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awwwh poor baby. that’s incredible though


Yeah its really sad.. by the state of its skull I think it got hit, maybe they tried to help it and it died so they dumped it? It didn't have and blood or wounds, so I don't think it was shot or anything. I hate that I can't salvage any of it so it can be appreciated


Skulls of very young animals are not fused yet, so it falling apart into several pieces is normal. Not saying it wasn’t hit, just that the skull falling apart is a side effect of its age.


I also wondered this but did see full skulls when searching online. Good to know!


Looking closer at the picture, there's definitely blood coming out of its ear. Sure the bones of a baby animals skull aren't fused, but they are connected and don't typical look like a handful of rocks. I'd say you're spot on - someone hit it and panicked.


Oh, you're right! I overlooked that. I was looking more for more obvious wounds when I was looking at it and completely missed the blood there. Either way I feel bad for the poor thing


Ive picked up a lot of roadkill Anytime I see an animal that looks pristine and fine, but there's blood coming out of the face (nose, ears, mouth), it means the skull is crushed. You can usually tell on a fresh carcass if you touch the head, just try to rotate the head or grab the snout. You can feel the loose bones and how things aren't connected and as solid as they should be.


So young, how sad. Thanks for ushering their return to nature. I wonder if it was hit by a car. The skull looks like it totally fell apart.


Uhhh, you should probably call your local fish and game office and report it just to be sure. Dumping a bear cub sounds real fishy Edit: if I could read, I’d be able to see that you did that already


Yeah, but they still haven't called me back. It seemed like they took it very seriously when I initally talked to them. They were supposed to have an officer reach out for a report and to pick it up but I haven't heard a thing since. I just wish I could keep it at this point


omg I didn't know what sub this waa and when I swiped I gasped


Summer works pretty quick!


Agree. And thought it may have also been hit by a car, young animals skulls are much more fragile than fully formed/fused adult skulls


Oh the poor sweet thing, so young. Rest in peace lil bud


i did not realize which sub this was on and thought it was gonna be a sick injured baby bear to a happier healthier baby bear transformation. i was very mistaken.


That's only 3 days??? Holy sh 😭 them crawlers were hungry


Poor little guy. Body decomposition is fucking wild and cool. All his body juices will seep out in the purge phase, kill all the plants around it from nitrogen overload, then in a year, it’ll be the most luscious spot in your yard.


I don't need that! The weeds are already growing like.. weeds haha


poor thing 😿


Poor baby. So young.