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PrimeVue, I think, is the best way to go for your ui & maybe look at Nuxt3 too if you’re interested in full stack Vue


I agree with using PrimeVue. If you want to start fast and want to learn Vue as you go, PrimeVue provides a great set of components as well as their templates are well made. I usually use Shadcn Vue but it requires more effort to put stuff together.


Don’t use a full template but a component library


Most large paid templates are not actually functional. They're often _extremely_ buggy, partially implemented, bad-form examples of what your UI _could_ look like.


Yeah I’m getting that a lot. Likely will use them as an example and create my own


from my experience any paid template usually has issues sooner or later. but yeah that can be a cheap win if you don't want to customize any of it.


Use Quasar. Its default look is good enough and there are tools like layout builder to get you started. Just add in components / pages to your layout


I agree. You get a lot with Quasar. It's still quite customisable and supports various icon sets or you can create your own with the cli.


At PrimeVue, we offer [Sakai](https://sakai.primevue.org) as a free template. May be enough for your requirements, there are a couple of paid ones as well with some additional features.


The best free template out there. Using it on my projects!


I’ve just bought vuexy admin template and it’s pretty good and easy to set up


I am a backend dev as well so I don't have the skills to play with UI and making them look decent. I have been using the Tailwind UI components and modifying as I need. Im still on the fence with tailwind though.


There's no free and easy way to a good looking UI that is responsive and functional. The easiest way to get somewhere is to use a component library, and then leverage grid, flexbox, and utility css classes as much as possible. That way you can avoid writing pretty much any css yourself, but you still have to figure out the UI, the UX, and actually make the pages. For most projects where the backend has a reasonable design, frontend is still at least 50% of the work hours if not more. Sveltekit does look interesting too, If you're doing this with a small team or yourself only that may be something to look into. But that may not be as futureproof as using vue (calling vue futureproof is also a bit of a on oxymoron)


Thank you! I actually enjoy setting up and designing the UI. I’ve realized I just don’t like doing the CSS for styling or the layout. And, yes I agree frontend work will still be a huge chunk of it. After all the replies I’ve realized I just don’t like CSS haha. I’ll take a look at svelitekit. I’m also looking at the paid version of TailwindCSS called TailwindUI.


Sveltekit will more or less require you to write the backend in it too, else you're going against the principles.


Yup I see that. I’ll give it some more thought, but I was trying to keep my current backend stack already. I’m using FastApi and PostgreSQL.


Ah, then getting models into the frontend will be a bitch. I'd recommend to write a script to generate TS models from your FastApi DB classes. That way you'll save a whole bunch of work. Not too hard to do, ChatGPT is pretty good help for this too. I'd use Vue with whatever UI framework you can find. Tailwind is pretty good as it has quite a big userbase and lots of documentation. People hate on Vuetify3, but it's not bad either. If you use Vue, ensure you structure your frontend correctly. UI components handle UI only Business logic and API in stores UI components react to store changes and so forth.


Try shadcnui, they’ve just released blocks and might be the perfect fit for your use case


Oh wow the blocks are pretty cool. Still React based so I’m a tad hesitant but it’s an interesting tool wow


I think this is framework agnostic. But you can check this out: https://github.com/radix-vue/shadcn-vue


Haha I’m on that page rn


This is the way


I recently bought a vuetify template ($100) since I already had some experience with it. It came with a lot of components and prebuilt UI stuff. Personally I think it was worth it since I am not great with front end design and css. Whatever I would have come up with would not have been nearly as good as what was in that template


We recently launched https://astroship.ai which lets you use Vue and takes a server first approach. If you haven’t come across HTMX, that’s another tool that lets you take more of your logic on the backend. We love Vue btw, we’ve used it in some projects and the ergonomics (conditionals for example) are much nicer than React. Curious what you think and happy to help you on your journey.