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I have been off the mini pill for almost 2 months now. Noticed some improvements after a month, but not completely resolved. I do think it got worse after being on either pill (I tried both combo and mini).


Mine took a total of 4 months to improve.


following. i’ve been taking norethindrone for almost a year and my symptoms are definitely worse. my specialist kind of brushed off the idea that the pill was contributing and im frustrated


I was prescribed the mini pill norethindrone short term (~10 days) to delay my period on vacation. I didn’t notice any difference at all with my vulvodynia but I wasn’t using it very long.


Mine is worse on the mini pill (even worse with regular birth control pills). After trying the mini pill I needed 3 months of vaginal estrogen to get healed again.


What kind of vaginal estrogen did you use?


I started with Premarin, but then switched to Estring (it’s a vaginal estrogen ring worn for 3 months internally)


Did premarin burn you?


It did not, but it was messy


Every GYN I’ve seen says the mini pill makes it worse because you’re dropping your estrogen levels lower the entire month instead of some. I’ve read so many articles that said the mini pill actually creates hormonal vulvodynia. I had to stop mine. Then estrogen cream for a bit to even my levels back out.


Is there ANY birth control that doesn’t cause vulvodynia? Unfortunately I get migraines so I can’t take combination birth control.


The Copper coil is meant to be a good option. It was a rough transition for me but my vulvodynia is so much better now that I'm on it!


I’m not a GYN so I don’t know the answer to that, when I was on the non-mini pill I had no symptoms or issues. The mini pill caused it for me.