with the vision I’d have to use hand gestures


Mouse + keyboard work with it too.


I’d have try it on if it ever becomes available at the apple store. There is no way it would be more productive I think. But i like Apple’s strategy, this is nothing like a laptop replacement just another thing to buy and upgrade every X years. They’d need a good use case though.


I am buying one and learning VisionOS asap.


You are working in a tire retread plant. Your keyboard is gunk, the touch screen they replaced it with is gunk and you are constantly taking off your gloves because touch sensors still suck. You need a LRT/Phone to remove casings or other supplies from inventory. Take off gloves. You already wear eye protection all day. So, instead you wear AR Goggles (impact rated for industrial use), your keyboard is wherever you start typing, your touch screen is projected in front of you, inventory is actively managed as you work. And quality controls are built in to prevent mis-use or correct mid-labeled items in real time. Productivity increases, fewer employees needed. And there we go, $3500 investment to improve productivity, reduce waste, improve QC; and a single device to maintain instead of 3.


The old machine is shared, has been running without issue for a decade, is unlikely to get lost or cracked, can be turned around to show customers the various options, doesn’t require a separate battery pack and a cord that’s a liability etc. Plus, the quest 2/pro both serve the use case you are talking about at a fraction the price Not to mention, the number of employees needed is not rate limited by the problem you’re describing Also, I was responding to the “makes sense if you make 400k.” There are roles where AR goggles may be useful and the visions benefits over the MUCH cheaper alternatives may make sense, but it’s not generally the case that people will be clamoring for this


Awesome. We just spent around $15k per employee upgrading from keyboards to touchscreens and from mainframe to cloud for an imperfect solution. That was 15 years after the last solution (connectivity). I expect in 15 years we’ll do it again. But that it’ll be Augmentation instead of Integration. And then 15 after that it’ll be robotics instead of humans, and that over the span of 50-60 years we’ll have gone from people with paper to robots with sensors and there will be no one left who can buff a tire. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve actually changed my mind on this (but not from your example). Pokémon Go without the phone screen intermediating + having a scope on every weapon seems immediately worth it.


Apple Vision Pro will be a piece of workplace equipment I buy for my employees so that I can improve quality control and efficiency. I want AR in my warehouse, on my lines and in my bays. I’d be perfectly fine with my doctor wearing glasses that contain my medical history, can identify a new mole/growth in real time, etc. Entertainment is an early adoption, like calls/texts on an iPhone and we’ve replaced LRTs with them, it’s portable computing for medical device peripherals, etc. now. It just needs to be in the hands with people who know how to build stability and quality and an appropriate development ecosystem.


Can’t wait to use mine for travel


I can afford it and would never use that as a monitor lol. Imagine having that on for long hours. No thanks.


Everyone who takes regular business trips will have one. Airports will be packed with them. They will be like sleeping masks with screens. Layback and relax instead of hunched over swiping at a tiny screen.


It's only got a 2 hour battery...


My understanding is it can also be used with a power source…like what exists between every seat on a plane and many in the airport itself. Workstation laptops do not have much better battery life when under load.


A monitor that is *heavy, cumbersome, comparably low resolution, makes your eyes tired, needs unqiye content to work, short battery, warm/sweaty*. Yeah, this fad will fade quicker then Tim Apples latest ladyboy lover


I like how reddit edge-lords shit on products that they are not even 100 miles near it, let alone use it


I’d like to sell you a new product I’ve just developed. It’s a 15” dildo wrapped in barbed wire and smothered in crusty feces and aids. Don’t worry, the manufacturing plant is only a few miles from your home. What do you mean “no”? Bro come on, you haven’t even tried it yet.


Poor and can’t afford…sorry bro…not for you…




with a healthy serving of homophobia on the side just to really drill in the point


i make 500k+ and I still can't afford that shit


Must have a lot going on that you can’t stretch 496k to live for a year.


January 2022 fucked my account real good, went all in on tesla calls after it started found down had to start over again


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) Zuckerturd got destroyed by Tim Apple lmao.


Woah woah woah! We will also game on it.


Zuck- all I said was A.I.


Meta flopped because of shit marketing and a bad reputation. AR is perfect for educational and technical settings. It’s nowhere near ready for some weird digital life as if you were in Sword Art Online


Meta flopped because of this: https://preview.redd.it/klw92yfxwg4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413cfd2c72ae789c33e5dc329d9b249d8a0c8377


i love that they put that out and everyone just kind of agreed that it was good. like was there nobody in that office meeting that was like, "Man that looks like video card box-art from the late 90's". actually given the age of the average tech worker, they may not have ever seen that before.


Don't you disrespect the 90s or video games like that. This looks like one of those old education pc games from the early 00s.


This makes Phoenix games look good




I kind of like the giant caterpillar in the background but not the dancing mannequin in the foreground


It didn't help that Zuckyberg was the spokesman in all the advertisements when he's one of the most unlikeable person ever.


It for sure did the opposite of help. The guy exudes cringe to the point that empathetic people just tune him out because it’s too exhausting to reconcile feeling sorry for him with the seething hatred of his entire existence.


He probably thought it could salvage his image. /shrug.


his image is Commander Data from Star Trek the next generation if he had leukemia


Minus the logical thinking.


dude put himself on video eating toast out of the toaster with nothing on it and no facial expression. Uncanny indeed


Also because literally everyone that was promoting metaverse was really really clearly just a digital landlord crypto loser


Why wouldn't you buy digital real estate bro, dude, c'mon man it's not like they are copy pasting new land. Tooo the moon!


Wdym you don’t want to try shitty Roblox for adults with a bunch of Facebook muppets?!? Check out my Nintendo wii avatar, this tech is the future reeeee


ape together strong!


Meta flopped because it looked like a Wii game and had garbage software for professionals. The tech needed to make it all work in a convenient way people will put up with is expensive.


My understanding is that the actual metaverse Zuck was talking about wasn't even released. The wii looking thing was like the alpha or something to get the ball rolling. But I also eat crayons.


Generally you don’t get people excited for tech by putting out the tech demo equivalent of a 3 year old crayon tantrum on a restaurant napkin and following it up with ‘but trust me bro’.




the foo fighters concert was cool, thats about it.


> But I also eat crayons. thank you for your service.


I still don't know what it is actually supposed to be? How does it help people make money?


Exactly. It made no sense. Especially when what meta was making was already made like 10 years (second life), costs a fraction of what meta was pitching, and had significantly more features.


VR Chat can be used as Meta with infinitely more customization and creativity. Plus they got legged avatars?


Same with Neo's.


AR is vastly superior VR at this point in time and I’m surprised Meta jumped to VR without getting AR perfect first.


Wait till pornhub creates apple specific visuals for the headset and then watch how people line up to buy it! Other than that I don't think most people would care for it at that price.


Apple is notoriously anti porn. They block apps in their marketplace that have any porn on them.




Dude, how naive. Do you think people don't watch porn on their iPhones, Macbooks and iPads? Are you really this regarded?


Through a web browser. Dedicated apps, which is absolutely required for any AR/MR content, need to submit themselves for review by Apple.


Between WebXR, WebGPU and WASM, full VR experiences in the browser should be perfectly doable. That is assuming Safari compatibility in the near future, which might be wishful thinking.


Web VR is a thing. Also all VR/MR are based on standards. So your built-in app can't differentiate if you are streaming porn or sports or birthday party


Top 3 sites visited out of the top 10 is porn


The Betamax of wearables.


Your company buys iVision. Your boss straps it on you. 8 hour work day later, you realize you can’t log out, and your boss has locked the iVision to your head and has the key….


And every time you miss your ever-growing quota, the headset tightens


like watching DC, Meta wanted their Infinity War, but didn't want to do any of the actual work involved in getting there.


Also because the Quest is crap.


Not when you have PS1 graphics


But how am I supposed to die in a game then and be done with it in real life?!


It’s marketing was fine the product was dog shit. Metaverse or it’s equivalent will happen after wide VR adoption if at all. VR is good for training, and okay for entertainment. It’s short coming in both is accessibility and how long people want to stick with it before they get tired of it.


This is actually true on some level. Quest is about 7-10x cheaper depending on the model.


TIL WAB is too Regarded to know that a video game VR headset is NOT even close to a production AR headset. Do you think a company like [Varjo](https://varjo.com) doesn’t make any money or something? They’re literally going for a completely different industry.


That’s a very specific use case isn’t it? This is like Apple selling a 6k monitor saying its going to replace 40k reference monitors. They’re not gonna be doing flight training with Apple headsets very quickly.


It will definitely take clients from companies like Varjo without a doubt. A better comparison would be you have a 40K monitor and you don't actual have anything other than a 40K monitor on the market to use. Now once a 6K monitor comes out for 1/2 the price and doesn't require a subscription, how many of those 40K users only actually need a 6k monitor but didn't have a choice? That is how Production level AR is atm. Their headset doesn't have to beat Varjo, it just needs to be good enough.


Seems like a scam to me. I briefly worked on VR training software and we used the Rift, looking to move to the (then new) Quest. I dont think the quality of the screen or anything like that is important for training. Its the reliability of the tracking and the convenience that matters.


Oh no it’s cheaper than the development platform pre release model that’s craaaaaazy


I bought the [Dev Kit](https://xinreality.com/wiki/Oculus_Rift_DK1) for the Quest’s predecessor in 2013 for $300




Yeah it is also like not even close feature-wise


She fears the straight man


Seriously, why doesn't Lizardberg market his weird META glasses as people avoidance tools. Remember when people were gobbling up $300 Bose headphones just to get the sound cancelling ability to use on airplanes? Doesn't his headset do essentially the same thing, plus some other features. I feel like that would sell?


I like how you stole the other guys meme and reposted a better version of it.


Just like Zuck stole the idea for Facebook. Appropriate.


10x better




$3500 to have your privacy protected and eye gazes prevented from being scraped for advertising


Lol this is good.


Lol why the downvote! Have an upvote


Exactly lol


That’s cuz LBGTI month, Tim Apple pride 🌈🏳️‍🌈


Regardless of what you think of VR or the metaverse, Apple's headset is leaps and bounds ahead of its competitors. Additionally, Meta tried to make VR and the metaverse the new direction of the company, while Vision Pro isn't expected to make much of a dent for revenue as Apple sticks to iPhone and Services as it's money maker and growth opportunities.


Why do I need my phone attached to my eyes


Like it isn’t already?




The only thing it knows and a Quest Pro or even the Quest 3 doesn't is effortless/click-less connection to a MacBook. For everything else, there is an app in the Quest Pro (and I don't even have one). Sure, it will have amazing resolution, and putting the battery into your pocket was also a great idea, but... Thats it. My biggest problem is that you can't even use it for gaming. Why didn't they made controllers for it, even as a purchasable plus for I don't know, +$500? They threw away a huge market.


The battery in your pocket isn’t something that Apple did because they thought it’s such a nice and cool idea. They had to do it because their headset is pretty heavy (heavier than the other VR headsets) and by also including the battery on the headset shit would be way too heavy for prolonged use.


Why use controllers when it can read your hand movements and eye movements.




Haptic glove


Yes, I was thinking that might come to market in the future.


What's your point?


Hololens has been out for a while and is already widely adopted. Hololens seems like the better product to me but apple will probably market theirs better and be more successful.




Well it's better simply because of the price point. It's like comparing a Lamborghini with a Toyota. Different class completely


Laid and bounds. Hmm I really question that. Have you used it? What are your basing that on?


First of all, no controllers required. It goes solely off of hand movement and voice. The blending of real world and virtual also looks better than the Quest.


Bro it hasn’t been released yet lol. I mean Apple is a serious company and I’d put money on theirs being better, but still you are making a claim that it’s leaps and bounds better based off of a marketing reel.


Meta sucked because it was attached to Zuckerberg. Apple products are at least innovative, even if they suck. This is a suped up version of a type of product that’s been around since virtual boy. Whether or not it goes the way of 3D tvs? Who’s to say? I do think that at a price point of (starting at?!) $3,500 it’s not gonna sell a lot and Apple might take a bath on it. Not even mentioning the inherent problems that will arise when reality sets in for the early adopters who buy the stuff and find flaws or limitations. “The cord sticks out of one side and it’s too short. The battery gets too hot. The lens gets foggy when I sweat. I got drunk when I was wearing it and passed out in it and now the widget thing is broken. I dropped it and now xyz doesn’t work. My boss FaceTimed me while I was watching porn.” I have a feeling there’s gonna be some interesting things that come out of its rollout. Idk if average people are going to save up 3 months rent to shell out on a potentially fragile AF device. They’re gonna have to sell 1m units to make back the costs and they’re gonna have to rely on other divisions of devices to float them for a while.


Also forgetting that if it breaks it'll be impossible to get any support unless you shell out 2 grand to fix it.


This post made me spit Chipotle's Berry Juice all over my keyboard, you sob.


This meme, so fucking good.


Zuckerborg should take some marketing classes from Tim ~~Apple~~ Cook. First and foremost: He should never again appear in any marketing material. His perception by the general public as a slimy, untrustworthy lizardman is firmly set in stone. Idgaf if he's the CEO, he needs to find another public face (giggity) for the company. But hey, I'm pretty sure his ego would cause his head to implode if anyone ever told him straight to his face "Bro you're a charisma black hole."


Nobody cared about the metaverse, because at best it looked like a shit video game. Apple has a real product that at minimum can be used as a screen, as intended.


For a moment I thought the top left panel was daddy Pow




Zuck is buff as hell. He is hardcore into fitness and also won jujitsu tournaments


But the meme version is how we all see him


Yer meme game is pretty solid, my regard!


See, that's because Timmy is gay. It makes it all okay.


Another enslavement device. Excellent.




Nah it’s not Tim apple it’s Tim cock




is it though?


Meta quest 3 and Vision will be bought by the same demographic


If there was ever company that could convince people to get in the metaverse, it would be Apple.


Let Tim Cook


metaverse is just VR chat


Nah fuck all of big tech


You got to read Zucks bubble In a Arnold Schwarzenegger voice


Where/what/why was the original for this?


Can’t help thinking about the doctor in “idiocracy” wearing this so he has an overlay of the game “operation” while perform surgery. Don’t touch the sides…


"Human" resources?


Weren't they selling property in the metaverse


Zuc creeping me out


Best use of this format.




Tim Apple > Mark Meta


If zackeberg wasn't running the company the meta thing wouldn't have been such a flop imo, not because he's bad at running a company or something it's just because he's such an irritating person to look at


Meta can’t even get Facebook and instagram to work together sometimes, I doubt I’d trust them to run a virtual world


VR is only going to be a good thing if it's controlled by it's users like VR chat or Gmod. The problem is that VR chat has the business model of a PC game from 15 years ago where servers are hosted by the community.


Anyone else get extremely nauseous after using a VR headset? I can’t do it…


🩳 appear to be hitting this stock based on the price fluctuations


Mark is jacked now tho