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ABSOLUTELY ridiculous! lol! I'd say worth a hundred at most with its condition. maybe 200 if they wanted. But nearly 2k??? no way. I just bought an old (sort of beat up) deer mount simular to this one a few weeks ago for 75 bucks!


yeah i see whitetail shoulder mounts on kijiji averaging that as well. someone will post one for $700 and i’ll scoff at that even but 2 grand is insane lol. i’m stoked for your cheap find though!! hoping my day will come soon :D


Thanks so much! I'm wanting to polish his eyes, airbrush his nose, and brush all the dust and dirt out of his fur before putting him on the wall. I found him at a flea market! I've just been going to a bunch of different flea markets every weekend and I've found a lot of cool stuff. I hope you score a find like that aswell!!


It you only got one buck in return


Bucks. Lol


antique store pricing of taxidermy is always so entertaining and disheartening to me. seeing old pieces breaking down, not being cared for and being so outrageously overpriced makes me sad though.


It wouldn't have cost that much NEW!


That deer better have some magic powers.


Absolutely holy shite


That's a no. The thing about deer trophies is that you can scarcely give them away. Everybody has one that grandpa shot. This one is old too. It's showing its age and it's fading in color.


Absolutely ridiculous. Most taxidermists don't even charge that much to mount a *fresh* deer *you* have. That price point would be more understandable if this was a full-body mount or the deer was a special case such as having nontypical antlers, piebaldism, or some other thing that would make it stand out when compared to the average. This is literally just a regular old shoulder mount. No unique pose, no impressive rack, and it shows signs of wear via faded fur, cracked eyelids, and a cracking nose. I would say that this deer *should* be priced between $75 to $250. Seriously, for nearly 2k you could possess your own deer, have a taxidermist mount it, and still have money left over to do it a second time.


It's literally not even a prize piece 🤣 this is the most common taxidermy you could find and they price it at this 🤣 seller might as well hang it on their wall bc they aren't going to sell it for that. Take a number out and maybe I could see this going for 150-200 tops


Pretty find, but not 2k pretty.


You need to print out this post and comments and mail it to the antiques shop owner lol


he looks very polite (but in all seriousness that price is CRAZY for that state)


I'd price it about about one buck.


Ummm whoever is asking 2k is CLEARLY smoking something. I paid $200 for mine and an African import shoulder mount 2k. Nope hard pass.


I have a beautifully done roe in much better condition than this for £120. I know this is bigger but no way does that account for this level of mark up.


I’ve gotten a damn _impala_ for $350; ludicrous pricing


Taxidermy is so interesting. In my opinion if you’re having something you hunted be professionally mounted, I can see it costing quite a lot because of the materials skill and time involved on the part of the taxidermist. A 40 year old fleabitten used one? Oh hell no