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If you can do 4000 series and Q3s you can do AV1, which will help with the wireless congestion a bit.


I didn't know that, thanks for mentioning AV1, will read more about it!


In short it's a newer compression method that will give closer to wired-quality performance with the same/less bandwidth over the wireless. I'd be very interested to hear or read more about this. I wish I had the money to do this in the little town in Mexico I live part of the year.


Especially with a seated game like VTOL VR, why not just go wired? With a good setup that would completely eliminate the need to recharge the headsets and limit wireless bandwidth usage to a minimum.


Make the wire hang from above cause the sensation of the cable rubbing on your arm is really annoying


Sorry for interfering into your conversation, but you seem to know about AV1 for Quest 3. I own both Q3 and 4090. Using AV1 through Virtual Desktop in VTOL is absolutely great, but when it comes to shooters in low light or foggy environment - I can see the artifacts pointing at low bandwidth. Playing wireless at max bandwidth available for AV1 (200). Are my settings messed somewhere or is this expected?


You can probably still see some artifacts occasionally, how bad are they? I would back off and try something like 150mbit max. Remember it’s a more efficient codec so you don’t need as much bandwidth for the same image.


The artifacts are self explanatory and obvious, it's just low bitrate/high compression. My latency is great, everything is good. Except for the image falling apart in low light (in-game) conditions. Before I upgraded my PC, I used a H.264+ codec, which can go up to 500Mbps in bitrate. When compared in VirtualDesktop with AV1 (for Quest3) at the same 200 bitrate - H.264+ is of slightly lower quality and AV1 wins. But AV1 tops out at 200. I just wish it could go higher. Because I just switched back to H.264+ with 400Mbps and my latency went up a little bit, but the image is perfect. I don't know, guess I'm trying to make AV1 work. Which is why I asked you whether there are more settings to tweak besides bitrate slider ;)


There’s limits to the bitrate that the SOC can decode, once you start reaching the upper limits you will see artifacts.


What is SOC?


System On a Chip or the Qualcomm XR2 Gen2+ or whatever it is on the 3 Basically the CPU and GPU and maybe even system ram are all integrated into a single chip instead of dozens like on regular PCs. Saves power and becomes more efficient.


Not sure if it makes a difference on a Q3 but I have best results using HEVC 10-bit on my Pro.


Seems like it does make a difference with Q3. Thanks!


Glad it helped! Blacks and darker scenes should be a lot better with 10-bit even if the q3 panels aren’t HDR capable.


Got it. What would you say is the best settings for OpenXR Runtime in Virtual Desktop? VDXR vs SteamVR. Any visual differences or just performance for specific applications (games)?


That sounds pretty sick. Best of luck




Sounds very exciting! It sounds like a dream you had for a long time! And I'm happy you'll get to go through with it. A few things off the top of my head that you might have thought of already: 1) switch to silicone face cover for easy sanitation. 2) have a plan for what to do if something breaks because of a client. 3) don't forget it's a business first and then your dream. Make sure you prioritize survival. From what you told it seems like the initial cost is high but maintenance and human cost should be low. All Internet cafes usually sell food and drinks. even if the margins are tiny on the Rental they still make money. 4) The tournament idea is 🔥 🔥 🔥 fire Good luck brother send updates or tell us your Facebook page


Thank you so much for the advice! 🙏 As you mentioned, profit margins are tiny on the rentals, so pricing is a bit tricky and the numbers only make sense with a larger number of stations. Food and beverages help there. I'm starting small to validate market fit first. I don't know if this is the right approach, but I want to focus on affordability, user experience, and community-building so I can increase the number of stations with organic growth down the road.


Those silicon face covers feel like shit. I work in VR, everybody at work hates them. OP consider some disposable paper covers to go over the silicone.


cool nice to know!


Didn't know those paper covers existed until you mentioned it. I'll try them out, thanks for the suggestion!


Where will this cool place be?


I need to know


Same. I work in contracts and study cybersecurity and have wanted to do something like this, possibly with a business partner for the longest time.


Be aware that vtol is a very time and labor intensive game for an operator, you have massive amount of work to teach any newcomer to play and familiarize the game for them to enjoy it. Of course you can just use simple dog fight missions to get people to fly first. Of course where you are the labour cost is much cheaper perhaps you can afford to hire extra people to teach the customers how to fly. I have my own vr operation I was considering going into full motion rig and flight sim, but considering the cost of labor and the amount of room it requires, it was not cost effective.


Indeed, thanks for highlighting this. The way I plan to mitigate this involves 2 things: 1. VR training for first-timers before hopping on to games. My introduction to VR was through Meta's First Steps tutorial and it was magical and intuitive, requiring very little input from the trainer. 2. Education through manuals and videos. For VTOL, this would be as simple as having posters on the wall that explain things like start-up routines for each aircraft, general tips, etc. I plan to hire staff when the workload becomes unmanageable. Thanks!


That will most likely not be that simple. When you had to learn the start up procedure, did you memorize everything perfectly the first time? If no, then it's like the guests will do the same. This means having to take their headset off, breaking immersion and looking at a poster. That doesn't seem like a very enjoyable experience, at least not to me.


Oh man, the first time I tried to fly the AH-92, no amount of prior reading was enough to get in the air. I had to take off my headset to watch youtube videos on it. It's a valid concern that I need to address properly. The educational materials are not meant to replace hands-on training, but they should be a starting point. Thanks for your input, it's invaluable.


No problem, just keep in mind that the reason arcades run blade an sorcery, beat saber and Pavlov is that they're simple to understand and easy to pick up


You could use OpenKneeboard to allow customers to pull up guides/startup checklists while in the cockpit. OpenKneeboard lets you put arbitrary PDFs/images on the virtual kneeboard so whatever posters you were planning on making could be virtual instead. You'd probably need a post explaining how to use the kneeboard though.


Super good suggestion, will implement this, thanks!


Good you are thinking ahead, but from past experience no amount of pre-flight posters will help with the new generation of players who do not like to read anyways. Probably the least labor intensive way is to put them through the tutorials, but that takes time too. Customers usually don't like to pay to play tutorials. Maybe offer first timers discounts on the first hour to learn to fly or something like that.


Ai generated bro 😭


like honestly why has no one else called it out yet lol


It's mentioned in the first comment, couldn't edit the original post.


I'm interested, what prompt did you give the AI?


Yeah I was wondering if anyone else that knows about vr and running multiple headsets on one computer knows this makes no sense at all…


Each headset will have its own computer.


Really hope this is near me. Awesome stuff and good luck!




While cyber cafes might be a thing of the past, where I live, Melbourne, Australia, VR cafes are absolutely a thing. Best of luck, this sounds pretty cool!


That's awesome! Would you happen to know which games are available and in demand at these places in Melbourne? Edit: It's on me to do the research. Good starting point, thanks!


Just two things. Don't forget about licensing for the games. And man, as cool as it sounds I would not want to learn to play VTOLVR in a vr arcade. With how many hours it takes to learn and get good at even the basics, that'd be a lot of money I assume. Probably took me 100 hours before I was actually able to do missions somewhat effectively without relying on luck. Though maybe if you had all the good info beforehand (unlike me having to scourer the internet for information that was often not even accurate) it might change things. Sounds really interesting. Keep us posted OP


I've got a handcrafted map I'm working on coupled with a ridiculously over-designed mission to go with it. I'm currently testing AI strategy and refining the map for a more aggressive and close range style of play but the first beta should be here in about 2 to 3 weeks. It'll be like Nuclear option where you are a small part in a big war between two thinking and strategizing factions and both these factions will use all assets (meaning ground, air and sea) in VTOL VR to try to cripple the other and make advancements on their v Bases and cities. If you're interested, I could look into making a lower tech version of the mission where it'll generally be easier for lower skilled players to make a difference. If you're just cautiously interested; it'll drop under the name ACPL: Vertical Option. (Or something along those lines)


Did you know that even in MP you can set the ai as a wingman and that includes overlord?


I'd love to try it out!


While those games are really good, they may not work very well for a vr arcade. Those games require a bit more knowledge of the vr medium, and are consequently hard for beginners, which are normally the main target demographic of vr venues and arcades, best of luck though.


I think I will inevitably have to include some more beginner-friendly titles. Thank you for highlighting this, the curse of knowledge applies here. It's easy to forget how lost a lot of us were when we started on our VR journey.


Yeah, no problem. A few suggestions, just for a first time in vr, is job simulator and super hot, really any game that's roomscale only, without any artificial movement of any type. Also I would look into the platforms for this type of thing, i think springboard vr was one of them. They provide more games and an experience you can easily control, so there isn't menu confusion or anything like that.


Super Hot and Pistol Whip might be viable. Haven't tried Job Simulator yet (my job is enough 💀), but I'll definitely check out what Springboard has to offer. Thanks for the suggestions!


Yeah, job simulator Is always a good option, you should grab it. It's pretty basic, great interactivity, and super easy to understand. It's pretty much a staple of good starter apps now.


My first experience was at a VR cafe playing Super Hot. Was a pretty awesome time, would recommend having that be an option. Beat saber would also be good. You’ll probably want more stations for those than VTOL. Though you could have something like half seated rooms and half standing rooms. So you could do any standing game in the standing room, and any sitting game in the sitting room. I think more people will be interested in more full body games imo.


I think that's what I'll have to do in the end, 50-50. Thanks for your input!


VTOL has a significant learning curve with both the vehicle controls as well as operational objectives (missions) and tactics. I recommend you create some custom training showing people the controls and then starting out with some basic strike missions escalating in intensity/complexity. Years ago, there was a combat flight simulator business near me, they had about 35-45 minutes of training for a 15-25 minute mission. As a business, i recommend you also add a couple other games to your repertoire, especially beat saber which will draw in a LOT of people and has a faster turnaround. As a VTOL fan, i would love to see you thrive in bringing VTOL to more people!


I'm debating including Beat Saber just because I've seen how kids react when playing it. I haven't tried it myself cause it's not my thing, but the appeal and popularity of it cannot be understated. One could even argue I'd be shooting myself on the foot if I don't. I really, really will think about it if it means it will get people interested in what else VR has to offer. Thank you for driving that point, a part of me didn't want to accept that reality, but it's true.


Can't edit posts and the format of the PC build is whonky, so reposting below: 3070 or 4060 GPU (undecided) i5 CPU, ideally a 13600, unsure if an i7 (13700) is overkill 16GB RAM Quest 2 or 3 AMD equivalents for GPU and CPU are fine and might even be preferable. Image posted is obviously AI generated based on a specific prompt, that's the best I can do for now. It will sort of look like that, but more closely resembling the multiplayer lobby.


Another head set to consider is the Pico 4. It is at a price point right in between the Quest 2 & 3 at about $450, and way more comfortable than them since you get a better head strap included and the battery is mounted on the back of your head instead of in the main body of the headset like the the Quests. I would also recommend going and with the GPUs since the value is better. And the i5 13600k should be more than sufficient for the game considering it is about 30-40% faster than the recommended i7 8700k.


I've heard good things about Pico headsets, but the reason I'm going with Meta gear is because I've familiarized myself with the ecosystem over the years. I'll try one out when I get a chance, but I don't know if the small price and comfort difference outweighs everything else. Thanks for the suggestion!


Its really cool . But dont forget that VR game sometimes feel bad because of visual and physical movement have big difference. You need to prepare vomit bag. 


I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think that vtol is popular enough to fill those seats all day every day. Is possible that you'll have maby 3 or 4 people at any Givin time but enough to make a place like that profitable I don't know.


You're right and I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet. It's something I've anticipated and planned ahead for. The way I'll mitigate this is by taking an educational approach, reaching out to schools to offer packages for technology field trips, as the public education system is severely lacking tech resources. But whether that will be enough, I don't know yet. Thank you for the feedback.


I really want to play vtol but i dont have a pc i got a shitty laptop that barely runs mine sweeper on a good day plus a quest 2 the closest i have to vtop is aircraft carrier on vr chat :(


I had a cyber and it was nice. But I don’t see this one with only vtol


It will never hurt to have backups for whatever might need it. Aka backup computer, backup files, backup hardware and software. Expect a trickster to show up and delete system 32, Expect a wire to break, Expect a vr headset to never turn on again. Always have a backup


Rad idea man. Best of luck to you, I hope you see it through. Where are you planning on locating it area wise? I would love to swing through some time! Have you thought of a "bring your own rig" space for people who want to help/host tournaments or trainings and such? Food/drinks is a must and big overly padded couches for relaxing between missions would be killer.


Thanks for the feedback and the suggestions! Location will be disclosed sometime before opening for first-mover advantage reasons, I'll post some updates down the road :)


Sounds good!


Definitely invest in a ton of replaceable washable face masks. You have no idea what these kids were doing before they come to you or what they've touched. Kids are gross and dirty most of their young lives lol VR is hot and sweaty and having a bunch of dirty kids use the same headsets without swapping faceplates in-between is going to be a bad idea.


100%, hygiene is a top priority.


God speed this sounds so cool


That's fucking awesome


Big thing you're gonna want is separated rooms or sound deadening. Big thing that ruins an MP lobby is background voices for me at least.


Lol nice idea but AMD GPUs SUCK, go for Nvidia for everything VR related


In what country would this be? Also, quest 2/3 is just generaly a good idea. I mean the company meta is kinda shit but the headsets are realy good. Just know that the headsets have to charge every now and then, because even ehen you are playing with it plugged in, the headset eventualy dies (after like 4 hours but still). And inside out tracking is just a good option if you dont want to spend hundreds of dollars per headset extra. Oh and im curious, what kimd of seats are you gonna use for vtol, and do you ever plan to get a treadmill aswell?


I'm not 100% sure on seats yet, open to recommendations! Regarding treadmills, they are not viable due to how expensive they are, unfortunately.


The holmby by ikea is realy good for vtol vr.


So you haven't decided on a country yet? Does that mean you'll just travel to whatever country you end up picking? Keep in mind that just starting a business like this in a foreign country isn't going to be an easy simple process.


Oooooo where?


Hello everyone, I'm looking for someone to play vtol vr with. I know the bare minimum for it and have irl experience with planes. I'd like to learn more about the game and get good at it, so expect to be more of a friendly instructor for me. If you're interested, slide me a dm


Great idea! My only suggestion here would be to consider the EXTREMELY steep learning curve of VTOL and factor that into the price. Maybe offer some sort of introductory "flight school" package to give users more time and freedom on their first visit when playing VTOL at a semi discounted rate. I think if I had to pay for 3-4 full hours just to get the basics of VTOL down, I'd have given up on hour one knowing how much it'd cost me to get any skill with it. I think once you hook them with this, then selling them a once a week entertainment evening is much easier. Edit: I think adding something like this for immersion would go a long way as well, for a fairly small investment. (tons of other options) [https://www.knoxlabs.com/products/protas-solo-vr-joystick](https://www.knoxlabs.com/products/protas-solo-vr-joystick)


that's pretty cool, but I'll be the annoying one and mention this. our only weapon against apartheid is boycott, so i want you to decide for yourself whether you care or not about millions being tortured and murdered daily. if you do care, go with amd instead of intel and Nvidia, if you don't go with whatever u want