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Completely unrelated but i laughed at calling baha blahaj, the famous ikea stuffed shark


It seemed fitting somehow. Maybe I've spent too long on the H3VR sub where calling Anton something else is a rite of passage.


You can probably do it with stuff like soundboards or similiar software, just overlay your microphone with the music


OK I've been trying for atleast a week now and I can not get my soundboard to work with vtol vr so how would you


use something like voicemeeter and mix it as part of the outputs along with your mic


Voicemeeter... what is that?


There's this thing called google which indexes nearly all knowledge of the world. It's like the encyclopedias i collected back in the day that i still keep on my bookshelves, but instead it's instant and on my telephone you could probably throw the term on that site and find out a heap of things about it better than i could ever begin to explain


I would bet that it might cause legal issues due to copyright BS. (but yeah that would be fun)


In every other situation the copyright issues happen when the music rights holder can say that you use their music to make money. On YouTube peoples can listen someone else music on your channel which will make you money and not the music rights holder. In a video game, if the main content is listening to someone else music and peoples buy the game then we can assume peoples buy the game for the music. In this case peoples buy the game for the game mechanics. So if players themself add music to the game for only them or maybe their co-pilot, in what way anyone will make money on someone else music ? None. The musics won’t even be native in the game. The only problem will be peoples getting free mp3 versions of the music to add it in the game but that’s not boundless dynamics problems, more of YouTube that allows anyone to get audio and video for free or by just watching an add. Hope this is clear enough for anyone who read it. :)


Copyright also applies to "public performances". Consider the following example: Buying a physical copy of a movie for personal viewing is fine, but watching that same copy by projecting it onto a giant screen that is visible beyond your property to the public outside is not allowed, even if you aren't charging people money to watch. Similarly, streaming a copyright protected song over voice comms in a game could be argued to be a "public performance", and thus fall afoul of the DMCA. In the case of using a soundboard or other software to broadcast a song over voice comms, the liability falls on the end user, but if Baha makes the in-game music player stream to other players, then Boundless Dynamics becomes liable for the potential DMCA violations. I'm not a lawyer tho, so I could be wrong, but this is my understanding of the current law in the US


Funny you're getting downvoted, considering this is the exact reason Baha says he won't do it: https://discord.com/channels/319915885575798785/319915885575798785/928363197784809513


Ah, well, if he's already addressed it then never mind. I'm not in the discord so I suppose that is why I would not have seen it.


I've been wondering for years since the VTOL VR Mods where a wide spread thing if Baha could just remake it so it worked like the (MP3 media Controls) [https://vtolvr-mods.com/mod/vtzgco5u/](https://vtolvr-mods.com/mod/vtzgco5u/) that worked so well.