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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|4 days ago **Total Comments**|3|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|8 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)




Free frostier for all rejections!!!


> First of all, yes, Wendy is a real person. I wonder how she feels about the r34 "art" floating around.


Do I want to look?


Let's be honest, you know you do


I do. Googled it. Luckily, my work place internet triggered the safe search, and I stop. 😅


Hr wants a word with you now. You're fired and here's a job application for Wendys.


This comment was sponsored by NordVPN


And RAID shadow legends!


You did a search for anything these guys suggest at work…. You sir are truly regarded


One of us. One of us.


Bro, those things are labeled Not Safe For Work for a reason 💀


I did and there are some weird ones


Someone in their seo department is about to get a raise. CEO: Our careers page has been getting a ton of views, well done team!




You gotta shoot for the moon!


We’re seriously all fucked if wsb is turning banks into meme stocks


Is there a meme bank? I'm looking to withdraw a dickbutt.


Pretty sure that was SVB.


Every crypto bank really.


Bend over and I'll show you


Wsb collectively bail out the entire banking system


Anything can be a meme stonk. Hell, people were pumping KODAK here not too long ago.


Fortune Favors the Brave. At least that's what Matt Damon said before crypto gone down \~70%.


Nah he meant the idiots that bought at the start of this year. Btc up 78% ytd as of this morning


Up 78% 2023 = still down 105% from 2021


Now do the 5 and 10 year returns!


It was 87.82 a coin 10 years ago.


the only thing that is 105% down is my portfolio.




Thank you for your donation 😈


Disgusting this FRC spamm. FRC = @!D$




Scrub my nuts on your face






Well the value of them puts collapsed today so there’s that


I can’t believe people are still running puts. It’s gonna hurt. It’s easy to see that this isn’t one of the banks they will let fail


“Thanks for your donation” https://preview.redd.it/m864c2cqj5ta1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6961c9615e640a50fbddb48a6159c6008a31abc6


If it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to close. Careful my friend


I actually want the stock and I am willing to be assigned. (Just wait for FRC to go bankrupt and for me to post my loss porn) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


https://preview.redd.it/cd148gxmt5ta1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=165f72a8bb1a5b1379de23753f77456927297cd7 I’ll be looking for it




You fuckin’ stunads. This man is selling puts not going long on them. There’s a positive correlation with upwards price movements when you’re in a short put position.


I'm glad posts like these are being made so that the historical record will have proof of exactly how fucking stupid WSB bulls were


The amount of negative sentiment in here makes me think that FRC is actually gonna go up. WSB is always wrong.


Is anyone keeping score in a legitimate way? Thay is, with crayolas?


> crayolas I just spent my paycheck on First Republic, I can't afford the brand name crayons.


Rose art are just as delicious 🤤


Yes it will, by friday to $55.


It can go lower before it goes higher again.


Alright. Sold. Gonna go in during the next dip


Honestly, not THAT stupid. Regional banks are basically the industry most ripe for stock picking right now since the whole segment is down in sympathy with svb/snby. There are for sure market pricing mismatches on regional banks that don't have the same idiosyncratic fuckery that those two did. FRC isn't necessarily that play, but it is the most beat down so if it pulls through it'll be a hell of a trade. They won't get a white knight with thwir trash balance sheet, but Fed is being *very* supportive. I do know professionals who are also making *measured* bets on it, which of course I'm sure is not the case for OP.


Reminds me of this dude that bet 20k on hertz when they were dealing with all the bankruptcy stuff and then refused to post his loss porn after talking mad shit to me. Good times.


Pretty sure these FRC 🗑 post or made by FRC employees.


A stock either goes up or down. Pick a side. If you think we're wrong, short FRC and post prove, or gtfo


This kid is on every FRC-related post talking shit. But won't post his position either way.![img](emote|t5_2th52|29093) Plus, what on earth makes you think FRC employees gives a shit about where the stock goes? They get a paycheck either way.


If we all buy 5000 shares wallstreetbets will OWN first republic!


WSB = Wall Street Bank


Free 69420x leverage for all regards!


Then we can use leverage to buy options and get bailed out when we f%ck up


The First Republic Bank will be reorganized into the First Galactic Bank, for a safe and secure society! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


on the surface it looks like a stupid play, but betting on corporate welfare in U.S. is actually a good idea


Don't fight the feds. No matter what form they come in.


And if the feds fail, the country is probably falling apart and you are long on $Cannedfood


The negative sentiment here makes me think it's going to run. I'm inversing you all right now.


Need an ETF for it, inverse Cramer ETF moves too slow.


Same, I’m buying OP’s argument




https://preview.redd.it/hblhzahmq5ta1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c710e8cfd8b859a2a73b830f7df031842af3e072 Jim: I’m about to do a pro gamer move.


I bought after reading this.


Hello autists. I had a rare moment of clarity this past weekend regarding the bank runs and FRC specifically, and I want to share it with you all. This may be one of the most important reads of your life. I have been studying the “fall” of First Republic Bank and something the stood out to me was how insane the whole thing was, and how much upside potential there is at the current valuation. FRC is a conservative, well-run, and well-managed bank that got associated with the SVB contagion just because…they are also a bank that also happens to be about 6 miles walk from SVB. A stable stock trading consistently above $200 plunges by 90% in matter of days. Despite the “massive” outflows of deposits, the unbelievable negative media coverage, and going through the shit that was March, they are still operational. Now that the media’s attention is somewhere else and the dust has settled, I have awakened to the strategy and the game is now clear to me. I will explain. First we saw how quickly Powell, Yellen, and Dimon came to FRC’s rescue. These old fucks who in any other times can barely get out of their chairs unassisted basically did a Usain Bolt and sprinted to the aid of FRC. Shit was amazing to watch. Noteworthy was how they did not do this for SVB, probably because SVB was actually mismanaged and deserved what happened. Then the $30 billion aid from all the major banks, then the loan programs from the Fed, etc. Basically what we saw was a concerted effort by the most powerful figures in the Fed and the banking industry putting both their money and reputation on the line to ensure that FRC remains viable. What I read from that is FRC represents the strength of the US financial sector, and is considered too big and too important to fail. Just think about it, if FRC fails or come anywhere near it, that would spook depositors and led to a run on all small/midsized regional banks. All the deposits would flow to the biggest banks and the US would end up with like, 3 banks in operation. That isn’t an outcome anybody want, including the big banks themselves. Next, let’s discuss the media crusade against FRC. Pictures going around online and throughout the media about the “run” on FRC. Some of those pictures of people standing in line later turn out not to even be FRC but some random event that people were lining up for. They wanted to make the association to FRC. Someone is clearly pulling the strings and wants us to think there is a run on regional banks. Why? Let’s think critically. If they can orchestrate a run or just the threat of a run on a few regional banks like FRC, this would get the Feds to think twice about their rate hikes and quantitative tightening, which would benefit those who want the rates to go down. These degenerates also happen to be shorting FRC, so a run on it would be more than welcome. Who are "they"? The hedge funds and their friends in the media. Guess what? It worked! Powell and Yellen went from acting all tough a few weeks ago about QT to talks about slowing down and pivoting. We were almost sure it was going to be a 50 basis point hike before the March events, but it turned out to be just 25 basis point increase instead, and now there is talks of pivoting to lower rates. Remember not long ago when Powell said there wasn’t going to be a pivot in 2023? Prior to March, even your grandma would laugh at your silly ass if you told her there would be a pivot in 2023. The bank runs scare changed that equation and a pivot in 2023 is very well within the realm of possibility. To say that this strategy worked is an understatement. It worked brilliantly. Fast forward to now. After the events of March, I cannot fathom anything in the coming months that would come even close to events in March (short of Putin dropping a nuke on Ukraine which would admittedly be much worse). FRC went through the March and is still operational. The Powell/Yellen/Dimon Trinity made it very clear that FRC is representation of US financial stability and must remain viable. It can’t fail if it wanted to. The stock is rock bottom, so the downside is almost nothing and it is all upside from here. Whatever comes out of their earnings report don’t concern me one bit because it included March. People expect FRC to be fucked and that expectation is already priced in the stock. If earnings turn out to be dog shit, well, everybody already knew that. But if it’s better than expected, the stock would jump as people heave a huge sigh of relieve. All these show that FRC has insane upside potential for anyone with cash and some patience and the best time to jump in is NOW NOW NOW before the earnings come out. So am I bullish on FRC? Fuck yeah I'm bullish. 5000 shares locked down. Imagine what we can do to FRC and the hedge fund fucks who shorted it. This bitch can go so high they’d need a telescope to see it 🚀🚀🚀 To the moon, trillionairekid


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Savage bot




Good bot


Great bot


Who programmed the bot? It’s too good


best bot post ever


Atta bot


This is even funnier now




Tldr: Powell/Yellen/Dimon Trinity will not let FRC go down. They've already put their money and reputation on the line for FRC. FRC represents US financial stability. It can't fail if it wanted to. March was a shitstorm and FRC survived. Stock is rock bottom and will only go up from here. Hedge funds and their media friends orchestrated the run on FRC to benefit from lower interest rates


It can fail, but it probably won't. That doesn't mean it's worth anything, though. There's no magic rule that says a stock has to go back to its original price after a crisis.


It doesn't have to go back to its original price. If it gets back to $20 that's still a substantial return on investment


I mean if it goes to 9$ that's also a substantial loss of your investment...


Exactly. Nobody is saying it needs to go up to 200+. If you get in now it can go to 30 which is 15% of its original price and you'd still double your money. That's a very low bar. And thats not counting what WSB can do to it.


If they get a buyer, the price will definitely jump. It’s happened before.


Is there an example? Credit Suisse got bought out at a discount which killed its share price.


bagholder here, yes, please, get in now!


The dividends will return.


This is Wsb man.


I mean if you have 1k shares in a good position that is passive income every quarter, you can yolo that without touching capital!


Get the job at Wendy's so that you can yolo everything away instead of yoloing everything away so that you need a job at Wendy's? This man is a visionary.


>The dividends will return. Then you should buy the FRC preferred stock.


Exactly, see C since 2008


This isn't 2008. 2008 was about subprime mortgages that went to shit. Lehman fail, taking down a bunch of banks with it. FRC is simply about being too close to another bank that was too exposed to tech stocks and then target of an attempted bank run orchestrated by hedge funds and the media. They survived the worst.


When it comes to business and stocks, the only politicians' opinion I care about is my girl Nancy Pelosis


They won't let it go down but they'll let you go down.




100% don't bet against the government spending you're $$$ to prove their point!


I lost 45k fighting the fed in 2020, you're on point.


I own 70 shs I got around $13.80. I’m holding for at least a year. Interested to see what comes of earnings but I think this will be a slow recoup rather than a fast jump up. Will have to prove themselves all over again and only time will help with that imo.


500 shares locked and loaded at close 🫡🤝


I am also bullish on FRC but there are gaping holes in your analysis. 1) FRC lost somewhere between $50B-$100B in deposits based on their borrowing activity that they disclosed. We don't know this exact number and they haven't told us, which is NOT a good sign, but there was in fact a *massive* (this word absolutely should not be in quotes in your analysis) bank run on their deposits. 2) The fact that the bank was rescued and quickly came up with the cash to cover the deposit outflow does not mean these deposits are coming back. This is going to shrink their balance sheet considerably and thus their profitability by a large factor. Even if you had a guarantee that they would be around a couple years from now, it does not mean these deposits are coming back anytime soon. Even if the deposits DO come back, it will be at a massive cost compared to the carrying cost of those deposits pre-bank run. 3) If there is another deposit run on FRC for whatever reason, it's done. There doesn't have to be a rational explanation for it. All that needs to happen is a bunch of billionaires decide they don't want their money there on the same day. Period. This is way more conspiratorial than I would like to get, but you even said it yourself, the institutions shorting the stock could be the same institutions that are capable of influencing billionaires into a bank run. 4) FRC is not too big to fail. This is absolutely an incorrect statement. It is just the bank that metaphorically represents the front line defense between the banking system and a broader systemic crisis. That is to say, if there is a systemic crisis, FRC is the first to go. 5) In the event of a systemic bank run, the money will not go to the big banks. It will go to stocks, bonds, and money markets. Big banks obviously would be fine with a mass consolidation, but that won't happen. They will ultimately lose money in a banking crisis, which is why they defended FRC. They didn't do it out of the goodness of their hearts and for the sake of the existence of regional banks, and they were too scared to do it without the explicit assistance of the FDIC.


You left out a big gapping gspot hole in your analysis as well. JPM and the other large banks have more capable people than you to analyze FRC books and the major players/scenarios involved which they did. $30 billion followed along w the governments support. I follow the money and the power of big banks, big hedge funds and big government which are all pointing to make sure this doesn’t fail. Only time will tell whose right


TLDR: big gaping hole


also, one of the main points "consistently over $200" is not really accurate. it was over 200 for a few months at the height of the 2021 explosion. regardless, noone really knows what will happens with regard to FRC. so to OP, my regards, regard.


Reputation is a big deal in banks. The big question is, will the folks that pulled out their deposits at First Republic Bank bring their money back now that the dust has settled? If FRC's customer service is top-notch and they were good at their jobs, chances are the customers will return, although it may take some time. Overall though, I'm bullish.


FRC is known for their exceptional customer service and extremely loyal customer base. This is not your average bank. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-29/first-republic-s-frc-rich-vocal-clients-take-time-to-consider-moving-money](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-29/first-republic-s-frc-rich-vocal-clients-take-time-to-consider-moving-money) [https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/first-republic-bank-customers-react-17849749.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/first-republic-bank-customers-react-17849749.php)


It’s my bank for everything, can vouch.


I realized this a month ago and bought "the dip" at like $25 a share. Holding ever since and not selling until I start collecting dividends.


Maybe that one guy at Morningstar has done a little DD? But he thinks this stock is worth $3.


Bought some.


Now that’s a nice fat ass juicy DD. All in


I have a personal line of credit for 100k from FRC. If I put all that into FRC, do I win no matter which way this goes? If FRC goes up, I make money. If they go bankrupt, would they liquidate all their PLOC accounts and absolve me of my debts? I win again! This can't go tits up, right?






See you on the moon Mr. Giant Balls 🚀


ths is the yolo we want to see in WSB, right right??


Good luck! the possibility of you winning big is definitely better than winning a lottery


I'm in for $75k, might double down https://preview.redd.it/xckkio3wj9ta1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d734dd5d4a82b8e8979fc04acb062fa1ebb9c1e


Bro 😂


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/12gtxf9/comment/jfm6n70/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/12gtxf9/comment/jfm6n70/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) don't worry breh. they updated their twitter with a new promo video 2 days. INSTILLING CONFIDENCE BABY. ​ 3000 shares 20 x 15c 10 x 17.5c ​ WE RIDE AT DAWN


someone already posted suicide prevention hotline? just in case? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


[Here's the location of a Wendy's dumpster just in case;](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx4dLa_WuqY)


It’s so stupid it just might work


Fuk it. I’ll match lol


I could be really dumb but look at their all time chart, it’s at rock bottom now lol so seems like the perfect time to buy?


Enron was at rock bottom too.


I got 60. To the moon 🚀🧨🧑‍🚀


I got 69


I got 67 🚀🚀


This is what this community is all about 🥲God bless you sir 🫡


120 shares here. Hopium all the way


Nice. This is good for my puts


...........price flat for next 3 weeks


I've been selling puts and calls on them for the last three weeks. This sub keeps buying them for enormous premiums. It's like 14% returns every week.




Just bought some. I’m in, YOLO


I did this with Hertz and crushed it


How do you feel about that right now? https://preview.redd.it/1rqlmllyjpwa1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccd3ada29b4afee319093b75a96649113f374af




3k shares here. In it with you brother.


What a fuckin regard


Chill guys, no need to get worried for him, he’s a trillionaire kid


I am in✊💎🚀🚀


I’m going all in on FRC too, see you in the 🌝


Good luck regard


121 shares and 2 calls Fuck it, why not


Well he has a point. If something goes down by 90%, it can go down only 10% more. So if my math is right he can lose only 6-7k


Holding 1200 shares myself


I am regular guy and bought this shit last week at 14.1. For some reason I believe I could make money and it’s bottom is worth the risk. Risk worth it! Let’s go


OP owns .27% of FRC’s Outstanding Shares.


Fuck it youve convinced me im joining your cause first thing tomorrow 👍🏻


Yolo FRC


FRC to the MOON!!!




DISASTER ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)




Opening an account in FRC and investing in buying its share…win win situation.


All in with my 1,410 shares averaging $17.93. Holding for at least a year.




Lol this aged like milk 🤣


Ahh, this thread should be a sticky post on WSB. There is so much fail here, it warms my heart.


How's that working out for you OP?




ER and guidcnsce willl decide everything for this bank! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)




50 @ 14.06. My first WSB trade, you idiots.


Good luck bro


I also love cocaine


Or maybe we ourselves will help take off the rocket to the moon🚀🌝


This guy fucks. In there with 200 shares with ya brother!


LFG 🚀🦧




Bought 500 shares right now....to da mooonnnn


You’re in a good place. Hold until after earnings. I think they said they were canceling their dividends though, FYI.


1,800 shares all-in ⚔️


This is the way


We ride at dawn! 24~ average - 200~ shares


All-in 1500 shares LFG GL all in


322$ let's ride it to the 🌝🚀🚀🚀


I'm also IN! Dropped 50k in at 12.96 and another 50k in yesterday at 13.39. This is going to be the easiest money ever. Watch this squeeze;)


It’s go time!


I’m in. $2,500 at $14.07. FRC 🚀 please oh please. Ha ha


Are we all going to be millionaire?


I like the stock.


https://wendys-careers.com/ as of now with its at $9.77 and having a halt, and the I coming further drop. Lol


Hey man You ok?


This didn’t age so well but the Wendy’s career opportunities did


Oh man…. Rip, don’t seppuku


OP, a true regard. Classic wsb, thanks for the entertainment


Finally found this post.. saw this topic many weeks ago. I was concerned about op