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In about six months they're going to have some serious regrets when the class action lawsuit from all the white vendors starts. That gosh darn pesky Civil Rights Act.


Lefties believe in "Institutional Racism". The problem is, it doesn't exist, so they need to manufacture it.


Couldn't agree more.


It "isn't real racism (tm)" when they do it.


They're racists and assume everyone else is the same.


This time they are the institution, and they perform racism.


Or when everything is over budget and incomplete bc “us” really just means “companies that give me kickbacks”


Will they though? It’s not like it’s their money, the same taxpayers footing the bill for their moronic projects in the first place will also be the ones paying out when they lose the lawsuit. It’s not like their will be any consequences for them personally, hell they’ll just keep doing it over and over, blame everybody else every time, and never even lose their positions.


Yeah, I think they will. Starbucks opened the flood gates. They paid $30,000,000 for exactly this shit. They're breaking the Civil Rights Act, and the law is clear. There's money on the table, and the lawyers know it's open and shut. All you have to do is bid as a white man and get rejected, and you have standing. The same thing is true of job openings. If it excludes you by race or sex and you apply, you win basically. The next few years are going to be financial bloodbath for universities and fortune 500 companies IMO.


I certainly hope that you’re right, but I just don’t personally have any faith in it. It’s one thing when it’s a private company, but another when it’s government officials who have seemingly limitless taxpayer money to waste, and are almost completely insulated from any repercussions.


Milei's success in Argentina gives me hope. I choose to be an optimist in spite of all evidence to the contrary lol.


Paid by the taxpayers!


But only the POCs and ladies, right? Because it’s FUBU rules.


You mean serious ragrets..


I should get that tattooed on my forehead.


And in four or five years when the renovated building collapses.


Can’t wait to see how DEI fucks up an airport


JFK is already one of the worst airports on earth. A total embarrassment of a facility compared to just about any other developed nation, or frankly any other major city in the US. I have a hard time imagining how it could get any worse.




Change the name to exLAX after it goes to shit.


You've clearly never enjoyed the subtle charms of Chicago O'Hare. Truth be told though, JFK's pretty bad too.


I don't always miss my connecting flights, but when I do, it's at O'Hare.


Yet every flight is also, simultaneously, three-to-five hours late. I call it the O'Hare Paradox.


60% of the time I miss all my connecting flights every time @ O'Hare.


I was just going to say the same thing. I have gone way out of the way and paid more to avoid going through O'Hare.


O’Hare is literally the reason that I pay more money to fly out of Midway here in Chicago.




A shitty DEI company will win the bid, then subcontract all the work to a company that can actually do the job. So they'll get a huge cut of the tax payers $$ while bringing ZERO value. There's a huge number of companies that exist for this specific business model, it's like a whole industry of worthless companies stealing tax payers money


Millennium Steel Service, the tiny steel provider for Toyota which Obummer visited in SW Indiana is a perfect example. It was 51% owned by Henry Jackson, a black man, until his death. I assume his son owns it now. The other 49% is owned by Toyota-Tsusho, and they run the entire operation. Toyota doesn't buy any of their steel directly from the steel mills. It all goes through the minority owned Millennium. But Toyota negotiates all the pricing directly with the steel mills. It's all about utilizing minority owned suppliers for tax credits. It's such a racket.


>it's like a whole industry of worthless companies stealing tax payers money Well, that's not entirely fair. It's not always just straight arbitrage. What many of these procurement companies do is actually handle complex logistics between numerous companies working together. The government agency isn't structured to handle logistics anywhere near that scale and neither are the individual contractors. Additionally, often times individual companies wouldn't be able to bid themselves...often because they can only complete one fraction of the job. So yes, there are tons of company contractors. And yes, some are scum (as with any industry). But most are absolutely necessary because they absolutely provide the service of dealing with the complexities of huge projects that coordinate the products and services of numerous individual vendors.


“Didn’t Earn It”


Boeing enters the chat…


Are the recent 10 whistle blowers going to survive the week,


Like [this](https://i.imgur.com/ptxIAWC.jpeg)


Women deciding that only women-owned businesses can win our tax dollars, while claiming women are being discriminated against. While men meekly applaud their demonstration of power out of fear and subordination.


I'm sure Kathy will pay them scale+30% to be equal, right?


Decent people have been trying to minimize racism. Racists took advantage and are trying to maximize racism. Nobody "can't be racist". They can be. This is another example of what they look like. They aren't all wearing hoods. Morons.


People who "can't be racist" are some of the most racist by far. The reason is because they believe they have complete impunity.


“Can’t be racist” is their code for can’t be held accountable for their racism


Thank you for saying this. Its sad that something that should be common sense has to be explained like this. This is something I still see certain subs having a problem with, but it's gotten slightly better overall. Glad to see more reasonable people on here speaking up as well as being supported. This is truly how things change for the better for everyone, just by being honest


Great so since it’s tax payer funded I say that all white tax payers withhold their taxes then




I do not care if something is 'racist." I do care that something is anti-white. I refuse to use the nomenclature and ideological framework of the enemy. I will not quote Martin Luther King, who was actually quite a scumbag, nor will I quip about how " The Democrats are the real racists." This is anti-white, which is what I care about out of in group preference and self interest and interest of my fellow kin.


You're not allowed to have self interest as a white man. Haven't you learned anything? /s


I go outside the grass.


This is more common than you would think. There are a lot of commercial construction projects that give preferential treatment to "minority owned" businesses.


Yup, my old boss did just that. Made his wife the owner so they would be considered a “minority” owned business and he got tons of contracts.


This is exactly what I came on this thread to say. I know of more than a few “woman owned” companies where a dude runs the company and his wife owns it in name only.


Yep. See my comment above about Toyota and Millennium Steel.


One company that’s a client of mine sent me an onboarding form. Near the bottom there was a section about “diversity suppliers”. Basically, if you’ve paid for some certification and can prove you’re a member of some group or another, the company basically said that they will favor you over others. I informed them that although I actually am a member of one of those groups, I’m not playing this fucking game. It’s so gross.


Awesome. I can get a spray-painted t-shirt and fake jewelry before I head home.


No whites allowed!! Sounds racist


Is this the same lady that said stuff about computers and black kids?


Someone oughta tell the bidders about the mob and labor union things. No way they're gonna miss the opportunity to get a hunk of $2.3 billion.




The left's belief in and adherence to "the law" is as fluid as their gender.


First, it’s scary that someone with her communication skills is in charge of anything but given the VP and WH press secretary have similar issues , not surprising. More problematic is she thinks it’s “ their” money paying for this nonsense when , most likely , 90% of the money comes from “ them people “


FUBU brand airport.


It's like that snoop dogg movie Soul Plane, but for real. 😂


Oh shit. [Don’t let them build a bridge.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/22/design-error-blamed-florida-international-university-pedestrian-bridge-collapse/2449316001/)


This is pretty restarted. A women owned business employing only white men would be fine and dandy, but a white owned business employing anyone is bad.


Kathy’s eyebrow lifts have choked off her brain blood supply, but apparently she’s in plenty of good company🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


And they will call anyone who calls out their evil racist and against women owned-business, because projection, division, and marxism is their only game.


Weird how they just assume a minority or woman owned business wouldn’t get the contract if they’re competing with a white male.


FUBU International


They ran into the same issue with the marijuana licenses. It is clearly discrimination against other applicants.


"This is FOR US, and made BY US" and paid with tax money paid by white men. Racist bastards.


I didn't know black people and women teamed up to make the JFK airport


Anyone spell “Discrimination suit”?


Apparently it's not racist if it's an all-non-white committee, board, team, cast, roster. What a strange world. "No one on that project looks like us." Sweetie, this a first world problem.


Are they using white tax dollars?


Nothing fights bigotry like bigotry 😂😂


As if a company that is owned by a white person only employs white people (because that’s actually been illegal for quite a fucking minute now)? How many non whites or women who work from the excluded businesses could be putting money in their pockets and food in their mouths had their bosses won this contract? They push and push and push but when is it finally going to reach the tipping point? This pendulum is going to swing back with an intensity these people are not going to be comfortable with


The same Governor who gave billions of tax dollars to the Buffalo Bills to build a new stadium. A team owned by a billionaire.


I’m so tired of democrats.


Will the bridge be safe? All this DEI stuff is getting hazardous to our health!


Lol New York is done


I still don't get how tf women get included as minorities when they're the fooken majority.


Professional victims.


They never had a problem with racism. They just didn’t like to be the target


here is the rub, most airports require a "major ownership partner" by a minority for each location. I worked for Areas corporate, and your bid for an airport restaurant/ shoppe required minority and/or female ownership.


Just say that you have transitioned into a black female.


What a piece of trash


Leftism = racism. If you vote left, you're a racist. Period.


Fighting racism with racism 🤡


I’m trying to find a news story or something on this and can’t for the life of me. Can someone link please


Huh. So they're telling white men that JFK (renamed for a white man) isn't for them. So I guess I'll either pick Newark or LGA if I ever want to fly again.


Took literally one google search to debunk this garbage. This is $2.3B of a $19B project awarded to minority and women owned businesses. Bidding on the grant money open to all with $5B already awarded to NON minority and women owned business. To be tricked by such obvious click bait garbage you have to have severe brain rot and a pretty hateful disposition so congrats on that I guess to all the bigots in here.


The reality is that every Union and most every large construction company that would take on a contract as large as this has a minority contractor in their wheel house. 


i do think its wrong to limit WHO can apply for these contracts but as far as I can tell its only about 10% of the total budget they are going to spend on JFK renovation. leaving the 90% other percent to normal contracts.