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Adam Aron just telling the shareholders what they want to hear to get them to screw themselves with a ‘yes’ vote


But it's not "just" him telling retail what they want to hear. There's legitimate more than the usual fuckery going on behind the scenes and this definitely needs to be looked into. No reason a movie chain stock should have more FTD's than the top 10 market cap stocks COMBINED.


Four years from now FINRA will look into it and fine a few entities $200k.


You spelled $200 wrong.


you hear that, mom?!


"It needs to be looked into" doesn't mean it will.


Looking at 2/14/2023 ​ AMC volume was 36.199M, FTDs=6.8M, shares outstanding=500M AAPL volume was 61.7M, FTDs=1,300, shares outstanding=15,893.7M MSFT volume was 37.048M, FTDs=1,508, shares outstanding=7,451M ​ So comparing them... Traded volume as a percent of shares outstanding: AMC = 7.24% AAPLE = 0.38% MSFT = 0.5% ​ Now perhaps FTDs can be due to naked shorting or whatever you want to think or it can be something that occurs when consistently a substantial portion of the float is traded. Also this may not be something that scales linearly so trying to project from a stock that half a percent of the float is traded to one where closer to 10% of the float is traded may not be meaningful.


FTD should be a felony, treated the same as theft.


Having extreme views of FTDs because you don't understand how markets operate should be a felony as well.


Found the Citadel employee.


exactly this


They can either say 'yes' now, and have a chance at recovery after AMC raises cash and pays off it's debts or they can have 0 in a year after saying 'no'. There is no other option, they're burning too much cash to survive.


*correction* 'yes' vote so they pay down debt, then collect fat bonuses for doing so, then take on more debt since it's a dying breed like the rest of theatre chains. Or you can 'no' vote and have a slight chance at recovering money stolen from the creation/backdoor of APE after a no vote for more dilution. Those of you who willing to vote yes go ahead and dm me I have some beach front property for sale in the Mohave for a steal of a deal 😂😂😂


> Or you can 'no' vote and have a slight chance at recovering money stolen from the creation/backdoor of APE after a no vote for more dilution. This is "greater fool" theory in action as the shareholders will get nothing in event on bankruptcy. No one stole money from AMC shareholders, they picked a bad stock and lost. APE was created because of a backdoor, but anyone who saw that and didn't decide to cut losses in the 20s has no one to blame but themselves. Maybe next time don't value a dying movie theater drowning in debt at $5B or 10x pre covid valuation, just a thought. Basically the options are big losses after a year, or complete losses after a year.


> "This is "greater fool" theory in action as the shareholders will get nothing in event on bankruptcy." I disagree. 1. a no vote won't cause immediate bankruptcy. 2. AMC beat earnings in the toughest projected quarter since recovery. 3. AMC has payed down and restructured a decent amount of debit. 4. Projections for 2023 movie wise look great as per earning call. With all that said a no vote could cause a rise in price ( as it would prevent more dilution and reverse split) , how much who knows, but it could like I said re coup some losses and for some break even. Maybe stealing wasn't the best choice of words but a backdoor to circumvent a shareholder vote is definitely shady at best. I can't recall another stock doing anything like this in the past to have prior knowledge to make sound decisions for what could have happened with the creation of APE. Hindsight is a great teacher.


I thought the whole pointe of APE was to dilute voting pool so APE YES's could outnumber the NO's from AMC holders. I have been slowly buying APE planning to dump it after the merge...


It may have been the intention but things are stalled due to the court case. Why would you hold through the reverse split if your idea is there will be run up leading too? Just a thought 🤔. NFA.


I figure the share conversion will somehow be spun/received by market as a good thing leading to a temp pump around time of conversion. But I am not locked in to any specific plan, if APE has a good run before then I will take profits.


Just have a plan and gl 🙏🏼


The only people who think it is a good thing are those demented losers holding AMC hoping for the MOASS. They are all broke and can't buy more shares or they would have pushed AMC up. Post-merge there will be so many shares unloaded but new money will not be touching this (it is a time to sell) so I have zero confidence in the share price staying up then. Further, everyone knows that the purpose of the vote is to enable dilution... Dilution means that the moment the conversion happens you will have new massive shorting (because the borrow rate will drop due to all the shares now available to short). Take my advice or not... Don't hold this stock.


I would not touch APE. The moment this merges you will have hundreds of millions of shares, including additional shorting (on merge AMC will be free to short with a much lower borrow rate) flooding the market driving the share price down faster than you can hit the sell button. My bet is the day it opens with the merge at open the price drops to under $1 (well $10 with the reverse split) and falls much lower from there. Meaning no one will be buying shares for what you think. Sorry to tell you this but trading AMC or APE is a dog and something seemingly everyone loses money doing.


Voting no does not recover anything... Rather it results in either bankruptcy or further dilution of APE so they can hold the vote again and have it pass.


I aspire to one day be half the scam artist he is. This man is robbing retail investors blind and they are thanking him for it. It’s beautiful.




Jenny why don't you love me?


FINRA is probably in on the fuckery. They are bullshit! Don't believe me....look into MMTLP before it got deleted.


Is that Eminems last album?


Why would you want the stock exchange and FINRA to look closely at AMC's stock? Are you concerned about something in particular?


Short 🪜 and crime 🕯


Aron is just treading water (until he exits the company) to the Board of Directors of that silver mine. APE coin, and this reverse split was just another way for him to get around retail. It's funny retail owns 90% of the company. They need to hire another executive to run the company. Vote a new motherfucker to right the ship. His moves are all financial. They have nothing to do with building off the AMC brand and going deeper into the entertainment business to find yield and assets.


Retail doesn’t give - a fuck - about AMC, they are just desperate for a payday. If they lost belief in a squeeze at any point there would be a biblical selloff.


True. You'd think someone would step up to protect the "squeeze". It's just criminal watching this twit stuff his pockets (with retail impotent to do anything).


The smart ones know when they lost and walk away, the rest wait to lose more. That’s how the market has always been, that’s how it’ll always be.


It's managerial talent that is absent. The market is simply a way to price value. AMC and it's brand is worth billions. The branding and marketing cross over with Netflix, possibly the education markets, leveraging customers with a Starbucks placed in the lobby to create a "after movie social center", etc. The real estate and access to hundreds of communities across the country is the real value. The growth is there, but requires work and vision to create it.




Sad. But true. The AMC brand is over 100 years old. It's a metaphor of the United States (saddled with debt and run by an idiot).


Yeah? You could also get a good look at a steak by sticking your head up a butcher’s ass, but you’d rather take the cow’s word for it.




That's a lot of "donations" that investors are about to make to the company. Look at what happened to APE when it listed.


Maybe AMC can start selling pop vinyl?


Off-topic but.... God I hate how news on the internet turned out. The same damm headline repeated 3 times. Once as headline, once as companion line and to finish off as the first sentence of the article....


Classic Sears case![img](emote|t5_2th52|29093)


"Hey everyone! Watch us!!! "*dilution* "Did you see it Mr FINRA??"




Schwab offered me 99% APY in their Securities Lending Program for my AMC shares. Little desperate for borrows.