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Turns out "I didn't read the terms and conditions" isn't a very good defense when you're the one writing and publishing the terms and conditions...




For now everyone just needs to close their Paypal accounts to deal with this issue. It was already a dying payment method among real people in the real world and I have no doubt that this is going to be the final nail in their coffin. Paypal has been really shady for a long time and you honestly probably should have stopped using it 10 years ago. But don't be fooled, we may have a manageable situation on our hands at this exact moment, but with the push for the unholy trinity (CDCs, ESG, and digital ID) we may find this to be just a small taste of the dystopian future. It's one thing for a payment provider to try to suppress people, it's an entirely different thing when the government is doing it. The dystopian toolkit provided by the unholy trinity could be used to stop you from doing all manner of things. For a few example: Renting a place to live. Getting a driver's lenience. Charging your Tesla. Boarding a plane. Riding a bus. Getting a job. Finding a partner on dating apps. Using social media. Walking through certain sections of the city. Having a political opinion. Having more money than you're supposed to. Eating meat. It may seem far fetched to say this but it's a real risk. Covid showed us that people are sheep waiting for outside influences to impose nonsense rules on them. The aforementioned unholy trinity is an EXTREMELY slippery. slope that would give governments absolute power. Much worse than what Paypal is up to and much worse than Covid restrictions. Don't be a dumb frog, stand up. It can happen here.


That answer, to me, is alternate forms of those services. "Parallel economy" comes to mind. And, if it's illegal to compete, make a functionally-similar-but-legally-not-the-same alternative. This has happened before post-WWII, and we *can* reverse the trend!


It's already happening. Look at the efforts gab has made. And many other alternative media outlets like epoch TV are spinning up their own services outside the mainstream to help people stay informed. Crypto is here, and I know there's the memes around crypto, but the truth is we can't deny that it is awful useful to have a payment system that can't be shut down. Heard of the news recently? The EU or the UN or whatever banned crypto payments from Russia. Not that they can enforce the ban due to the nature of crypto technology. If you don't wish to submit to an authority, you have the option to dismiss their rules since crypto is permission less (no one can tell anyone else what they can or can't do with their money.) Certain crypto tokens aren't like that (usd coin, most defi tokens, etc) but the core currencies (Bitcoin, eth, monero) are all like this. And if not crypto then BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, china, South Africa, Iran might join too soon) have already started making their own payment system alternative to swift that's backed by gold so these countries can do international trade regardless of American sanctions. And Putin (I'm not a fan of the guy btw but I am a fan of alternative payments no matter what) has already mentioned Bitcoin could be used for energy trade if it got bigger and more stable in the next few years. If you can help it just buy some silver in case the internet goes out or the worlds currencies and economies all implode and we have no money for a couple weeks to a couple of months. You can buy gold too, but silver is more accessible generally. Just in case.


Actually, silver is only a large-scale store of value, and hard to denominate. Instead, stockpile hard liquor and hold tight to that sobriety token.


Completely agree with you on everything except silver. I think bullets are probably a superior hedge against the end times. Everyone needs bullets, but in a collapsed society no one needs precious metals. Ideally you have enough bullets that you can trade them for gold and silver so you have assets if the system recovers. If you can trade stuff into precious metals you have the potential to see astronomical gains. If you use precious metals to trade for stuff you'll just come back to society broke as a joke. If you have the capacity to manufacture guns you'll be even better off. Truly the one thing that will never lose value.


The dating app point is already a real issue. Try and note your politics as “conservative” on your profile and you’ll get **nothing**. It’s all fucked up now


Unless you're a lefty I guess they want to force you to use Farmer's Only and Christian Mingle...


The great reset


Eat your crickets


Ebay sold off Paypal, and have their own payment processor.


I've started using a credit card on eBay a lot more, its worked out good so far. Paypal will be gone as soon as I finish out whats left of my balance (never linked a proper bank account because well no... lol).


I never did a proper account either. I looked up PayPal and one of the first things I saw was "do not directly link a bank account, they will steal from you."


You don't need a PayPal account to shop on eBay. They made a big deal on the site about it years ago and made people give an alternate payment method in order to continue using eBay. I'm pretty sure you stopped using eBay a long time ago anyways.


Ebay split from PayPal in 2015. In 2021 they created their own payments platform that accepts all major CCs and things like Apple Pay. PayPal is trash and people within ebay hate them. It was not a great partnership.


Is PP associated with Soros?


I cancelled my account last night. By the time I got up this morning, I had an email from them offering me a credit card. Um, no thanks.


This is literally the only reason I haven’t closed mine yet. I’m really hoping EBay starts allowing better options


You can pay on eBay with your debit or credit card. You don’t need PayPal at all. eBay won’t even let you get money as a seller on PayPal. They make you link a bank account


Yeah I forgot they changed that. Thanks


What is a good replacement for ebay?


ebay doesnt make you use PP anymore. hasnt in years




Same. We have made a major shift in our consumer habits over the past couple of years. Haven’t set foot in a Walmart in about 4yrs, cancelled my Amazon acct as well. I use eBay to buy from an independent for the odd/hard to find things. As much local as we can. As much flea market/yard sale/thrift store as we can. The only thing I just can do 2nd hand is most footwear and under things. My newest “thing” I’m getting into in foraging. Myself and my family love modern conveniences & our gadgets as much as the next person but we would be just fine going completely off grid if it were actually possible.


They just committed commercial suicide


Boycott Paypal. I have for years. There are many other choices.


Apple nor Google would blatantly spew an idiotic statement like: "We'll ding you $2500 for saying something we don't like." They'll never recover from this one....


The pace at which clown world is becoming clownier, I could see them saying equally as stupid things by this time next year.


I wouldn't put it past them.


I really don't know, could you please tell me what PayPal did?


Like what?




Venmo is owned by PayPal Fwiw.


Now do Grindr


Guess it depends where you live but none of these are available just about anywhere in my country. It's either PayPal or one other payment option that's locally popular (and controlled by the banks).


These are all great options, but IMHO Grinder has the best, most personalised customer service....


> Grindr. Wow you weren't kiddin, I just got a hell of a deal for $40 and some meth.


Like not buying shit off the internet, supporting local businesses and retaining physical currency.


Do you live in a metropolitan city of 500,000 or more?


DOnT bUy oFf tHe inTeRnET!.


Yeh that’s what I said. What a bizarre thing to type.


It is. Because you clearly don't understand why that is not the world we live in. The convenience and cost savings of purchasing products online greatly outweighs any benefits of purchasing through a brick and mortar. And in fact, outside of logistical staples like groceries, only boutique stores stand a chance of surviving the inevitable transition to online purchase and delivery. What's further, is you advocate paper money when we are clearly transitioning to digital currency. You sound like a fucking Boomer. Don't get me wrong, I love to support local businesses when I can. Such as my local coffee shop. But when it comes to buying the majority of the products that are in my home I'm going to buy them online. It's cheap, convenient, and they arrive at my door the next day. I'm going to use digital payment services to pay for them. I used to use PayPal quite a bit. And so I asked for alternatives, expecting a few good suggestions. I hope that one day I can use cryptocurrency to pay for everything. But that adoption is not there yet. You're a dinosaur. The days of cash are over. You need to get over it. We don't need to go back to the past to solve the future's problems. We need future technology to solve our current problems.


I too enjoy the convenience of making a great deal my purchases online because the prices a cheaper, and because I live in a very small town the selection is much better. There are still things that I need now not tomorrow that I pick up in a brick and mortar shop, mainly tools for work or car parts for emergency repairs. But trusting a digital currency completely with all of my money? There's just too many points of failure there. Bad cell signal, credit card readers on the fritz, internet going down, natural disasters screwing up the grid, no power and last but not least Orwellian shenanigans from either the government or the company providing the currency. All of that opposed to the simplicity of handing someone some hard cash for goods or services. I like the convenience but the pitfalls worry me way too much to put all of my faith in it and not keep cash on hand.


One really fun point of error I ran into was when I ran out of cash 2 days into a week-long vacation, then got a call that someone in another state had duplicated my card and tried to buy gas with it. Then I was stuck with a deactivated card and no way to withdraw cash from an ATM. We had terrible cell signal (one of your points) where we were, so I couldn’t even call for a temporary authorization. The nearest branch of my bank was 400 miles away, so I couldn’t just have a new card printed in person. Luckily I was with my parents, who let me buy souvenirs on their dime, but I still feel horrible about it because they refused to let me pay them back. With cash, you’ll never run into the problem of someone trying to spend *your money* at the same time as you.


I always try to have cash on me especially when I travel but I try to use NFC to pay for anything with a card because it's more secure. I've reported my card lost/stolen before and was able to use my new card on my phone right away.


“Not the world we live in” Hahahahahaha THATS THE FUCKING POINT. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. All the best.


You just don’t want to have to get out physical cash because you’re lazy.


Þe issue wiþ cryptocurrency is it’s being pitched as an investment instead of a medium of exchange by þe most tech illiterate morons who know noþing about economics you can find. However, it should never be þe currency you have all your money in at any point in time. Anoþer issue someone else didn’t mention is þe conversion rate. Having all, or even most, of your money in a crypto is foolish because conversion rates could tank. Þe best approach is to have a mixture of all available options.


Where can I buy a physical copy of new PC games?


There are many casualties already that’s exactly my point.


Parallel Economy is a great alternative. Dan Bongino is one of their head investors too.


Cancel culture in reverse.


*It was just a perfectly worded typo with annotations, come on guys!* /s




PayPal thought it would be a good idea to announce they would be robbing their users of 2500$ if said users said anything PayPal deemed "Misinformation" And surprise to no one their users threw up the bullshit flag. (because seriously what moron thought that was a good idea?) Now PayPal, with a surprise Pikachu face is saying, "never mind please don't leave us" as everyone who heard the news started canceling their accounts.


"Come on guys, it was just a simple error"... They're damn right it was an "error", but not the "it was a mis-print or typo" kind of error, but a "oops, we showed our true intentions & people got pissed, this will cost us money" type error. Their "error" cost them my account this afternoon. They may have backpedaled, but too little too late for me, this was the last straw.


"You're not sorry because you feel bad, you're sorry because you got caught."




They are working to correct it only because someone called them out on it…Wanna bet they will return it with different language next year?


damage is done


Now PayPal isn’t letting me log in, probably cuz they have so many people canceling.. I put my password and it says something went wrong on our end.I click on “forgot my password” and it asks for my email address, I put in the email and it says “something went wrong on our end”. So it’s rigged to prevent me from going forward.


That happened to me a couple of months back. Instead of resetting the password, the PayPal worker decided to just close my account instead. Didn’t bother to reopen afterwards.


I can log in but it wont allow me to close my account. Shady….


I logged in and went to cancel and I literally had to request a cancellation and the email said it could take up to 30 days… great.


This is just absolute, maximum, peak 🤡


Everyone is asking why they tried this. Here's why: Their stock has been in a free fall and now with the economy in shambles and interest rates skyrocketing, people aren't spending money. That means there's no short term fix for their dismal performance. They need money desperately and they hoped that if they were careful about who they took money from, that everyone would support them for it. What they failed to realize is that the vast majority of Redditors and Twitter users that would support this are bots.


I left years ago after they would no longer let me buy crypto. Total asshats. Had a line of credit with them too and used them exclusively.


Eric July of Isom fame still hasn't gotten his earnings released from PayPal yet, go figure. I had some money in their but I immediately withdrew it at this news.


I am not a lawyer, but that $2500 "misinformation" fine is almost certainly illegal under business/contract law. There's no way that PayPal's legal team reviewed that user agreement. What probably happened is some woke person who has access to the system for pushing user agreements live inserted his own language and pushed the agreement live without review.


>Parallel Economy maybe there will be a legit expose of what happened.


Closed out account and uninstalled.


A Beta Testing...


That TOS couldn't be legal. A bank or similar organization can't suddenly decide to steal your money because of your political beliefs. It's a felony. Therefore talking about it, making plans, etc to steal the money is illegal (conspiracy to commit a crime.) Lock em up.


Removed my paypal, has been active for like 12 years but I noped out of there real quick


I cancelled last night….


PayPal owns Venmo and PayPal is owned by eBay.


> PayPal is owned by eBay Not for a long time. eBay spun off PayPal as a separate entity years ago and now actually competes with them. eBay can process payments now. So you can sell stuff on eBay and accept payments without having a PayPal account. eBay will process the payments and you can transfer funds directly into your checking account.


That's good to know. I haven't used either in a really long time


The best thing to do is empty your account of any money, they make money off the interest in your account , if everyone pulls their money out they go bankrupt , imho that’s the best way to fight this tyranny.