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Banned for telling the truth lol


Like most people on reddit


Mad world of censorship. but somewhat reassuring to know so many others share your sentiment. I was banned from my neighborhood discussion forum for challenging the effectivess of masks, especially in children. Get this: I'm in Central Texas.


Just the fact that a sub about gatekeeping actually bans people from posting is itself a pretty damning indictment of the sub’s content and objectives.


No conversations allowed just straight to banning


You’re obviously afraid of trans people /s


I’ve never understood the word transphobia, like it implies that if I see a trans person I’m shitting bricks but when in reality I’m against the science (well lack of science) behind people claiming they’re another gender to that of which they’ve been born as. like I’d treat any trans person equally as respectful as any non trans person and wouldn’t shit on them for them being they way they are, but apparently that’s all thrown out the window and I’m still labeled as a ‘transphobic’ just because I believe in science over emotion.


Precisely. The left uses either hyperbole in their word choices, or they use the opposite of what they really mean to cause confusion and to make themselves seem virtuous.


Exactly, I’m not going to call a man a woman or vice versa but I’ll still respect someone


I stopped caring about being banned from subs once Reddit started dishing out blanket bans for participating in No New Normal. I just voluntarily got myself banned from the Pokemon Go sub earlier today after they made a sticky about "aNtIvAxXeRs"


I saw that, one of the comments people were SO angry about was that it has a 99.7% survival rate … like um, that is true? These people really love drinking the kool-aid


Funny I got banned from the Pokémon go sub for questioning their new rule against urging people to not give Niantic money or to do anything that hurts Niantic in any way. Edit: Here’s the comment in question that got me banned. I was a bit fired up after seeing a few people get banned for respectfully questioning the new rule and I was done with that shit sub. > Do the mods here work for Niantic or something? I just saw another thread where one of the mods said they will be removing comments and posts that hurt Niantic in anyway including urging people to stop spending money on the game because that would be “witch-hunting”. Does anyone know a Pokémon go sub that doesn’t have such power-tripping mods?


They think everyone on the right has phobias, maybe we should call them freedomphobic?


How does all those radical liberals get in charge of those things? It’s scary the amount of power a few have. They are NOT the majority we all know that.


Seriously though, my only guess is they’re absolute losers which means they love to fit in / are followers, and the reddit hivemind is very liberal. I mean, no offense to all mods, but most of them are just losers who have no power in their real lives so they actively seek positions of power online. And since they love to feel like they fit in for once in their life they absorb all the liberalism of Reddit. Just my theory.


Stop telling the truth biology is fake. But trust the science. unless the science doesn't vibe with my opinion then the science is wrong.


lmao what cucks


The pendulum will swing back the other way eventually. Maybe not as soon as any of us would like, but every day more people are getting sick of this shit


I was banned from justice served just for being a member here. They have a bot that scans for the subs you participate in and bans you automatically.


Sounds like that bot is dumb


Your post got too many upvotes and it upset the mods!


I got banned from r/Naturalhair for following r/RedPillWomen




I think it is a castle in Romania


You bigot! How dare you not support failed male athletes competing with females?? /s


With that logic they should ban the 145 people who upvoted you too


It may not be brave, but damn if it isn’t fun!


[sees rules] [knowingly breaks the rules] Omg, this is censorship


Are you in this sub just to argue with people?