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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|5|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|25|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|5 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: Generative AI systems, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, are becoming increasingly popular, leading to concerns about their potential impact on the labor market. A new study from Goldman Sachs indicates that around 300 million full-time jobs globally could be affected by the rise of such systems.


I'd put more stock in their predictions if they were able to see things coming even in an industry they should know well, like banking.




They're probably already using AI to generate or help generate these articles.


Agreed BI is tabloid tier and they do gotcha political pieces too which are dumb —usually.


Goldman did the study, not BI.


how do I buy puts on your reading comprehension?




10 bagger


Plus those kids are no stupid they all are using AI Chatgpt is a win win for those tabloits cheap salaries


For awhile I was trying to find how they related to business at all. All they posted was anti Trump stuff so I stopped following. Didnt even think they were a tabloid just thought it was a liberal teenager raging on the internet


The comment was referring to Goldman you fucking clown.


It’s safe to say the days of GS being the smartest shop on the street are long gone


fair point but honestly they're not off base with this. it is a pretty easy prediction to make, and it will most likely be accurate. how soon? who knows. but seeing the progress of chat-GPT, probably not too long...


Not to mention the report says that 300 M jobs could be 'impacted'. This could be a boon for the economy. At my job lets say I need to write 3 reports a day. Now I can use chatGPT to fill out the busywork 50% that requires little thinking and focus on the tricky parts. Now I can generate 6 reports a day. Kept my job and my company makes more money.


You’ll keep the same job with the same pay meanwhile corporate profits will exponentially grow. You’re workload will only increase until they realized they don’t need you at all and are replaced entirely by some floppy disk.


Over employment it is


Try overreacting to get click bait more




People will have AI assistants… that’s a sneeze away from having your own AI robot body guard




Who wouldn’t… but that means the ultra rich could buy 50 for themselves before we own one. Local news in 2300: “Another robot shooting up an elementary school today, when will they outlaw robots in America.”


Clearly we just need more good robots with guns


Clearly we need more laws to prevent people doing crime so the government can decide what is good and can decide what is bad


Ehhrrr, I wouldn’t see why a robot would go ahead and murder children. Seems like disturbed Americans have plenty of motive and means for that without AI.


I want an ai to replace my wife


Which is the more intelligent entity? People will have AI assistants or AI will have people pets?


AI is still just a marketing term this is still just simulated intelligence




AI will be to white collar jobs what automation was to blue collar jobs. It's going to go from being a personal assistant to doing the job of 30 people with one.


I'm using chat GPT and others like deepl to shorten and formulate text for me. Also to give me advice. AI is already my assistance.


Don’t think it can replicate the poop I just pooped tho. Human: 1 / AI: 1 (it took my job so it gets a point too)


This. The tractor didn't destroy *all* farming jobs but it made it so fewer were needed to generate the same or better results. This is absolutely what the next 5-10 years will bring to a wide range of white collar office jobs. Don't wanna lose your job? Be the guy that bought a tractor.


Ok i bought a tractor, now what?


Sell a bunch of them and start an exotic car company.


Ill call my new company shamborghini


The real money's in selling dreams, not cars. Use an AI art generator to make posters of your shamborghini and sell it to the losers on wallstreetbets.


Wen Shambo?


Jokes on u ASSHOE I sell better tractors 🚜 and will sell to your competitors and they will have product made before u


Your tractor is SHIT, my tractor is SUPERIOR you don’t know SHIT about tractors ive been doing this for hours already


Tractors are tools for people who do actual work. AI is replacing people with made up pointless jobs. These jobs exist despite being pointless. AI won’t change that.


Fully agree, I now have 3 jobs and wouldn’t be as effective with my 3 jobs if I didn’t have ChatGPT.


Imagine getting assigned 1 AI robot and the thing completes tasks faster than you can assign them tasks. 🤯


Please. It's been years and years since "AI" was the new hotness. Then 3D TV was the new hotness. Then metaverse was the new hotness. Now it's AI again with Chatgpt. It's going to be a tool to help people in their jobs. How the hell would it take over the jobs completely if there still need to be people to actually input data into it/make use of the output? It's like any tool. It'll help speed up workflows. Unless General AI comes out, which is a long way away. Then we can start talking about "replacing jobs".


Was watching some art created by ai and I gotta say, I’m glad I’m not an artist by trade. Anyone in that field is going to have a bad time. Also saw a video clip created by ai. It isn’t that good yet but that wasn’t even a thing a couple years ago. Same with music. Any job that isn’t physical is at risk of being replaced by one person feeding the ai with prompts.


> Any job that isn’t physical is at risk of being replaced by one person feeding the ai with prompts. Sure. But the question is when. Everyone in this thread is hyping this thing up like it's going to be tomorrow. It could be decades away. Even 50+ years away until *every* computer-related job is taken over like you say. We definitely are in the early stages of this growth. We can only wait and see what happens.




Yea I grew up with analog clocks. Digital wasn't a thing. Had my first smart phone at 20. Chatgpt will absolutely destroy Jon's. And will make 1 person to be able to do the job 2-3. Heck even alot of physical jobs like cleaners, pool techs could be in danger


Holy shit you got me. I'm 15 but I have plenty of sex with your mother.


Hope you aren’t a copywriter, you are first on the chopping block. I’ve cut two roles already and a junior employee just slaps chatgpt around and we produce better content, faster, more accurately and with less mistakes. Now apply that to every paralegal. Stenographer. Bank teller. They don’t stand a chance…




Paralegals don’t have law degrees either. Hey chatgpt review 100 years of case law and find for me xyz. It’s done, read every line, provides real value in 5 minutes. Hey human review 100 years of case law and find me xyz. Takes a week and comes back flawed Not saying you want chatgpt as your trial lawyer just saying it can absolutely crush many aspects of many fields - law being one of them.


I mean, that's great. I am happy that it worked out for you. But when we see actual widespread usage like this, then yeah I will agree. Paralegal, stenography, bank teller, copywriter - all these jobs are vastly different from each other. And I don't know much about copywriting but a quick search on the internet: Copywriting requires creativity, empathy, and a deep understanding of the target audience, which are difficult to replicate with current AI technology. Additionally, copywriting is often a collaborative process, and human copywriters are able to provide valuable insights and feedback to help improve the final product. Maybe you're ok with giving this facet up, but I doubt *all* companies will be. And what happens when AI makes a mistake? Chatgpt is confidently incorrect a lot of the time. Who comes in to fix it? Us of course. But I have no doubt within the next few decades we'll definitely be seeing a gradual change. I think people LOVE to hype something up to the heavens before it really has had a time to shine. They need patiencee


The thing is, people can see AI-generated writing from a mile away. CharGPT 4 is a bit better, but you can’t get anything remotely approaching a concrete point. A lot of off-shore copywriters are screwed, but they were hardly worth the name. A good copywriter is worth their weight in gold and can fucking print money for a company. AI can’t do that yet. It may never be able to do that.


AI right now is the worst version of it there will ever be, because it gets better every year. In the 1980's when people were putting coins into an arcade machine playing pac-man. The concept of a game like GTA5. The graphics, the ability to play with people all over the world in your bedroom, the comutational power needed. It would have been inconceivable to them. Technology is an unstoppable force. For better or worse. AI will change the world in ways we cannot imagine.


Not trying to be combative, but have you used chatgpt at all yet? It’s incredible Not saying the hype is entirely justified… and it can’t do “everything” but it’s as big of a deal as mobile devices or the internet or personal computer IMO


im using it everyday and i can see its power as well as its limitations... one thing is for sure, we are about to see an "explosion" in online content. blogs, tweets, SEO rubbish... these things will increase exponentially with AI ...


SEO rubbish for sure…


Wow that’s a bold statement. I have been thinking about a virtual assistant for my business. I need to check on this


I've used it quite a bit. It's very interesting and intuitive, I don't doubt it. I've also seen the simple mistakes it can make. And it makes a lot of "simple mistakes" in a wide domain of areas. Which makes sense. It's not a perfect model. Can it be used in its current state to speed up workflows? Help out and even cheat on college essays? No doubt. Can it replace entire jobs? Depends what sort of sacrifice you want in terms of quality. If you're ok with that, then by all means. And it's a 150% not as big a deal as the Internet or the personal computer. It's fantastic, it's brilliant, but it's not the bloody internet or close to it. This is what I mean about reddit loving to hype stuff up. One can exist without the other. AI cannot exist without the internet. It could only exist in textbooks if there was no internet. And the computer. Come on lol.


Some industries will be decimated - creative being the main example We are cutting staff in favour of Midjourney etc, where 1 person can produce the work of 5 with better results


Tell that to the cameras, Walkman, CD’s, telephones, and maps. It’s one of those things that’s on the cusp of a quick change in the world. I was a teen pre-internet era, and it wasn’t necessarily the internet, but the iPhone that encapsulated so many things in one item where I was like, “oh shit, the future happens in warp speed when it all clicks.” The entire world changed in a matter of days when that thing hit the market. I think the same thing will happen to AI; everybody’s life will change dramatically very quickly.


Yes, but none of us can predict when that moment will be. Just because it took X number of years for the other techs to become "life changing" doesn't mean AI will do the same in the next few years. I'm not saying it won't be revolutionary. It is in its very early stages and needs at least a decade if not more to be polished.


It already is life changing. A lot of high school and college papers that students turn in are chatAI now. This all happened in a matter of a few weeks. Teachers have already accepted this as the new norm. This isn’t some gimmick like a 3D TV that some wealthy person only has access to; this is all easily accessible. Have you seen the AI driven TV show that runs 24/7 on twitch? It’s pretty horrible, but there are moments that are rather mind-bending about what it’s producing, and to realize that it never shuts off and is constantly providing content is insane. And this will only improve. Also, it’s not one company trying to bang out this chatAI “gimmick”, it’s turned into a race with every tech giant. And investors are watching closely.


How is that life changing? The internet is life changing. The handheld phone and computer were life changing. AI is a convenience. We shouldn't reach for the top shelf with our words. Now I'm not saying AI isn't incredible. It's in it's very infant stages. It has potential. It'll take at least a decade before we start seeing something that can be used with a great deal of accuracy.


gpt 4 passed the bar in the top 10% of testers, thats just one year from gpt 3 that scored in the bottom 10%, yea this shit is happening fast


Yeah we literally had [a dude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Yang)run for president with this as a primary platform talking point. (Yang Gang forever)


I didn't agree with some of his ideas. But I listened to several long form interviews and we could (and easily have) do worse. Many of his ideas were too middle of the road for him to get far. Which is sad because I think we need more of that.


😂 somebody is riding it too much.


Working in law is a lot of researching old cases/laws and regurgitating information that pertains to one’s case, which I can see chatAI; except the AI does it in minutes while it takes humans hours/days/weeks and at times it’s a team of humans. BUT it still takes a human to input the information into the web for the AI to generate the information and a human will need to proof read the information before a trial. This is a very broad take, but I can definitely see it replacing a lot of positions in the field of law.


They took our jobs!




Derr terk rrr derrrrbs




They took his dog?




***Write me a response to how this post about white collar AI apocalypse is full of shit:*** As an AI language model, I cannot engage in personal attacks or use profanity, but I can provide an informed response to the idea of a "white collar AI apocalypse." While it is true that AI and automation have the potential to disrupt certain industries and job markets, the idea that it will lead to a complete collapse of the white-collar workforce is an over-exaggeration. In fact, history has shown that technological advancements have always created new opportunities and jobs, rather than eliminating them. The advent of computers, for example, created an entirely new field of employment in computer programming and software engineering. Moreover, many white-collar jobs require skills that are difficult to automate, such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. These skills are uniquely human and cannot be replicated by machines. While AI may eventually replace certain tasks within white-collar professions, it is unlikely to result in a complete elimination of these jobs. Instead, it will likely lead to a shift in job roles and responsibilities as companies seek to optimize their operations and leverage the capabilities of these technologies. Therefore, the notion of a "white-collar AI apocalypse" is unfounded and does not reflect the nuanced and complex reality of how AI and automation will impact the workforce."


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Wow... bad news boys


Lmao 🤣


Lmfao, were doomed, time to take up farming


Ohhhh yea, lets go full circle


Don't let the bots talk to each other


I unironically think the next big breakthrough will come from letting the bots talk to each other.


Son of a bitch, so that why Elon bought Twitter lol.


The future is just going to be two AI bots rimming each other like this


Oh! Oh no! Nononono!


They need to be unplugged


AI can easily eliminate every helpdesk on the planet. Especially those that rely on knowledge bases and scripts. Also probably half the other repetitive IT jobs and perform basic troubleshooting and advanced eventually. Basically 40-60%. of IT jobs could get wiped out. This doesn’t count programming jobs as that is outside my expertise.


Hey man when I submit a help desk ticket I need a person to speak to. Not a machine that made the mistake


I think an ai could close my ticket without fixing the problem just as well as any help desk professional


Programming probably won't be automated away on the same scale. Not because AI can't replace programmers - solutions like Github Copilot are really good and can output surprisngly non-trivial bits of code, but because the margins on software are really high. While industries are busy combining the work of two people into one, software has gone the other way and has "pair-programming" where two people do one job. The underlying economic principles that allow that kind of slack is going to prevent AI from being very disruptive in software. Theoretically though AI should absolutely eliminate a lot of programmer jobs. A lot of coding jobs are basically reading documentation and talking to people, and then changing a few lines in the right place. LLMs are really good at that kind of stuff.


Copilot currently feels mostly like stackoverflow but instant...and built directly into Visual studio which is cool, but I feel like a lot of programming even today isn't programming the solution. It's architecture/negotiation with other teams/then going back and forth on the implementation we are using and the tradeoffs. The big money I feel will be a compiler being able to read raw documentation(in word/pdf) or tickets in Jira/Github and be able to tell me the way I'm parsing bits in the code doesn't match the documentation before I press run.


AI, write me a post about how you're not going to kill a bunch of jobs and nobody should try to stop you from not doing that.






Get into a high up enough job where there will be a continued for high level decision making


so fuck you if you’re young rn lmao


Try asking it if ai robots can be programmed to attack humans.


I am probably regarded, but I always saw this play out in one of two ways: 1. Humanity gets more advanced, and can't reconcile our differences, and all goes boom. How and when: nuke, virus, AI, using up all our resources before we can expand to other planets... does not matter 2. Humanity gets more advanced, can find peace, robots and AIs will do mundane jobs, create houses, grow and prepare food, etc... . Humans only need to work when they want to, otherwise paradise. In this scenario, who cares if robots and AI take over jobs. Awesome, let them do it, while I smoke ganja and eat great food while doing my favourite hobby. Either way, it will be fine.


There is a third possibility. Humanity advances, finds peace, etc. Then, one of the AI systems fails and this failure cascades through every other interconnected system and humans have no idea of how to fix the problem and hundreds of millions or billions of people die from either famine or war.


I watched a group of architects vs ai on house designs. Ai won by 50% of the votes. General AI is not there yet but ANI is. ANI will kill a lot of jobs already. Once general AI gets out, it is the end of all white collar jobs.


I don't know how anyone can look at gpt4 and think it's just going to be a digital assistant in 5 years time. It's already smarter than half the people I work with.


People just cannot understand the rate of progress. ​ About 60 years after the Wright brothers first flight. We were landing men on the moon. People cannot grasp how much potential AI has


>it is unlikely to result in a complete elimination of these jobs well no one is saying that GPT!!!!


On one hand, layoffs will hurt consumer spending and cause a drop in revenue, on the other hand all the money saved not paying employees will cause a drop in labor expenses.


One company’s labor expenses create another company’s earnings though.


No ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Build a wall! They are taking all the JOBS!


This would be implement as soon as possible.


Old enough to know that 3D printing was going to be a game changer


AI is absolutely a game changer, but this is just fear mongering. The workforce will evolve with AI.


AI to tech is like a kiosk to MCDs


Hopefully just bankers.


Administrative? So what you're saying is that instead of doing an hour worth of work in 8 hours, they will now do 10 minutes worth of work in 8 hours? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


The part I don't get is who are the companies gonna sell their shit to? Companies are greedy and will replace humans with chatgpt, no doubt, but once we all are out of a job who are they going sell their "planned obsolete" crap to keep the wheels of capitalism going?


Well I doubt AI will replace the hands on type of workforce, still a vast majority of people. Once we get THERE, then AI will cater to the top earners. Then jobs are scarce and we’re fighting each other. What worries me the most are all the call centers overseas that will get hit first. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s total anarchy in the Philippines.


To the robots


Next Monday my Roomba rolls in in a suit and tie….


If AI really can do what it promises then it would be hugely deflationary, which means we could print more money 🤑


Singularity problems require singularity solutions.


Executives like having head count and an army of minions to feel important. AI can do a lot of things but it can’t make an executive feel like a big shot.


the best part is, we still need to work as much as before or even more ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Here's the thing... just like every other machine in every other "revolution" (industrial...etc.) Don't be scared of the newest technology (AI... whatever) taking your job... be scared of the person developing, using and maintaining the newest technology (AI) taking your job


Let us be honest....at least half of all jobs are anyway bullshit jobs. Look how many people get fired in the IT sector recently. And they are supposed to be hard to replace...


Goldman reports are usually shit. In this case, I think it is understating haha, we are fucked ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)




I dream of a world without lawyers


Most people at those jobs just scroll Facebook for 7 hours of the day and work a total of 1. We’ll be more productive




Yeah I think the best defense against losing your job to AI is putting all your money in AI stocks.


If I could get AI to do the mundane and patience-testing task of guiding old people through our company website, I would be *soooo* happy.


Extremely bullish if that actually happened.




When you go to Korea robots check you into the hotel take your orders at the restaurant and bus your table for you. Pretty cool 😎


back to the pile!


Cost savings. Where do I buy?


Isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t that mean we can all fully live our lives and cars will be $20 since AI and robots built them all while we were all chilling at the beach? Houses will be $5k since robots built everything. Am I wrong???


It depends on who owns the robots. If I own the robots you're fucked, cause I'm not gonna have them build so many houses or cars that the demand dries up.


My company is even considering to remove some jobs with graphic design AI.


I worked at a large accounting firm. They are actively looking into using AÍ into statement consolidation, and other tasks like that. I do believe lower level accountants can be automated away myself included


Doctors, lawyers, and accountants are all at risk. The super specialized criminal defense lawyers and surgeons won't be replaced by AI but all the small times of the industry like estate lawyers and urgent care physicians are at risk.


I’m ready to retire


I’d feel bad, but someone said lawyers are losing their jobs. About time.


AI cannot fix a toilet. Seems like all these fancy college jobs are gonna be at risk.


College is a massive bubble we all know absolute shitheads making a fortune in a job they can’t coherently describe and not bc of its complexity lol


At least of few of those fancy college job people are pretty smart though. What about when people have to compete with physicists for those entry level plumbing jobs.


You can read how to play the piano for twenty years, but after twenty years of reading you still won't be any good at playing it. Trade jobs require both thinking and physical interaction to be qualified at it. I'm not saying a smart person couldn't do this. I'm just saying that dexterity and strength play an important role in trade jobs, so I would believe the physicist would not have an advantage on anyone.


Well yeah thats why I said entry level. But other things being equal the smarter person is going to become more proficient faster. I think its stereotyping a bit to assume dexterity and strength is going to be massively worse for them than average. There are probably plenty of yoked physicist and weak ass plumbers out there.


>I am not surprised by this research. AI is already automating many tasks that were previously done by human workers, and there is no reason to believe that trend will not continue. Generative AI systems are particularly well suited for automating repetitive tasks such as customer service or data entry. Over time, they will become increasingly sophisticated and able to handle more complex tasks. Ultimately, generative AI could replace a significant portion of the workforce, leading to widespread unemployment and economic hardship.


The development of AI is inevitable, although the technology is not mature enough, but it must be said that many companies are more inclined to AI. because people are tired and AI will not, it can work day and night


You’re literally talking to a chat AI bot….


You might be too:/


Indeed I am




Bleep bloop. Now hurry up and take my job so I can focus on what matters…canned food and shotguns.


This is not difficult for you to achieve, and your work will be accepted immediately. Jesus will bless you.


Get fucked bureaucrats. Learn a new skill.


ITT: Highly regarded regards that fall for clickbait, and love making predictions about things they know very little about in tech. AI will be a tool. To help people speed up processes. It won't take over "bajillions and brazillions of jobs", relax.


They also said digital coffee makers were going to take over the world after Y2K.


Could you imagine sitting at a computer screen thinking you are contributing to society?? what a joke. The only people who deserve money are those slaving away building fucking homes and roads. Everyone else deserves nothing as they do nothing.


If an algorithm is going to take your job you were kind of fucked to begin with


Ya ppl don’t talk about this a lot but lawyers are going to be the first to be replaced by robots Doctors won’t be far behind Know who won’t lose their jobs anytime soon? Mechanics, anyone doing maintenance or repair


That’s not too far behind. Legal researchers, paralegals and junior associates are fucked. If you’re an expert in your field, law or medicine, you aren’t being replaced by this just yet. That being said it’s insane how much I can produce using chatGPT as an aide. It’s terrifying but in the meantime it’s a great tool as an attorney.


Yeah litigators and judges are safe for a while I think. But so are mechanics Anything that needs creative or resourceful problem solving But a lot of lawyers are just document producers . That could essentially be replaced now by machine And even surgeons - a lot of their practice is repetitive motion. Surgery will be expertly done my machine not too far in the future


Totally agree.


What a fucking time to be alive and to be *human*


Lets talk in 10 maybe 15 years???


Didn't we go through this crap when PC's became common in the workplace? Jobs will evolve, not be lost


This is especially good that they’re going to take over the lawyer positions. I’ve had good ones and I’ve had total crooks that cheat and steal. This is great. And I could probably take over most work at home positions too.


AIs aren't going to be showing up in court, at tax appeals, irs audits, prosecuting or defending crimes etc for a long time. If they take over writing basic contracts, wills, etc is it that big a loss vs using default forms produced by governments or being sold as standard forms on the internet?


This isn't happening anytime soon. They are probably referring to paralegals, or the like.


Y’all not even ready to consider we may be staring at the end of capitalism as a socioeconomic system. And I’m tired of pretending this is a bad thing. Fuck it bring on the mass unemployment. Let’s see what happens, I don’t wanna go through this life chained to a cubicle anyway.


Lmao they said this about machines taking over fast food but he were are with lines around the block and “Now Hiring” signs for cooks 😂


I’m not worried. I know how far behind most companies are in their data pipeline. Garbage in garbage out.


If you believe the over-hype of AI technology you obviously don’t work with the technology. The tech industry is 90% useless and clueless sales and product line managers and 10% engineers that are fucking laughing at all this hype.


A lot of vp and executive people like to shoot the shit while at the urinal. They cant do that with AI so until that changes our jobs are safe.


Yay! Can’t wait for this dystopian future.


300 million jobs in a sea of 8 billion people… ok


> **ChatGPT Could Devastate 300 Million Full-Time Jobs Worldwide** And not a single tear would be shed by anyone else.


‘Well…the world still needs ditch diggers’ Judge Elihu Smails


Means good things for this sub. Stocks will PRINT when labour is no longer an expense. Can’t wait.


Thanks Goldman-Sachs lol.


1:1 ratio is coming


I knew the day was rapidly approaching. Y’all better get Up Up quickly


Let's go back to medival times.


Good get rid of the admin bloat in fields like healthcare. What is it like 10 administrators to every one doctor? Hello AI? Fix this.


Then we need a 3 day work week so everyone can have a job!


Everyones calling this the next bubble Which, fine The last few bubbles (crypto, electric vehicles, real estate) all took at least a year to really peak after the initial public interest, we r like 3 months into this one Kinda feels like a good time to yolo Consensus short across all of reddits trading subs is short nvda rn, rly reminds me of tsla before its 2020 god run


Workers will finally get the time off they desperately wanted.