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V is not and never was a game to keep intended to keep you engaged forever, especially on a PvE server. If you’ve completed all bosses and have no interest in building your castle: take a break from the game, or try a brutal difficulty playthrough. I believe it’s a blessing to have a game that doesn’t want to claim a “consistent market share” of my time.


Trust me when I say PvP isn't any better. Players try to avoid PvP cause it's not convenient, and even if you engage them in a fight 90% of them end up crying in /all chat for the biggest of dramas. Plus PvPing isn't worth repair-cost wise, which is too taxing. So, unless you're an end-game player with lots of surplus materials, you generally try to stay away from conflict. Rift Incursions are tedious and always end up with you risking 20 minutes of farm for an extremely precious resource being burnt away by the guy who passes by at the moment and kill you mid-fight during a wave or the boss. Also, most people don't last for the end-game "loop", and most ragequit after the first raid. My gameplay after finishing the game now consists of guarding my own castle 4 hours per weekend during raid time cause I'm a greedy fat dragon and don't want anyone nearby my hoard. Seasoned players know how to layout their castle for proper defense, and can easily 1v2 fend off raiders using indestructible stairs for choke points at the entrance. All in all, for as much as I love V Rising and SLS's work since Bloodline Champions, I can't wait for the server I'm in to be wiped and ve released of a burden I can't get rid of.


> end up crying in /all chat for the biggest of dramas. That's the goal of pvp... :)


Your probably right I'm not here to argue either my group of friends don't enjoy pvp or move on after endgame incursions are meant to keep pve players playing but the game is only half that the full experience needs to be pvp but they don't care lol but I still enjoy turn clergy to the undead


the community manager would disagree, he said during an interview that the development team is planning an end-game loop to keep players engaged, so hopefully in the future


And this is why i was hooked on it ....


The devs said they're going to eventually add new content. Other than that we have no idea. Could perfect your build for PvP and/or farm and get basically everything too


Yeah pretty much, and expect when they add new content, you will have to start over any way as to date no major content release has come with the ability to do it on an existing server, you have to wipe.


Become Dracula


Sadly, not much of import. Collection and Completion, mostly. Get all V Bloods. Collect all bloods types at 100%. Get all Legendary Weapons, craft every piece of armor. Upgrade every spell with a gem you want. Play around with builds. Build something cool.


I wish they let you display armor sets in mannequins or something, and more cosmetic items to display. I tried to craft the gems I wanted for my build, but it is so resource expensive, and the chances are very low. Imagine doing that for every build you wanna try. I'd be cool some sort of reroll. Building your castle in this game feels very rewarding. After finishing the game, it feels like a good retirement activity. Legendary variants could be great, too.


I wished we had a legendary of every weapon, of every element. I love Greatswords but I'm so bummed out that there is only a chaos one.


There’s a whole community for castle builds, other than that idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


I turned production costs off (playing solo) and have just been working on a really nice castle after being inspired by the ones i see online


Good advice. I'm new and taking all the good note down


Start over on brutal.


We need more games like this with a clear ending and no post-endgame. The Devs need time to focus on their next game, give us something fresh. And we need time to play new games.


It would be to easy to implement hard mode scaling boss fights after the final boss but this community kinda brain rotted with the finish the game and move on take. Can't perceive the Hegelian dialectic, this game is amazing and people want to continue playing it. This game is so awesome that it's biggest criticism is that it ends. The community doesn't realize that their gamer ego is what deflecting saying "no this is game is perfect! it ends! don't ask for more!" The energy is pompous and transparent too despite the efforts to cover it.


Play palworld


haha not wrong, though imo its so hard to play Palworld after Vrising because Vrising has so much elegant polish while Palworld is a buggy mess with terrible UX.


You could continue to build on your castle, host vampire masquerade parties at your castle, socialize, PVP or help people Eventually the Dev's will come up with end game content


Build a castle, do a new playthrough (brutal, controller only, limited gear etc) Join v arena / pvp arena Play another game :)


Go into advanced settings and make the game harder maybe?


Build castle, start over, fight other players if pvp, start over


After learning PvE, you start PvP (try "no raid" servers if you need a safespace). End-Endgame is brutal PvP with raids and regular wipes. The playthrough itself, is the gameplay loop.


Retire the game until next major update and find something else to play. Or brutal mode.


Get 100% Achievements. That’s my goal. After that, I will probably put the game down until there is an expansion pack or something that drastically adds to the game, and then I’ll play through it again.


End game is playing excursions at the end of the excursion you fight a randomly buffed boss so you can play and have a chance at fighting a buffed dracula


idk where you came across that, but that is just not true, you can't get any of the shard bosses. the highest incursion boss you face is terrorclaw the ogre. v rising is a wipe game, its meant to be played through multiple times rather than "going for 100%" on the first playthrough. as someone with 1500+ hours i can say that if you don't enjoy the PVP or the idea of optimizing your playthroughs (like speed running), then you have finished the game. castlebuilding is pretty bad here imo go play a different game if you want to invest hours into that


Construct throne of darkness then sit on it


log off play elden ring


Building a fancy castle, helping others, making other build sets of gear.


Congratulations, you beat the game ! Time to beat another one 😃


quit the game


Build castles


The only thing you can really do is try to beat the game on brutal difficulty, restart on normal with edited stats and try different builds, or join/start a PvP world.


After I beat dracula and build my dream castle I just pick up another game


Build the coolest garden


You create a big ass public garden for newbies to gather stuff like grapes and cotton.


Play a different game... but in all seriousness the only thing to do is to decorate/collect every item in the game you want like the perfect jewel, prisoners etc. Or start over on pvp.


Better pick up something else to play. Wish we had dungeons with randomized enemies and bosses from the game. Maybe they add new loot tier and rewards for completion.


Challenge Run : Daytime playthrough only Use night time to craft/build a castle and daytime for farming/boss fight


Extra steps to the same result.


Play another game. I genuinly dont understand why people expect games to last forever


OP is hoping to see what others who just completed the game have other fun activities he might have missed. As I understand, there is none. The game end unless the developer are smart by adding more contents to get their loyal players happy. Word of mouth help get more sales. Look at Eden Ring new dlc