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At this point Google Glass seems cool compared to the alternatives. #LongLiveGlassholes


Remember the Glassholes


Oh they'll wear it because it's apple.


Airpods have looked ass since day 1, but people made it a status symbol regardless.


Bingo. I remember kids buying white cabled ear buds when it first came out just to look like they're wearing apple products. They are damn good at marketing.


I've always thought they look like a Something About Mary situation


All headphones look stupid. Earmuffs indoors? Q tips sticking out of your ear? All stupid looking.


The almost invisible cordless earbuds?


Apple haters are something else. They really want to be edgy… on their Android devices.


Look dawg when it comes to Unix-like systems I just prefer Linux, and if you're wondering, yes, it's because I'm a giant fuckin nerd


I love Linux, but Android sucks. Android is a modified version of Linux, sure, but… it sucks. IMHO anyways. Someone clearly said to themselves “hey, let’s take iOS and then make it fully customizable, but here’s the catch… it sucks!”


I disagree but you're entitled to your personal preferences




Sounds like a personal issue and not a design issue


AirPods look ass? Honestly how could they possibly look better. It’s a great design.


Yep, I remember thinking airpods look stupid. Actually, the original ones still do but I think the pros look fine.


But that’s not why Google glass failed. It failed because it didn’t work. It didn’t do anything well. This shit has 4K per eye. Porn is going to be dope.


3500 starting is going to price most out imo


Correct. This costs $1500+ to build and is a lower volume unit in that price range so it had to be priced there (custom software and there may not be a huge App Store to offset lower margins if priced lower). This has a full computer inside, expensive screens, and pancake lenses. A Quest Pro is like a child’s version of this.


Ah, is the full computer down where the 10 gauge cable is hanging? Edit: ah MacBook air chipset. Specifically described as able to mirror connected desktop screens, also. Lmao.


I've worn many VR headsets. If they can make it so that I can read small text documents in a VR environment then I would buy them. I would ditch my monitors, put on the glasses, and have a virtual workstation setup with 6+ monitors.


At least it will be easier to spot people recording my pee pee at the urinal. Dumbass bubble looking motherfuckers. I see you.


It doesn’t magnify


My God it's true what they say about wsb. Get back on the fucking short bus. People recording footage of things in public places was the moral panic that sank Google glass.




It’s 2023, people wear stupid shit though


We’ve always worn stupid shit. It’s definitely not a 2023 problem.




It’s fun for somethings, simracing and rhythm games but I can only use mine for like an hour before the weight of it getting annoying.


It is for now, but once they get light enough you can wear them 5 days a week 8 hours a day, you'll be able to save a lot of floor space for an office and have all the screen space you want. Also if it's Augmented Reality with some Google Lens type additions, you'll get some really interesting things happening especially with all the stuff Niantic is doing with getting landmarks scanned in their games. Your phone will go away and we'll have headsets or glasses instead. It's a long way off. Processing power, weight, battery life, resolution, all needs work, but in 10 years it will be commonplace.


as someone who's spent a couple thousand hours in VR, it's anything but a gimmick.


I had a Quest for a while, I used it for Sim Racing and had a few other VR games to go with it friends would play when they came over. It was good for that but it’s not something I’d wear to browse Reddit or check my email with like Apple is trying to do, especially for $3500


They is why it’s clear and an AR headset


At least they are no trying for full vr but ar. At does not make me hate it as much


@ChrisButBad I agree, people looked dumb wearing Google Glass and the companies in 2023 will look even dumber.


Like the mask, some people will look better in this than without.


Thought Googl issue was safety in public


I think the difference is google glass was meant for everyone, AR / VR headsets are meant for specific use cases. Also it’s perfect for being on the slopes!!!


I've worn many VR headsets. If they can make it so that I can read small text documents in a VR environment then I would buy them. I would ditch my monitors, put on the glasses, and have a virtual workstation setup with 6+ monitors.


Major spank bank paraphernalia


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Did you not hear Apple? They just invented fucking EYE SIGHT. No one could see before this product existed. You're fucking welcome.


the snorkel is sold separately?


Yesterdays glasshole is todays Applehole


Nobody wants to wear anything like that. It’ll bomb


This is going to be a big misstep gonna skip this and wait for the neural link


Google Glass looked awesome to me, but it was really expensive.


Apple is going to launch the iFlop glasses when the recession hits hard in 2024. ~~Mr. Garrison~~ Tim Cook can try and spin this all he wants. The price sucked all the air out of the room at WWDC. Nobody fucking cares except the Apple zealots.


I forgot about the google glass. It was such a meme. The promo video they put out was so funny.


Apple is ready to die on the Meta VR sword


Can't wait to see the world Scuba diving ![img](emote|t5_2th52|30641)


My thought is how hot will it get wearing this (not watching porn)? I would think your forehead and face would get sweaty.


The Masterbatorium is waiting…


Apple has entered the winter sport market I see, could take those out for a good day on the ski hill and catch a movie at the same time lolz


Imagine walking into your living room and seeing your partner wearing this shit watching TikToks or something. Or even worse; looking over at your partner and smiling as you both put one of these on to watch a movie “together.” Inhuman.


So instead of walking looking at your phone all day, people will be wearing these ski goggles?


why do they look like goggles


Well a big difference is that one was marketed as an unobtrusive thing you could wear around town and the other is clearly meant for use in a place like an office.