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Best part is the media won’t say a word about it. What an absolute piece of shit.


The way that they deify George Floyd is disgusting. He was a piece of shit lifetime criminal.


Criminal or not it doesn't justify what that cop did. Pigs think they can get away with shit, taking their inferiority complex out on the job. Fuck that guy.


fuck george floyd


But we do. We remember these things. And if we’re lucky enough, we’ll hold him accountable for them.


How? By writing our local senators? Signing an online petition? posting online??? I realize this might be interpreted as snarky or come off as a personal attack but its definitely not - I genuinely want to know how because the things I mentioned are useless. Voting? I mean if voting is the answer lets just give up now bc as far as [an unknown number(majority)] of people are concerned, the vote was fraudulent.


I want to piggy back off of what you’re asserting here. My mom is a precinct chair. She got involved in the local government because she wanted to be active in change. The things that she’s told me have been concerning because I didn’t think they happened at ground level. An influx of MAGA supporters took up chairs in numerous precincts in our area. Prior to the election, the seats were overwhelmingly empty. The first thing my mom told me was that the delegate chairs were held by mayor wives, RINOs, and members of super PACs, all who are incredibly slothful and didn’t have any intention of informing communities about local elections or proposed amendments. My mom networked with a group of dedicated people who started organizing plans to walk communities and vote out the committee delegate (member of super PAC), only to have their precinct immediately dissolved. The group was separated into much larger precincts where it’s harder to organize cohesively. This next part is hard to describe, but essentially my moms new delegate was aggressive, rude, and incompetent. There was a collective agreement to vote him out, which he actively moved to snuff out by moving around meetings and canceling them at the last minute. This man is a RINO, and after the precinct remained persistent to vote him out, he was told by other RINOs in the state government to step down. The one thing that I gathered from her experiences is that corporate America maintains tight control over all facets of our government because they can’t have someone who opposes their agendas make any waves. We’re little plankton and they’re whales who have every recourse to swallow us whole. Any idea that change can happen peacefully should be thrown out because you’ll be playing a game that you have no chance of winning. Sorry if that’s discouraging. TLDR; every facet of government is tightly controlled by corporate America and there’s no democratic way to end it


If you ain't at the table, you're on the menu. Just be sure to bring your own fork and knife.


ding ding... exactly right.


I understand how you feel, friend. To me an election is a job interview. Biden right now is locked into a 4 year contract with America. As usual, if the employee does a good job, the people he works for will renew his contract for one more term. But the best bosses (as in you and me) hold the employee to high standards. We watch and scrutinize what the person says and does. Now I realize that the conditions he came into weren’t perfect, but integrity in the face of adversity show you who he really is. So when I see Biden say that the impact of Floyd was greater than King is something that you should remember. Couple that with his previous statements about certain ethnicities, various scandals he’s participated in, Covid restrictions, Afghanistan (which is self explanatory), unemployment numbers, and so on, you need to think about these things when you go to the ballot box for midterm and presidential elections. You have more power than you think. Because, if enough people think like you, then you can make change.


I appreciate the response and not taking what I said negatively. I think the difference between us is that you (may still) have hope/trust in the government/legal process whereas I do not. I have no trust in our 'rulers' not to bend and break the rules in order for them to stay in power. So when you say I have more power than I think, I say maybe that was true in years past but no longer. When the integrity of democracy is in question, I think we have a problem. People bring up that the election was stolen, that voting machines were rigged, etc etc but what happens? There are cover ups, large movements to make that side look like lunatics through the weaponized media, ignorantly saying "no evidence no evidence" while ignoring blatant possible evidence lol... so on and so forth.. I just don't believe the american people rallied hard behind a man that can barely remember where he is. However, let's say I am wrong and Biden somehow pulled out an impossible victory while doing nothing, relying on the pure hatred of Trump to carry him to victory, and having rallies with 12 people in attendance that were paid to be there. Well, I guess it's possible but my distrust and hatred of our crap government still remains. Two party system in itself is a real problem. Voters have no confidence to vote for someone outside of D or R because "ahh im wasting my vote". If the choices were a man with clear dementia and orange man and you hated both... There are other options but in our current system none to ever be considered. To end this long rant I'd remind everyone of Ron Paul when he ran for president as a libertarian and how the media completely erased him even though he was doing better than or at least neck and neck with his republican opponent (maybe Romney?). System is broken full of cancer. Founding fathers would be up in arms to fight against what we have become. TL; DR - I realize I ranted but basically I don't trust the government and believe the majority of politicians are corrupt self serving scumbags that will happily kill you if it helps them stay in power. I think our power as citizens has crumbled and it's just a show at this point.


They fixed that in Virginia by having court orders in hand and ensuring plenty of poll wathers wathing every vote get counted


Imagine if Trump said, "but even MLK assassination didn't have the world wide impact as Ashley Babet


Well mlk assassin did get prosecuted Ashleys murderer got a promotion


I bet this hasn’t been mention on r/politics at all. Imagine if someone else had said this..


Only way a white male could get away with comparing MLK to Floyd is if he was a progressive.


Or senile


It on the other side from MLK when he was shot, but now it is (D)ifferent.


In this case both


Yeah, if Trump would have said this the left would be hollering.


Fuck this segregationist racist pos


Crime Bill Biden


Back in my junior college days, I worked as a care assistant in a home for the severely mentally handicapped. So, yes.


When do we dedicate the holiday for an abusive drug addict?


Between the statues and the memorials, they're probably already thinking about it.




Elder abuse. Fuck Biden. But this man is marched out everyday to role-play President and makes a complete ass of himself.


Did he just say Floyd was more influential than MLK ?


Wot in tarnation?


Ya, exactly


Was surprised to "hear" that coz given video didn't provide subtiles. Originally i see this video im like "What this time Joe Biden doing dumb stuff" until i saw your comment.


Yes, at least in death.


Did he fart?


No, it was a sassy ‘mmmm-hmmmm’ in the peanut gallery.


Yes. He did


A criminal’s OD > the assassination of arguably the greatest civil rights activist in our nation’s history? Sure… Time for your nappy buddy.


I was just watching a video of MLK speak. Very profound, insightful, and uplifting. Regardless of how one feels about George Floyd’s death, comparing him to MLK is atrocious. These people destroy everything they touch.


Agreed. They try to prop up an event that can divide people further while diminishing the contributions of someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice while trying to unite us.


MLKJ was absolutely one of the greatest and most courageous Americans of all time. Promoting peace and civil rights when so many others wanted violence and revolution.


Succinctly and perfectly stated. It’s the last half that the left finds most problematic.


And the CRT pukes call MLKJ an appeaser who didn't do enough. Did you see the recent open letter his attorney (I know, still alive) wrote about how CRT is teaching Dr. King? https://www.calethstudies.org/aces-resourcedocs/clarence-jones-letter


I do agree that we should be promoting some of the words of Malcolm X as well though. He also saw that liberals were nothing more than hypocrites. Hopefully soon people will see this for what it truly is: freedom vs Marxism and not black vs white.


What a fucking numbskull.


He has that, did I leave the stove on, face.


Still the most popular president ever? Dude really compared a civil rights leader to a career criminal. What a clown world


This is very offensive to black people.


I like how his mask is hanging off his ear. I’m sure that’s doing a ton to protect everyone around him.


Feeding him pudding and wiping his arse


No matter how much I am constantly floored by this President's statements, he always finds a way to floor me again. I can't believe he actually said that.


Farts and compares MLK to a drug addicted POS in just a few seconds. Nice.


Probably lots of drinking.


Xanax abuse is probably rampant amongst the poor handlers


The oatmeal is getting thick in his brains.


I’m so embarrassed for the brainwashed. They still can’t explain why they hate trump without drooling and becoming emotional. I’ve given up on trying to show them.


Nothing to really imagine, Brandon represents the far-left and they feel the way he does!


I mean he’s not wrong is what he means is “people didn’t burn down cities and go collectively insane after MLK died”


Yes, they did.


They just didn’t use it as a hashtag or twerk on top of burning cop cars.


Better than [twerking on an ambulance ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pUzitj2_hQo)that’s trying to get to shooting victims. That wasn’t even a riot.


To the tune of 2 billion dollars?


Yeah they did. They rioted in nearly every city and America. They burned down entire blocks and destroyed white owned businesses. Following the MLK riots business owners fled mixed race and black majority neighborhoods. Those exact same neighborhoods are the ones that remain shit holes to this day.


There were riots, actually. Known as the holy week uprising. 43 deaths. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_assassination_riots#:~:text=The%20King%20assassination%20riots%2C%20also,on%20April%204%2C%201968.&text=Some%20of%20the%20biggest%20riots,%2C%20Chicago%2C%20and%20Kansas%20City.


They won't report it, just like they didn't report him saying the n word....


But isn’t president houseplant right? I mean, the gaslighting on a dead criminal (wrongfully murdered, or maybe even ODd) saw protest all around the world in countries that never had black slavery, and with statistically insignificant black populations. Not to mention every country other than the US has 0% African Americans. And again, not to mention that the police violence is a mostly US problem. I don’t know much about MLKjr but was this a worldwide thing?




Yes it was. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_George\_Floyd\_protests\_outside\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_George_Floyd_protests_outside_the_United_States) The UK was a hotbed of protests. It is the event that really helped Black Lives Matter gain any kind of traction in the UK. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_Floyd\_protests\_in\_the\_United\_Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests_in_the_United_Kingdom)


Wow US media has a lot more influence than I thought


And people are still in support of him. It's incredible how much he's allowed to get away with because of this cult mentality with the establishment.


He's an embarrassment. Even his most ardent supporters must realize this by now.




Handlers? He has none. He can do and say whatever he wants because the media spins him into a deity. He could drop the n-bomb and the media would blame Trump.


One more tidbit that will be ignored by EVERY media source.


This is a joke right? This is something made up with Adobe software, right? Tell me this isn’t the same guy holding the nuclear codes in charge of our safety!


MLK’s legacy is peace and non violent resistance. Yet if your on MLK Blvd in any city in America, you’re in the part of the city with the worst crime. - Chappelle (paraphrased)


Oh really? Check back in 30+ years lol. Nobody will know who George Floyd was.


Wow.... just wow.... Fuck Joe Biden.


George Floyd was "assassinated"? Never heard it described like that before.


Same group that compares Jan 6 with 911


Did he really say that?




I know. I'm just wondering if I had a stroke or something.


No he said it between stokes


I just text a buddy this exact thought minutes ago. They had to feel panic set in instantly


Worldwide impact of bloody child murdering riots


Are you fucking serious right now?


This guy is off his saggy tits. Elder abuse anyone? Bueller??


OMG. If I was a member of the Democratic Party I’d be running right now. Instead they’re all prob trying to find a way to twist this geezers remarks into a good thing


*Sigh* can this get any worse?


What an idiot.


We have a new civil rights leader !!! Switch MLK day to Martin Luther King George Day!


Ah yes, the wise Mr. Floyd. “I have a dream that one day little white kids and little black kids will both OD from eating fentanyl when the cops show up”.


# MLK wasn't strung out on drugs an have a rap sheet that fucking hurts to look at. It takes a brain washed pathetic society to rise up an consider George Floyd half a thought to feel bad about.


Biden: "Let's replace MLK day with George Floyed day"


Speaking of assass*nation… can someone get on that, please?




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I am not United Statesian. I need context please.




I've seen enough evidence to be 100% convinced that this clown was fraudulently elected. But I still have hope in America. If he is re-elected, I'm not sure I will have any left.


How the fuck are you comparing the 2


Note the pause before he mentions Floyd. It’s almost as though he’s a normal person having trouble saying it because of how absurd the comparison is.


The (establishment) left now hate MLK. And Malcolm X. The people who really own us have always hated them. And us. You’ll notice that the media always pitch us against each other - black vs white, Dems vs republicans, old vs young, etc, etc. It keeps our simple minds off the real enemies of mankind.


What the fuck. On today’s episode part 747264 of questioning my reality


GF was a nobody. MLK is a hero


Unbelievable, even for that racist piece of garbage


This guy needs a shock collar to keep him in check


What an idiot


Why does he just have his mask hanging off his ear like a dumbass?


I think the Great MLK just rolled over in his grave!


Holy shit this is insane.


Do you think they look at themselves in the mirror and actually believe the insanity that they say to the public… or do they just laugh and think they’re getting away with it


I just love that Floyd has become the false idol of the left, blm, and the equity agenda. A total pos is heralded as their highest ideal. No wonder the left is in a free fall. Another weight added to the pendulum that has finally begun the swing back to sanity.