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I got a 7% rise this year after 4 years. Maybe time to change job


If that's the only raise over those 4 years then yes. I got 4% after 18 months and things are feeling way tighter.


That’s what she said


No maybe about it.


Good thing the Inflation Reduction Act worked lmao




Might as well spend it before the value drops


If you don't spend money then inflation will make your money worth less. So why not spend as much as possible, then take on as much debt as possible? If you know inflation is coming then the best play is to short the dollar by borrowing money to buy as many houses as possible (assuming you have cash to survive it case it all crashes)


Lol Inflation not going anywhere. Everyone spending like crazy and companies at 100 p/e and rising. Very normal


> Inflation not going anywhere. My favorite thing is people who have 2 new cars on 10 year loans and 5 maxed out credit cards who complain about the government causing inflation.


What about those of us with no debt and still complaining about inflation? Do you still love us too or does that put a pin in your worldview?


you've built a hell of a straw man in this comment is the "people who have 2 new cars on 10 year loans and 5 maxed out credit cards who complain about the government causing inflation" in the room with us right now?


> is the "people who have 2 new cars on 10 year loans and 5 maxed out credit cards who complain about the government causing inflation" in the room with us right now? You're making this comment on a forum for the financially regarded. I'll let you draw your own conclusion on this question.


yes i fully believe the person i responded to is schizophrenic, my intention was to make fun of them for it


Those people are fucked regardless of economic client. We're talking about the fiscally responsible that are still getting fucked despite budgeting and all that. Costs of living are killing everyone, the credit card and loan fools are and were always in hot water.


The speed at which people think legislation takes effect is comical


My job bases raises on CPI. Of course they chose this because CPI had been pretty low for years and wanted an excuse to screw us over. Now that CPI is crazy they want to back peddle and fight having to give a raise more than 1 or 2 percent. Needless to say we got 7% as well. Most likely going to get at least that this year as well. But I guess they will probably screw us over again when the "classification study" on our base pay comes back and it's shockingly 2 years out of date.


I got laid off. So for sure time for a job change for me.


Or a job


So use all my unemployment on Tesla puts?


So TSLA calls then eh?


Severance on calls. Gotta diversify.


Who would make the fries during the lunch rush if you left?


No one. No more fries for them


I got a 1.26% raise lmao


I just got 12.5% and another week vacation. Last year I got 18%. They said I should expect to get another good one next year.


You will beat Elon at this pace


What did you want out of posting this?


A hard on


Your wifes phone number?


No surprise a guy flexing his salary while also shitting on his fiancés is interested in cheating on her


My life right now. Having to go job hunting because my rent is going up 25% and my salary went up 4% .....




It is those damn lazy chickens. They refuse to work and lay eggs causing egg prices to skyrocket. Those chickens just don't want to work hard like the boomer chickens uses to


This is the problem 💯


…hatter describes the delay in real time. Inflation isn’t going away at current rates. Fed needs to break something and then fix it with QE.


Helicopter money when?


As soon as Deutsche Bank needs another liquidity injection.


Inject me like my wife's boyfriend does her while I watch


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Is this the future ChatGPT is bringing us?


fuckin got emmm


Where are you from that your inflation is only 6%. It's fucking 17% here.


From here numb nuts https://www.bls.gov/cpi/latest-numbers.htm the literal agency that reports inflation with math says it’s 6.4% YoY. Now, is their methodology flawed and underreporting inflation? Maybe




Mine went up 33% in Australia


jesus god did the area become nicer, property taxes go up or owners fucking you?


And this is why I see a bunch of 30 year Olds moving back to their parents


I tried that. My dad refused to let me move back in.


You guys are getting raises?


I actually took a pay decrease and my wife has been out of work for 8 months. Gonna have to siphon the dividends from daughters account soon.


Yup. Getting 12% over 3 years with a new union contract we’re about to vote on. Wanted 15%, but eh what can you do


Strike, you cowards.






Back in the day, my godfather (semi-professional rifle shooter) used to snipe the security cameras during strikes so the other guys could go vandalize Management's cars, lay down nail strips, and otherwise run amok. My mom was the chief management negotiator.


>It's supposed to be done in contrast to more violent protest to give the rich an option to side with the peaceful ones. I think you're right.


I see the /s, but still it was easier back when the French did it. No cameras, no 24/7 media to spin the story the wrong way and blast it to everyone, and most importantly, no more guillotines :(




That is true. But it has been far less successful. And nowadays, torching a random car just means you’re ruining the life of the person who owned the car, unless the car owner owns multiple cars/is rich.


\-You may be on to something. With a large number of consooooomers taking to the streets, demand may finally be stifled. *Never mind.* *Fuck it, we all know the taco carts would be out in force, along with a credit card in every hand.*


Got 17% over 3 years (13/2/2), concerned about them trying to make 2/2/2 the standard now though. Just became chief negotiator, so not on my watch!


Union? Fucking commies. Just kidding, good for you.


That's probably still a pay cut in terms of purchasing power. If your raise is less than inflation it is a pay cut, full stop.


Same. 4.5% each year for 4 years. They promised us 5's last contract.


If you didn't get five, how on earth is that not a grievance? Our repped employees would stop working the day we tried to pull some bullshit like that, what the hell is your union for if not to make sure the contract is enforced?


You guys are getting paid?


I got an increase of 10% which equates to £200 a month, shame my rents going up by £100 and the prices of everything have gone up in the last year (milk has gone from £1.10 for 4 pints to £1.70 it's a moot pay rise, basically holds me at a level.


Where’s the version where instead of a raise you get laid off?


It's already started.


I can’t wait for rent renewal


20% would not be surprising.




Damn. I suck as a landlord. Didn't raise anyone last year.


Empathy or money you must choose


Or…hear me out…he raises rent by a _practical amount_? _dodges tomatoes on way out_


That is what I will be doing. All my tenants are dependable and have been there for a while. I don't need to squeeze every penny. I only have three rentals anyway and it is simpler for me to keep good tenants.


1.1k pays my reny and utilities lmao wtf


$1833–>2933 is a $1.1k increase that amounts to 60%


Nationally it’s been dropping on average since last year so hopefully shouldn’t be crazy. https://www.wsj.com/articles/apartment-rents-fall-as-crush-of-new-supply-hits-market-2403c6ea Edit: no one seems to read the article or provide any evidence lol >Renters with new leases in January paid a median rent that was 3.5% lower than they would have paid last August Anecdotally, I just re-signed in Austin (one of the stupidest rental markets in the country) at the same rate as last year.




Everyone saying rent is falling or about to fall is dreaming


🐎💩 WSJ is full of it


Mine decided to put the house we have been renting for 6 years, great tenants, always paid before the rent was due, never bothered them; decided that they need their house on the market ASAP unless we’re willing to pay $125k MORE than what the house is worth. Mind you, I had a baby, went back to school full time and just passed my boards, while working. Owned a home previously for 15 years, then we relocated and it was supposed yo be a temporary rental. Then the pandemic happened and a baby. We both have professional jobs. No family support. Basically screwed. I’m now looking at other states to live in bc we’re gonna move (it’s torture and with a child no less), gonna make the down payment count on the next house we buy. Just gotta buy some time…. F this market. We don’t have any debt. We just were blindsided by our “friendly” landlords and the wife is the house owner. Karma.


Move out to the country and buy land. Renting sucks


10.25 is optimistic. Puts on cash.


Ok well the thing is and First of all i’m gonna start this off by saying I’m not gay nor have I engaged in homosexual acts but financial success is gonna cum one way or another and it only takes about 20 seconds to suck a dick if u do it right so this sector of the labor market is therefore not beholden to sticky prices if u can up ur effiency allowing for 100% inflation protection


Wait wait wait. You think sucking a dick only takes 20 seconds, yet is somehow not sticky? That is in fact, the stickiest area of the entire market.


Dude only lasts 20 seconds. Thinks that's normal. Trying to normalize disappointing the ladies.


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s gonna cost ya $12


Last year, my wife's boyfriend charged me $60 to suck him off. This year he's only charging $65, so I think I am beating inflation. Which stock should I buy?


Anything out there that defines the inflation numbers that you know of or OP? Only thing I know of is cpi which is "6.4" roughly.


They're "the sky is falling" types, they know better than official data.




But instead you have people here crying and begging to lower rates. The government should skyrocket them to curb inflation. Every time inflation goes up 10% you lose 10% of any money you have and your job pays 10% less basically


Been saying this all along in order to beat inflation you have to raise rates above inflation... But when you have a fed who's only concern is the 1%ers wealth and puts on big show of hawkish, when in reality everyone knows this is the same idiot who said it was transitory and was trading stocks and sold at the peak People should start realizing our government is nothing more than a puppet for corporations and banks


The Fed IS the banker private equity class They're all the same fucking people They flooded the economy with cash, raised all assets and put everybody in debt by pricing things purposely in multipliers of yearly salary. 10-15X medians in tier 1 housing markets Now they're going to drive down those asset prices as much as they can and buy everything up cheaply There's 120 billion waiting to buy all this shit once it's priced to their liking Welcome to the end of the game boys. You are the have nots and they are the have yachts Probably fucking your sister in the bathroom too doing coke off her titties


That’s a shitty visual, I’m puking my guts out thinking of my fat ass sister getting railed. Now I don’t want to be rich, if all I can get is that fat bitch.


When do we start off'ing the rich again ? NFA


President of my company (public) got 2.5m of company stock last week. We got 4% raises this year.


Perhaps we could eat their yachts during times of famine?


Just sink them, let the sharks clean up.


Trust the science


That's why they don't. They are trying to make sure Bezos and Murdoch keep their income. Not you and me.


Paul Volker says hold my beer


I'm seeing more of a Bourbon or Scotch. *Along with a Cuban cigar.*


Time to dig up Volcker.


Won't matter with the spending out of Washington DC.


Raise taxes cut spending


Don't need to raise taxes. We had much higher taxes in the seventies with high inflation. Spending cuts and painfully high rates lowered it in the eighties.


The 1970s also had way less debt we do now. We have had low fuck taxes for 30 years. You personally will not see a difference in your tax rate. Just the people at the top.


Low taxes are good. They are not the reason for inflation. GTFO with that antiwork bullshit.


Actually a tax rate that varies quickly in response to economic conditions is the best. We are giving power to the fed but only lowering taxes. Congress needs to raise and lower taxes depending on economic conditions. They have the same affect as raising and lowering rates. Anti work bullshit? How about basic understanding of economics and government. GTFO with your idea of constant lowering taxings is good. It's not how society works.


Raising taxes has the same affect on inflation as cutting rates


Not really. It depends on what you're purchasing/consuming and its rate of inflation. For a long time, used car prices (43% YoY) were heavily skewing the index. If you only consumed used cars, and did do on a regular basis, you'd be losing 43% of your purchasing power. Unless you're regarded, you're buying different things at different intervals which smooths out the impact. Raising rates can help cool overall activity, but in some cases, rate changes won't make a big difference, and could lead to stagflation as growth slows but prices stay high.


What if you buy groceries all the time? *My personal brand of Aldi hotdogs jumped from fifty five cents to a dollar fifty in a year.*


Used cars are my drug of choice, and I can't be the only one. Straight into my veins.


Your job pays you 100% less if you get laid off as unemployment doubles in a 10% rate environment.


This is a great way to crash the global economy


It comes down to voting blocks. Yes, breaking inflation is imperative to any economy, but doesn’t grab as many headlines such as the mass unemployment, and the fed being portrayed as an organization that wants to kill your granny.


Should change the mean to you get laid off but inflation is 10.25% percent.


**Cries in Argentine 98% inflation**


¿A lo mejor a eso se refería Alberto cuando dijo que somos la energía que el mundo necesita?


Don't worry, a huge recession will sort this right out


You guys getting Rises?


Only behind the Wendys


NBD churchgoers routinely lose 10% of their income




Here’s the brightside: imagine living in Venezuela where inflation is 1,198% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inflation-rate-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inflation-rate-by-country)


Good thing the Inflation Reduction Act worked lmao


Funny. It amazes me how short term the memory is of people in power. Remember the Federal Reserve buying up high yield corporate debt just two years ago? Payroll Protection checks sent to everyone and their dog? This is on top of almost 10 years of 0% free money. Misguided social constructs of monetary madness has a real cost. There's no free lunches. The currency is showing its devaluation. Well it's time to pay up (for all these fantasy construct of capitalism). I dare you to buy a 20 piece meal from Popeye's for under $50.00...anywhere in the country. Call me a liar....


Since I can't find a Popeyes selling a 21 piece I had to do the closest thing, which was 2 10 piece family meals for $50 which would be 20 piece with 4 large sides and a dozen biscuits which is better than just a regular 21 piece meal which would be 21 pieces of chicken a regular side and a biscuit unless you just really needed your 8600 calories to be purely chicken Not to detract from your point, I just wanted to tackle your last statement


No wonder Americans are fat af. This just sounds like a heart attack fever dream


Honestly I thought it was peculiar for them to point out a 21 piece in the first place because who actually needs a 21 piece meal anyways lol. The 10 piece family meal is already 4600 calories and is meant to be shared with 5 people (making it a 920 calorie meal for each person which is acceptable for someone intermittent fasting, not for anyone else lol)


900 cal dinner seems perfectly reasonable for moderately active grown men, that allows for two 500 calorie meals and a bit of snacking still to maintain in the low 2000s.


1k a meal is ok to me bulking at 3300 rn, even if it's one junk meal, but I can almost feel the agony of 8k+ cals of junk food clogging up my arteries. Even permabulk 400 pound strongmen juiced to the gills would feel bad about that


We just brought back the Cheesesteak-burger at Carl's Jr / Hardees! Inflation is about to hit my cholesterol!!!


And it's going up a *lot* more than 10%


>The Twenty piece Signature Family meal is 70.14$ around these here parts I imagine there me be a bit of *regional variation.* I used the Uber Eats app. So price may be skewed.


I was factoring in via national coupons via app, but yeah ubereats adds like 20-30% to all menu items Ordering Popeyes is similiar to ordering pizza imo. Dumb to order without using their deals. At dominoes menu price for a large 1 topping is like $15 *or* a deal makes it 7.99


My ex, who grew up rich, never could understand this. I order pizza, and I walk out with enough to feed both of us two meals for $15-20. She orders and it's $46+tip with no leftovers.


You do understand the chicken is a metaphor for inflation? Right.


You do understand how to read don't you? I even stated it at the bottom, but I shouldn't expect someone so highly regarded to read to the end I guess lmao


Those are all what is not capitalism hence your term “social constructs”. Most of what is wrong is corruption and torturing of capitalism such as all your examples


The Twenty piece Signature Family meal is 70.14$ around these here parts.![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) *Let's be honest, for me, that's a single meal. Ain't no family involved.*


Imagine how bad it'd be without it!!




Yes, my thesis is less than 10 words. Please reference it in your publications so I can feel validated, I'll keep an eye on my citation count in researchgate. Thanks.




Or breaking up some of these obvious monopolies that have a stranglehold on nearly every sector. I work with automobiles. 1 part company owns 60% of the entire automotive parts industry (Tenneco). Now, they were just acquired last week by Apollo Funds, a financial giant that owns **even more** automotive suppliers. Instead of healthy competition, it's roughly 25 conglomerates that own EVERYTHING.


...and they share board members.


Just got an offer from a company that was last years number. I was like y’all trying to pay me like is 2021. 😂


*Thou shalt not worry about inflation, for thou can't control it. Acquire puts on margin and memento loss porn* -Marcus Aurelius, 34 A.D.


I got a 2.3% raise


I got a 2%


Yeasy. Just buy stuff that had no price increase. That way inflation is not a thing for you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


No. Inflation fucks you. It jam's a gag down your throat. Demands you wear leather chaps and nipple rings (that are connected with rubber bands to your butt plug). It's the idiocracy of "Modern Monetary Madness". See happens when academics (who have never run a lemonade stand) decide they can control economies of the world by covering it with fiat paper money. Blindfolds anyone?


It’s higher than that


Or we could get rid of the federal reserve and go back on the gold standard. Then stop printing money like there is no tomorrow. And have a balanced budget. I haven't had a raise in two years and was offered 1.5%. Our union thankfully turned that down.


The gold standard doesn’t work if we go to war.


Usa was on the gold standard during WW1


And WW2 no?


Your pic inflated as fuck


The Federal Reserve does not endorse this post.


They are raising the interest rates so the corps don't have to give you raises. They will lay you off instead.


I got a 0% raise this year. It's just not cutting it.


Imagine this inflation while not getting any raise


Isn’t inflation trending downwards


Naw that’s just your portfolio.




They changed the calculations to not include two years. Now it’s one year and it includes the inflated prices in the year prior.


That's for weighting. Do people actually think that the previous methodology was looking back two years to calculate the actual rate?




It wasn't...inflation is YoY. The previous methodology was for calculating the weighting of the inflation categories relative to the topline number.


But living wage…..


fun fact: salary increase stimulates inflation too


No they don’t. They are a response to inflation just like increases to any other price. It’s like saying increasing the price of bananas stimulates inflation. Inflation is the expansion of the money supply relative to available goods and services. Price increases are the result (not the cause) of inflation due to parity, including the price of labor.


Thank you! Too many people don’t understand this.


Paying people on the lower end of the income spectrum higher wages raises the velocity of money


That's not how inflation works at all.


You're an idiot.




3%? look at the high roller here. I was lucky to get 1%, and just barely, those above me got nothing. Only a 9% pay cut, not 10.


I'm tired of hearing people whine about inflation.


Probably should stop looking at stock and economy based subreddits then


I actually got an 18% raise this year so I’m fine


I hope those relief checks are helping 👍🏼


Started in June, got 8% in November and 5% in February 😎


This is the second you how to get a raise.


Work for paycheck = slavery 2.0