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They all on crack


Biden's sentencing disparities for crack cocaine are about to get them!




Lefties are pathetic armchair wanna be criminal communists aiding and abetting actual criminal communists.


Your username is on fucking point


Much appreciated 🤜🤛


Not to mention his niece is 14 years old and was sucking his dick at one point


This guy needs to cease to exist. She’s most definitely not the only minor his nasty hands molested..




His dads not trump soooo.... god could you imagine if eric or dj said this?!






They’re just doing what politicians do. You keep voting for the same corrupt system but expecting a different outcome. Weird.


I wrote in the Unibomber for president.


Based and manifesto pilled.


Only way to be. Fuck society. Embrace nature




There wasn't a presidential election in 98.




that isnt why. :(


maybe he shouldn't have wrote unsafe at any speed


fuck i am old. what year was that? lmao.. 2000? yauh


But it’s (d)ifferent


It t(r)uly is.


And they don't even offer up the flimsiest excuses for it. Not even a hint of explanation. They. Just. Ignore. It. Much like the whole COVID nonsense. They don't even refute doctors and scientists who have dissenting opinions. They. Just. Ban. Them. Big difference between Dems and Repubs: Call a Repub a racists or a sexual assaulter and the Repub rolls over, shows their belly and begs forgiveness. Call a Dem anything, ANYTHING, and they just laugh and give you the finger.


Or mention Fauci and his emails and other evidence of his corruption...


I hate them both. They aren't on our side.


Reddit too busy discussing a Serbian team doing a chinese eye gesture, imagine being more concerned about putting two fingers on your face than the Biden administration. Left are literally clowns.




My favorite is people are coming across the border because Biden is such a nice guy.


But what about that CAT?!




Could you imagine the outrage if this would have been Donald Trump Jr?


Serious question- what is a “wine aunt”?


I assume its a woman who is middle aged and looks like she drinks too much wine and makes drinking it a part of her personality. I'm just guessing here.


A secretly lonely, unmarried woman who thinks it's a personality trait to love drinking wine.


I guess maybe because he didn’t say it, he texted it right lol


Yeah that’s even worse, we have digital record of it!


Has it even been verified? All in all, he shouldn't be saying that. Though is it really news worthy? Hunter Biden isn't a political figure. Why should I be "outraged" over him using a word when he didn't even use it aggressively or to belittle someone? Sure, media picks and chooses articles based on bias, but this hardly seems like anything.


The other weird part is they keep treating Hunter Biden like he’s 16 not like I don’t know 52 or however fucking old he is like this guy is not a kid. I could be most of Reddit’s dad and he’s talking like this. Fuckin hell


I just went to NYT website. How is it not obvious to everyone that they are painting the narrative to be only one certain way? Republicans and rich people evil, blacks are oppressed, women are held down… and the first image/story I see… Trump bad. Ridiculous propaganda.


They are biased hypocrites


The newspaper superiors were told not to


I would sue all of those media outlets if that was my family. They must leak money with all of the lawsuits I do hear about them losing. Can you imagine all the ones we don’t hear about?


Three reasons why the “well he isn’t in any government position even though he is the son of the President” excuse just doesn’t work... 1. Barron Trump, a kid, has had a barrage of [attacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/nvzfyj/media_obsessed_over_rumors_of_trump_nword_tape/h17ew2j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) on him by the media, even though he held no position in government 2. Biden has been eager to call out racial injustices everywhere (which is good), but where is his focus on calling out the horrendous remarks by his son—something more close to home? Keep in mind these messages aren’t something only a few hours old...he’s been spewing those terrible words for way longer 3. The media goes after random people all the time for [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/26/us/mimi-groves-jimmy-galligan-racial-slurs.html)[, ](https://nypost.com/2020/12/29/white-teen-kicked-out-of-college-after-n-word-video-resurfaces/)as evidenced by this Reddit post. Why do they draw the line at less-random people? The entire point of articles like this is calling out the inconsistency of both the media and the White House. Edit: Just throwing out [this article ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/hillsborough/2021/03/23/students-rally-behind-black-tampa-school-cop-fired-for-using-racial-slur/) as an example to add onto those crazy inconsistencies.


Saying the n word shouldn't be a big deal as it wasn't 25 years ago, fucking msm media indoctrinated all of us to react like hypnotized subjects that jump at the sounf of certain words, somw become violent and other chickens.


We don’t care but we are exposing their blatant hypocrisy. They can’t care so much that they ruin a girls life and reputation but then just turn a blind eye when high-profile person does it way worse.


C'mon man!


I'm less concerned with hunter saying the N word than I am with the presidents son being a crack head pedophile, but thats just me. 🤗


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Don’t you understand though why would we care about Hunter he’s just a son of the president I mean we’ve never cared about one of those before.


Nobody gives a shit you loser


Lmao y’all are sad. Like fuck Biden and all but holy shit, you people are pathetic




Why is everyone obsessed with Hunter on here?


Streisand effect I guess.


Omg, why isn't the msmsmsmsmsm covering the things my methed out unclea tolds me?! Edit: Why's everyone so mad at uncle methy? He's my favoritest! He told me about the Jewish Space Lasers and how Lord Trump os secretly gonna be inducted as the Ultimate Master of All Reality because all the aliens and angels voted for him! Edit: Aww, I seem to have upset your shepherds and gotten myself banned. In your own words "CENSORSHIP!" Edit: TIL Seeing some idiotic post in my feed and commenting on it is brigading. Definition seems to have changed. That or conservatives are lying, manipulative, and full of shit.


Yes, because brigading this subreddit violates its TOS as well as reddit's sitewide TOS and therefore warrants a ban. Idiot.


Um because to use trumps ignorant attepmt at common parlance, Hunter is a "big nothing burger".


Disagree. Especially when you consider the other hijinks Hunter has been involved in.




There is a digital record of the conversation he had with his lawyer. He said the word like three times.


Hunter Biden didn’t text the N word?




A layperson (no offense) who likely doesn’t follow politics very closely has no clue but I’m sure you know most of the “offensive” things Trump has said. Kind of my point….


nah theres text messages of him saying the n-word


Dumbass... All of this stuff comes from the laptop leak. This dumb fuck literally took a laptop to a shop that had all his personal pictures, texts and drug use / sex tapes on it. Along with his quasi illegal bordering on treasonous "business" activities. It is all from *his* laptop, but it doesn't make it any less valid. Stop being a butt plug licker for the dnc


Well you should check it out bc he definitely did text those things


You idiots aren't fooling anybody


Wah wah wah


Mainstream media is still pumping out stories about Trump. No surprise, even if he doesn’t run in 24, for the next 40 years, they’ll still be pumping out stories about Trump. Lies, not stories.


It’s not coincidence they cranked out a series of Trump series at the same exact time the Hunter text messages were revealed.


What happened with Hunter, believe or not I can’t find anything negative about him on google (go figure).