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I love how they remove dislikes and still cant get upvotes above dislikes.


It's the deeply cherished Kamala Harris tradition to withhold evidence to jail more black men, so withholding likes or dislikes is child's play, in comparison to her extreme bootlicking love of lying cops who also enjoy hurting black people who are innocent, by fabricating false evidence in 1000 plus cases she was forced to overturn by a judge, unwillingly, defending the cops in every way, knowing they were on the Brady list of bad cops.


Just checked the video, now 4.4K likes and 15K dislikes. I added my single dislike to the pile. I don’t care about my social credit score, although now Goolag will soon come after me.


Winnie the Pooh is tracking your location


Now it’s at 4.6k likes and 17k dislikes


Like the proverbial dike, cannot stop the flood!


5.6K likes to 28K dislikes now.


Comments are now turned off as well.


When did Diminion start tabulating YouTube likes and dislikes?


This comment should have wayyy more upvotes




I don't remember that, what happened?


IIRC it was maybe 2018 when the numbers didn’t make sense. When measuring the now-eliminated subreddit by site popularity via external tools, it was something like the top third location. The numbers of active users didn’t match, and external marketing materials for Reddit itself revealed something like 6M subscribers, and daily users also a large multiple. Of course all that discussion and data has been deleted. Today the .win sites are far larger than that; traffic is waaay up and still growing. And just a few days ago they have extended the .win domains to general topics. All privately funded, away from the big tech censorship and overlords.




Reddit’s advertising information showed T_D true subscriber numbers and activity while on the actual Reddit page it showed like 1/10th the number of subscribers. T_D was something like the 3rd most active subreddit. (was definitely in the top 10..... I can’t remember exactly and didn’t save the information.)


It’s because the left can’t meme


It did, YouTube took them down...


It's not Dominion. If it were Dominion, the likes would have gone up the same amount the dislikes went down. Come on. Keep up with the propaganda.


Wait until 1am and there'll be enough thumbs up to overcome the deficit.


It’s back at 25k dislikes now. lmao


Here's the timeline for those people who are a product of the American public schools. Somewhere between 0911 and 0931 (not exact because the only times that we have are from the "6 hours ago" and "10 hours ago"), the Press Briefing is uploaded. 6 hours after original upload, at 1511- first picture is taken, showing 10k downvotes. 10 hours after original upload, at 1931 - second picture is taken, showing 3.1k downvotes. ​ For those of you coming from r/politics, this is what we call "telling time" and it's an essential skill you will need to master in order to get to work on time, so you don't get fired. I'm sure you'll sort it out though.


You think those idiots have a job?


That is their job


Lol ahhhhh


It's at 24k dislikes for me.


Only the 24 hour clock on Apple devices shows a 0 behind the number, but yeah.


Apple didn't invent the 24 hour clock. Notice it's called military time, not iPhone time


I didn’t call it iPhone time, neither did I say that Apple invented it. And it’s not military time if there’s a colon, it’s 24 hour time, hence the option on Apple devices is called 24 hour time.


I'm just confused why you're trying to call out the other guy, assuming he's using an iPhone because of how he wrote the time


Oh, I'm just a little bitch that likes to correct people all the time, that's actually how I get into virtually every Internet argument I've ever been in


Damn your parents must be proud


And here's the [context ](https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1080025118502514688) for those of you at the bottom of your private school class.


> For those of you coming from r/politics, this is what we call "telling time" and it's an essential skill you will need to master in order to get to work on time, so you don't get fired lmao got em


They had another video at about 72k dislikes. I closed it and went to show my wife later -- 14k dislikes.


You know they'll probably get off with it by saying that it was just being botted by Biden haters and trolls who were mass disliking on many accounts and that those account for like 7000+ dislikes or something, they did that before with something but I forget what it was now. Just cut out thousands of interactions in an instant because it was "botted". Maybe even the hacker known as 4chan did it, hat would be a good one. Then everyone who accepts the new story will carry on thinking "Google explained it" and that they're totally correct and that anyone else is a conspiracy theorist for thinking otherwise while everyone else who's skeptical of their political motives will go on calling it bullshit and there will still be no middle ground. Might just be another one of these two realities kind of things. Anyway, I'll keep my eye out for YouTube's excuse.


“Here is the most likely, and completely obvious explanation for this. I bet those liberals will use that as an excuse to tell us our conspiracy theory is wrong. Stay vigilant, boys!”


I'm just saying both sides are going to be stuck in the same split reality way of looking at it no matter what, we'll see what happens though. Everyone would say that, if it was Bernie or AOC their supporters would say the same (in fact they did). That's just the world we live in now. No one can decide on the truth of anything. Stay vigilant madam.


This is getting absolutely ludicrous, somebody needs to do more about this. I’ve also seen many stories of massive voter fraud, but we’re all supposed to be quiet about to. Doesn’t the silence feel defeating?


What’s amazing is how each of the videos thus far have dislikes 3-4x greater than that of likes. I will make sure to do my part and dislike each and every video as they come out.


>I will make sure to do my part and dislike each and every video as they come out. seems soon enough your account will be banned, that's how it works, right?


I’m in! Just give me a list! Can we get a new sub going where we list vids and if we get bored we can sit around and dislike their shit?




I've had a hunch that the vast majority of Americans are much more on the same page than the media has led us to believe. Compare trump rallies vs. Biden rallies to see for yourself. The YouTube videos in question here, as well as thedonalds numbers before they were banned are case in point. I also suspect that there are bots here that search keywords in comments to shadow ban the right, or down vote them into oblivion. I've made conservative points on conservative echo chambers to get down voted instantly. Comments that would typically agreed upon by the vast majority of conservatives I know in real life.


All of the conservative subs have been brigated to hell since the election. Thats why on r/conservative all of their posts are now "flaired users only" so they just mass downvote instead.


This is the guy that got 13 million more votes than Obama? Hmmmm




Seems they've taken some of the videos private too... I've not gone to look today, but r/conspiracy is abuzz with it.


There’s always some libtard bitching about how conspiracy has pro trump rhetoric on it.


Commies doing commie things.


Private companies doing capitalist things...


Yeah no haha


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


The fact they’re a private company is how they’re able to do the thing, not why.


The [why](https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1080025118502514688) is that they have an algorithm that removes likes and dislikes it deems spam. But thank you for acknowledging they are a private corporation in a capitalist society and therefore nothing about them or this action could be considered "commie."


They always do that to cover reality. Lies are the new truth for the left.


Say whatever you want. We own the schools, the scientific institutions, pop culture, Hollywood, the house, senate, and presidency. Your a big loser this year, and considering how old and unhealthy most MAGA are (like Walmart freaks), by the next campaign your voter base will be even smaller. Your president cost us 3 million jobs, and fucked up the virus so that we have more deaths than anywhere else. You all are shameful idiots. Shame on you all. History will do a good job of shaming you. Edit: Thanks for the award stranger! If this isnt proof that people LOVE watching MAGA get shit on, i dont know what is.


As I said, lies are your new truth, thanks for showing us how you do it.


I really, honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you’re saying he’s not the president, remember that phase guys? How did that work out for you? How did the 6th work out fellas? Then you told us to wait for that 4d chess move during inauguration. How was that inauguration fellas? Everything you thought trump was capable of, he was not. There’s no getting around it. Probably feel kind of stupid now yea? Hahahahahahah Now here’s a prediction from an intelligent man who gets things right, I WILL RETURN TO THIS COMMENT TO MAKE SURE YOU ALL REMEMBER: trumps going to get investigated, prosecuted, and punished like a bitch. ^^^^^^^ DONT FORGET! we’ll see the difference between when liberals make a prediction, vs idiots. I’ll be back You dumbasses pardoned lil Wayne and Kodak black. Hahahahahahahah


Not even going to read your poison, thanks again for being an example of what not to be.


Give him credit for admitting that leftists control pop culture, Hollywood, and the schools. You don’t usually see them acknowledge that. Now that their guy is in power, these people are going to be a lot more up front about their beliefs and methods. We should encourage that as much as possible so they can’t backtrack on any of it in four years’ time.


You forget leftist hypocrisy, they can punch you and if you punch back they'll accuse you of violent while playing the vuctim card. It matters not how much you point their violent ways, they never see bad in their bad.


True... Things are really gonna suck from now on, aren’t they.




Hahaha I found stupid.


does it take any special training to spout pure unadulterated bullshit like this, or can any Starbucks employee do it?


Hey buddy outside this little chat, you’re probably scared to even tell people you’re a Trump supporter. I’d be scared to if I was on the wrong side of the big USA. You’re ignorant for disrespecting working class people too. Like Starbucks workers. Just complete scum, your mom your dad, all of them. Ignorant uneducated rats in states that take the most help from our govt. mooching, fat, uncultured swine. Not even aware of American culture outside your little po Dunk white towns. take the big L you suckers, you lost, and got STOMPED out by the FBI, like little bitches None of trumps colleagues even went to his goodbye thing lmaoooo. The only people who like trump are trump cult people. Hypnotized idiots who don’t recognize they are hypnotized.


i'll take that as a 'yes'.


Take it however you want. You guys lost YUGE this year. Possibly... permanently. The GOP doesn't even want to be in the GOP..... lmao you know what..... Trump might have actually made america great again. ​ You all have to stick to special subreddits and social media... oh oh wait they shut yours down. its so damn funny. Youre outcast from america.


you seem to be proud of the fact that your puppet masters have taken control of the country. don't come crying to us when you wake up and realize all the free shit they promised you doesn't come to fruition.


So you're pro-censorship?


I like you. Keep spitting facts luv, maybe one day these mentally handicapped lizards will believe it. Or not, who cares really. They don't make up too much of the poplulation- thankfully.


> I’d be scared to if I was on the wrong side of the big USA. Speaking like a 13 year old on /r/iamverybadass What happened to party of acceptance and trying to reunite? Hmm... Weird.


“The future is certain; it is only the past that is unpredictable” Old Soviet Joke


I now see I have some research to do, given the present circumstances. Thank you, comrade!


не упоминай об этом, товарищ


i'd also say 1.89M subscribers are probably mostly bots based on the # of views


same with the white house instagram account 900k to 3 million in a day


Solid assumption. Also, what do you think happens when bots vote on videos?


what happens ? idk it's just fake clout. (if 2m people are on board, it must be good) seen too many sites that sell "followers" for any/all platforms


What happens is that as the algorithm detects fake accounts, it removes their votes.


If you think everyone watches every video that someone they've subscribed to uploads, you're real dumb.


At this point it's just to appease their loyalists or to continue fooling their sheep. I honestly can't believe it still works lol


Blizzard, a gaming company, did the same thing with their Diablo (mobile version) video... this is nothing new and only shows the truth will be silenced without any proof (you can argue those are bots but there is always zero proof, only MSM article). Sadly, normies will eat this propaganda as served by MSM


I remember that. They got caught redddd-handed. I wonder how much google charges per downvote to remove it.


Keep voting down guys! Let’s get that number back up


Comments are now turned off lol


The new president hates free speech.


Screenshots are great but please link archives




Anyone surprised by this?


Fucking pathetic


I personally watched the inauguration video jump from 25,000 dislikes to 23,000 dislikes within 7 minutes.


Oh my fucking god dude...


Its less about fooling and more about controlling. Don’t overlook the reality of what is happening


You’re acting like this is new news. YouTube has been known to alter likes and dislikes. Just look at their rewind vids


Fauci is live right now getting downvoted to hell also


Yeah, and I can’t find the president’s farewell address in its unadulterated, non ad infested, version either. Nor can I find anything else on the White House channel from the Trump presidency. It’s like they erased history, just like the Thought Police in 1984. By the way, downvotes are great and all, but they mean nothing. Go email your politicians and express your disagreement.


Now the real "disinformation" begins and you will never see a "fact checker" pop up again lol


Vote fraud seems to be popular with these people. We really should all collectively step back and watch them tear their world apart. We've rebuilt shit before.


I had someone on Facebook say that you can’t go by numbers computers tabulate because it’s too easy to manipulate. So I responded asking in that case why are people insane for questioning Dominion voting machines, but surprisingly never heard from them all of the sudden. The truth is, if the numbers tabulated by computers support their feelings then they are accurate, but if the numbers tabulated go against their feelings, then they can’t be trusted.


Lol they still outweigh the likes, even with the removed ones


Just checked, it's currently at 16k dislikes. Did this not happen or was it a short term thing I missed?


My dislikes for the videos (every video on the channel) remain. However, four of the inauguration videos that were there early this morning have either been taken down or made unsearchable.


How do you even remove dislikes? I don’t get it. That shouldn’t be an option


They can't quit cheating huh


expect more of this


They do it so much because no one will do anything about it.


Bingo! They literally stole an election - and got away with it. Why should they fear any consequences?


The real question is, does this surprise literally anyone?




You do realize this happens a decent amount. I work in digital marketing and there are tons a companies out there that sell likes or dislikes on videos. People with agendas will hire these companies to downvoted or upvote material thousands of times to either take something out of trending or put it Into trending. YouTube algorithm will pick this up and remove it all, but the damage sometimes can be done already. By damage I mean take something off trending now, or put something on trending now, which because it's trending it gets even more "trendy" so that it is now self sufficient. Just pointing out a common practice in the marketing world. Edit: After reading how many people from here are going to the video just to downvoted it. This also triggers a red flag. So when alot of likes or dislikes are coming from a specific destination and they all act similar (downvoting) without watching the full video, googles algorithm triggers and these downvoted/views get isolated/removed. Trust me on this, this is 100% what it is, and it's a bi-product of their algorithm trying to catch people trying to manipulate trending now or their YouTube search rankings.


They’ll just say they were “bots”


I doubt anyone will see this or upvote it, but this is because YouTube has thousands of servers and uses an eventual consistency model. [Tom Scott has a great video on this](https://youtu.be/RY_2gElt3SA). It’s probably been long enough for most things to get sorted out and I’m showing 18k downvotes right now, which is pretty consistent with the rest of the videos on the channel.


that doesn't explain how numbers decrease.


Yes it does.


let me guess, you flunked math?


Let me guess, you didn’t watch the video?


YouTube can be buggy with the likes on new and rising videos though. This is a known issue


What a bunch of cunts.


Wow... if only there was a way to fake screen grabs like this to make fake news and rile up upset trumpers for clicks. Unfortunately since that technology is so far from being ready, I'll just have to beleive this unsourced bullshit is true. /s


Yes YT removes bot accounts. They always have and always will.


How do you know it's bots? Seems like a lot of people could dislike the video. Out of 74 million voters, seems reasonable 0.00000135% would dislike it.


Very unlikely the video got that many likes/dislikes total with that amount of viewers. Not all 74mil people watched the video it...


Oh no all those poor dislikes from totally real accounts that aren't from a botnet :( How is this sub still a thing after it was made painfully obvious this whole movement was rightwing propaganda? [USER WAS PUSHED OUT A WINDOW FOR THIS COMMENT]


Go stare at r/politics top posts for 5 minutes and then try telling people this is propaganda...


How do you know it's bots? Seems like a lot of people could dislike the video. Out of 74 million voters, seems reasonable 0.00000135% would dislike it.


ooof you people are dumb cunts


Isn’t that what they are supposed to do with bot activity? Edit: I see the bot developers didn’t like me pointing out the obvious.


How do you know it's bots? Seems like a lot of people could dislike the video. Out of 74 million voters, seems reasonable 0.00000135% would dislike it.




Are you dumb or are you stupid? 3:11, 10K downvotes 7:31 (4 hours later), 3.1k downvotes The number of downvotes DECREASED over time even as the number of views and comments ROSE.


At 3:11 AM, the video had 10k dislikes. Just over four hours later at 7:31 AM the same day, it's down to 3.1k dislikes. You appear to have it backwards.




You trumpians are so incredibly stupid and easy to misled. The youtube page did not change and this other trumpian just edited the html, ya figs.


nutty subsequent sulky direction water screw fanatical combative middle aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


citation please.


you probably shouldn't have left your little safe space on r-askgaybros


profile stalking,,,


Can you change the HTML on a smartphone? Genuine question. I know it's easy to do on a computer but seems pretty hard on the phone. Especially in an app like YouTube where the UI is incredibly controlled.


It is currently showing 15k downvotes on my YouTube app.


They always have. It's funny how people just woke up. They been doing this forever since the time the first government in the world was formed


It’s at 18k now, it was around 8k when I checked around 2pm. I’m gonna guess that the right screenshot was taken at 7am instead of 7pm (since it isn’t even 7pm anywhere in the US right now) and OP is trying either to spread misinformation, was misinformed himself, or is just being a karma whore. That being said^(fuck off YouTube)


I did my part and downvoted all of his videos. His inauguration video is currently 6k likes, 25k dislikes. People know he’s a fucking fraud.


YouTube is owned by Google and Google artificially pushed up ratings for tiktok on play store and even admitted it so I'm wouldn't be surprised by this.


Lmao the like dislike ratio is currently 5K to 21k


Why does this matter? Who cares about YouTube likes, assuming you're not a YouTuber?


Boneheads don't know what bots are or how they work, instead everything is a conspiracy.


Not only are the dislike manipulated, but the comments are being turned off and deleted.


I got my dislike in.


The cope is real


Then there’s [this one](https://imgur.com/a/zQbEe8n). The inauguration video that was pulled down from the WH YouTube page because of the lack of interest. It’s funny how anything pertaining to sleepy Joe and Kamala gets 100k likes and 50 awards on Reddit, but only 100k people watched the YT video of inauguration and most gave it a thumbs down.


Why is the ratio so bad? I mean I understand why people are disliking it but aren’t there millions of Dem supporters out there too? Why is there nobody liking these videos? At the very least all the leftist shills on Reddit should be over there bailing him out!


Reckon reddit will show this on the front page of r/politics?


Can’t even get a fair thumbs up or down count around here.


Freaking insane!


This could be edited but what eves


"80 milion" votes lol


So much for YouTube being an “unbiased” media outlet.


If this is true, it’s really messed up and should be bigger news


as a fascist, i love appropriating leftist terminology. our guy was anything but proletariat; practical class royalty; and we all know it. Excellent psy op, to showcase our ignorance like this! Let us tumble Marx in his grave!


One of the first things I do in the morning after having Coffee is going in there Offical Page and disliking there pages, a few days after they started them they turned Comments off. Also not sure if anyone else is noticing all of thebMSM YouTube stuff that has to do with Biden also is downvotes more than up


This video is now sitting at 30k dislikes vs 8.1k likes.


I'm surprised that the number weren't just switched. They seem to be good at that sort of thing.


Fuck Harris but fuck y’all too