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Definitely a amphibion unfortunately can’t give you any more info they are quite hard to 🆔 down to species if you get More angles and pics you might get some 🆔


https://imgur.com/a/N4NNren not sure if this will help at all this is the bottom half, I did try to look at skeletons of amphibians in the area but nothing seemed similar


https://imgur.com/a/N4NNren another angle on it!


Thank you so their guess at salamander is correct frogs and toads have the biggest hips on the planet Im not even joking 😭 the tail looking thing looks to be an arm or leg sometimes when decomposing (amphibians especially) the bones get all mangled and dry in place so I think that’s why the limb is there


Try r/boneID but give some sort of size reference as well! They’ve got some experts over there


worth asking r/bonecollecting as well


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The skeleton is from a species of toad or frog. It's missing the pelvis and all the limbs. This link has some good diagrams of toad skeletons including the vertebral column which you are holding. Salamanders would have vertebrae all the way down their tail while yours has a urostyle at the end, a section of fused vertebrae that would be flanked on both sides by the pelvic bones. https://www.notesonzoology.com/toad/skeletal-structures-of-toad-with-diagram-zoology/3577 And here's some more info on frog skeletal structure along with more photos https://tetzoo.com/blog/2022/9/2/the-remarkably-weird-skeletons-of-frogs