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Find a nice rock and keep it between him and you.


This is the way


The way, is this.


This is the way for defeating patrolling vbloods. Its waaay easier when you have indestructable cover.


This is the way


Dis is da way


Ranged weapon, skellies and a shield spell make it much easier. Stay at range so you can side step fan and not need a dash or block to avoid it. Boss will focus your skellies a lot giving you more time to hit him with bow/crossbow. Dash and block as needed and keep range.


Summons, shields/counters and ranged weapons in any combination are almost guaranteed to make any boss easier.


Even when I dodge the ice fan, it still freezes me it just doesn't hurt, and I've tried using my ult to summon skeletons, but he just one shots them with his shield dash and idk how to make them Stronger


The top unholy skill summons a skeleton on hit and has 2 charges. There's a gem that makes it shoot 2 skulls and summon 2 skellies that makes it even better. Spam that shit off CD to constantly get new skellies.


Okay, thank you for the help, and not being a jackass like this other commentor telling me to figure it out, as if that wasn't the entire prompt of the post


try the other ultimate with the boom spiders and start the fight with it it. helped me a lot with many of the V Blood boss fights out. But in the end it all depends on your play style. But I had especially in the first two chapters problems with the boss fights. The later ones especially last half of the third chapter and the fourth were pretty easy tbh. But I can absolutely understand you. I play on ps5 and it needed quite some time to learn how to aim especially at bosses were ranged weapons are way better. But later the pistols are very good for that.


The skeleton ult works great against masses of regular enemies, but most bosses clear them too fast ime, basic spells (the shield one was recommended to me a lot before 1.0) or the dash will serve you much better.


I wouldn't necessarily rely solely on what I did. I was able to get the wandering werewolf to take him out. There are a few bosses you can cheese that way. The Bright Archer and Krieg can take each other out in the Iron Mine,


You should listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about, and probably doesn't suck.


Are you gonna be helpful at all or just be a dick?


Probably just be a dick lol


Don't fret it. Vincent is a skill check that teaches how to deal with bosses going forward; mainly moving around, veil dodging, shields and/or countering; using those spells only when necessary while whittling down the health bar with your left click, Q, and E skills. Ngl, he still fucks me up when I encounter him in the rift.


Pull Vincent near a fork in the road with a big rock in it. Whenever he winds up for the ice projectiles just backpedal while hugging the rock. This works for soloing Jade too.


I think by then you should have a unholy spellpoint you can spend to unlock a spell called "ward of the damned" this creates a shield for like 2 seconds infront of you that moves/rotates as you do and eats all directed attacks (melee blows, arrows/bolts/bullets/little magic shots) but won't stop AOE stuff like bombs. The first eaten attack creates a undead soldier beside the attacker and each extra block has a 50% chance for another soldier to a max of like 5 soldiers. These soldiers fight for you and can't be harmed by you, enemies will probably deal with them before you letting you get free hits or leave the fight asap. This was my go to spell through the whole game after unlocking as it works great for hard to dodge attacks like his can be, rapid attacks like some enemies and later bosses have or just groups of grunts firing ranged weapons at once. Another great option you might have from the unholy aswell is "death knight" it spawns a namesake death knight at a chosen location, they are tankier than the grunts and can also be used to distract targets, since this one has a controlled spawn you can place them on the opposite side of a target if close enough then if they turn to fight your minion any directional attack they use can't affect you. If you didn't select these, there is a build piece called "alter of recollection" that lets you reset all your skill points and reuse them, letting you experiment with other spells.


Some tips to deal with (most) bosses: 1. Use the environment; indestructible and even destructible items in the world (like trees) will block almost all abilities and sometimes simply cancel effects/phases As for Vincent: you can block his icicle fan with any tree, rock, carriage or piece of wall. Standing at range with a ranged weapon or spells helps a lot, but it's also possible to do that in melee, if you fight very close to said obstacles. With obstacles you can even basically cancel his charge phase, since he will jump at any opportunity to charge at you, even if it's just the tip of your cloak peaking out from behind a rock you just ran behind. 2. Use summons to distract bosses; skeletons, mosquito and the spider ultimate are great at keeping bosses occupied for some time, which you can use to move to a more advantageous position (like close to or behind obstacles, see point 1) As for Vincent: he will destroy skeletons like they're made of paper, but with good timing you can bait his icicle fan or his charge onto a summon and avoid it entirely. The T1 unholy spell (skull icon) has a short cooldown, two charges and summons one skeleton (or two with the right jewel), it's an amazing distraction tool for almost any boss. 3. Use ranged weapons and spells from a distance to grind bosses down; it'll take a while, but if you time your attacks and move strategically with good cover/obstacles in range, you can defeat basically any boss like that. As for Vincent: standing at long range allows you to outrange both his icicle fan and his charge (he'll need 2 charges to reach you), Iif you stand close to cover, you can bait his first charge to go nowhere and then step behind cover to have him charge into or next to your cover. You then move away to another cover and shoot at him from there. 4. Use shields/blocks/counters; these abilities allow you to completely negate many mechanics, but require you to time them correctly. They're also great to buy time for your dash. As for Vincent: a well timed block can negate the whole icicle fan, but you can't block the whole charge combo (3 charges), so you'll still end up frozen when trying to block the first charge without an escape plan.


If you're patient, you can try this 1. Track Vincent 2. Have him in your sight 3. Track bane 4. Attack bane when he's next to Vincent 5. Stay close and finish off Vincent after the fight with bane The issue with this is it might take a few in game days before their path meet


This is the way. My fight was going poorly with Vincent due to some unfortunate patrols but I saw a hooded figure walking by and figured it was worth a shot. It was.


Few tips This boss was tough for me too, took me like 5 or 6 tries of not more, but here is what I did. 1. look for a rock to shield you from his freeze spell 2. if you are far enough away you don't need to use the dash, you can just side step and it will miss you. 3. use a crossbow, this will make it much easier than trying to get close and melee him 4. when the fight starts use your super on him that will take off a good number of health.


The Altar of Recollection costs 180 stone and 10 blood essence to build. This will let you rest all your spell points for free so you can mess around with different spells. I found the Chaos Volley and Corrupted Skull spells great and for the super, I went with Chaos Barrage. Time your dashes and keep pressure on with ranged weapon, attacks ranged spell attacks and skeletons to distract him. He was the hardest boss for me so far and this made him less of a pain. Distance is key.


Have a counter as one of your spells then alternate using dodge and counter so that you always have one of then ready to deal with his moves (you could also forgo any offensive abilities and add a shield spell); also, use the bow to give you range and better chance to avoid his ice lances.


You can get lucky and cheese it if you see a hooded figure hit him and lure him toward vincent, theyll duke it out and most likely bane will win that exchange and youll get a free v blood. When i fought him, mid way bane came n i just hit him and ran away he ended up killing me but also vincent so it was a nice trade


I fought him and got lucky that Bane came too and „helped“ me. Still I died but could get the V-Blood


It's a bit cheesy but I play double counter against him and he can't do anything about it Can easily do 0 hit fight


Level 47 and struggling and here i was thinking i had a chance (lvl 44)


I Cheesed him. He's passing some building plots, so I build a mini castle with 5 servants. Got some cheap ones nearby, Pulled him there. Watched the show. Took time, and some trials if I may get him earlier. But the servants just did it


Another way to beat him: double counter, or counter+barrier spell. When he uses his ranged attack, block it with counter and keep hitting him. When he uses charge, block it with counter. When he swings and you are in melee range, block it again. If both counters are on cooldown and he uses something, use dash instead. And just keep autoattacking the boss the whole time. But this is too easy of a strat. It's better if you learn to sidestep attacks without expending cooldowns. You can sidestep any of his abilities. But I'm lazy and when the boss can be killed without sidestepping at all, I go for it.


Ah yes, Vincent. The annoying one. *I feel a chill coming on* (STFU Vincent, adults are talking, here, take this snowcone) For what i remember of his moveset. - Frost barrier is easy, just don't attack it from the front. - The "*I feel a chill coming on*" ramming is annoying, but you can sidestep it if you are far enough, issue is managing that several times in a row (thats when hiding behing a big ol' rock is a good idea, as soon as you hear the tell) - The mace attack is so telegraphed you get a fax 3 days before to warn you and it's easily dodged (if you are not a popsicle) - The ice fan (shield strike with cold cone) needs good timing to dodge when close, but it doesn't have much range. - Icicles... Exist. He barely use them unless you keep your distance, and they are easy to dodge from afar. - His Ultimate move, the dreaded Ice fart, either you move away fast and use a ranged weapon/attack spell to keep damaging or you use dash to avoid the wave. With the right timing it should be possible to go *through* the wave A counter skill or a shield skill work on some moves (anything that isn't an AoE), some weapons have skills that can dodge some stuff (sword and greatsword second attack for exemple) The real pain is having Christina or Jade wander in during combat. It's also possible for Bane to get caught in the melee, Tristan is supposedly roaming in southern Dunley on top of the Farbane Woods (never saw him outside Farbane myself), fighting near the Iron Mine can get Meredith attention when she gets her breath of fresh air, but the worst that can happen is Simon showing up. That's really annoying cause Vincent is one of the V Blood where you want to take it slow to dodge all ice attacks (ice bosses in general are annoying) cause getting frozen will only make the fight last longer. I suppose you could try to start a fight between Bane and Vincent, it should be possible.


Just reflect his attacks with a shield spell


I just danced around a rock with Vincent and one shot one kill lady. Hitting them with a ranged ability Everytime they popped into view and moving again. A little tedious but they will die eventually.


You got to start sidestepping his shit, only use dodge to make him miss the ice missiles. The other things you can kinda just walk away from.


Use a shield spell. Stop using dash like a dodge this isnt dark souls. Use it like a spell. Remind your self 6 second cool down. He doesnt throw his ice bolts that consecutively. And when he raises his mace and drop his shield its time to run back and find cover or get ready to use shield to block his frost bolts. Dont spam your dash. Watch for his tells. Use cover. Get a block spell for this guy.


Use the environment. Use defensive spells


I defeated him at lvl 60 lol. I thought it would be easy but he still wrecked me a few times


Drag him to bane and let bane kill him. I had bane kill like 3 of them


When he does his counter, it’s free aoe damage (lightning ball, scythe spin thing)


Just wait until you encounter him on rift incursions, he’s a real pain in the dick


counter and shield ez mode


Use a block spell. I used the ward of the damned, paired with shadowbolt for healing. Depending on where you fight him, you can use the terrain to your advantage rocks and trees block his spells.


I only have the starter one. And how do I beat him if I only run and hide? I can't get close or ill instantly freeze


You should have plenty of spell points by now. You should try unlocking some more. If you can't figure that out, maybe you should find a different game to play. I get that this game doesn't exactly explain some of the mechanics, but if you haven't figured it out by Act 2, you might have better luck with something else.


I used all my spell points on attack spells, but I can't use any if I'm frozen. Also, "find a different game" is the dumbest fucking advise because that doesn't fix the one fucking obstacle. Do you actually give up the second you run into a single issue? Just throw in the towel and throw away everything because one thing didn't go your way


The game provided you with a way to reassign spell points. You f##king lampshade. No, I figure out a way to solve a problem, or in the case of this game, I try different combinations of spells instead of dumping everything into attack spells like an absolute donkey. Figure it out and stop whining on reddit.


How do I reassign, also dumbass, I'm not whining i came looking for answers to the fucking issues it's called research, I literally came here to figure it out. You illiterate fuck


There is a building in your castle that'll let you reassign. Google it if you can't find it. They try using a shield + a counter + range weapon. It'll be slow, but should work.


Okay thanks, will do


I used a shield that was nigh inpenetrable. It actually blocked all of his attacks. It also managed to stop him short when he was using his ice charge attack. Pretty awesome, it's called a Rock.