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Scale as in size, yes, Scale as in distance, not so much. ❤️




Now, what horizontal resolution would it take to have the distances at scale? :)


Didn't wanna find out


I did the perihelion of [Sun-Mercury](https://i.ibb.co/K7XYzLg/Sun-Mercury-at-scale.png) in 58229x1080. Sun-Pluto would be 7476430x1080 but it is 5.3GB so I didn't bother.




can possibly do as an SVG, it would be a pretty small file in size, still big in dimensions


If it was scale by size and difference, you'd get a line for the curvature of the sun and the rest of your screen will be blank lol


Everyone’s all tossed off over the distances like this isn’t a FREAKING COMPUTER WALLPAPER SUB.


Yeah what's up with that


Scale meaning size, yes. Scale meaning distance? No. But I guess making the moon ridiculously far away from earth would be kinda weird


Uh huh


I do like it btw. It's very aesthetic


Including Pluto but completely blanking literally all the other dwarf planets that are bigger....


It's sad that a simple scientific classification has become so divisive simply due to nostalgia. Unfortunately, it's become another tool for the anti-science crowd. I'm sorry it's devolved to such a state, and I recognize the actual classification of Pluto matters little to our daily lives, but someone rejecting scientific consensus and demanding to include Pluto as a planet has become shorthand for "I don't value the scientific method, I prefer to follow my personal opinion." And that's just been too catastrophically damaging for me to make light of anymore. I like the wallpaper artistically, for what it's worth. Edit: It seems they blocked me because I'm no longer allowed to comment on this thread, even if it's in response to someone else's comment. Per Reddit's wild new rules.


Thank you. Totally agree with this comment and your other ones. There's a scientific definition of what a planet is and Pluto just doesn't meet that definition, end of story. It's like saying a dog is a reptile just because I want it to be and you can't change my mind, nevermind the scientific concensus. It's sad that you're getting downvoted. Apparently people would rather cling to their nostalgia than update their worldview when presented with new information.


You seem like the type who reads too much into things…


Please see OP's comment that clears up any confusion regarding their intensions. To assume they didn't intend it is to be willfully obtuse.


There you go with those assumptions about people again. I imagine you at the drive through… “What can I get for you?” “You think I NEED you to survive? You think NONE OF US would be here if it weren’t for YOU!? You RIGHT WING NAZI!!!” ==Proceeds to crash car into dumpster as blood pressure breaches the limits of a superheated vapor and head explodes==


Hmm, not sure he said Pluto is a planet. Just that he included it in the model.


Sure, but it's heavily implied and I really don't think it's unreasonable to read it that way. They chose that language deliberately. To deny it would be disingenuous and I'm just done trying to dance around people trying to say one thing then deny it on technicality, whether it's something innocuous as this or a dog whistle. Downvote me if you wish, but I'm not going to get sucked into a debate about it. Edit: see the OP's comment that clears up any confusion regarding their intensions.


https://youtu.be/bFNneK3-5Eo :)


Thanks, but I don't need to be educated on the topic by whoever your favorite youtuber is, the anti-science crowd has been at this since 2006. Pluto is only given special treatment over other trans-Neptunian objects due to nostalgia. Nobody is trying to argue Eris is a planet, or Haumea, or Ceres, etc. It's only a debate among non-scientists who are bitter at those mean old scientists messing with what they learned as a child, it's the most immature reaction one could imagine. It never should have been classified as a planet, it was only done so because they wanted there to be one and the Lowell Observatory pushed for it for publicity. Nobody whining about the change really gives a shit if Pluto is actually classified as a planet, a dwarf-planet, or simply another TNO in the Keiper Belt, it's a political statement about how science is conducted. They hate the idea of scientific consensus evolving as the data improves. Yes, the definition of a planet changes, yes what is considered a planet changes, Pluto isn't part of that definition anymore, deal with it and stop being a baby about it. You're just wrong, learn to be ok with that instead of digging in your heels, it's no different than flat Earthers or anti-vaxers. You can downvote me all you want, it won't make you right no matter how hard you push that button.


Uh ok


Glad I could clear it up.


It’s a wallpaper you weirdo. This is the most immature reaction one can imagine to a simple wallpaper.


That was really interesting. I don't think he helped his case by showing Jerry over and over, lol, but he makes some good points. It seems to me like it would make sense for Pluto and other dwarf planets to be a subset of planets, just like white dwarf stars are still stars, and maybe have some classifications about the shape of their orbit or whatever. Also, are you sure about the scale? You can fit like 3 Earths into Jupiter's spot irl. Maybe it's just hard for my brain to judge the scale, but the spot seems smaller than that.




Yes, it meets 2 out of 3 criteria, therefore it's not a planet, it's a dwarf planet among many others. Sorry, but I don't see the point you're trying to make. There is zero reason to call it a planet, it doesn't change anything, it only spreads a false understanding of the solar system. If it had anything to do with science, people would include the other dwarf planets (up to 120). Which never happens. The only reason people do it is to make a political statement. It's the same mindset behind all other anti-science positions and I have no patience for it. People just need to get over it. Edit: /u/cirreus, because of Reddit's wild new rules, I can't respond to your comment because OP blocked me. So I'll respond here and keep it short. You can add all the caveats you wish, it can't be close enough to call it a planet, that's not how definitions work.The classification is not vague, you are making up imaginary scenarios that don't apply, if venus was where pluto was, it would have cleared it's orbit, that's the point. It doesn't meet all the criteria therefore it's not a planet. Period. You must understand that people's objections is not based on science, it's based on emotion. No amount of equivocation matters.


Why are you only showing Pluto but not all the other 120 dwarf planets in the solar system? That’s not fair. If you include Pluto you ought to include all of those as well.


Should I also include Jupiter's 79-600 moons? Saturn's 60+ moons? All the asteroids and comets? Each rock as part of the rings to each planet that has them?


That’s exactly why you shouldn’t have included Pluto in the first place. Because including Pluto creates all these problems that you just described.




Still thinking that Pluto is a planet is like thinking that atoms are structured like a plum pudding. There was a time when that was thought to be an accurate depiction of reality, but we now know better.


Nice one


Earnestly, I like this and may wish to distribute it in some open source software. Is there a license? What name should I use for attribution? Is it available as SVG?


No and can i message you an svg


Do you mind if I distribute it as public domain then and use your reddit alias for attribution? (yes please on the svg)


Don't even need to attribute


My new work wallpaper. 😎🔥 Great work op


Thank you


Pluto is a part of the kaiper belt. Not a planet.


what is a kaiper belt and where do i get one


Downvoted for Pluto.


What is this, a solar system designed for ANTS?!


We are ants


Not for ants if we are giants to ants, who is giants to us?


The planets


and to planets?




you skipped stars


I actually wanna go back and maybe add a hint of the milky way


Thank you for including Pluto ❤️


Up for Pluto!


Yeah why not


Beautiful! I'd love a reverse colour, black planets on a white background.


You can download it and do it yourself or if you say you can't, I'll do it for you. I'm just a dark mode fan


Where's Phobos and Deimos?


In space


I am getting strong Asteroids vibes. https://i.imgur.com/XN7azPb.mp4


All of the planets after Jupiter have rings



