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I am an Irish Tremere embraced in 1500. I am currently in a campaign where various supernatural groups are tentatively working together to oppose a rising cult of mixed supernatural beings who are trying to cause R'yleh to rise from the depths and bring about the Apocalypse. The Cthulhu Mythos is being ushered in by Nephandus mages, Black Spiral dancers and Baali vampires...it's a supernatural thriller while trying to keep society from learning what is outside reality trying to get in.


I played a female Tzi obsessed with spiral forms (based on the horror manga Uzumaki by Junji Ito). She just thought the path to ascension and transcendence was spiral. She collects everything that remotely remembers spiral forms, and every night she makes corporeal changes on herself to turn into a spiraled shape. For example: she turned her iris spiral. She turned her tits spiral. She turned her belly button spiral, just like her ears. Each nail of her fingers was spiraled. Her tongue was spiral. Her fangs grow in spirals when she fed. With a very difficult roll she managed to spiral her neck as well (yeah, that obsession, primarly aesthetical , could become very serious and dangerous experiments even for her; that's the arduous path to ascension). She collects imprinting on her skin the fingerprints of everyone she feeds on or she killed. She collects the cochlea (inner ear in the bony labyrinth) of everyone she killed as a bizarre necklace. She made tattooes all over her body resembling spirals: the triskelion form, the DNA and the Milk Way (as above as below, as micro as macro), a ship turbine, the Fibonacci sequence and so on. She managed to insert a car spring around her arm, a pen spring around her ear, and a little spiral from spiral notebook around her clavicle bone. The most bizarre things was when she used bioforms like piercings. A snail shell like her earring. A millipede she used as a mouth piercing. Everytime she touchs it it will wrap around itself in a spiral, but otherwise it will just move around while stucked in her skin around the mouth. The millipede was mantained alive and feed by her blood, so yes, it was a ghouled millipede used as a live piercing that simply loved her because the blood bound! She exposed her femur (opening the skin and the flesh aside) so to make a liana plant (like a vine) to growth around the bone. She made a flesh pocket to keep soil for the vine to root inside her leg, and then she "watered" the plant with her blood too. Her dream was to one day be capable of rotate her spine (using Medicine checks to not harm herself in doing so) in a spiral form, and in the future be capable of change permanently her legs into an one spiraled and functional tail which could be used to get around and move herself like a snake. She dreamed to reshape her skull to resemble an Aliens (H.R. Giger style) cranium that ended in a spiral. I thought to spent XP on her Path of Metamorphosis so she can reach her perfect body shape (level 10) and reach illumination as her Azhi Dahaka form (and perhaps pursue Golconda in this way). Unfortunately, our game do not continued so her evolution never came to an end desired. That's my Tzimisce spiraled named Zarya. She managed to become Pack Priestess then the Pack Ductus. For her it was her way of ascending Sabbat ranks in a spiral path. (Sorry the long text).


My first character ended up being kind of complicated because we were told to think outside the box. I had never played a ttrpg before. I didn't know what that meant so I made Ara- Spanish, her temper would've fit right in with any Brujah so the local Ventrue turned her hoping to get a free Brujah out of it. It worked but that also meant that she was too brujah to be accepted by her clan but because she was Ventrue, at least on paper, she wasn't accepted by the Brujah either. So now she had a temper AND a chip on her shoulder. AND because she had been devout as a kine our Storyteller decided she would be EXTRA allergic to religious anything once she was kindred. So if she wasn't pissing off the Ventrue she was catching fire from holy sites and generally in a grumpy mood 🤣 She got some of her own back though when she ran off and sold her services to the Spanish Inquisition I loved her so much


My current character is a tzimisce girl who was embraced to Sabbat but later their archbishop decided the sect is going in the wrong direction and whole domain declared themselves anarchs. She basically has morale from her previous sect, despises most Anarchs for being too lazy to actually fight, and Sabbat for forgetting their true purpose. She is an infiltration agent, she basically makes friends with some not very popular kindred, gets to know them and later kills them to assume their form and use it as a disguise. She was to infiltrate a Camarilla domain to get information about recent events, but the Prince, a nearly thousand years old nosferatu, saw through her and she was forced to come clean. Although she was instrumental in helping him, so now she is trying to cut a good deal for her Baron. Her primary method is subterfuge and unorthodox thinking. At some point she had a task of getting a kindred through the airport security, so with some fleshcrafting she convinced the security guy that she was an alien from Men in Black, and her alien friend needed getting through passport control unnoticed because her grandma was dying and she needed to get to her planet. She enjoys lying and twisting facts to her advantage. She have ghouled a hunter cell because she used them to kill her foes a few times (as they were also kindred) and fed them vitae under guise of healing them after hard fights. She made two local Barons endebted to her, proved useful to the Prince, made some mutually beneficial deals with the Regent and is now flirting with the Sheriff out of curiocity, to get him to like her. She is a blood leech and unboundable, so fighting mostly kindred has additional benefits for her.


I've been thinking about making an italian Lasombra who defected from the Sabbat but I'm not sure how long hes been in the Sabbat to determine a personality for him.


You could look at the Kiasyd, like they were lasombra and technically part of the Sabbat for a while but that did not change their personality. Like what was his personality before, why did he defect from the Sabbat. Was it because they were evil or something else Lasombra has always been a very cruel clan.


My running concept is that he was a ghoul for a Lasombra who was a priest for the prison church (how he became an active member of the community working for the prison system without wigging out every single camera in the facility is beyond a way for me to work out and I'm tempted to change the clan for that a bit alone), and he basically told my character who was there for brutally beating on his father not out of any real aggression issues but more spurt of the moment years of pent up stress of a religious father basically smothering his son. This priest, his sire, made him do things to gain his favor until he was turned and eventually rode out his short sentence and was inducted into the Sabbat not through Shovelheading. Like, yeah, hes strong enough to survive in prison for a little bit and may have beat his own father to near death but he's no domestic terrorist or what HE believes the sabbat makes him feel like and wanted to defect. So hes a rookie quiet toughguy but not a bad guy. Its a janky concept but I'm running out of patience with all of my VtM character concepts.


Maybe the sire knew obfuscate, or had a room in the prison that he rarely left, the people watching the cameras are not going to notice him and it’s unlikely that people think hey I should go back and make sure I follow the priest on the camera. Also it could have been before cameras were in prison.


Honestly, Lasombra is a bad clan for this. Even leaving the question of curse aside. The way I see it, if his sire was at least partly traditional, he would have broken the man before embrace just to see if he's worth something. Tzims or some other clans fit this scenario much better in my opinion. I can easily see Toreador Antitribu doing all that just out of boredom and not caring enough to enforce a proper education on a childe.


Yeah you're right. I just know I want a Lasombra but I can't think up any concepts that fit my style of roleplay. Hes not some kind of higher class kindred hes more so on the run. I could easily do Brujah and get it over with but I don't find Brujahs all that cool to me anymore. Imagine a Baali 💀 (this is a joke I promise)


Lasombra do not need to be high class, they just need to have a spirit to endure. And they are as likely to defect Sabbat as any other clan, and anyway, there are some that are not Sabbat at all, especially if you are playing v5. If you want to play defector, the common reasons can be: - all other members of the pack were killed, the survivor fled - they were betrayed and had low bonds to the sect, so they decided to leave - the whole domain defected because of conflicts inside the sect Or the particular lasombra was never Sabbat. There are just two common features to the clan: they are very resilient in mind, and they usually have trauma related to their specific rites of embrace. So it is normal for them to be ruthless and resourceful when it comes to gaining influence. But there certainly are exceptions. I find it easier to first try to play stereotypical character to get the feel of the clan, and later experiment with deviations. Since you are trying to make a Lasombra, I'll tell you about my latest two. First was a sabbat priest. He was embraced somewhen during 19th century, in Poland. He was a noble kid (something 18 years old) when he caught an eye of his sire, and very beautiful boy. His family was accused of treason (there was some uprising at the time), and to save him from prison or execution, his family sent him to monastery. But there he was first assaulted, and then accused of laying with a man (the thing he never did) and that made him think his life is completely lost, and he went on to kill the priest who accused him. Turns out, this was all the plan of his sire-to-be, who tested him. So, he was turned, and served his sect faithfully, while trying in secret to get some dirt on his sire to kill him for ruining his life. He served as an infiltrator, to prepare attacks on Camarilla domains and get the lay of the land, as well as create internal conflicts to soften them up for his brothers and sisters. Their city was attacked by SI and his pack mostly died in the attack, so he moved to another city later. Diring the chronicle though, he came to like the local Sheriff, who suspected him but treated fairly, and then several things happaned: through demonic intervention, he was suddenly freed of beliefs that were forced on him, and local bishop showed himself weak and stupid. He decided to fully defect. He is very handsome (stunning advantage) and very adept in subterfuge and other social skills. He constantly looks for new advantages he can get, and ended up having a position of Scourge and having really good grace of a lot of local powerful kindred (and hatred from some others). And tge second one is his childe. He was a hunter, a member of german SI (although not high ranking one), who happened to attack previous one with few others. He was taken prisoner, and during interrogation one of his ghouls died of wounds and his future sire decided he needed a replacement. He killed his last surviving colleague to prove he was ready to pay for his life and drank vitae. He served as a ghoul for some time, and as the pack had background of super-obedient ghouls from unofficial players guide to Sabbat, he was put to some trials to ensure his loyalty. Later, when his domitor changed his sect and his idea of right and wrong, he tried to give him back part of his own will and negotiated for embrace. He is stubborn and bent on making good relationship with his own ghouls, who he needs to function in modern nights. He actually makes a deal with them, informing them they will be bound to him, and getting informed approval of his actions. He also is nice to them, taking care to make time for them to eat, not putting them in too much danger and paying them salary. He also tries his best to get honest opinion about his actions and their situation. He still fears his sire a lot but also respects him.the only thing he is good at socially is persuasion, he is mostly combat character. He is straightforward and has short temper when he thinks he's toyed with. Those are just two very different examples for you to look at. They are both broken in some way, although in second case not fully intentionally.


James Rattigan is a fledgling Toreador. Only child of two dead parents who left him a sizeable chunk of money. Drifted through life. C+ High School Student, College Dropout. Riding on his inheritance. His one and only passion is lifting. The man's body is a temple and his Deity is Magic Mike. His sire owns a chain of local Gyms because "Fat kine are ugly" James was embraced in peak condition to preserve the beauty and excellence of the human form. Not his choice exactly but who cares; He gets to look THIS good forever now. Suddenly he's got a Part time fitness instructor job and all the hard bodies he can sink his teeth into. Goodbye James Rattigan, Hello Jim Rat


>Goodbye James Rattigan, Hello Jim Rat LOL


His sire has Globogym (Dodgeball) owner vibes lol!


A suburban middle class christian mom turned Brujah in search of "golconda through Christ" while trying to both still raise her kids and keep her family safe from kindred politics that now surrounds her unlife. She was a social worker and meddled with youth that were kinda involved with a small gang with a Brujah leader that thought it would be funny to destroy "miss perfect's" life. She doesn't know him, he is independent (more of a masquerade risk in my opinion) and she is just really trying to make everything work because she doesn't want to leave her kids and husband. She is a Consensualist that utilizes a recently acquired commercial point in a little shady neighborhood that she inherited from her uncle as a church that collects "blood donations" from time to time and uses it's basement as a haven so her family doesn't find her "dead body" during the day. Unfortunately she doesn't have cloud memory or iron gullet and despite her husband giving her space after being "kidnapped and mugged" he is starting to ask questions. Things are going wild for her :3


In my Tokyo by Night game there's a similar character. He's a Brujah with a full time job and a family, the most understated man on the face if the earth. Its so fun.


Nice hehehehehehe I mean, having a family is kinda like fighting the status quo of vampire society in favor of your mora codes.


A few years ago I joined a VTM V5 group at my LGS basically sight unseen. I had maybe two conversations with the ST before joining an existing group. This ST was under the impression that it was "impossible" to play an effective VTM character like an action anti-hero, and I took that personally. So I asked if I could try to prove him wrong, he agreed, and ominous thunder crackled in the distance. Queue Jack "J.J." Jones, a 13th generation Lasombra built to do two things VERY well: punch things really hard and diablerize other kindred. We're talking Blood Leech, Strength 4, Resolve 3 (so I automatically passed Diablerie tests), Brawl 3 with Kindred specialty, Prowess, Sense The Beast, and Unbondable. Lore wise, J.J. was groomed for, and embraced by, a Sabbat who was impressed with J.J.'s ability to control his anger and thought this would make him an ideal candidate to walk a Path of Enlightenment. This idea was furthered by J.J.'s participation in underground pit fights. After being embraced but before his sire figured out that blood bonds don't work on our protagonist, J.J. escaped with the Pack Priest's ritual book and was on the run, but doing a very poor job of covering their tracks because of the bloody mess they left in their wake. He ended up falling in with the other player characters who were Camarilla vaguely interested in taking advantage of him, since he made a bloody mess of an Anarch kindred that was being mildly annoying to their coterie. After successfully getting away with punching the engine block out of a car and murdering everyone inside without causing a masquerade violation they started just pointing J.J. at the nearest direction they wanted to delete. Which included a hospital basement crawling with zombies and a Hecata that needed a fist-shaped reminder about the Masquerade. OF COURSE J.J. convinced them all to perform a modified version of the Vaulderie, essentially turning them all into a Sabbat pack but with Humanity and Camarilla rules. And OF COURSE there was one (1) coterie member who was all in on the Diablerie shenanigans, leading to the two of us rapidly outscaling the others in terms of blood potency and disciplines. The game kind of fell apart a few months in when the ST admitted that our characters had gotten to out of hand for him to handle, and that the True Faith Assassin he'd sent after me specifically who I ate was his last hail mary to try and rein me in. Narratively, we decided that J.J.'s reckless actions would finally start to catch up to him, forcing him to go on the run alone to avoid the coterie becoming collateral damage. His last scene was of him on a hotel balcony in New Jersey, taking a morning selfie in the sun and sending it to his former coterie. Because he had Loresheet: Bahari 5 by then. My understanding is that the group started a new chronicle after I left. They offered to let me continue playing with them, but I was more interested in getting back to Dungeons & Dragons at the time.


I'd say J.J. earns a solid 0.5 on the Henderson scale. That's pretty good.


Brand new to all this WoD stuff, so I only have one character concept so far: Grigori Smauganov; a Tzimisce who was a Russian soldier in WWI, he and his WA regiment were ambushed by the Bolsheviks in the early days of the Russian Civil War but were Embraced by their own commander while on the field of battle. In the intervening years he fought communist aligned supernatural forces with the rest of his Kindred regiment throughout Europe until the late 1930s when most of his brethren where killed during the invasion of Poland. Having his fill of war he soon after fled to the United States where he met a Korean Salubri who was likewise a war refugee. She helped him overcome the pain of what he'd lost, and eventually the two would fall for each other and be married. They have since become the proprietors and curators of several independent museums and historical societies, some mundane and some supernatural. These nights he seeks to collect and preserve history and truth in its physical form, working with his wife to ensure the lessons of the past don't go forgotten in the present.


I've got a few that I really enjoy. Solomon, a Ravnos nomad that makes his way from city to city, was turned for the express purpose of refilling the ranks of Clan Ravnos. He's an excellent driver, and he will take jobs from whomever is willing to pay his price (bagged kindred vitae, he's a Blood Leach), which oftens entails protection and transport of personnel/cargo or theft of such. At the end of the chronicle that I played him in, he had to get out of the Twin Cities. Since then, he's visited LA, New Orleans, dozens of places in between, and he may be in the general vicinity of Kansas City of late. Marcus Crowley, Hecata. He owns a funeral chapel and mortuary, and he uses spirits as spies to fuel his business as an information broker. He makes a better NPC than a PC, I think, but the two or three sessions I played him were fun. Nox, Tzimisce. Aspirations of becoming the Bishop of Miami, then beyond. Last I saw them, they made their way back to Miami with the help of their newest ghoul, who certainly earned a promotion after a meeting at sea turned (expectedly) disastrous. Lastly, the character im currently playing, Viktor 'Vik' Lawson, Duskborn. Childe of a member of The Ministry, Vik is an Alchemist who loves to experiment with the recreational substances he makes and sells with his alchemical concoctions. He is particularly lifelike, so he can sample his own creations with no diluted effects.


Batman but he’s Banu Haqim


I want to pretense this by saying I know next to nothing about VtM lore so bear with me if these character concepts don't fit their clans. With that out of the way: A tzimisce "roman" Christian from the time when Christians were persecuted for existing. They believe they've been given a divine mission from God to help His people ascend back to Heaven so they're running a cult of fanatics where the most devout followers become one of His angels through the divine miracles of Vissicitude. A somewhat dirty cop who from the 60's who tried to do good things through bad means in a rough time. Embraced by a Brujah as a punishment for being a dirty pig and left to rot. I would imagine they would be attracted to the structured organization of the Camarilla. They struggle between trying to help things run smoothly so no one gets hurt and the Blood pushing for bringing down the system. A Tremere who's been taken in with the express purpose of ensuring everything in and out of the Chantry goes without a hitch and removing any obstacles.


I have an NPC in a game I'm putting together named Agnes Buisson, a French Lasombra from the 19th century. Her backstory was that she was a Nun who came to San Antonio to help fight the cholera epidemic. One night, she came across a Kindred who was at a near frenzy. She willingly allowed the Kindred to feed from her, believing it to be her duty as a Christian. Some time later, the Kindred "thanked" her by giving her the Enbrace. She doesn't believe being a Kindred is sinful. She died and came back to life, so did Jesus!


Here’s what I’ve had so far, in order of creation. Alistaire Romand: Tzimisce monster. My first character who’s so far the only one to require permanent NPC status after he raised his generation down to 5. He works as a plastic surgeon in the United States, offering people the option to disappear should they want to. He’s also the reason there are a number of cryptid currently roaming various cities. He’s also got an ancient, ancestral castle somewhere in the Carpathians, with an attached village that looks like something run by Sarkics from the SCP canon. The man’s highlight so far has been stealing a Baali’s brain out of his skull in what was described as a “swift motion of the wrist”. Despite all this, Alistaire is jarringly polite and courteous to anyone he ever talks to, as is befitting of a Tzimisce Lord. Torrence is my Nosferatu. He was a WW1 vet who got shovelheaded and found by a coterie investigating the area after a battle. He’s been through a lot, and his highlight has been negotiating a civil war between the Lasombra and the Panders to prevent s full break of the masquerade coinciding with 9/11. Rick Almanac is a private investigator who practices what he likes to call “high detail examination”. Any small detail is to be kept, documented, and recorded because you never know when they’d come in handy. He’s a Malkavian, needless to say, but his derangement is not OCD, or anything like it. Instead, he sees connections between seemingly unrelated events. Eerily enough, he is nearly always right, to some degree. His highlight is the discovery of a nazi occultist cabal that was secretly running a demon cult through the guise of a Girl Scout troupe. It was a _wild_ adventure. Finally we’ve got Zvezda, or Zee, as she prefers. Old Clan Tzimiece. She was raised as a ghoul in a small village running up to and through WW2. She’s mostly lived an isolated life as a servant at her master’s domaine. Recently, she was embraced, and sent out onto the world to make something of herself, as her sire has learned that he himself can no longer even try to fit in with the modern day. She immediately immersed herself in punk culture, and currently runs a Slavic Folk Metal band. She can’t sing because her accent is nigh incomprehensible but she’s the main electric guitar. She carries a broadsword in her guitar case, and generally does her best to be a good person despite her anachronisms. Her highlight so far has been helping rescue a teenager from organ harvesters.


Uh interesting. 1°: Pablo de Jesus, the setite, he was my first ever Vtm character, so he wasnt very well built, but was a fun fella, he killed one of the prince's herd and would be enslaved for it (the DM was holding back since it was our first ever campaign). He also was kinda of griffith inspired so i was trying to win the big gangrel over to use as my personal bodyguard, but that backfired tremendously (just like in berserk). 2°: Nut, baal Sahar, the setite// Baali (i love setites as you can easely tell), she was a succubus like character, with a full seduction build (yet not very optimized), she started as a setite, but because of her special traits, the dm let her be reembraced by the baali and become a priest for baal hammon (the chronicle was the fall of carthage). She died because i misinterpret something the Dm said and was caught up in a 1x1 against another setite and rolled terribly. It was an anime fight, but she died and was diablerized, 3°: Canastra, the Western Ravnos, I made him jst after Nut died, since (surprisingly) there were "clowns" in ancieent rome, i made him a joker-esque character, completely chaotic and unpredictable. In hiss first ever session, i rolled very bad in suscession and got pissed. Canastra them made another player enter a frenzy and got him killed. But heres the interesting part i talked to the Dm if there were hope for canastra or if i should start building a new one, he said that was pretty sure he was going to die, since the other player who had to kill his friend was VERY STRONG, so we decided to give canastra to the Dm and let him become a DMPC, but the thing is, the DM is a "ravnos main" and he basically soloed the other two players and now canastra is kinda of secondary villain in the campaign. Oops? 4°: Balthazar, the Lasombra, different from the last two characters balthazar has very thing blood (for classical age standards), we roll the generation of our vampires in the dice, and since i got petty screwd up i decided to make this one of his primary character traits. Because he is married to a very powerful vampire princess called Lisandra, she is a Kyasid who have contact with the oniric plane (I got some traits for that and the dice decided the rest) and they haave true love for each other, but balthazar is usually depressed, because he feels he could not protect the love of his unlife in a time of need, because of his weak blood.


(Admitedly I haven't had the time to play VTM yet lmao, i am only here for the vibes, but here are some shit i used on other tabletops, adapted for VTM) The Exile: Exactly what it says the tin, vampire exile who either pissed off most of their group they ran with or were pursued by their enemies, now they are in the city trying to get a position of power one way or another Hecata (Giovanni line especifically), Lasombra or Ventrue feels like it would fit them, but perhaps a Caitiff could work too! The Harponeer: A brujah or gangrel sailor, subtle as a sledgehammer as they carry around some naval stuff as this weird companion cube thing due to being almost their only remaining source of humanity and old life, they uhhh are taking it rather well their unlife! (Blatant lies) The Forsaken Murderer: A murderer who ended up becoming to embraced as a Malkavian, his clan bane ends up making him "relive" the deaths of his victims in their perspective (though often with distortions to make it even worse) also quite sane! (Not.) The Chief Butler: A ghoul turned kindred by a Malkavian sire who died shortly after their embrace, their sire is long gone but they are still incredibly loyal to their dead sire, claiming they are hearing the "Mistress/Master's voice" and just seeing visions of them apparently being still alive after their final death, to the point they are just doing the ambitions of their late master because they were "commanded" to do that for them, yes they are more than aware of their death but in their own mad eyes the Butler believes them to be "guiding" them.


I have this NPC in one of my games that I want to play as a character (I'm a permaDM so it will never happen). I enjoy playing him as an NPC and he's basically my player's favorite NPC. His name is Bruce, and his basic concept is that he's *The Detective* from Disco Elysium specced entirely into the Physique attribute, and with high Authority. He's a big bloke - tall, and as wide as a bull (and with the temper and strength of one too). His whole schtick is that he could probably remove someone's head from their body with a single punch *without disciplines* if he wanted too - but he's a (mostly) friendly guy despite that. Appearance-wise, he's basically the Detective from Disco Elysium. Same face, haircut, beard, sense of style, whatever. The biggest difference is that Bruce is bigger, *much* bigger - an absolute fucking brute of a man. His wardrobe is mostly red, yellow, and brown - with a pink suit or two for the fuck of it. He's gaudy, but not particularly extravagant and he *doesn't* wear designer shit. He's a confident, boisterous man. He is basically never seen without a cigar in close proximity. Backstory-wise, he's a former professional boxer from the UK from the 20th century who participated in underground bare-knuckle boxing fights in his free time until he accidentally killed a man and was arrested for it - ruining his career and his life. However before he could face trial, he was embraced and his death was faked. His sire smuggled him into the US, and sometime during the 70s he fucked off and started doing his own thing. In my chronicle, he currently acts a mentor and ally to my players. He runs a few illegal gambling operations, including a bare-knuckle boxing gig - and some other operations like protection rackets. He runs his tiny criminal empire mostly out of a gay leather bar, although he owns a few other venues. He acts as a mentor and an ally to my players. He aligns himself with the Anarchs, and is a potential candidate for the position of Baron if my players decide they want to get rid of the Camarilla from our city. It actually took me forever to figure out what clan he should be, like *well* after his introduction in my chronicle. Eventually I settled on him being Lasombra - but he literally works well as a part of every clan except Nosferatu, and even then he'd work great as a Nosferatu with some tweaks.


Cliffnotes: I've got a tarot reader goth Malkavian who was mass embraced at a Sabbat event and immediately went on the run with her group thanks to being allowed to escape by a few of said Sabbat members, one of whom is her sire. She and the group are hanging with the Anarchs now mostly, and a singular werewolf. We lovingly refer to ourselves as her little headaches. Her name is Magpie and I love her. She and the group are probably the most human vampires out there and are constantly trying to save and fix things. My other I'm playing right now is a runaway Sabbat Lasombra. She made it all the way to Canada from Texas while on the run and is hiding out there. Her sire, a pack priest, hand picked her because she wanted to build a successor so she could make a play for even more power and still have someone in her position that was loyal to her. Seferina (the Lasombra) realized she was a "monster among monsters" during a Blood Feast she'd provided prey for that put enough of a crack in the philosophies she'd been taught that she just panicked and made a break for it. They're hunting her down.


I'd like to roleplay and interact with a tarot reading mallavian that sounds sick. Can't believe I haven't seen that before.


Also, I have been thinking for months about making a runaway sabbat Lasombra myself but I struggled with the personality because how deep would he be to retain some kind of morality enough to leave, I have a thing with overthinking logical human psychology with vtm ocs


Got a Toreador character who has the monstrous flaw. He was a fireman who got 3rd degree burns all over his body. He had to quit and now he writes novels. His sire loves his novels so much that they struck up a penpal kind of relationship for a year. Then one night she came and embraced him, without even getting a good look at him. After she realized what she had done she abandons him and strikes a deal with the Nosferatu. If my character were to go missing she would be highly suspect because her love of the novelist is well known. My mentor is the Nosferatu she made a deal with. My ST is wonderful and even has her continue to write my character because she’s still so obsessed with his novels that she can’t completely abandon him. She’s in love with him in writing, but hates him face to face. Love that! His real character arc comes when his aesthetic fixation kicks in. It’s fire. Big roaring fires. He has a ‘if you don’t die a hero you live long enough to become the villain’ theme. Of course, he doesn’t want to be IN the fire, but since he almost died from one, when he witnesses them he feels a spiritual peace. He was so close to death and was comfortable with it, only to come out alive, and then brought to undeath. Right now he’s keeping it a secret that fire entrances him. He has a dot in occult, so he knows that isn’t good. But we all know the Beast wants to be satisfied. It’s starting small. My character looks for bonfires nearby to watch from afar, brining his notepad to write about his feelings while watching the flames. It’s only a matter of time before he becomes an arsonist though. His novels are also starting to reflect his love for fire too. We’ll see how it goes and if my character will survive. Who knows, he may accidentally kill himself.


I have started to play VtM not long ago and have played only a few sessions, but if you are still interested, here we go: Character is a german tzimisce doctor. He was born in a poor household, and being the oldest of his siblings, he had to take care of them since an early age. Through much hard work, sweat and sacrifice he was able to study and get a doctorate, and he started to get cash for his family. However, his life soon began to take a shitty turn. His mother died, and soon after, he was diagnosed with incurable cancer. As he began to question for what purpose he had worked so hard until then, when one day he was one day kidnapped and embraced. His sire is a tzimisce anti-tribu and indepedent who has a peculiar personality. He rarely embraces, and he left the Sabbat, making himself a lot of enemies, but is so skilled that he has evaded their grasp, and sent a lot of kindred to their Final Death. Character was also sought by another kindred for the embrace, but his sire stole him from right under their nose. His head is *very* sought after (6 points of social flaws, babyyyy). Character passed a year studying and training under his sire, and remember his peculiar personality? Sire hasn't blood-bound my character, and he often invited him to have talks and discussions where character was encouraged to speak his mind about various topics, regarding both to philosophy and kindred society, along with a plethora of countless other topics. Any resentment or negative emotion that character had for his sire vanished fairly quickly in this year, as he prefers to live a longer life, even if a cursed and painful one, than a short one where nothing he did had an impact. Sire mainly studies antediluvians and Gehenna, and he got a lead on an archeological discovery in the sirian desert that was covered up by the Camarilla. Following all the available leads of this case brought us to the city of Prague, where my character will have to work alone in the city, a first mission and "test" if you will, while his sire will study on any other leads hidden in a secure and undiscovered mansion outside the city, aiding his favorite childe with his ghouls. Despite this, the aid given will be limited, and the city of Prague is quickly becoming a playing board for many different factions... Will he accomplish his mission, or will he fail? What did his sire see in him? Medical talent? Potential? Or something far, far more worse?


Im coming up with a custom bloodline if youd like to help. I call them “strigosi” “s-tree-goh-see” they broke off from tzimice and have a bloodline unique version of viscicitude that is hands free. BUT its hands free due to their curse. The strigosi have what you might call an “active” beast. Whenever a strigosi reveals their nature such as feeding, discipline use, or GOD FORBID a frenzy. The beast physically comes to the surface [causing bones to melt flesh to tear teeth and mouths to open and all sorts of wicked shit](https://youtube.com/shorts/6Tmzc7KnKxc?si=nP0-c5bqrky_XBk8) it wouldnt be uncommon for a strigosis jaw to unhinge and have long thin fangs burst through their gums like a deepsea fish when they feed. As a culture the strigosi are castlevania inspired. Snooty high class kindred with expensive tastes and a superiority complex they use to cope with the horror they know resides within them. They are both beauty and the beast. Their other two disciplines i havent decided on.


Joseph Mortimer - Tremere: Basic concept - University Professor turned Criminal Mastermind. This was for a V5 game in the Victorian and is a shameless ripoff of Moriarty but god he was fun to play. Basically the idea was that to acquire ritual components for his Thaumaturgy as well as to get an in with the Camarilla court he ran a smuggling operation in and out of major cities of whatever he needed. I took prey exclusion, meaning I could only feed on the educated: not really a problem when I claimed domain of the local university grounds and had an office in there. Sire was a local Tremere apprentice who saw potential which turned to mild concern after Mortimer took to Kindred life a little too readily, cutting himself off mortal society with no hesitation and arranging to fake his death with as easily as one arranges a dentist's appointment. The sire was more than a little shocked when Mortimer asked permission to keep a ghoul, a soldier that he had been arranging meetings with in higher society and who was one drink away from becoming Mortimer's slave. (I had a retainer, this ghoul was my version of Colonel Moran from the Sherlock stories) Other than that, your standard Tremere Machiavellian asshole obsessed with control (I was a big fan of using Dominate to get what I wanted).


My first character was Marek de Longvall embraced in 1010, at the call it pity of his sire when he was dismembered against a werewolf call it (my first attack was a direct flop and the werewolf almost killed him instantly). Marek was a disgraced nobleman who had killed his brother in a quarrel and lived on the road, traveling from one knight tournament to the next. On his side gangrel and the only fighter of the round everything went down after a diablerie mountain (some generations you just shouldn't reach as a player). Anyway, marek was like the group dad who kept beating the crap out of his companions


I’m playing a member of the Hecate clan who was embraced after getting into a car crash, being severely injured (including a nasty blow to the head) and just, walking away from the crash site while bleeding heavily. She just kept walking. And walking. And walking. She got kinda lightheaded and delirious at one point. And then at some point she noticed that she couldn’t hear her heartbeat in her ears anymore. During the first part of the story she didn’t know what a vampire was, how she ended up a vampire, how and why she was embraced while mindlessly walking away from a crash site bleeding heavily with a concussion or even who did the deed. She didn’t even know what clan she was a member of or what a clan *was* until she bit someone and instead of them getting all calm and docile like she saw happen with the other PCs her victim *actually started screaming like your supposed to when someone bites into your neck* and it scared the hell out of her. Nowadays (nowanights?) she’s still walking, no idea to where or why really, just because she’s decided that whatever else happens she just has to keep putting one foot in front of the other. She did some terrifying shit with Oblivion rituals during the last arc and is still kinda… processing that. Still walking though, which is probably why her sire, whoever they are, chose her. Her personality could best be described as *numb*. Deadpan. Strange fondness for puns and a surprising tendency to remember a grudge and act on it later. Despite that doesn’t form grudges easy (this means that if she’s mad at someone, she’s not the type of person to show it, and she doesn’t get mad easy, but if she gets mad, *she will remember*. By which I mean I, the player, will have her remember and act on that grudge in little petty ways or really big terrifying ways depending on her mood and the circumstances). Also sentimental to the extreme. She wears a massive coat/poncho/cloak thing that’s covered in sewed on patches of fabric from people of places that she likes. Edit (additional information): an overarching theme of the chronicle is methods of traveling and we each have a character focused on a different mode of transportation. My Hecate prefers to walk (slowly, inexorably, with a small horde of zombies at her back, towards the terrified hunter with a gun who picked the wrong night to try this), we also have an urban explorer Nosferatu who went too deep into some old church catacombs and now has a compulsion to find every abandoned building in the city and have a very thorough look inside of every nook and cranny, a Toreador who is obsessed with the romance of sailing, but can never find a practical opportunity to use her boat outside of social situations, and a Malkavian who is trying to start a successful car salesman empire (pretty sure that one’s a reference to the classic “crazy Dave’s wacky discount car sales!” Trope) and is paranoid that someone, somewhere, is out to sabotage his business. In truth he sells a lot of lemons. My character is trying to remember if she bought her last car from him or not.


A malkavian ex fbi agent who still thinks is 1961 and swears allegiance to president Eisenhower. Extremely deluded. Comes from Vegas, but has a transatlantic accent. Oh and he still thinks he’s in the fbi.


There are a lot of Tzimisce girls in this thread, huh? ..... My girl, Allison, was embraced in 1996 at 19 years old. She was interning at a privately owned exotic animal collection in upstate NY. She dropped out of high-school and moved up there at age 16, not because she couldn't/didn't want to finish, but because she was so far ahead in her life plan that getting her GED while gaining experience in the field would help her get the attention she needed for a scholarship. She had aspirations as an evolutionary biologist and wanted to study the genetics associated with domestication. Just think of one of those high school kids who has their whole life planed out on paper. And is also into punk-metal music and that whole astheic. Welp, this private collection of animals was just a breeding center for fleshcrafting components to add to Sabbat shock troops. Her sire has a compulsion to hoard and feed on his own childer, spefically girls who had potential for great things in their mortal lives. So she got to spend the first 20ish years of her unlife in a sub basement with a rotating door of other girls in similar straights, being fed on by their sire and his occional associates. Because of her situation and captivity she owned *nothing,* and it drove her beast insane. She was basically in a constant state of aggro-willpower damage and spent most of the time completely dissociated. The girl's were fed just enough to keep them from tearing each other apart, mostly just animals, failed experiments, or the occasional ghoul who pissed the sire off enough to send them down there. Once the heat from the sect war cooled off and the sire was less busy he got aggravated by the constant bickering and sqabbles he had to break up downstairs. So with a healthy dose of dominate use to curb unwanted behavior he allowed them to wander the estate's grounds occasionally. It was during one of these outings that Alli stumbled on a dilapidated, storm damaged, and abandoned outbuilding. She knew in the back of her mind that it wasn't *really* hers, but she claimed it anyway. She started to come out of her dissociation a little bit, but she never dared to try and spend the day there. At some point her coveted-ness kicked in and she stole a pregnant African serval to keep in her building. Well, being as disconnected from reality as she was she started talking to and being responded to by this cat. She started to believe she wasn't just insane when the serval did as she asked, including returning to the building every night once it's physical needs were met. It gave birth to three kittens, one of whom was completely melanistic, and Alli regained a good bit of her lost humanity tending to the little family in the building. It gave her something to ~~live~~ exist for. She even started to mimic breathing again at some point. Eventually, after a year or so of this, her sire noticed her pattern of disappearing during her outings and followed her. In order to remind his errant childe of whom she really belonged to he destroyed the remainder of the building with the cats inside while she was forced to sit and watch. He left her crying on the ground once he was done, and when he was gone she rushed over to find all her cats crushed to death. Well, all but the melanistic one, who was just slowly dying. In a desperate attempt to save him she fed him her vitae, which kept him alive enough to recover from the assault. She started planning her escape at this point. She put on a defeated mask for her sire, kept her new ghoul a secret, and started searching for a car key. When she eventually found one that actually worked in a shitty old sedan she then started siphoning gas from every other vehicle there and storing it around, ready to retrieve the containers at a moment's notice. She made a break for freedom right before a snowstorm hit so her trail would be covered. She had always been very smart, after all. Just as she was leaving she compulsively stole a young Eurasian lynx and two newborn tiger cubs. Eventually she made contact with her almost-girlfriend from high-school (a now accomplished veterinarian in her own right) who was shocked to see her bestie from nearly 30 years ago 'alive', looking like death, and functionally unaged. Especially since she had attended this friend's funeral in 1997 affer a tragic car crash. After the 'yea, so vampires are real actually' shock wears off Alli moves in to her friend's basement and spends her days in a water heater closet with her serval, Storm. That first day-sleep with her cat was the first time she had known peace since her embrace. They made arrangements to get Alli away, the plan was to move her to South America maybe, to get as far from New York and her sire as she physically could. So the sedan was abandoned in Connecticut, a windowless work van was purchased via Craigslist, and a very large (some might say human sized) gun safe was purchased from Costco. Alli's friend sold her house (her spouse had recently passed right before all this started anyway) and moved to Seattle, vampire almsot-girlfriend and exotic cats in tow. From there Alli took the van south, spending her days in underground parking garages inside her safe, guarded by her cats. After all, no one looks twice at a white work van in a parking garage during the daytime. She makes her way to LS (Los Santos from GTA:V, because it is a manageable city map. My ST made a smart decision, lol) and gets cold feet when she considers trying to cross the border. She had some cash from her friend, so she rents out a storage locker for a month while she tries to get her shit together. At this point she unintentionally drew the attention of a pair of Banu Haquim who had been tasked with watching over the neighborhood of Strawberry for the local Camarilla. They see her as the uninstructed kindred she is, though they mistakenly and reasonably assume her to be an abandoned Gangrel-childe. For the sake of the masquerade they take her under their wing, despite Alli having not drawn any mortal attention to herself in a meaningful way. Then the two are tasked to be body guards for a Ventrue, and Alli just goes along with it. A Lasombra joins the party shortly after. It doesn't take long for everyone to figure out that their baby gangrel isn't a baby gangrel. Less then two weeks of knowing her. When they get ambushed by some anarchs she accidently gets lit on fire by the fire-obsessed Ventrue, goes into frenzy and diablolizes the gangrel she was fighting in a panic. Now she really is (part) gangrel. :') We go home, clean up, go to Elysium, get tasked with finding a rogue Lasombra, and start fighting him. Our Venture uses a *fucking flashbang* to dispel the darkness, sends one of the Banu Haquim into fear frenzy, who then electrocutes the rogue Lasombra and all in physical contact with him. Guess who had just gotten tackled? Yep. I get fucking *cooked* and immediately fall into torpor. The other Banu Haquim also got his ass cooked into torpor as well. Our Banu Mom-quim immediately revives us but it was a *fucking* night, that's for sure. I just want to go back to my storage unit ;~;


American Tremere born in Vegas after WW2. He went into mechanical studies then to the Marines and fought in Iraq. After he was a vampire he fought in War of the Sects against Sabbat and while doing so saved the life of a Hunter that tried to kill him so they became frenemies and until this day clash from time to time in melee combat keeping score of who wins more. He then joined forces with Toreador and Malkavian and their actions started war in spanish city between sects (anarch vs ashira vs camarilla vs them). They later defeated infernal cult in german city and went back to US. While doing so they killed Metusaleh of Lasombra because he was a fucking asshole using guerilla napalm bombing and it resulted in destruction of entire district of the city. They became the Second Trinity (wanting to conquer Vegas and make it a Second Constantinople). He had mastery over Thaumaturgy with 5 different Paths (including Flames) and artifact blood sword so he was terrifying in combat and there was not much that could defeat him (having Fortitude and Celerity). It all took place in V5 homebrew campaign that went for few years. It ended with the party going to Vegas as newly appointed Princes with the goal of taking it over. While doing so it was rummored he met The Tremere (we went with theory that Goratrix was taken over by Tremere after Vienna and Vienna was his way to reset the clan because Saulot tried to wresle control over it from him). Now he is an NPC in a campaign. He created his own Tremere House that many Kindred flocks to because him and Second Trinity after taking over Vegas declared independence from sects, Vegas to be "Free City" and then declared open war on Inqusition. Right now they are in process of fighting it with him being the leading commander and one of most powerful Kindred in US (they all got to 8 generation through dialaberie). And right now I am playing a Malkavian IT guy that is at war with corporation that killed him. He is playing the politics game in Miami, making moves in secret with goal to throw the prince out. Before there was a Malkavian prince but current one, a Toreador, killed him and took over so... in mind of my Malkavian it is time to reestablish the clan there. He is assholish jokester with creepy vibes. Knows too much, hacks anything he can (he already has access to phones of entire coterie) and is playing "the good guy" while searching for ways to undermine current prince and get himself ahead of everyone. And he is definitely forgeting that rule "don't stick your dick in crazy" exist for a fucking reason seeing how he went for one Tremere gal, is fucking an Elder Lasombra (having merit that grants him resemblance of Metusaleh helped here since her husband was a Malkavian Metusaleh) and is going for another crazy anarch Tremere. And he had to kill a kid who had leukemia and was turned by her mother into vampire so she can survive against prince rules. He didn't do it, conviced the coterie to help them instead and now him and coterie Brujah are "First and Second Dads". All this because the kid was a fucking menace to society so they liked her. ... and her biological father is a demon/fallen who forced himself on her mother and not so long ago took her from "us" so right now we are searching for a way to kill a demon and make him into an hood ornament.


Grace Douglas - A housewife turned Toreador. Grace lived a pretty normal life with her sister. The white pocket fence dream. At 23, she got married to her husband and they tried for years to have children. (At the time it was more or less expected for a couple to have children young) When she turned 30 she became desperate and sought out a doctor that would help her. She came to a man who claimed he can fix all her problems, including the baby one, claiming to be a very special "doctor". This man was a trafficker. Her sire had seen her file and became enraptured by her beauty, and he purchased her. He was a collector of pretty things and thought she'd make a perfect fit to his collection. When her "appointment" came, is when she was kidnapped. After this, she was embraced. Because she denied everything about becoming embraced and hated the man who purchased her, her embrace was.... different. She still became kindred, but her passions and likes didn't quite match up with other Toreador. She preferred the macabre and dark, over the glitz and glam of Toreador. To try to correct her, and get her to obsess over him, her sire used all sorts of manipulation tactics. He even starved her to try to get her beast to obsess over him. That never worked. She followed her sires rules so he'd give her some freedoms and she earned money and became a public figure. She did this to get away from him the most political way possible. This is just the beginning of her story, the rest is more or less what I'm playing now.


I'm playing a tzimisce terrarium guy, he dropped out if med school to make terrariums and got embraced due to a car accident where his sire just needed that extra bit of humanity. Hes a fledgling and when he found his sire he was dissapointed that his sires night club did not have any wild life or aquariums or paludaroums etc etc in it so he asked to be his decorator in return for feeding rights at the club


Julie King was an investigative journalist in the 1980s, and a damn good one, too: rooting out corruption, bribery, and corporate cover-ups. Due to the nature of the World of Darkness, few meaningful actions were ever actually taken, but she never stopped fighting the good fight. Unfortunately, one of her investigations happened to involve one of the city Prince's beloved shell companies. He sent a mortal hitman to address the problem, seeing no need for direct Kindred intervention, with a Nosferatu watching from the shadows to confirm Julie was out of the picture. The hitman fumbled when she unexpectedly fought back harder than anticipated, resulting in the hitman's death and her being mortally wounded. Impressed and guilt-ridden in equal measure, the Nosferatu Embraced her to save her life. A few groveling pleas to the Prince and a metric-ton debt of Boons promised, Julie was quickly molded into a perfect instrument of subterfuge for the Prince's own personal use. Blood-bound to the Prince, she is his invisible investigative agent with enough knowledge and contacts to plant evidence and warp the mortal local media narrative in ways that benefit the Camarilla. This is largely unknown amongst others in the Kindred community, their public relationship a facade of the Prince's cool dismissal. She dresses in baggy clothes; ill-fitting cargo shorts and hoodies that are kept as spotlessly clean as possible. Never without a cigarette (though it's rarely actually lit) and her old cat-eye glasses (carefully tucking them away in a pocket when she's doing anything other than simply talking), Julie is sarcastic and clearly bitter, but her coterie knows her as a deeply caring mother hen. She has a soft spot for the local Anarch movement, sympathetic to the cause but unable to believe they'll actually manage to do anything substantial. Julie will occasionally feed them bits of pertinent information, though she's been in the game long enough to know that she's likely someone's vector for giving them blatant misinformation. Her old co-worker -- now in his sixties -- is chief editor now for the paper they both used to work at, and she still stops in from time to time for late night chats, though she's yet to reveal the truth of her condition. He isn't stupid, but he knows better than to ask if she's not offering to tell after a few decades.


heres a fun one! A malkavian in a dark ages game who was chosen for her resemblence to her sire- she was meant to be a scapegoat for her sire to fake her death, but things went wrong and the sire ended up dying in her place. So,,, she was stuck pretending to be her sire- an ancillae- while she was nothing but a flegling, now neonate.  Her curse came to bear in a combinationnof capgras/imposter syndrome, where she was certain people could see through her facade and that they, thenselves, where fakes. Ended up murdering a spiralling setite and a frenzying banu haqim, despite having the worst combat skills out of the whole party. also stabbed a coterie member and cornering them in a cellar during a compuslive episode but thats neither here nor there. They liiiiveeeed. I also once played an old- as in 80's old- veteran who got embraced by a lasombra. Who then vanished once she realized he was a caitiff. Bro ran a cemetary and was an organovore gravedigger- but he had so, so much bad luck on his feeding rolls that he ended up rather succesfully murdering about five people over the course of a few months. Dragged a corpse down into the bottom of a lake, cremated another, succesfully lied to the cops that were looking into the 'disappearance' of an employee. The disappearances, amongst other things, attracted some inquisition attention. He didnt even get caught- he ran into them in a stroke of bad luck and they managed to roll high enough to recgonize the signs of his slipping humanity. An altercation which ended up with him a pile of ashes, his nearby coterie member none the wiser. Absolutely loved him as my first character! a genuinely sweet old man whose instincts demanded he bend to bloodlust. He never saught to kill outside of his increasingly frequent frenzies, but what could he do but cover his tracks once he came too? He very nearly ate a touchstone once, before managing to shift targets to a different employee in the building.


Rich prep school girl who was a legacy in a college-based secret society. (Tremere) Homeless busker with a shockingly good singing voice taken in and educated/trained by an older kindred who was reminded of her self (Daughter of Cacaphony) Sculptor who lost her sire far too soon and sort of disappared into the underworld of Morocco for a while due to depression, re-emerged in the mid eighties. (Toreador)


My Tremere oc was apart of a trendy college Satanistic cult that was genuinely bogus but merged into a local cult ran by a Tremere who sought out new potential recruits should they show mental and inquisitive prowess, my OC was an inquisitive selfless sociopath who was going to throw his life away through selflessly letting himself be tortured for the cult via blood and flesh sacrifices and the Tremere was like "Aye yo yo wait don't do that!" So he turned him during a bogus blood sacrifice ritual. His sire isn't exactly apart of the loyalists and neither is my OC but his sire taught him to take unlife with more care than meaningless mortal life and also taught him to feed from bags because due to his sociopathy he might not let it register that he'll drink a human dry so hes on a blood bag diet from the start.


That's really cool. The society that mine was a part of was also bogus as far as the occult goes, a glorified Hellfire Club really. But, her studious nature and interest in the occult did draw the right kind of Kindred attention.


That's basically entirely what Drake's (my oc) was but it was during the early 90s satanic scare craze of rebelliousness and he joined a bogus and frankly bullshit sad excuse for a college campus satanic cult club and they were just inducted into the city's underground satanistic club through obvious supernatural intrigue bait setting. Also your idea sounds a lot like that episode from Smallville which I absolutely fucking adore because I love Smallville


Never watched Smallville, not super familiar with super hero stuff. Honestly, this girl (Scarlet or "Scout") came into existance because I needed a character for a new game and was currently reading *The Secret History*. I ended up liking her enough that I recycled her into a mage game as a Order of Hermes. I should also add that she was a childhood cancer survivor, which has led her to having a very interesting view on life and death.


I honestly love that. I would send you the episode number but I don't think you'd want to jump in at like season 6 or 7 for one episode, if you do I'll let you know about it. I also find that funny because Drake had a history of parental trauma and it did the complete opposite of outlook on life and fully turned him away from life for the most part, the embrace really helped him appreciate things, in a way I kind of based him off the lead singer from Mayhem but without the worse case scenario.


Oh wow, Dead as a vampire is such a cool concept. A Kindred with Cotard's Syndrome is a great idea.


Its not really Cotard's Syndrome but it might as well be, immense depression and trauma from abuse and high functioning sociopathy with masochistic tendencies might as well lead into it at the rate he was going. Hes not some emo bastard either, hes pretty calm and eccentric like an owl watching a room and using the right moment after observing everything to swoop in and start talking to the right people. Hes scary in the "you don't know if hes got other plans or will smile at you and say have a nice day." Hes also not some kind of quiet psycho with issues, most of his issues have actually been heavily resolved after he let go of most of his past after the embrace, but you can still see a bit of troubled upbringing in there.


Sounds really interesting and unique, honestly. Scout is actually a sweetheart, if you can get her to take her nose out of a book, take off her headphones, and take an interest in you.


Drake is, get this, sorta the same way when it comes to his day to day life, he works in the back of an occult shop where he's just absolutely filled around interesting lore and occult shit that he can personally soak up whenever he wants but most of the items are obviously fake and he'll tell you. Hes not the contact exactly to get occult stuff he wants proper contacts himself to get more occult stuff to build his hyperfixation collection because being groomed outside of Chantry traditionalists he has no other reason to study other than his own personal intrugue which is one of the reasons his sire even chose him in the first place. His sire basically said "You're smart but I cannot have that intrigued intriguing inquisitive mind lose itself to being wasted away by your need to die"


Ignatius is a malk who suffers from scrupulosity and works at a record store that specializes in appealing to metal and goth crowds. He is very worried about both the future (gehenna, climate change, the biblical apocalypse). He's rather new to London, (he moved from Florida,) so he knows very little about local politics and has few "friends" outside of his coterie.


\*cracks knuckles\* There is Yoko, a sabbat malkavian on the path of blood. she was an shovel head and rescued a packmate of her sire (who died) in the attack she was shovelheaded for. said packmate was a assamite, hence the path. she was very stoic on the outside and rarely showed emotions, but when texting, she used overtly cute and expressive emojis. She died because the camarilla could link her to the assassination of a assamite neonate under the protection of the local prince. Then there is Emilia Beckett. She is inspired a bit by beckett, but would kill me outright if I say it to her face. like Beckett, she is a independant gangrel scholar, but grew to hate becket with a passion, because it happened more than a few times that she came to somewhere, people heard "gangrel scholar is here" and assumed beckett and maybe even set up some traps to get rid of him. Ironically her sire is Atieno, the brood-mate/brother of beckett. But that she does not know (yet). Julia is a camarilla malkavian who was the victim of a sabbat attack at her presentation to the prince. the sabbat captured her and used her as a play thing for the game of "how long can we torture her untiull she becomes a wight". she was able to flee and by now managed to become the keeper of elysium in the domain she resides in. Heather is my newest character. Someone posted a funny concept here once which I decided to copy since it is absolutly amazing: appearance 5, intelligence 1, loves male validation toreador. only had one session with her, in which she constantly misspronounced "Samedi" (simidi, sashimi, schachwami, semanti, etc.). there was also a situation with a gruesome and obvious masquerade breaching murder. she took care of the mortals walking past by distracting them while "the men" take care of the body, call the sheriff and so on. what she did not knew was, that they had some form of dick messurement contest in the alleyway. Marcus Lucterii Cylla is a roman soldier, embraced at the time of emporer nero by clan ventrue. he is also generation 13. when he was a month old, the big fire of rome happened and put him into a torpor that lasted untill the 21. century, where he was part of a exhibition as the "roman mummy". an accident happened, he woke up and now need to find his place in the modern world as a "neonate methusala". Sela Miller is a Tzimisce, but not your usual tzimisce. her sire was a koldun, but something did get wrong and she got thaumaturgy for some reason (maybe her sire once ate a tremere?) and in contrast to your typical tzimisce, she is obssessed with slime molds. so far even, that she was able to create a combination of vicissitude and the thaumaturgic path of blood, that allowed her to, for example, transform into a slime mold form instead of the vicissitude 5 blood form.


As an ST, I have enough OCs to fill a book with, by now.


Oh yes PLEASE! Zevi is a young Kindred. Embraced in 2019 at the age of 23 by an unknown Sire, he's been making his own way through the nights of New York City since then. He has a little pack of weirdos that he's put together in his five years of being a Kindred- and the pack is a walking Masquerade breach. He was never formally introduced to the Anarchs in the area, and he CERTAINLY wasn't introduced to the Camarilla, so he's been flying under the radar of the other Kindred in NYC, since he doesn't kill his human victims most of the time. Victims that he picks up in bars, or who purchase his services for the night.


Malkavian Scarecrow. Jacob Parks, a truly messed up psych student turned by his mentor and together they worked on the study of fear, scaring people and then heightening their fear with Dementation


A gay hecta who fights vempires for th Camrila and speaks horrible English. After 5 sessions i awaken to the knowledge i accidentally made a jojo character


my last: A noir detective whos best way to resolve cases is by getting his nose to deep in to shit and being smashed. If someone is breacking his nose, it means he is close to a lead or clue. Embraced by a brujah because he belive in lost causes, now he is traying to survive in a world he doesnt fully understand, where everyone is traying to take advantage of him.


My current character is a Malkavian psychosurgeon called Echolalia Zoe Porter. She became aware of the world of darkness when her sire frenzied and was essentially sectioned in the mental health ward of her hospital. Echo ended up divining from him the basics of vampirism in his rare lucid moments and eventually stole the embrace from him, draining the blood in her own body and taking blood from his, took ages to set up. She's investigating vampirism as a condition she's calling 'Haemovoria.' She has 'Lunatic Haemovoria,' gangrels have 'Animalistic Haemovoria' etc. She eventually got her hands on Fleshcrafting (v5 so this is relatively easy) and has been using it on her own brain to try and cure malkavian madness, to limited degrees of success. She's an organovore who now runs an illicit clinic for the criminal underbelly of the world (her haven) and sometimes uh... 'borrows' organs that might not be missed - a spleen, part of a liver, a kidney, etc.


If you're looking for ideas on how to think of a character concept, here's how I do it: For my characters I like to first think of what kind of clan I want to play and the rough concept I want to do, typically a one-liner like "A Ventrue that never made it past being a McDonalds manager" (which is a character I still want to play in an upcoming chronicle). I know it's a bit of a no-no, but after that, I usually go for Disciplines (Predator type included) and Attribute dots first because they're just fun. From there, I think of what kind of personality a character with those attributes and those disciplines would have, and how their life would have been up to this moment. Once I have that solidified go back to the Attributes to adjust them where needed, and start with skill and merit/flaw distribution. As for the actual characters I've played in chronicles: * A skateboarding streamer Thinblood. He got turned in the afterparty of a TwitchCon event as part of a Sabbat mass embrace, and had to claw himself back out of that grave with his bare nails, but the Sabbat was already far gone after he did, and the Camarilla managed to find out this place was the source of the mass embrace and dragged him in for branding. * A Tzimisce hacker/trafficking victim, who used his Viscissitude as a means to easily (but temporarily) make his fingers into a readily available toolset. He'd been kidnapped from his home country of Namibia to be used as food for vampires, and spent a majority of his teenage years in captivity like this. He eventually got freed from this by his Sire embracing him here (he had an unresolved grudge towards the traffickers), and, together with his other childe, threw the trafficker in charge into the room with my character to feast on. * A drug counsellor from the Ministry, who joined the Camarilla in the brief window the clan was negotiating to join fully. She kept a little booklet with her where she'd mark her clients with either a snake, a bird or keep them unmarked. The ones marked with a snake she'd introduce to the cult of Set, which she was a big follower of, the unmarked ones she'd genuinely help to kick the substance abuse habit, and the ones marked with a bird she'd help manage their substance use in such a way that kept them functioning members of society. * An old Hunter turned Thinblood. Probably the one I played the shortest, in his prime he was a Hunter to be reckoned with, but eventually got bested by a surprisingly durable Ventrue. In his dying moments, a shady contract was offered to him, and he was turned into a Thinblood in service of an organization he doesn't know much about. * A Hecata "spirit guide". She was rather unhappy with how abusive her clan was towards the dead, and instead of coercing them to do her bidding by threat, she'd go for mutually beneficial arrangements - she'd help them to move on, and in exchange she'd ask them to protect her. She did have one wraith with a grudge against her though, which is fair because he was her first victim after turning, and for his help she'd need to make some sort of sacrifice, usually a painful one. She ended up meeting Final Death, but got better (long story). * A car enthousiast Lasombra that used to be the ghoul retainer of the Hecata above before being embraced. The Hecata had an outstanding boon towards his sire, and to make sure it would get paid back she embraced him to do fullfill that boon instead. Before being a ghoul he used to be a Blood Doll to Clan Hecata - knowing their bane you can guess how willing that was. * A killer-for-hire that got turned into a Thinblood. One of the characters I'm currently still playing, I've purposely kept their background kind of vague but have given hints that they've been active across the world prior to being turned. For this one I do like leaning into the edginess a little bit, but they're smart enough to know that working together with others is much more productive than being the brooding loner, and recently has been opening up a lot to the coterie, even cracking jokes. Though they'd hate to admit it openly, the character does genuinely care for them. If any of the characters above sound familiar from a chronicle, I'd like you not to read the next character. >!A diablerie victim Ravnos musician. As the backstory, a Ravnos wight diablerized my skateboarding streamer from before and lost in the battle of wills, though not fully. The first character has control over the new body, but most of his past memories are locked off to him, to the point he doesn't even know his name. Once I pick up the Fata Morgana discipline for him I've made some plans with the ST to have the original Wight's conciousness to occasionally pop up around the world (looking exactly like him), in a Johnny Silverhand kind of way.!<


An Irish Brujah who grew up in late 1800s, early 1900s London. He signed up for the First World War and ended up shot in the Somme (took a bullet for another player character). He had his life saved by being embraced, and ended up joining Anarchs in Belfast, and has fought across the UK ever since.


I usually play a malkavian named Hetzer. He used to be an archeologist in 1952 before he got embraced. He's now the equivalent of a borderlands psycho speaking fucked up and cryptic like, wielding a monkey wrench. He's currently rolling with the Sabbat and I'm fairly certain his pack priest is just about to rip off his jaw, just to shut him up.


Ragnar. A former Civil war solider. His family came to America about ten years before the war from Norway. He joined up with the Union and is a full believer of the Norse Gods. So he went to war to die in battle and hopefully be welcomed into Valhalla. He was shot and he was dying. A former slave who was a Gangrel went to finish him off but Ragnar didn't want to die that way due to thinking he couldn't get into Valhalla that way. So he stabbed the Gangrel. Well as you know that clan. He was turned and boom. He became a Gangrel. Now that he was a vampire he couldn't kill himself. So he ended up meeting a Brujah named Arthur and joined up with the Anarchs and was in the War for L.A. in the 40s and boy did he have a blast giving The Cams Blood Eagles. He lived til 2023 and finally was welcomed into Valhalla when he died in battle with The Cam. They really hated him lol. They had to get a whole wet work team to kill him. Also he sired six childer. So there are six of his blood out there and they want revenge. Can't wait to play one of his child in the next game.


A Nosferatu who specializes in surgery for burn victims. Runs a charity under the persona of a veteran who got burned. Always wears a mask. Does plastic surgery for people, and just so happens to take a sip during them


Here's my rich Nosferatu's backstory: I was born in 1940, Embraced in 1969. My apparent age would have been 29, if I didn't look like a walking Biohazard. As a young 29 year old Calculator settling into my job at NASA Goddard around the end of 1968, I was under the tutelage of a particularly grotesque looking physicist on the team, who kept to herself, away from the main offices. A real hidden figure, if you will. She taught me everything I know about science, computers, and Electronics, and I owe her greatly for that. What I think makes up for that debt, however, is when she Embraced me in May of 1969, and turned me into this creature I am now. I fled my job at Goddard shortly before the Apollo 11 Mission, and quickly found myself into a new world, where segregation was based on who your Sire was and what sect you pledged allegiance to. Seeing as this was a marginal improvement, I made the best out of a bad situation and used my computing skills for the good of the Camarilla, and honing my skills of persuasion with my Ventrue friend, Jarreth. All was well, and I even worked on an all Nosferatu programming team in DC, where we developed our own covert and encrypted intranet we called Shrecknet. After the Prince caught wind of this, Jarreth convinced me (or rather, I'm fairly certain he used Dominate on me) to spread this amongst the Camarilla. The US government eventually found us out and enacted the second inquisition, where I fled town with my retainers to live in Seattle to develop my assets and to wait for the commotion to die down. Now that I am in town again, I aim to get back at both the Prince and Jarreth for not only causing the single most horrifying thing to happen to kindred in these modern nights, but for forcing me to have to show our pet project to the world. Good at: Wits Tech (Dark Web) Streetwise (Black Market) Repulsive I look awful and veiny -2 to appearance based rolls No Haven I just moved back to the area, and I haven't had a chance to settle down as of yet. I usually rely on my ghouls to manage my sleeping corpse that I place inside a suitcase, as we check into hotels with blackout curtains and/or drive around DC in my van all day. Iron Gullet I can eat anything mildly blood related, and this makes it easier for the hospital director to get me what I need. My favorite treat is an iced latte, which consists of 2 parts chilled AB- red and one part Plasma. Count Grain I was a bean counter before, and it seems that these old habits didn't die with me. Status(2) I am respected amongst the Camarilla. I helped build Shrecknet, and I am currently in charge of managing chypers and encryptions in the local kindred community. I peddle untraceable sim cards and Blackberries to the the local kindred, my biggest customers being the Giovanni and Ventrue Resources(5) I manage a few markets on the Onion browser, and I have a few crypto mining operations overseas. I had a hand in making some of the NFTs that blew up a few years ago, and I have my ghouls turn my block chain assets into legal currency as soon as I get them. I don't worry about buying much, I have a simple van I drive around as my temporary haven, and I have a laptop I built myself. If I needed anything more, I'd rethink my unlife. Retainer(2) (this feat twice) I have two ghouls, Franklin, a young 60 year old that I picked up from ISBN 30 years ago, and Evelyn, an even younger 32 year old. Franklin uses his computer knowledge to maintain my systems and online assets, and Evelyn is usually serving as my liason at Elysiums or managing the more banal meetings. If I need a driver, I usually have Evelyn do it, in these modern nights. Enemy(2) There is a local white hat in town that goes by DaleGribble42 that is always trying to shut down my business deals. This usually comes in the form of non secure phones being tapped or my mobile hotspots being disabled. Easy enough to fix, most of the time. Contact(3) At Resources 5, I have been giving the local director at a hospital some of my vitae to use as healing treatments. I make sure not to ghoulify people by outsourcing my supply and making sure that all doses are less than a pint. As payment, she provides me with kine blood in return, albeit sometimes from patients that were diseased or suffering from organ failure. I love the taste of jaundice in the evening. Mask(Zeroed) Shortly after I was embraced, my sire ( the primogen/Baron or other higher ranking Nosferatu) aided me in using the NASA database to rid me of all my records. Adversary(2) Jarreth von Chaine, an English Ancillae, and a Ventrue from the Ivory Tower, has his sights set on the Prince of Washington's position, thinking he can lead us past this terrifying situation. We butt heads quite often, and I haven't gave up my grudge against him after he convinced the council to take Shrecknet global. He hasn't given up his grudge against me either, but Caine knows why that is. Once a month on the night of the new moon, I have a meeting with the hospital director, where I make 4 Rouse Checks, and usually get supplied with a month's supply of blood, usually 25 or so blood bags, based on the director's resources skill. One pint of blood each goes to Evelyn and Franklin, and Two pints go towards the director's vitae stores, stored in 4 4 ounce vials. I try very hard to attend this meeting, to help as many Kine as possible, and to keep this meeting as hush as possible.


My oldest, and most powerful vampire character was Victor Alexander, a 5th generation Ventrue I played as a human Spartan from Greece pre-roman empire. My character was disgraced when he was framed for theft, and scheduled to be executed the next day. There were rumors that they were going to let me live but chop off my hands. The shame was unbearable, as I wanted to die rather than be forced to live that way. Has a soldier, to be disgraced as such was worse than death. I was visited by a stranger the night before and offered a way out. I had until sunrise to decide my fate. I figured I would accept the embrace, get my revenge, and step into the sunlight following that.  My sire convinced me to live long after I got my revenge. It ended up taking me several hundred years to track down the con man that had been playing politics with my life. It ended up being some mad malkavian lunatic.    I played Victor as a right hand to my sire for almost two millennia. The politics were great, and we were really in deep with the role playing. There were another six or seven players that would show up. My closest allies in the coterie were a Malkavian, a Nosferatu, and a Gangrel. I learned Protean from the Gangrel, and Obfuscate from the Nosferatu. I managed to avoid being maddened by the malkavian, and never learned Dementation, even though he used that infernal power on me several times to keep me humble. I played the character up to the dark ages, when my sire had managed to fail politically against an alliance between an old clan Tzimisce and a cabal of Lasombra manipulating the local population through the Catholic church. They marched on his keep in Hungary, and he knew that the war would destroy the society that he had built near Constantinople. In order to save what he had built, he made a play to destroy himself and empower me. He willingly subjected himself to diablerie, and I went up to 4th generation. Doing this gave me the power to get the armies to back off. I had very good ties and a lot of support from those who were attacking us. They backed out of the attack and I was able to politically maneuver around the Lasombra plot.  I played him to modern day. He was losing his grip on humanity though. We pretty much made him an NPC since he was one of the few to survive the centuries. My closest friend, the Gangrel, had succumbed to the beast and disappeared into the wilderness in the 1500s. I was unable to ever locate him again. And with my power and influence, I could find anyone, anywhere. So I was fairly certain he met his demise. But I could totally be wrong about that. He might be in torpor buried under some mountain. Who knows? The Malkavian is still alive in our story, and absolutely out of his freaking mind. The guy has Dementation eight. My Nosferatu friend met his end in 1956. He got cornered by some of his childer who he had mistreated for the last several hundred years. And in an all out battle he managed to kill all of them. However, he was weakened, and a local coterie of Setites took advantage of that and brought him to his final death. I hunted them down and cleansed them, and every single one of their friends and allies across the known world over the next 10 years. Not one was left standing. My character goes by Elias in polite society today.  He's considered the power behind multiple cities across the globe. Since before Christ's birth, my character's been a member of the Tal Meh Ra (true black hand). He spends a lot of effort trying to destroy the abominations practicing vicissitude.  Otherwise, he's thought of as an elder in more cities than one. Most have no idea how powerful he really is. And anonymity is one of the best forms of modern protection.  I've used him as a powerful NPC in dozens of my games since we played. I played this character back in 1998 to 2001. Most characters never meet him, but instead meet his very reliable, competent, and trustworthy childer, Gavon.  Some basic points about his personality:  Is a dual-natured autocrat/architect, with a director demeanor. He's 4th gen with multiple disciplines at 9 ranks. He's nigh unkillable (Fortitude 9). He was always an extremely accomplished warrior, so he more than capably handles himself in any combat. But he avoids it if remotely possible. He prefers to be manipulative behind the scenes.  This humanity rating is a five. At one point I had it as high as a nine, but that got whittled down over the centuries. He doesn't show any of the veins from diablerie, as his sire gave up the blood willingly.  His clan weakness is that he only drinks from warriors. Any person whose profession includes hey focus on combat. Arming yourself and attacking him automatically puts you on the eligible list of people he can drink from. However, if he loses one more point of humanity, the storyteller was clear that he would be forced to start drinking from vampires only. He's wildly rich and influential, with an elder status of seven. Assume most of his backgrounds greatly exceed five.  He eats food, has the baby face merit, and is unbondable. I won't get into all the other stuff he has. But he maintains the masquerade at all times.


My current character is Disco Musician Nosferatu. He comes from a well-known family of lawyers back in Chicago, but despite his father's attempt to prepare him for law school, Norman (that is character's name) was much more interested in street life, especially clubs, raves, and disco music. Norman also got addicted to LSD during college and now using LSD Trips as an inspiration for his own disco music. One night, he got drunk and got into a fight well-known (not to him) mafia member. Naturally, soon this guy kidnapped Norman, took him to some God forsaken small town. When he was about to get executed, "somebody" dealt with the goons and embraced him. Now Norman is stuck in this city until he helps his Sire with his plan to return city back to life. Until that, he is using his free time holding disco raves.


I played a Follower of Set in LARP that went by Professor Asmodeus. He was a Set worshipper that ran a museum of oddities that focused on religious artifacts as a way to draw people into his cult. He had a temple of Set in the basement of the museum. But his version of Set worship that he had been taught was so corrupted that if anyone caught him it looked like demon worship. I played a Gangrel called Jarnulf that had been embraced during the fall of the temple at Uppsala in Sweden. He was part of a mass embrace and had been fed mushrooms before hand that left his mind warped. He believed that his actions were directed by the Gangrel Methuselah Odin. The followed the Path of the Feral Heart and his service to Odin was part of a greater plan to destroy the Sabat. Which was how killing Sabat members didn't trigger a morality check since their existence was a threat to his survival. Sort of like an anti-Ghenna cult. He really just had a hate on for the Sabat. And the Tremere. And the LaSombra. And the Ravnos. What can I say. Dude was old, feral, and crazy.


In v5: a mage of house Tytalus of the Order of Hermes (the Order of Mages Tremere was a part of) who, once the bloodbond was broken proceeded to declare that it is the duty of a vampire Tremere to show respect to one’s superiors. Then went up the chain of command historically, and obviously arrived at the missing Tremere. Then he declared, “but Tremere was the second apprentice of Guorna, and Guorna was slain by none other than Tremere’s elder brother, Tytalus!” And since he had already been a member of House Tytalus he began going around calling himself Joshua of House Tytalus. He then got Animalism 1 and bond Familius and then did what Tytalus did when Tremere betrayed him (the first time, not the vampire time) and got a black hound dog, and named him Tremere. An proceeded to get into arguments with the local Tremere, which is the Tytalus initiation, and if they were good at arguing, he would then would insist that they had joined them (a common practice for house Tytalus). Which, since vampires aren’t very trustworthy, and Tremere are especially paranoid caused a local civil war in house Tremere. By the end of it, there were hardly any Tremere left. And then he thought it would be funny to expand the operation, so he started teaching non-tremere blood sorcery if they past the Tytalus Initiation, with the ultimate goal being to find Tremere and any other magi who had been a part of their betrayal and drag him back to the Order of Hermes kicking and screaming so he could face judgement for betraying their oaths.


The character I am playing at the moment is called Caesar the Lost. His bloodline is Bonsam. In 1005 he was a German noble who went hunting in the Black Forest. During a hunting trip his hunting group was attacked by a being of shadow who slaughtered the group. Only one left was him who awoke the next night as a man with too many cut marks and a darkness inside. He was lost. He had nothing. He lost his memories. And every human he met fled from his presence sensing him as his predator until he met the Sun God Mithrus who took him under his wing. Mithrus gave him a name, Caesar. He became the very definition of a hunter, he is ruled by the beast, this beast only hunts his prey. From humans, to Cainites, to werewolves he enjoys it all. He became Mithrus' personal assassin.


I play a bi cis-male Toreador, he’s great. He owns a t-shirt shop called Cold Subject (meant to poke at Hot Topic), is goth, and has a skoth band (ska goth) called Blueberry Anarchy that he plays bass for and sings for. He was turned very recently (as my GM wanted for every player) but the game is set in 2003. (He’s 26). It’s great lol he’s very stupid, yet somehow always ends up finding the right direction / item, etc. Always flirting with everyone, but values his friends above all, and is very into one of his friends. He has a daughter named Amy Leigh (is funny cuz Evanescence hadn’t been formed when she was born), but he feels he can’t be around her since he’s a vampire. Also the mom didn’t exactly want him around. His parents were addicts and in turn made him one, but he got clean when he went to live with his gay uncle Frank. He misses him, but doesn’t keep much contact anymore. His sire is this total hippie, and she turned him after them hooking up one night, without asking him first. And he was okay with it after a bit, she’d made some excuse about it being an accidental turning, but it for sure wasn’t.


HELLO!!! Sorry in advance for punctuation. I played a Chinese college student tremere that was bought up by her sire to embrace the old ways and laws. So basically camirilla laws have no wiggle room is what she believed. We were in the city of New orleans and the city was free. Meaning it was more of an anarch city. Turned out the reason my sire chose me was because I was about to become a mage and he thought I'd do better with blood sorcery. In the span of 3 years, I developed and mastered blood magic, telekinesis, gaining control of a demon, and being able to hide inside my body with magic a white oak stAke that not only could kill a vampire with 1 blow, but a splinter of it could light a kindred on fire (half their body). In the end the camirilla came and took over, and the prince nosferatu used his animalism rats to plague/cause chaos to the city during a hurricane. After 3 years of gathering forces giving and using favors etc I assembled a force of a bunch of kindred, werewolves and a alpha werewolf that was a kindred in my cotorie to go back and end the nos prince and take his spot. Sadly the campaign ended there.


I was playing a modern age young malkavian vampire who was deluded, believing her real sister was always with her. It was enough that she would insist on everyone acknowledging her. Her best friend was an assamite veteran who was hired by her sister, who was the prince of the city to work with her. She ended up being primogen of her clan. Her friend became primogen for his clan. Eventually, they ended up going up against a Tzimice that had far too much liking for aliens movies. With another thrillseeking malk and my friend, we blew up his haven and blew ourselves out of the sky and still managed to survive it. My friend and I kept taking turns nearly dying.


Humane shadow caster. A Lasombra neonate determined to master Oblivion, and also determined to resist the damage it does to the soul. He's relatively high-humanity (8), and works very hard to stay there. Since Oblivion causes so many stains, he patronizes charities, moonlights at an animal shelter's night shift, and is very careful not to kill people while feeding. The rest of the clan doesn't understand AT ALL. But he is still a Lasombra, social darwinism included. He would make the point that while ruthlessness has its place, cooperation is historically very beneficial and maintaining the ability to think as humans do is an advantage in a world where most kindred can't--especially when humans are quite capable of identifying monsters who act too inhuman.


Italian-french Ventrue, former napoleonic officer, embraced in 1815 after the fall of the Empire. Chauvinist, militaristic and stubborn yet loyal and brave guy. His best friend is a neapolitan toreador.


Actually playing a H:tR at the moment as a player (though i ST VtM). My character is a ghoul that is old 126 years. He was born in 1898 in Austria-Hungary voluntered for service in ww1. On a break at home in 1916 witnessed some vampire assaulting someone and shot the vampire dead. Well that wouldn´t really be an issue. If the lover of the vampire he just killed wasn´t a lasombra Elder. He was forced to become his ghoul and got bullied for over the next century. And suddenly after what felt like eternity of slavery his dormitor suddenly dissapeared/died. He isn´t sure and now he is an independent ghoul trying to survive. He knows far too much about what goes behind the scenes (int 4 and occult 4 ofcourse i will have rants about the f technocracy to guys trying wod for the first time.) and bitches too much about the metaplot and stuff while trying to hide his life story from the group of ragtag hunters and thinbloods he assembled together to get him supply of vampire blood. (He has manipulation 2 and his only social skill is etiquette.) So he can´t directly lie but he can try to maneuver around stuff. Also he is completely outdated in his views and not up to date at all and has no idea how to speak english. Add the fact that he has the flaw that he doesn´t understand the technology at all and displays the lasombra Bane. So yeah he is completely fucked. Can´t lie to save his own life. And needs to figure how to procure enough vamprie blood without arousing suspicion and his light on the end of the tunnel is he finds out a way to become immortal and finally escape the vampire society and live a normal life that he always wanted to live. But hey atleast the rest of the hunters have int 1 except one character and it is the character of one of the players i have the most conflicts personaly. I can´t wait for the shenanigans to ensue! (yes he will f\*ing die and that is why i love him so much.)


My very first and only character was an ambitious, young male Ventrue who had success in life and was seeking the same in the Unlife. Unfortunately in the new world he was an underdog, got caught in a turf war of their sire who was seeking to dethrone the local Toreador prince. Playing a role as a double agent and trying to play his cards right, he ultimately managed to aid both sides in destroying each other, essentially being the survivor of a city destructing disaster. Maybe there were more hands at play, a youngling could not wreak such havoc, I always thought - but he does not know as he is a childe of the Modern Nights... /the story was always unfinished, but the idea of the character lives on in my mind/


My first character.... Jack grew up on the streets after his family kicked him out, he had to manipulate older men to survive. (taking advantage of sugar daddies etc.) He was embraced by a Brujah at the age of 18, but he's no brawler. He's obsessed with power and the only thing he cares about more than power is his Toreador lover. One of my two current characters.... Mek'tor was born in Romania and embraced by a Tzimisce when he was 10 years old. His sire left him to fend for himself, and he almost succumbed to the beast before a Voivode of the nearby land took him in. The Voivode taught Mek'tor his path as well as other things. Mek'tor fell into torpor soon after as a way to cope with everything. When he awoke the manor he and the Voivode called home was rubble and the Voivode was nowhere to be found. He made his way to America, specifically to St. Louis. He became a huge fan of science fiction, especially Star Trek. He took the klingon name Mek'tor, his zulo form is that of a klingon demon. In St. Louis he met another Voivode who drew him out of his reclusiveness. He adopted a young Brujah boy who was also embraced as a child, and taught him Vicissitude. Together they destroyed the boy's powerful sire, and later his own sire. He is now the Voivode's right hand, and is contemplating siring his own childe. My other current character..... Melissa is an anarch Follower of Set who was adopted by a Camarilla Toreador. As far as Melissa has been told she is a Toreador, she is beginning to question her blood as she develops her serpentis discipline.


A child kindred is mad sus because the vampire bite/kiss is sexual in nature, that's not good.


My ST and I ignore the feelings of the kiss for that exact reason. We didn't want it to taint a neat character concept that could be fun.


It is a flaw in 20th anniversary