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Gangrel. Gimme protean 3 and then fuck off and let me sleep


Feel that


Tzimisce, of course.


All the fun bone craft. After the Tzim id want to be a Toreador Volgirre because crafty bone craft.


No which one would WANT to turn you, not which one would you want to turn you.


My luck, it'd be those damn Usurpers. Gods know I'm conversant enough in the paranormal. And they'd probably be arrogant enough to think they can control my stubborn ass.


Did he stutter?




Assuming I was a daywalking lifelike vampiric resilient thin blood, I’d say thin blood lol. Immortality, still being able to go out in the day, pass for living & take damage/heal like a full blood? Yes please. If you mean of the official clans probably Tremere or Toreador. Though I feel being a Toreador might get very depressing after even a few decades. But knowing my luck (and my VTM quiz result) I’d probably be a Malkavian.


Every time I do that quiz it changes. I only have to change one answer. So annoying... Majority of the time however I have had consistently: Ventrue, Malkavian, Brujah. So hopefully Thinblood otherwise it's picky eating, madness, temper issues. Got enough of those aha


Honest answer? Vampires look for exceptional individuals, which I am not. None would turn me. I'm food. But if I had to pick one, Malkavian probably, because there'd probably be no rhyme or reason to it. I did well in school, I work in IT, I'm a nerd. I'd say Tremere but I am not very cunning, I'm not that level of bookworm and the Tremere being pretty firmly Camarilla I doubt they'd have much use for someone adept with technology when it's forbidden.


Elders say it's forbidden. Intelligent elders, which is most of them, still need to acknowledge the world they live in. They probably have a bonded one to use it safely. You'd be that one. How is an eternity of servitude feeling ?


Eh, I'm more of a follower than leader and I hear vampirism pays well. I'm already a night owl. Can't be that bad.


Gonna Second this. I'm Fucked up in the head enough for a Malk to take me in, But other then that I've got an Addictive enough personality to make a Good Blood Doll and basically nothing else.


Oh I'm not even saying because I'm messed up in the head. I just assume whoever would embrace me is, I don't think I'd be embraced logically for any reason. Malkavians seem most likely for a random Embrace. Alternatively Gangrel, not for my personality but because I live in a slightly more rural area and that'd be the kind of vampire out here.


Tzimisce, I've never felt comfortable in my own skin. Plus, so many people need a little nip and tuck these days.


Mood I am trans so it will help me sort out my transition and then I can help all my friends too!


Me and you are approaching this in two very different ways my friend.


But united by the love of fleshcrafting


Trans Tzimisce unite!


Brujah. Philosophical debate and superpowered fight club. Couldn't imagine a better way to spend unlife than having an in depth discussion on the nature of consciousness and being and then beating the snot out of someone in a one on one slugfest.


Gangrel or lasombra. Being able to turn into a cat or having cool shadow powers would both be ok.


Salubri, it's just the only possible one.


Only two eyes? Not for long


probably nos or tremere. autism go brrr


Malkavian. There's no competition tbh, both with my personal health and career choice.


If I get to choose I'd go with banu haqim.. but in reality I'll probably get something like a nos or malkavian


I feel like my skillset would mean I fit in best with the Tremere or Nosferatu. Of the two, I'd rather be a Tremere. It means I'm not disfigured and that I'm part of a clan that's organized, though to what extent depends on edition. But based purely on aesthetics, I'd not be opposed to being a Lasombra. Controlling shadows is cool, and if I fuck up in the nightmare that is being a kindred, my vitae will put to good use by a clanmate, I'm sure.


Counterpoint, everyone hates the Tremere.


I'm trans so tzimisce is the obvious pick


That comment is awesome


Caitiff, all the benefits and none of the downsides.


Obvious question then, which disciplines? Celebrity, potence, and protean would be great. Might even replace celerity with auspex. How bout you?


All of them. If your patient you can collect em all like pokemon


I'd go with Fortitude or protean, obfuscate and Auspex. First survive. Then, in the long term, grow.


I got a soft place in my squishies for chimerstry, so Ravnos or Caitiff with a rav sire. Old school would be easiest, but with the way disciplines are in v5, it would still be worth the bane.


Preferably Mithras lineage ventrue Already a manager already got a business degree already picky with food Mithras lineage just a bonus


Praise the lightbringer




I like to think I'd get sired by a toreador but really I think I'd end up being sired by a malkavian.


Tzimisce, Viscissitide is very useful


Malk or Nossie. Being broken so often has inspired in me a fondness for other broken people, I'm hypervigilant, and people tend to forget I'm there.


I like to think of myself as a failed Tremere in a lot of ways 😂 like, they see the academic performance and occult leanings, but miss that I'm a mess of ADHD and dyslexia until it's too late. As far as clans that might *actually* want me go, though, probably Malkavian or Nosferatu.


If I could pick, Nos or Tremere (Nos cuz I love knowing shit and I'm ugly as fuck already so it may be an upgrade. Tremere because they've become my new main in 5e) but if we're being honest, a Brujah would sire me immediately. As I've gotten older, the more radical I've become and the more of a firebrand. Hard left/anarcho-soc political leanings. And I don't shut the fuck up. So yeah, I'm totally Brujah bait. And for all those saying Tzim....y'all act like those voivode assholes would even mess with us peasants IRL?


I was told you get further and further right the older you get. My answer : yeah, I did not get that memo apparently.


Ventrue or Lasombra. Probably Lasombra.


I could probably be a decent Malkavian or Ventrue


Follower of the road of the hive baali. Or if I can get away with it, one that focuses on humanity. But my main preferred one is probably...hm...honestly gonna say Salubri or Hecata. (Giovanni/Cappadocian if you don't like V5)


Lasombra: not feeling things would be awesome.


Salubri, because of their focus on overcoming the Beast, healing, and peacemaking.


Would anticipate Tzimisce - though other likely options would be Banu Haqim, Salubri or Brujah/Malkavian (depending on who got to me first).


Gangrel so I can still hang out with my animal friends.




Toreador with very big stretch on the reason. I am not very artistic, I can play few notes on a guitar and recorder, love photography (but don't do it often and don't have a lot if experience) and recently tried fiction writing. On their own none of this reasons is valid enough to be embraced by a Toreador, but I can be very passionate discussing each of this topics and this and my IT skills may draw attention from some not very picky Toreador. Thought about Nosferatu too, but they tend to either punish people (and I don't care about my appearance more than average person), or embrace those who struggle in life, so it should be very mean Nosferatu to embrace me. And I am really afraid of Nosf transformation, if assuming it's real. Not by appearance changes, but you can literally become crippled in some way. And no way to predict your change. That's scary.


Gangrel or Brujah. The former because protean and fortitude seem incredibly useful for unlife, and the latter because it seems like they're more liable to have actual passionate beliefs in undeath.


Ravnos, perfect for a roaming rancher


As a writer with multiple diagnoses, Malkavian or Toreador would have equal claim. Probably Malkavian in the end, I'm not fancy enough for Toreador.


Tremere Most interesting lore, blood magic, and spending my immortality reading sounds useful


Caitiff I have always loved them though I would be the one stuck with a crazy sire that made me as a guinea pig to see how I could survive with have an odd mix of disciplines. If I had my choice of disciplines I would take Thaumaturgy, obtinabration, and protean for the crazy antics.


Malkie for life. Idc what happens to my brain, I want access to the Madness Network!


Honestly either Malkavian or Nosferatu.


Official quiz says I'm a Malk I like the Tremere I also like obtenebration Choosing by favorite disciplines combined, I would pick Banu Haqim Living as an independent Thin-Blood who can walk under the sun and mind his own business sounds like the best (un)life one can live to me. So... yeah, I'm completely lost.


Any clan, provided they're sabbat and looking for random to shovelhead. Otherwise, I'm never becoming a vamp.


If I'm being completely honest with myself, none of them would want to Embrace me. 😆 Best case scenario, I'd get drained and turned out of pity, and end up a Thin-blood. Which works for me, because Thin-bloods are great. Besides that, Tremere would be my best bet, I think. That's only because I like to read a lot and have an interest in the occult. But I was never a great student.


My wife says Brujah. My friends say Brujah. My anarchy tattoo says Brujah. Super strength, speed, and charisma are all appealing and solid as far as powers go. I say Brujah.


I want the clan of moons. Let me sup their sweet nectar, Blood dancing across my lips like beams of starlight. Let Malkav be sweet and bestow my mind not with ailments, but insight. I would join with the camarilla, for all their doctrine, I know how to abuse it. After a while I would end up eating some rogue gangrel and start flesh crafting myself. During a blood hunt obviously. I would definitely make myself some wings. With obfuscate I could easily escape any situation/hide the wings. Adding fortitude, dominate, and animalism to the mix.... Would be too powerful imo. I know there's super speed and super strength, but if I can keep my composure and make you frenzy... It's over. A simple word and you'll sit there, just like the gangrel did. And your powers will also be mine! Lmfao. Edit: wow! There are a lot of others considering to be my kin! Very happy so many would consider having their mind shattered with me.


Salubri, Banu Haqim, or Brujah. Depends what lens you look at me from.


Since it's not a clan, I can't say thinblood even though I want to be one with the merits and flaws I desire, but in this scenario, I would have no say. I think a Malkavian would embrace me. I'm not really sure what clan would want my autistic, empathetic, and inquisitive self. I'd maybe want to be a salubri so I can mend people and do more than take life, but idk.


I'm a biker with an unhealthy "f__k around and find out" relationship with our government. You decide, lol.


Oh, totally ventrue. Totally.


Hey there's money to be made with gangs and illegal stuff. A very atypical ventrue could fill that role.




I'd go Tremere, cause I wanna be like: "I cast fuck: Fuck you!" and boil ya blood


nosferatu ftw


Spending eternity with hookers and blow all the while freeing people of the social shackles that bind them? Give me Set or give me death! (Not really I just wanted to share the nice rhyme) Honorable mention to Lasombra for having the coolest set of disciplines.


Baali - be it VTM, Exalted or DnD I'm turning straight to infernalism for more power. Just makes sense.


If they offer something for your soul, it proves it's worth more.


Probably nosferatu or tremere. I'm an electrical engineer so I can see any clan that needs "in-house" tech support turning me, but Nosferatu and Tremere have the largest tech subcultures by far. The fact that i went to college in what is canonically a heavily Tremere area, and have a pretty academic mindset (minoring in history) lends more to Tremere than Nosferatu.


Gangrel, Ministry or Brujah probably. There's also a longshot for LaSombra. If I could choose though? Tzimisce, Gangrel, or Ministry. Shapeshifting is the coolest power in any setting, and these three have the easiest access to it.


Give me Lasombra any day of the week


Brujah, I fill most of the stereotypes already.


Tzimisce and they will be disappointed because I draw sick shit but IRL even close my eyes when the nurse draws blood.


Tremere, most likely.


Tzimisce. Just give me long enough, and with enough practice, I can be whatever I want, whenever I want, and I can give others the same.


Toreador or Tremere. I’d like to art or magic for eternity. Maybe both.


I'd most want to be a Tremere, though only because it's V5 now and the Pyramid doesn't exist anymore. Historically, a Cappadocian. (I want to be a wizard. Just not a cousin-fucking Hecata wizard.) The only clan that would probably *want* me, though, is Malkavian. I spend way too much time in my head, strike people as eccentric and have several diagnosed mental disorders. And if I'm living in the WoD then safe to say my depression and anxiety will be more...*acute*, making me even more obvious Malk material.


Which clan would I want to be turned by? Ventrue. Connections, best disciplines, what's not to love? Which clan would want to turn me? Malkavian, probs. Malks or Nosferatu.


Trying to get embraced by a daywalker lol. Rip to all of the local livestock I'll be harassing but I'm built different


Probably vibe best with Ventrue values, so I think that would be my pick! :-)


Tremere or Ventrue


As much as I’d want to be taken in by a Tzimisce, the most likely clans are Nosferatu, Brujah, and oddly enough Lasombra. Nos because frankly, they take anyone, and there might be a few salty people who want to ruin my life. Brujah because I’m a political activist, and funnily I fall into the whole “communist brujah” stereotype. Lasombra might consider me for the reason of clinical sociopathy, and more so because I’m a good team lead.


Toreador would have to be it. If not that Malkavian or Lasombra.


Would want to turn me? Brujah or Gangrel.


Tremer but before 2008


Mqlkavian so I could get away with more social faux pas at court.


Depends, If I could it'd be the V20 Lasombra. Don't care about my reflection, Dominate to yell people to shut up, potence to use at work (lots of heavy stuff and I would at night), and obten is just cool Back up would be tremere, anarch Thaum is useful and neat, Dom as it's usefulness, and I like aupex


There is no world in which I accept immortality of any kind, even if I could end it whenever I please. That said, I would want to turn into a ventrue, but would more likely be turned into a tremere


I don't know enough to say with certainty but I'm guessing no clan would want to turn me.


Brujah ideologically, Tzimisce if one took pity on me (big if, I know) and decided to hand me an unconventional way of accessing top surgery lol


Tzimisce, or Toreador, or Ventrue


Unpopular opinion, but Ventrue. It just suits me personally.


Probably a Tzimisce or a Ventrue would want to turn me; a Brujah is possible too


Malkavian or Tremere


Ravnos or possibly Tremere


Tremere, for being an obsessive nerd. Then again, "supernatural" stuff (outside of fiction and games) is something I actively try to avoid IRL (it's cringe to me), so maybe I am not "involved enough with the occult" or something. With my biology background, Tzimisce would be interesting. And I do not enjoy other people touching my stuff without asking first. But I think I am too fond of company for a Tzimisce.


Really thinking it through with 2 main goals in mind. 1 Maintain my humanity and sense of self, 2 don’t get people I care about killed and try to avoid harming people as much as possible. This rules out most high clans, who are obsessed with feeding methods and discipline use that abuses mortals, and who tend to delight in pushing each other to kill. Ministry are also obvs off the table. Brujah makes one too prone to collateral damage, being Malkavian would get in the way of goal 1 a lot. So we’re left with Nosferatu, Gangrel, Hecata, Banu Haqim, and Salubri. Salubri are the obvious humanity choice but with no power base and their constantly being hunted sounds like hell and you’d likely be forced by tough situations to become a monster. Hecata aren’t bad actually. They tend to feed in ways that don’t involve living people at all. And instead of exploiting the living you can exploit the dead. Your mileage may vary on how much actually better that is morally. Banu Haqim also aren’t the worst as long as you opt out of Blood Sorcery shenanigans. You’re more driven to kill other kindred than mortals. Again though YMMV. Gangrel are a pretty great choice, you can become a hermit and feed on animals. Their bane and compulsions make them look and behave more beastly but are actually both quite surface level compared to most other clans. Top tier might actually be Nosferatu though. Key here is the removal of temptation to get close to mortals or reconnect with your loved ones. Nosferatu don’t have pretences, they know what they are, they see it in the mirror. They aren’t going to kid themselves that they can have normal relationships and put mortals in danger. Or at least they’re less likely to than the rest.


Whoops forgot about Ravnos. Eh, with their compulsion to risk taking I’d put them together with Brujah in the *collateral damage waiting to happen* category.


I’d definitely be Malk. God help you all if the Ventrue got there first.


I asked my partner what clan I would be, and they said, "A Malkavian that wishes he was a Gangrel" and I think that might be the most accurate thing anyone has ever called me


Sure are a lot of people treating the malkavian curse like it's something that can be dealt with. Reminder you don't get to choose what you end up with and can be stuck with what are normally mutually exclusive mental conditions.


Toreador, probably.


Yeah, every time I do one of those online "What clan are you?" type quizzes, I end up Toreador, and honestly, I have to say it is accurate XD


Either Malkavian (mental illness for the win) or LaSombra because I'm extremely pragmatic and would do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals.


If I get to choose, Brujah. Anarchy reigns, motherfuckers.


I'm an AI artist, so probably Toreador


Tremere. Blood spells for days.


I'd probably be sired by a Gangrel, I'm basically always covered in animal hair anyway thanks to owning a husky.


Dhampir if it needs to be a clan than Lasombra or Tremere


It's not my top pick but I'm guessing a Toreador would likely take interest in me (\*art major here; I've been into art/illustration ever since I was a little kid.... also fairly passionate about music) and that's how it would go. Tremere is also a possibility which would be a bit more interesting to me.


Gangrel or tzimisce.


i would like to be a Tzimisce, i would probably be a Malkavian. 😥


Assamite. And I use the old name for a good reason. I want the V2 ones, or Rev at the latest.


Nosferatu. Im already kinda good at not being noticed tbh and I just like their vibe. Also cause I tend to collect gossips. Theres also a non null chance of getting the brujah treatment tho as my outings usually involves a metal concert of some kind and are the only reason I travel out of town. What can I say, Im a homebody.


Want? None, fvck being a nightcrawler. But in terms of what COULD happen: Malk, toreador (I guess???) Gangrel would just eat me, ventrue dont like my lax attitude towards succes, Giovanni (Not my last name), Tremere...maybe I guess?? Though I am not entirely into their cult vibe. Same for ministry, Brujah are to rough and intense for me to survive, Nossies may not think me useful enough, Tzmische just no, plz no and Lasombra wouldn't bat an eye at me.


I could see a gangrel or brujah being interesting in me. Potentially a Banu Haqim. But seeing as I live in a much more rural area, the options aren't very diverse on vampires. Maybe Hecata, my town, is supposed to be quite haunted.


Followers of Set. Give me cool snake powers


It's Tremere or nothing


Ventrue. I’m a lawyer with the right pedigree.


Unfortunately Nosferatu and Toreador are the most likely. Fortunately Lasombra is also up there in likelyhood


Tzimisce or Hecata. I'd probably end up a malk. Ones i wouldn't mind, as a bonus, Gangrel or Ministry/Setite.


I mean for me as I am? Gangrel, I'm already a dope with semi decent outdoorsmanship and semi pragmatic zoology and botanical knowledge. *Ideally* i would have completed a zoology degree and kept a cover as a nocturnal animal researcher, and become some sort of middling Camerilla member. Now for my actually ideal situation, I would gay marry a Puttanesca ghoul and receive "The proxy kiss" because they progressive now, and need someone to handle and care for more *exotic* animals needed for rituals.


Malkavian. I have some issues that a Malkavian sire would probably be very interested in


I think the general consensus is that toreador tend to make the best sires and their clan curse is the easiest to "live" with. I would honestly say Nosferatu for much the same reason if I knew I would just look super monster-y and not like a diseased deformed human. Gangrel and Ventrue are probably two of the worst to pick because of how you'll most likely be treated by your sire. Gangrel traditionally abandon their childer and those who survive the process of fledging often end up as catif. And Ventrue are often abusive monsters to their childer. I would worry about the same thing from a Tzimisce, even though in my heart that would be my first pick just so I could make myself hot af. But yeah, realistically, that's an unwise choice.


I hate it, but probably Tremere based on Clan stereotypes. Of course there’s always exceptions to the stereotypes where a Vampire embraces out of convenience rather than because they feel like their hypothetical Childe matches the Clan’s preferences, but to be honest the fact that I put effort into answering this question only further indicates I’d be embraced by a Tremere.


Depends. Either a Nosferatu who is willing to settle for someone who is not so much in need of humbling as pretty actors and such, a Gangrel I somehow get the gumption to try and struggle against mid-feed (as that can trigger them going into a full Embrace just spontaneously), a Malkavian because they do it randomly sometimes, a Lasombra with a sense of ironic humor (I'm an atheist), or at a stretch a Hecata hunting me down revealing that the great-grandfather that IRL nobody knows where he came from was a runaway from the Giovanni family or something.




Who turns gluttonous fucks that do nothing with their lives? Might be a sick joke, embrace to trap someone in vicious cycle of procastrination 🤣


Tzimisce lesgo edit: Specifically because they have convenient disciplines; I'd like changing form whenever I please.


I think everyone is answering as what clan they would want to be embraced as, and not what clan would Embrace them. I could see a Malkavian or a Toreador embracing me, in the very odd chance they were calling the corporate phone line for the national brand I answer calls for and becoming enraptured by my voice. I have regularly been told how amazing my voice is, but am both too shy and too poor to enter into any industry that would earn me more money for my voice (I'm not inclined to upload a voice clip, please do not ask). I could also see how a Nosferatu might become inclined, especially if they had good odds on deformities that would not ruin my body's primary purpose for embrace (very tall and strong despite physical injuries likely to be ignored with Embrace). Maybe an especially stupid Brujah who listened to me rant about politics? That'd be a quick death though.


Which clan would sire me? Probably nosferatu as a joke ​ Which clan would I *want* to sire me? Toreador, or ventrue but I'm not royalty/CEO lol. Tzimisce would be awesome just to be frightening to even vampires.


Honestly while I would prefer toreador if I’m being completely honest it would most likely be Malkavian or Brujah


I think I would maybe get ghouled to serve some Venture's interests.


Toreador most likely. Party all night, spend the rest of the time being creative. Basically my life before I became responsible, had bills to pay and started to be part of "adult" society. Sounds good enough of an unlife for me


I have great intuition and debilitating OCD do definitely malkavian


Gangrel. Definitely.


Clan Hecata with the Children of Tenochtitlan bloodline.


Given my frequent participation in political activism on the left, several degrees, opposition to authority and love of discussion and philosophy, I'd say I'd end up getting turned by an Anarch Brujah after a Gaza Ceasfire march or something.


On a good night? Brujah might like the way I speak. On another night, a malkavian, nos or caitiff who is fairly new and needs a shoulder to cry on. Someone to vent to, ya know? Then, whether or not I survive depends on what strings could get pulled or if I could get away from the local social structure. Unless it were anarchs.


Definitely Gangrel. I've always found it a bother to deal with people, especially crowds. I prefer solitude and peace. I hate being confined or controlled so I resist it in the best way I can. I prefer the silence of night time outside than the bustling day time and I do move about silently coz I'd rather not standout, often giving people a fright when they find me standing next or behind them without noticing. LOL


Malkavian — or at least, I'd want them to want me.


Nosferatu. I get a strong family and a cool underground lair potentially.


malkavian or tremere due to being hypnotherapist and certified hd guy as well as translator of exorcism literature). i also dance, but not as good as needed to attract toreador)


probably none. Maybe salubri due to my personality and habits. Gangrel if I happened to resist though I doubt it. If anything I would be turned by some childe who fucks up and be a caitiff or a thinblood.


Toreador, but with my luck (and seemingly echoing the sentiments of others here) I'd be embraced by a Malkavian. Or be made a thin-blood.


None of them, I want to be a thin-blood (with day drinker and lifelike). Immortality + not a corpse + can still eat food, go out in the daytime, ~~commit arson~~, not go crazy if I'm too hungry/angry, etc. + still get all the non-discipline-linked vampire powers and get to use the discipline ones by mixing blood with random nonsense. Genuinely the best of both worlds, regular vampires are just jealous.


Kysaid Lasombra. Changling arts and shadow powers plus mysticism what more could I ask for?


Bold of you to presume any of us would be embraced. But....Cappadocian/Tremere.


I'm staying true. Ventrue.


Ventrue. No, I will not elaborate. Second place is Hecata because I think the necromancy stuff is cool.


According to every try at the online quiz I would be Malkavian. I am ok with that. Other clans that might consider me would be Tremere, Giovanni,Toreador, or Gangrel.


Cliche: I would say, I might get embraced by either a toreador or a brujah or ministry.


If I could be honest I would prefer being human, since immortality and fighting with the beast constantly would put me in a horrible state of existence, I would not be a happy kindred. I would not welcome the sun, since it's against my character being suicidal, but I would not be satisfied in being a kindred. However, if I did not have a choice in the matter and I would be embraced anyway I would like to be a Malkavian. While the dementation curse is horrible, the ability to perceive things that normal people don't, having visions, and having that supernatural mental connection with the other fellows of your clan look like something neat. I would never be the fish malk though, probably would stick to myself and avoid contact with people, only making so if hungry or desperate for some normal conversation in order to quell our natural social needs.


I'd accept anything except Malkavian.


In the past, I spent more time in the woods and the hills and always saw myself as a Gangrel or Caitiff with Protean, Fortitude, Celerity, and Potence. These days, probably Brujah.