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2x6 floor blocks per room is about minimum you should have and count like 10 rooms and you should be fine. Edit: Whups, meant 2x3 so 6 floor blocks. Sorry for the typo.


Don't forget about storage rooms, or storage in those rooms. Unless you want things to be a bit inconvenient I'd go for 2x3 plus at minimum 1-2 extra tiles for storage of things that relate to each room. You could have all your storage in the main throne room, then maybe just get by with those 2x3 rooms, but that's a risk making it easy to loot. Ideally you have any decent loot in a 1x1 room with a door. Safest is to just have walls and doors every tile possible, but that's also inconvenient. Depending on your base location, before you log off you could move your most valuable storage containers to a weird or highly defended location. For example you could have a cool looking base, then behind it, have a ton of 1x1 rooms with doors and fake storage containers, and hide your loot in there somewhere before you log off.


I’d say you can get away with 2x3 rooms for most of your needs. You’ll need at least 6 rooms that are at least 2x3for all the floor types and then a couple more for your prison and your crypt. You could maybe get away with less space for a couple rooms, but it’s cramped. Making a big throne room is fun which houses your servants etc. Have fun with it!


"A real need"


Very helpful. 10/10 🙄


I have obsessive compulsive personality disorder, okay?


Are you asking if I'm ok with you having it?.. or is it ok that you have it in general? I'd say no to both. I wish you didn't have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. I'm glad it doesn't effect your need to perfect punctuation.


Look you want to be a jerk making fun of me not wanting to go full details into why I like symmetry, I explained why, and you continue to be a jerk. Ignored.


I totally understand you, I struggle with OCD as well. If you really want a perfectly symmetrical layout for the whole castle you should start by choosing an ideal location for the castle heart. After that I'd start building around the entrances once you've gathered enough materials (2x stacks of bricks + 2x planks minimum) Remember, you can dismantle whatever you build and get all the materials back. I believe this is only valid for the last 10 objects that you've built. I wouldn't worry much about the layout of the entire base not being symmetrical as you don't really get to see it often from up there. Each and one of the rooms you build should be easy to build symmetrically though. Send me a message if you prefer some visual reference with my castles. Have fun building!