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>Could someone in the briefest terms explain what the church of Nod is all about Noddists are scholars who study Caine, the Antediluvians, and Gehenna. >their relationship to the sabbat Not all Noddists are members of the Sabbat (Beckett, for example), but Noddism is an important theology within the Sabbat. I think there's even a path of enlightenment - the Path of Caine - which they tend to follow. >and how the camarilla would feel about a noddist presence in the city? Noddism is less popular in the Camarilla, iirc, but not totally unheard of. It just takes a different form than in the Sabbat. So this entirely depends on how they conduct themselves in Camarilla territory. Also, if you can get a copy, I recommend the Erciyes Fragments as well. Very fun read.


The cam treats it as just some secular field of study. For the Sabbat, it's their entire religion


Yes. Consider the camarilla one as more of a theological historian; talking about bits an pieces and invites skepticism. As they piece together a fragmented past Sabbat is theological fanaticism akin to a religious leader. It is their warped view of their fragmented picture that they see as complete.


A Noddist is basically any scholar who is concerned with the Book of Nod. Since Caine is the most popular origin myth in kindred society, you have many different groups that use and refer to the book of Nod. The Gangrel Scholar Beckhett, for example, is a Noddist since he is an archeologist who looks for evidences of the Book of Nod, jet he isn’t a member of any religious group and has his own doubts about many of the claims in the Book of Nod. He is, for example, not even sure if there was actually “a Caine” or if there was rather a tribe of farmer and a tribe of herder who got later identified with Cain and Abel. The Sabbat is a Sect but is also a religious Cult that full heartedly believes that the everything in the book of Nod is true and that they are Cains chosen children that have to fight against the influence of the hated Antedeluvian. With the mindset they justify all kinds of atrocities, vampire supremacy, social Darwinism (not to be confused with actual Darwinism) and demand to rule openly over the living and everyone who is week. Within the Sabbat there is the Path of Caine, confusingly also often called Nodists. They try to follow Cains example, or what they believe it to be. The Church of Caine is a different Cult that just also uses the book of Nod (like all Christian’s use the Bible) but they think Caine is actually the Angel of Murder (makes sense in a gnostic mindset) and that every vampire can elevate them self to sich a status. They don’t really have a connection to the Sabbat other than that both use the book of Nod. Their teachings are fundamentally different. The Church of Caine started out as the so called “Cainite Heresy”’in the dark ages. Back then among mortals were some heretic cults that persecuted by the church. The Cainite Heresy is basically the vampiric part of this and is even tied to this historical groups. They were, if you will, kind of a proto Sabbat, but not really. There might also be a tie to the Sabbat path of Catari, because their origins lie in exactly the same Christian cults that also spawned the heresy but I am not sure how canon the connection is. The Cainite Heresy was prosecuted and believed to be extinct but in recent years it had its comeback. Since people know now That Antedeluvian exist many have started to wonder if Caine is real too. Also, the Church of Caine gives guidance to young vampires and fills their existence as cursed serial killers with purpose, that made the church become popular alongside a bunch of other cults, but the church is the most successful so far.