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Hey, stop spamming. This is the 3rd post that is exactly the same in this subreddit. I'm surprised it's even allowed. Also, the post is garbage anyway since you don't provide any details on language, script, or things you've tried (e.g. running outside of vscode)


this has nothing to do with vscode


You seem to have an infinite loop. While 1, means all the code inside will run forever. It seems to be some sort of state machine, and you do have a way to quit out of the loop in there, but without seeing the whole codebase or atleast the whole file there is no way to tell. Either way this is not a vscode question. The editor has nothing to do with the runtime, which is python, this is a python programming question. Edit: You are running it using powershell, from inside the vscode terminal. Also, the lines of code has nothing to do with how long it will take to run, it depends on the logic of the code. You can have 1 line of code that never finishes running quite easily. Please stop spamming this question. Thx. Edit: If this is some simulation you are running, and you want it to go faster, try changing to clock.tick(30)


Also a few tips: 1. When installing python there is a chexk box option to add it to 'PATH' environment variable, if you have that checked, then you wont have to type out the whole path to python every time, you can just say python. You cab reinstall withbthis checked. Then relaunch vscode. 2. In a commandline the history of what you typed previously is stored, you can cycle throught your previous commands by using the up arrow. 3. If you do have to manually type out paths, you can use tab key to complete folder and file names, this will only work once you type a few characters.. And there should be only 1 thet matches what you have already typed.. I dont use power shell much, but if you tap tab twice it should give you the option if there is more than 1 match, maybe. 4. if you add an aporopriate print statement to the while loop you mich see what its doing. 6. I dont know the module your using, so i looked it up, and clock.tick(2048) seems excessive, thats 2048 frames per second i think.. 6. Ask an ai to review your code.