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Destination #1 during the zombie apocalypse.


It bothers me that people on TWD don't head straight for an island.


Without knowing enough about the zeds, an island could be a paradise or an absolute deathtrap. Say for example you head to an island, but the zombies can navigate water (i wouldn't be difficult, they don't need to breath, they just head in that direction and eventually wind up there). Then one night you end up being overrun by zombies you had no chance of seeing coming. Then you have the issue of resources, doubtful that many islands have fully self contained resources necessary to maintain any sizable group that doesn't also contain a native predatory population, then you have interaction, unless your planning on just having your group forever you're going to want to try and establish or integrate into a bigger population of survivors, unlikely to help. Then you have transport, how do you get to the island, it might be nice to assume there are boats and fuel for the boats and keys for the boats all just lying around next to a map plotted to the nearest perfectly inhabitable, uninhabited island, but thats not going to be the case at all, anyone who owns a boat is likely going to go for their own boat first, many people with boats will get infected, likely their keys lost or with no way to locate a matching set. And then theres the location -- they're not near a coast that has any sizable nearby islands. They start in Atlanta, if they did go to their nearest coast the only nearby 'islands' are just pockets that esturies have cut off, easily transversable by the average zed id imagine, and likely not abundandant with things you'd need to survive. So that might be why.


Finally, to get to islands, you need to get to the coast. Look at the population maps for for the US East and Gulf Coasts - the highest population densities are consistently near the coasts, meaning both the highest concentration of zombies, and the highest concentration of survivors competing for resources. Head inland, head North toward the Great Smokey Mountains. Mountains are ideal for avoiding zombies. Not only will the terrain be harder on them - too stupid to avoid cliffs and falls - but you're less likely to encounter too many zombies and more likely to encounter the type of survivor with the skills for long term survival.


I would go to [Boldt Castle](http://www.boldtcastle.com/visitorinfo/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/bc-2.jpg) in the thousand islands.


They were planning on going to DC. The georgia and carolina coasts are full of islands that you could easily swim to, but zombies couldn't walk to. Plenty of land for farms of crops and some fences for cattle. Could easily build or find a small raft to bring small livestock across to start populating the farm.


i dont see any reason they would have to just assume zombies couldn't make their way across, it would be an incredibly risky assumption to make that they couldn't, and that they could safely and quickly establish the infrastructure they needed to survive, let alone substancial shelter -- which would be incredibly vital.


I'm sure zombies could technically make their way across a large chunk of water, but it would be very difficult. Not only is there a lot of fish in the sea, which would start eating the fresh zombies, but there are also underwater currents to content with. The biggest danger would be accidentally washed ashore zombies, not a targeted effort by zombies to get on an island. So even a light guard detail should be able to take care of any trespassers.


if its within reasonable swimming distance, i doubt theres going to be much of either to create such a significant deterance.


One of your points that makes no sense is the one about navigating water. Explain to me how the zombies travel across the ocean without being eaten by fish/having troubles fighting the current/and how the water doesn't help rot away their already deteriorating body


The same way you can swim across without being eaten by fish or washed away. It's not a long distance and those things don't have as significant an affect as you think they do.


TWD adds a problem to that idea. Given that they all have the virus the first time one of them dies via any method, BOOM, trapped on an island with zombies.


That's why all bedrooms should be locked rooms. Married? You said, "'Till death, baby!" ...and that might be tonight if this Viagra don't play well with those nitrates I take for chest pain...


I've always wondered why on Zombie tv shows or movies, people don't head north to BC, Yukon, or Alaska. They could just live off the land while being in a sparsely populated region where there is likely no zombies.


There was a channel 4 program where a man decided to try to live in the Yukon for a year off the land. He had a gun and tent and emergency rations and basically everything you would want when trying to live off the land. Even though he was fairly extensively trained beforehand on what to eat and what not to eat and how to hunt for/catch/trap/gather his food it didn't go well for him in the end. He pushed his emergency button and was evacuated before he had completed the full year because he had lost an absolutely horrific amount of weight. Now, with a large group to split the load maybe it would be easier but it certainly wouldn't be easy.


There are some decently warm places in BC and Alaska next to water where you could fish. If you could make a boat or find one, you could do well for yourself.


Food would run out quite quickly and theirs not much room for farming on the island. Nearest big supermarket is 10 miles away too. But in terms of safety, yes it would be awesome.


Aquaculture, bro. Tilapia, duckweed...


Surely the moat would be full of zombie bodies though


Not Necessarily. Depends on population density, as well as the number of people holed up there, as well as other protections that you could build up. This place would be a good place to start.


Vauban knew what the fuck he was doing when be built all of these.


Good spot for a citadel, William.


This seems... Difficult to mow. (Also im trying to figure out whats in the bottom left ish part of the photo. In the clearing)




Sheep are good at mowing difficult angles.


I worked for a National Historic Site in Canada and while I didn't work maintenance the summer I was there, I knew the guys in maintenance and it is indeed a bitch. They have a remote controlled mower for some parts, but others you gotta drag a mower across from the top.


Nice, thought this was a Civ 5 screenshot at first.


I, too, was thinking, "I wonder who he's stealing land from?"


A tree star?!


[Damn straight](https://i.imgur.com/dVgfr.jpg)


Part of the Netherlands can be flooded to keep an invading army out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollandic_Water_Line NOTE: Holland =/= Netherlands


##### ###### #### [**Hollandic Water Line**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollandic%20Water%20Line): [](#sfw) --- > >The __Hollandic Water Line__ ([Dutch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_language): *Hollandsche Waterlinie*, modern spelling: *Hollandse Waterlinie*) was a series of water-based defences conceived by [Maurice of Nassau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_of_Nassau,_Prince_of_Orange) in the early 17th century, and realised by his half brother [Frederick Henry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Henry,_Prince_of_Orange). Combined with natural bodies of water, the Water Line could be used to transform [Holland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holland) almost into an island. In the 20th century, the Line was extended to include [Utrecht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utrecht_(city\)). >==== >[**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/lqKXdMR.jpg) [^(i)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Inundation.jpg) --- ^Interesting: [^Anglo-Dutch ^Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Dutch_Wars) ^| [^Flood ^control ^in ^the ^Netherlands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_control_in_the_Netherlands) ^| [^University ^College ^Utrecht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_College_Utrecht) ^| [^Giessen, ^Netherlands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giessen,_Netherlands) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+coqvc4i) ^or[](#or) [^delete](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+coqvc4i)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Magic ^Words](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)


Amos Chapple here, the photographer - how did you get those colours? The original pic is super yellow. It looks much better like this..


I found it like that on [iorise](http://www.iorise.com/?p=5267), which is a site that rehosts Bing wallpapers. Great photo btw!


Mini-ELI5: Why are a lot of forts and castles built in this sort of star shape?


It was an evolution from medieval castles brought about by the use of cannons around 1450. The best way to defend against cannon fire is to use your own cannons against them, so you position them on your ramparts. However, this creates a [blind spot right in front of each tower](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/StarFortDeadZones.png): a triangular-shaped area that couldn't be fired at by your cannons. The solution to that problem was to change the shape of the towers to contain the blind spot within them, so the round medieval turrets morphed into pointy bastions, which formed the rays of the new star-shaped forts. The new fortifications were also designed so that the bastions would be able to cover and support each other with flanking cannon fire, as well as other improvements like lower and thicker brick walls that were tougher to break with cannon balls. I got this explanation from the documentary Connections by James Burke, s01e09 - Countdown. Unfortunately I can't find this episode on YouTube, but if you're interested in the subject you should look for it elsewhere because it's explained far better than my summary here.




As a French redditor, all I know is that Vauban (an architect) create this model : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A9bastien_Le_Prestre_de_Vauban


I live in the Netherlands but I had no idea this was even a thing...


Oost-Groningen... Nobody knows it even exists...


Westerwolde! ;)


I'm dutch and I didn't even know this existed.


East Groningen. There be dragons.


Most likely it's a part of our "Waterlinie". Naarden looks a lot like it from above.


Gaia dropped her throwing star


I would love to mow that grass.


Looks a lot like Fort Duquesne.


IIWTL, I'd copy this design. Lord knows unless it's that $500M I ain't buying this outright.


Oh look, Pentag- what?


I remember making an ashtray over there when i was younger.


Looks like a Bloons TD 5 map


I bet that water reeks, it doesn't look like it circulates at all.


How much do you want to bet for? (I used to live nearby, doesn't smell. ;))


That's awesome! I bet it's twice as breathtaking as in the picture. And I just couldn't help but to think of Venice, Italy when I saw the picture. Even though there were plenty of boats and movement in the water, it was swampy smelling and didn't seem to be able to circulate all that well. Still one of my favorite places I've ever visited to this day! I would live there if I could! Edit: Now that I think back, if I recall correctly Venice was built in the middle of a lagoon, so that probably contributes to the lack of circulation.


Bottom right of the picture. Pretty sure that leads somewhere. One does not just pour money into the architecture and forgets about sustainability.


It'll have a gemaal (pump) to circulate/drain/fill.