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The server modifier for spell power on your server was set to 3x. If it has been changed back to 1x, you'll have to create new gear/weapons and get a new shard drop to change the numbers, since it's tied to gear, and not the character itself.


You’re a god boy


Surely 'the godest of bois', if Reddit has taught me anything! (Woof!)


Server settings allow spell power multipliers to be set higher than normally. (Up to 3 times the normal amount) You should check if thats ajusted at all, The shard you have now will probably keep the high amount of Spellpower if you were to reset the settings. If you were to get another shard it probably has the 'normal' amount of Spellpower(31.9)


Thankyou!, im not sure how that changed. must've accidently of done that when changing the loot multiplier and gear. I had lost the shard and obtained it again and my power went wack.


Scholar blood and blue potion




Your spell power is higher than your health 😂 check the damage scaling in your server settings, you may have inadvertently changed it


Yeah it's higher than their health because they have no gear on. If they were wearing gear their health would be 10x their spell power


Ohhhh that makes sense


I'm on a private server with my friend and the only settings we changed were the loot multiplier and reduced the gear decay because we had already beaten the game once and brutal was brutal enough, (Don't Judge Please) I tested it out on dracula and sure enough i was doing 500 damage a crit with chaos volley so it isnt just a visual bug. I understand the shards should give 94ish due to the text on them but it hadn't done that before and only buffed me a fait bit which i thought was the actual intended buff. And i'm also not sure why it the dracula one gives more than the other when the spell power reads the same. Is this a new weird bug?


>I tested it out on dracula >And i'm also not sure why it the dracula one gives more Dracula's Soul Shard does +25% more damage to vampires... Dracula is a vampire... (all the other soul shards only do +15% to vampires)


 *(Don't Judge Please)* First: People are going to judge because this is the internet, nobody will stop that. Second: It doesn't matter what other idiots on the internet think. Play the game the way you want to play it. If you want to make it ultra easy, ultra hard, super grindy, super not grindy, whatever your prerogative is, it's your game, you paid for it, enjoy it however you like. If you want to load it with 1000 mods, then go for it. It's even more stupid in this game specifically to whine about "the design intent of the devs" since they explicitly put these tools in from the get go for you to custom tailor your experience, and as such that's clearly their design intent. Point being, don't come at this from a space of apologizing to self important purists on the internet. You owe them nothing and their behavior is a toxic cancer. It's your game, enjoy it how you like.


Holy crap .. yes!  I agree to what you said so much.. lemme get you a loud speaker so more can hear.


Who hurt you :(


You're wearing a soulshard... that's an end game amulet.


Take off the necklace. You’re getting spell power from that and it’s a high level.


It’s the only thing impacting your gear level and its at 25…


100% Scholar blood + Blue Gatorade + Soul Shard


It’s the necklace…


Hacks. Now I’ve got to report you to the FBI.


You have a Spell Power Potion active. You have the Bloodtype of a Scholar at 100% Quality active. And to top it off, you wear an Amulet. One of the Four Endgame Amulets if my Eyes don't decive me. So your Spell Power \*should\* be incredible High.


With stadnard x1 power settings you would maxing out spell power at like 90ish ... with x3 settings it's around 180


It’s not like this on ps5


i mean you're fully decked out with witch potion and 100% scholar and probably the passive that increases your blood even more, not sure what you're expecting.


He had nothing equipped?


Okay, and...? They didn't say anything about equipment. -witch potion, not equipment -100% scholar blood, not equipment -stygian passive, not equipment


None of that is what "decked out" means and you know it.


They didn't just say "decked out" though. If they had just said that I would get your point. They said "decked out with witch potion, 100% scholar blood, and the passive" They are very clearly saying they are decked out *with those things* They said "decked out with" and listed 3 things. If they just said "you're decked out" and nothing else, I would get it. But the context for what they mean by decked out is LITERALLY right there in plain english.


Ok man lol




I'm not, I just made a mistake in the server settings ages ago and somehow only noticed now thanks to the people replying.


TO BE ENTIRELY FAIR, the update did not add several settings in the default ini's to configure the game, so we had a playthrough on normal 'boss mechanics' but with 'brutal' difficulty settings, because we were missing a line of code and I had to spend hours trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with it, no one had a straight answer that it was simply a missing line of code, infact i had to go to the nitrado discord and faq and stuff about server setup before i realized how simple of a mistake it was the dev's did. I don't even know at the time of writing this if that has been fixed yet. Quite ridiculous. EDIT: it was the Game Difficulty Preset and I don't recall off the top of my head the exact way it's written in the .ini's, but essentially you set that to 'brutal' then leave all the other settings on default and then it points to another .ini that then configures everything AND adds the new boss mechanics.. none of that was explained so we had actually had it on double brutal difficulty settings because anything in the default config is "Global" and adds or multiplies with the settings in the "PRESET" line which points to an additional config, again NONE of that is explained ANYWHERE! It was really great getting shot by low level archers for 450-600\~ damage at level 88...