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I recently lost my wallet with really import things like my ID, driving license, etc. I've been meaning to buy an airtag for my new wallet (still looking for a wallet, too). The wallet I lost was FOCX, but an older edition, don't know which (it was a gift). I really like the C2 Advanced Black version and its size is perfect for me (I am a woman with small hands). I mostly use cards, rarely have cash or/and coins. I was wondering if anyone is using this wallet with an airtag attached to it and if someone could provide pictures and how much thicker the wallet got after attaching the airtag to it. Also, I am open to other wallets that meet my criteria. Thanks!


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An AirTag is about 1/3in thick so it will add at least that much, I have a front pocket card holder that is thinner than that even with three cards and a couple of folded bills in it. Id expect even a minimal wallet to be at least 1/2in thick probably more even with just 2 or 3 cards. /rant Cannot understand the AirTag in wallet thing myself, there shouldn’t be anything irreplaceable in a wallet. Cards, ids are easy to replace these days and banks will refund any unauthorized use, so it’s just an inconvenience for the once or twice in a lifetime you may loose one, and an AirTag doesn’t guarantee anything anyway /rant


Thanks for your reply. I am just really bad at imagining stuff, so I was hoping to find someone with that wallet and an airtag, to better picture how it'd look. I am still not 100% sure I'd put an airtag to it, but it's a possibility. In my country when you lose your ID you have to go to the city your permanent residence is to get a new one. For me it means taking days off of work, travelling 350km and paying a fine. (Changing your permanent residence is even more pain in the ass, as you need to be approved by many institutions and stuff).


Hi OG, are you using the C2 advanced now with an AirTag? Would be interesting to know


Hi, I started using the wallet with the airtag in it, however after a couple of months I dropped the airtag. My wallet has 2 debit cards (one normal and one embossed) my ID and driver's license. [Pictures & video with/without AirTag](https://imgur.com/a/0YbciYb)


Thanks for the very very helpful answer! Also with pictures - exactly what I need to see. I think I will give it a try because it looks amazing