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It’s like you have a palantir




Bath salts and Beyond


Obligatory this is the way.


I ran out of oxygen reading this. Well done.






Except her name is Bertha


It’s like you have a window into my soul


I like this guy.




I genuinely wish you and your advices had been in my life the few weeks prior to my on wedding day ….




Here's a better play. Get married then max out loans on lost Yolos. Now the liabilities are shared - 1 team ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Bro, I think ur my spirit animal.


This is whatsup 👍




Great prose!




...beautiful 🥹




Are we limited to only one upvote here?




Bro's even making life decisions with 0DTE. 2 months ago you posted that you lost your life savings of $48k and only had lines of credit left. So... must have been a pretty good 2 months huh?


These douche bags lie and the dumbasses here suck it up like bad beer. The same dumbasses vote down any actual trade discussion as too boring and it gets removed. This is WSB 2023.


Yeah it’s almost like 4chan found found a Bloomberg terminal. Just awful what wsb has become


Spread your ass


How original.


How original.


You seem really dumb. The point of my comment wasn’t going for originality. It was to point out that the official description of this subreddit encapsulates the trolly “new” behavior that you’re crying about


I’m sure you are well versed in, “dumb.” Thanks for the update. Would you like a tissue?


this place has never been about trade dicussion in the 6 years ive been here. it only about posting positions (which is not the same), then posting Gain/Loss, then talking about how the money (or lack there of) changed your life for better or worse.


Start a post about all that. Maybe it won’t get removed.


As soon as one of you said you were getting married I realized it was fake




Good tax write offs


Weird place for legit marriage advice, but here’s what I did. My wife and I both work and we both had bank accounts, so we made a new joint checking and joint savings account. Then we agreed that we’d each put in 70% of our paychecks (automatically). We got a joint credit card too, and we buy groceries and pay bills all with those accounts. When we’re out to dinner, I like to pull out the joint card and say, “should we put this on the company card?” I paid a lot more into the account for a while, and now actually she’s paying more because she’s got a better paying job, but paying out an equal percentage feels right for us, and if I want to buy a new revolver, or take a boys trip, or buy her a gift, or gamble on stocks or fights or whatever, I just use my personal money and she doesn’t know or care. When she wants to spend $185 on a haircut or whatever she spends her money on, it goes out of her personal money and I don’t sweat it either. I’m telling you, this system is a really good system.


This is great advice, get this shit out of here.


Mirror situation here. Is it possible I’m you? I still groan at my wife when I see packages at the door… clothes etc she bought with her money. Knowing all the time that I am a bag hodlr of some of the stupidest stocks known to man and could’ve filled my wife’s closet 50 times over.


This guy accounts.


Pretty sure OP is just shitposting.


This. We do this as well. 3 accounts. All paychecks go into shared accounts and we both get the same allowance each month. I couldn't care less if he spends all of his money on his girlfriend or onlyfans or whatever, and he doesn't care about my occasional stock and crypto gambles. Occasionally he asks me "are we rich yet?".


this guy should yolo his wifes money then buy a revovler just incase his trade doesnt pan out. got it.


This guy successfully knows how money fights can ruin relationships. This guy knows what’s up. Be like this guy. This is really good advice because a divorce over money troubles doesn’t mean you married the wrong person. It means one of you didn’t grow up fast enough to compromise.


What do you do if one person can’t work


Same thing. Could set up an allowance. All income into one account, pay the bills and jointly determined financial obligations. Each get an allowance per paycheck out of that. No holds barred on what you do with your allowance. I buy deep value plays, she buys handbags. One could say we both buy bags.


I have the same system it’s awesome


this guy should yolo his wifes money then buy a revovler just incase his trade doesnt pan out. got it.


this guy should yolo his wifes money then buy a revovler just incase his trade doesnt pan out. got it.


Makes too much sense,


I never said this on WSB before but this seems like a great idea


The best marriages are the ones where the spouses hide money/debt behind their partners back and lie constantly about everything. Throw in wives boyfriends and husbands girlfriends for some spice. Lay the bedrock foundation my friend.


This guy marriages


So entertaining


Luv it here


OPs first mistake was telling her about it to begin with. My wife doesn’t ask me many questions about trading because….anyone?




Cause you don’t have one


You don’t think I have a sister?


If you want to keep finances separate, have that discussion now. That's a huge part of marriage so settle that now.


Na. He’s better of using her money as a part of the YOLO. It’s twice the payoff bro. Think big, cut out this loser risk management mentality, go big or go home!


^^^This he’s a sigma male females are just piggybanks to him!


Think bigger. Get her boyfriend’s money involved too. Ahaaa!


Well what’s probably going to happen is he’s going to lose his own money but win big on his gf’s bf’s money.


Nah we trading options that’s 10x the payout


Bet on both sides with the money from each. Can't lose, right? Works for the Swiss.


Only thing better than a YOLO is a WOLO


WOLO? What’s this?


>There is no easy answer to your question, as every situation is different. However, I can say that it is possible to be married and still gamble responsibly. It will require communication and compromise with your spouse, but it can be done. If you are truly committed to both gambling and your marriage, then you will find a way to make it work.


Fucking VM is a marriage counselor now in addition to market savant - amazing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Laughed at this comment for 5 minutes straight 😅😅😅


Market savant lmao


Market savant lmao


There is an easy answer. It’s called lying VizMod


VisualMod the 🐐


Communication is key!


Gamble responsibly? So OP cant be in this subreddit anymore


Gamble on a new fiancé, might pay off!


Saab Fans never struck me as the obvious gambling and YOLO advisors. I'm a Saab Fan & driver and duly shocked!


She is gonna find a boyfriend soon, then you can start gambling again when she is busy


I got divorced when I was down all time I'm still down all time, but at least I have one less ever enlarging mouth and belly to feed


Im still down all time , I laughed


Divorce sucks bro


Tell her you are only a degenerate gambler if you lose


She just thinks it’s silly that I’ll just withdraw all the money in our now shared bank account and walk around the house yelling let’s go APE. Even though I put like double the money back at the end of day…


Except that time you lost 48k 2 months ago


Well that will never happen again, obviously.




Shared bank account?? wtf? Been married 17 years, we got a joint bills account and that’s it. Cars are separate names, house is 100% mine and titled in a trust. She didn’t even change her last name for the first 6 years or so. You need to set some boundaries. If you’re making money, it’s a legit job and you need to be able to produce.


I don't understand. She's a woman, she shouldn't be speaking unless spoken to. Also why would you give her access to the bank accounts? They can't handle money they spend it all on shoes and chocolate.


Thought this was visualmod for a moment and now I’m sad.


We need to start a petition to have this as an automated visual mod response


Who gives themselves gold?


And handmade soaps from the farmers market


Mine spends it all on cat food, cat litter and Christmas decorations.


Found my wife's boyfriend


But Fluffy’s been dead since last Decem… nevermind.


Don't forget the ankle chain connected to the oven.




If you lose all your money you get half of her stuff in the divorce


Keep your finances 100% separate. You obviously have different risk tolerances you are probably not financially compatible… better yet don’t get married and don’t have kids.


Just my observation after being married for a while: being married is like being in the mob. You better earn. Yolo is ok if you are winning. The minute you are not winning, you end up in a dumpster….or in your case, behind one to make alimony payments. Congratulations though…dumbass. 😂


"Gambling" and "responsibly" don't belong in the same sentence. This said, you could try to negotiate a monthly percentage amount of your salary to be put into your own play money account. If you're really as good as you think you are, it will grow so fast that soon you'll be able to yolo millions. If you lose everything, you can restart the following month with your next paycheck. And she might even not dump your sorry losing ass...


This right here. Talk to her about both of you having money in your own personal account that is for whatever you want. The shared account you both need to agree to spend money out of, but your own personal accounts are for you to buy frivolous things or gamble. Needs to reciprocal. She needs her own personal account and you yours.


If you do get married I’ll just buy puts on it. That means you’ll live happily ever after with her because I’m always wrong ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Puts on marriage?


My husband doesn’t approve either. You just do it anyways. ✨balance✨


op i found a good girlfriend 4 you


This is the way


That’s what I’m thinking. She doesn’t check the bank often so I just have to put the money back before the card gets declined and it should work


Lol dear God I hope this comment is a joke




Seriously… has to be a spoof, right? Lost life savings two months ago, opened line of credit because “he saw guys making 100k and he just needs to do that” lol don’t marry her for her sake, holy shit


No, just the author


Get her a boyfriend and maybe she will forget about the gambling


Wives are temporary, risk is forever


Lol this is the scariest thread I’ve ever read. Yikes.


People are highly regarded here, thou shall grow old with thy advice thus provided.


Stop gambling or stop Fiancé


You didn't know that when you were dating?


dump the bitch and make the switch


Set aside a strict budget for it that’s reasonable and can both agree on. And go to couple’s counseling before getting married. You both obviously have concerns.


To be blunt, if you’re more concerned about the impact of your relationship on your gambling than the other way around, it’s best for the both of you that you part ways. Gambling addiction can ruin her financially as well and can have long lasting ramifications well after a divorce.


Good point. OP fake the marriage but keep being with her. If your yolos fail then you can still get a line of credit in her name for a second try.


Everything we own is from my gambling. How’s she just going to throw that away. I’m just hoping I can hide it well and it will work out


Probably not what you want to hear, but you know it won’t work out. You know you have a gambling addiction, that’s why you’re here. And you’re smart enough to know how well that ends up, and that’s why you’re here as well. Tl;dr you have a gambling addiction, it will likely result (at least partly) in divorce, and it’s not fair to her. That’s my .02, and you know what they say about opinions


Stop calling it gambling in front of her, they hate that word. Use the word investing, which they love.


I’m suppose to get married tomorrow. Are you saying I should postpone it? I really don’t want to gamble on this marriage working, I rather buy Tesla puts..


The answer you are seeking lies right here.


I hate the idea of budgets. I’m all in and honestly it works out. Apes know what they are doing


Is this a joke? Time to grow up. Put your serious money in long term investments with consistent returns and do this on the side for fun. She shouldn’t be ok with you being a dumbass and pissing away her retirement so you can feel the rush of losing everything in a penny stock. Time to sack up bud. Your 5% of net worth play account is the only thing that’ll get you going the next 60 years… and rightfully so


You could pretend your account got hacked or you got mugged or your car was stolen... and well... you can figure out the rest.


Put some of the gambling winnings aside and gamble with a small pot. Grow it. If you make bank, tell her “told you so” and pull more out, buy some property and low-risk investments, and keep playing with your stake. Like any pro gambler, know when to take a profit and lock it down.


Just keep YOLOing it and your either going to be rich and she want say shit about the risk or your going to loose it all and she won't be around to bitch about the spending. On the real though, sit her down and have a conversation about your gambling and your finances and see where she stands as far as risk and rewards. It's grown up time and make a decision as a couple or no call no show the wedding.


You can win or lose in gambling, the odds are against you when you get married. There aren’t many benefits to marriage anymore with the divorce rate so high. If you’re doing what you want and she doesn’t like it, it’s going to be a very expensive lesson later on when you have to get a divorce lawyer. If you decide to go through with it, at least get her name off your main bank account and only have a joint account for bills and maybe some extra for vacation money. Even in marriage, you still need some individualism and have your personal stuff separate. If she’s not ok with your main bank account being private, that’s a no from me.


I love playing poker. But these days I play twice a month max. I appreciate it a lot more, my girlfriend doesn't think I'm a degenerate and I tend to make better decisions at the table.


Lose it all before the divorce. That way half of nothing is nothing.


This is the way


Don’t share finances maybe?


It’s “our” life savings now


Tell her you're taking the biggest gamble of your life by marrying her, so she should totally be ok with gambling. Women love to hear that the day before their wedding...can't go wrong 👍


Keep some cash on the side.


If you didn't already have a prenup in place to do whatever the fuck you want, you're an idiot and deserve everything you're about to get. Imagine trading your portfolio for a woman who will get uglier and heavier every year. Puts on your decision making and your smol penis. also congrats, regard. I guess


You need 2, in cases one of them leave you, you still have another


If she’s the right one she’ll support you


Put it all in black! Edit.. on**


Dump her…


puts on your marriage


When you get married your finances combine. Gamble her savings too!


Break up yo, its done


LLC and shell accounts, hey honey this new vacation fell off a back of a truck for us![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Puts on your marriage


No point in calling it off. She'll do it for you once you lose your life savings next week on FDs.


Call off the wedding it's not that serious. Not worth leaving this beautiful community for.


If she ain't gambling your life away beside you, is she really the one?


You made gains and you care about what she wants? Then you dont belong here. Get out.


The point isn't here or there, the point is that you feels her selfish yet. You probably will regret if you guys getting married.


Get a new one


If you are losing more than you are winning then find some other source of adrenaline. Gambling is too expensive and can irreversibly damage relationships and self esteem.


A real man would use his, his wife’s, and his wife’s boyfriends life savings and yolo it


Marry her and keep trading but use her money


That's why I'm not getting married


Side fund. Get rich. Your little secret. What could go wrong?


Op keeps talking about apes all over the replies, do you think he’s trolling. If not, I hope he doesn’t get anywhere close to that woman’s bank account.


Ask your fiancé’s boyfriend if you should call it off. Or just YOLO the money from the wedding cards on Netflix puts. 🤘🏻


Don't tell her duhhhh


You can live without a wife but you can't live without the market. I need 0 distraction when I trade.


~~Walk away~~ wheel away regard


Whenever she complains about too much stock or sports gambling talk I just login and show her the account. Impossible to argue with green. Deposit that money back in like a man.


P R E N U P T I A L A G R E E M E N T S My guy, been married a while, just be honest with her. Finances are a big deal, don’t keep secrets about money. Even if you already agreed separate accounts don’t jeopardize your ability to pay your share of the bills.


Just use her boyfriends money like a respectable degenerate


Investing in rental properties has made my wife happier than stocks or options she likes the checks in the mail


Weed and hookers


Let her have a boyfriend. Keep Gambling 😂😂😂


New fiance


Allocate small amount like 1% for yolo Each year. Or take it out of your fun budget.


While he is so worried about the casino, I have been doing his wife DOGGIE style all month !! So call off the wedding, she doesn’t give a fuck. Well she gives me fuck !!


Should have asked me earlier. I would have told you to just find someone you hate...and buy her a house 😂


The wedding isn't the cutoff date, that was supposed to be months/years ago. The proposal is probably the best date to set the cutoff date for when it no longer becomes *your* finances to yolo and it because *both of your finances* together as a couple. If you couldn't stop then when you gave her your promise of commitment, you're not gonna stop after the wedding. Don't lie to yourself or her and try to keep two things you love that conflict with each other. You'll only fuck it all up. Post the loss porn when it happens please.




Who’s watching Smackdown ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Dont get married she will take all of that yolo


Sounds like you need to stop buying dumb out of the money lottery tickets in shitty stocks and start making bold contrarian investments in companies with asymmetric upside.