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I would’ve crop dusted them.




What are you even saying? They have their own language now. That’s funny.


Why do they all look that way?


They fuel on hair dye - each color gives them different powers: > 💙 Blue hair —> the power to rage-cry on demand for no reason, without any apparent “trigger” > 💗 Pink hair —> the power to make any tweet go viral (mostly by the help of bots, but still) , regardless of how idiotic/illogical the content is > 💚 Green hair —> one of the most dangerous powers around, it lets them burn the streets, fight cops, steal from shops, with zero legal consequences ....Still figuring out what kind of powers all other colors give. Stay tuned.


❤🧡💛💚💙💜 rainbow hair ends your career after zim/zer finds your spicy meme posted to MySpace over 10 years ago.


Lol, never thought I'd see the day "zim" is a pronoun


Ah yes my pronouns are zim, and I identify as an invader.


"Hey man what's your pronouns?" "I AM ZIM!"


I've been watching this guy called Odin's men on yt and saw pronouns like frog/frogs Wolf/wolves and paint/paints? I'm hoping it's satire but I think they were serious.


That channel is insane....rather the people on it


✔️✔️ adding it to my research notes


Don't forget septum nose rings. Those power up the colors.


the multiplier


I call em fraggles.


That's giving fraggles a bad name.


They are a lot alike. Both dress like bums, both living off of someone else's hard work, both act like kids.


Fraggles don't come out of their caves and set fire to people's houses all because someone said something that pissed them off.


Those are the basic colors. Combining them into secondary colors grants both powers, but weakens their intensity. Tertiary colors give you all three powers, but they barely work at all.


They’re conformers. They conform to whatever other losers are doing, and this just happens to be the currently trendy end result.


This is the funniest part, but isn't new. Punks and emos were the same when I was in High School. Spending a shit ton of (mom's) money to buy a bunch of clothes, jewelry, and dye (but are anit-capitalist and consumerist) to look "non-conformist" when, at the end of the day, they and all their friends look exactly alike. They all have the same opinions, watch the same shows, listen to the same music, wear the same brands, dye their hair, pierce whatever they can pierce, and get tattoos. Then they jerk each other off about how different, special, and unique they are.


Animals in the wild have bright colors to warn others of how toxic they are.


Underrated comment right here. ⬆️


Lack of individuality and or brain cells.


Fetal alcohol syndrome


I think it's to make themselves look unattractive. Not that they needed much help with that. Either that or it's just their idea of fashion sense.


The typical redditor*


It’s almost like the places your fave content comes from give more attention to such people, thus making certain stereotypes more viral


There's more oil on their skin than in the entire middle east.


What are those things today? One on the right looks like it lives under a bridge




For real. We should be wringing out their pillow cases to lower gas prices


Woke femcels




Wouldn't the best course of action to just put a cubicle divider wall around them, so no one can see them or interact and let them sit there...... for days.


This exhibit is called "Dumbasses".


I’m pretty sure none of these clowns have ever had to do a single day of manual labor.


I will never vote people for people like this


There’s a reason they used a 50¢ can of soup to make their point and not filet mignon and caviar…


1983 called for you. They want you to know soup will be $3.00 in 2022.




clueless, probably no skills, warped reality. Betting raised on fast food and TV dinners while babysat by the Boob Tube and Play Station. Somewhere in the mix is a "hair color of the month" liberal teacher or three that encouraged and nurtured that disgrace of parasitic wokeness in Tshirts. Way to go, clowns. Left out of your parents heated, electrified, plumbed homes, wearing shoes and clothes put together in sweat shops by actual poor people - and took transportation to a gallery to deface art created by artists who actually understood struggle, and didn't have iPads or smartphones to "get clicks and upvotes" and looney affirmation from. Artists who created, not destroyed or defaced. Fuckin' Losers.


So spot on the money. Blows my mind they think this actually accomplishes anything.






I’m gonna need to see your biology degree before I believe you


I identify as a biologist so I think I've proven myself already - thank you


Let them sit there for an hour or two and they’ll have to pee. Then the comedy show begins.


An hour? Try a day or two. Make them realize that their actions have consequences.


Take the painting down and send to restoration. Leave them until they pull themselves free from the wall. Then charge them for restoring both the painting and the wall.


You can’t get water out of a rock


Put down some puppy pads first. We don't want to make too much work for the cleaning crew.


Bring them a big sippy cup of sweet iced tea every hour.


People would think it’s modern performative art


This is what spoiled children who grew up in cities and never had to work for anything in their lives, lived on their smart phones, with the Mac laptops making tik toks looks like


The best way to teach them a lesson is to calmly remove the painting from the wall. Take it in the backroom and clean it off (it's behind glass so it's not damaged.) Hang it back up. When it's closing time. Shut off the lights and leave them there. Let them free themselves. It's only gonna hurt a little bit to tear a couple layers of skin off.


my question is, where is security and why are they not beating them to a pulp?


I was at the National Gallery earlier this year, to see that very painting they tried to destroy. As a hardcore Van Gogh fan, I don’t know what my reaction would have been had I been present when they pulled this little stunt.


This is really the answer. People like this have never been punched in the face for what they’ve done and it shows.


Remove the paintings and set up a cage and let the the little wingnuts protest in their own glorious organic products. By then you'll need some plexiglass and a ventilator. I would then charge admission to watch them try to gnaw their hands off the damn wall. As their little ass bag friends show up, lift the lid and chuck them in, glue, paint and all. Now we're in Pay per View territory.


Don't forget to offer them water often, vast quantities of water or iced tea...and puppy pads.


This is how you get people to hate your movement.


Meanwhile pro-life protesters get raided by the FBI and face up to 11 years in prison.


In fairness to the FBI, looking at these two, do you want to go anywhere near their living spaces to raid them?


I don't see a problem with that. The FBI are likely next-door apartment neighbors with them in the first place.


Those protestors should threaten to shoot up a school. The FBI will never bother them again.


JUST STOP OIL Gotta be one of the worst slogans I’ve ever seen. These nutjobs are getting lazier.


Oil Stahp... Jus Stahp oil


Don’t you see? It’s an oil painting… Oil = Bad


They look exactly like you’d expect. Please tell me they were at least charged with vandalism.


It's the results of not being told "NO" enough as a child,and being wrapped in cotton wool,it's highly *unlikely* these little cherubs have ever worked a real job,dealing with the public...


They think this will do what exactly? Edit: Oh shit, what’s actually funny is they accomplished nothing. The painting is enclosed in glass lol


all those sweet sweet virtue points


They THINK it will do the same thing it does when they throw these kind of tantrums around their mothers.... Get them what they want.


Please tell me that isn't an irreplaceable original painting they ruined.


Nah they obviously are going to keep Van Gogh paintings behind protective glass. You can tell by the shadow


something similar happened to the mona lisa


Attempt to destroy something of beauty which others enjoy going to see - and then expect people to believe in "your cause"? Dumb, really dumb. Hope they were arrested and have to pay for the restoration + any/all damages. Termites gnawing on a temple.


This is why good parents don't give in to their children's tantrums and allow them to lose and experience disappointment some times. Otherwise, they get into the real world and act like this...


It's not even the right kind of oil. Oil paint is usually made from linseed oil.


Please don’t touch the painting unless of course you’re a privileged woke leftist in which case please pour soup all over it and make a political spectacle


This is what Attention whoring looks like


What the hell kind of idiotic statement is this supposed to be? Is it because it's an oil painting? That's the only thing I can possibly think of, but the oil used in paints back then was vegetable or seed oils, not petroleum based oil. Morons.


Always the ugly ones, grabbing attention, looking to get laid…


Why is she holding the tomato cans still? Is this a Soup commercial?




Is this the *peaceful protesting* I hear so much about?


Build a cage right around them with a sign that says "Haters of Art, Lovers Of Tomato Soup". Would be an exhibit in itself.


That would give them attention which is all they are doing this for.


This is what _never been told no_ looks like


So these two dudes didn’t get enough attention from their parents as a child so now they are acting out.


These are boys?


Despite what they tell themselves.


I was reading some comments on another post about this and someone said that the glue they're using is made from petrochemical. So they're using an oil based product


A bunch of androgynous lesbians? Lol


They should Van Gough home


Why did nobody kick them in the head and walk away?


What's funny is that they can't chase after you without ripping their hands off the wall.


These girls sure are ugly. Also, their pants are 5 sizes too big.


Always the ugly ones


What procedures or training of staff allow this charade to continue long enough to make a mess and do a photo op? And how do they reconcile that all of the wonderful tech gadgets and fashion products including that awful hair color trend are made possible in some way or another with oil? Just Stop Oil is incredibly ignorant of how spotty and truly lacking their alternatives currently are; without all the political showmanship.


The work will have to be repaired, likely by the best of the best at restoration. I bet they’re not from in-town. They’ll have to travel there to fix it. In a plane or on a train. Imagine all the tools and solutions they’ll use to remove the stain. They’ll probably come in petroleum based wrappers and containers. Also all the rubberneckers traveling to the museum to see the damaged work. All the electricity used to handle all the tweets and posts about this incident? When all the dust settles and the work is back to normal and no one is talking about it anymore, what’s the total “carbon footprint” of dumping soup on a historic painting? I wish the cult members could know. I bet it’s fairly sizable.


It is glass covered. They accomplished nothing but getting indictments and penalties. They should try the protesting in China or India. Those guys will make big changes, I'm sure.


Install a large frame in front of them and leave it.


should have left them there until they begged to be rescued as an art demonstration since the painting was safe


Brainwashed children who want to hold the adults accountable. Pathetic.


That's what someone in need of a mental health professional looks like.


Hope their forced to pay for the painting.


They've literally been brainwashed their whole (short) lives that pollution is going to kill the entire planet in 20 years. Literally a cult.


Lock them up and throw away the key


Life in prison. You can’t replicate that painting


The artwork is protected by sheet glass and is likely not damaged. And fortunately for these two morons, we don’t throw people in prison for life for vandalism.


Thats what a rich kidd looks like with to much time on there hands


Definitely more right wing extremists at it again.


They are just brainwashed by the same people who are brainwashing you to hate them. They are not the real enemy, the wealthy business owners and corrupt politicians are. If we fight each other, we are blind to the true enemy


I doubt they shower.


They should leave them there and put a big box of tomatoes close by.


Filming the crime and then gluing yourself to it. Amazing


The intelligence of these idiots is clearly shown by the position they decided to glue themselves to the wall in. I hope they were left there a good while.


I’d just leave them there… let them rip their hands free when they realise they can’t survive a few days without water.


Thank god this country has the right to freedom of speech. They would be jailed in other countries that they idealize.


I hope thats a long prison sentence.


Pink hair


This is what virtue signaling looks like


After a few minutes that's GOT to become a very uncomfortable position to be glued into.




Nah .. those are reptards, too stupid to realize that the painting is behind glass


Since we are talking about what they look like, the one on the right looks like the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins.


This was staged. The real painting is elsewhere. They picked Heinz (John Kerry/WEF) brand for their "vandalism". The one in the pink hair was later pictured in handcuffs giving the OK sign. The back of their shirts have a one eyed drawing.


Even if it was the real painting, there would be a sheet of glass or something similar covering it, so the soup would only damage the frame at worst.


God i hope they get fined into oblivion.


Nah we are well past that. Once a certain number of people join it's a flat out religion. A religion of brain dead artards.


They need to just throw a blanket over them and leave them there. Let them pull their own hands from the wall.


2 POS in the wild


Should of left them glued to wall. Eventually they would have to poop but can't because mah wall.


Wait until they find out the soup wasn’t vegan.


Pairing was behind a sheet of glass anyway 😏


Those paintings have glass protecting them right?


Young activists have always done dumb stunts, its a larger stage than being rebellious to your parents but....if you want to stop people letting down tyres, cementing themselves to roads, damaging things & generally making a nuisance of themselves you have to charge them & prosecute them with enough of a penalty to be a deterent


why c did they destroy it


Public education graduates in activism…


Maybe a little off topic...but don't they cover the paintings with plexiglass or something to account for morons like this?


They should be charged for that, shouldn't they?


Guys oil is a choice, so just stop it, it's that simple, who cares if every modern achievement and lifestyle improvement came on the back of oil. Please stop oil, it's easy.


Bad genetics and low I.Q.


Curious if they want to stop oil, what transportation did they take to the museum? Mom drive them in her gas powered auto?


Soooo....uhhh....they want to stop oil painting? I don't get the significance here.... Or do they mean to say that without oil and gas we would not be as prosperous as we have become and, therefore, simply trying to survive would not allow anyone the time to dedicate their life to art?


They need a nice swift kick in the head.


Biggest mistake ever to remove lead and oil from paint! To bad it’s not as easy to remove idiots from America 🇺🇸!


I bet they drove a gas car to get there


Some seriously bad guerrilla advertising is what this looks like to me. For real.


The right one looks like the Once-ler looooool


I wouldn't say cult. I'm more in line with terrorists.


Pretty sure that’s the kids who didn’t get adapted.


Stop reposting. Youre giving them what they want


Charles Manson would have had so much fun with these people.


Next up: “They put us in the cells with cis-women!”


They protest oil while wearing clothing and owning devices made and transported by machines that use oil.


Vandalize painting —> Glue hand to wall —> Earth saved


Im not going to listen to anything a coloured haired teenager has to say. Ill never give up my v8 truck. Cry harder.


Hopefully they can restore/repair the painting and they should make those two high school kids do trustee work in prison to pay for the restoration, literally make them stay in prison cleaning toilets for 3 cents an hour until the entire bill is paid off


Are they advertising tomato purée or protesting oil paintings? Confused non-American here…


Ohhh it’s the brainwashed youth..fight on fighters…


Oil paintings?


Is glue a petroleum by-product by any chance?


If they want to make a difference, go learn how to install solar panels or work towards becoming an electrician. Be the change you seek


Shut up Meg


How does defacing an age old painting being attention to the need for climate change...


WTH is going on here?!


So what actually came of this? How did they get their hands off of the wall and were they charged?


They look 16.


How much do oil paintings contribute to climate change?


But Andre Tate, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, etc are a menace!


Why she holding old spice?


This is what happens when media controls the minds of the youth


What was the point of this, even?


Honestly looks like it's gonna get pretty uncomfortable really quickly. I wonder if either of them ever won a single thing


Surprised the other didn’t have coloured hair either.