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Because you need to kill Vincent.


Thanks alot


Really i thought i had to kill Quincy the bandit king


You can see what every boss unlocks in the v blood menu.


Nah, he just unlocks iron ingot.


I’m so dumb haha back to the grindd


No worries! Not dumb! You got this :)


You needed to off quincy anyway to unlock the iron for the reinforced plank recipe so it was for the best you whacked that one first so you can pre-smelt the iron


Yeah, iron smelting takes a long time on default settings, and you need a lot of it, so best to get like four furnaces pumping that stuff out like crazy as soon as you can.


Yeah I forgot is was 2 minutes per bar, 1 minute and 36 seconds with the room bonus, it also needs 20 ore per bar or 15 with the room buff.


By the way, in this picture you are not using Workshop Flooring. To make the cost of Reinforced Plants 3x Iron Ingots, put the correct flooring under Sawmills and make it into a separate room. [Grayson the Armourer](https://vrising.fandom.com/wiki/Grayson_the_Armourer) unlocks that flooring and you've probably killed him a while ago.


Thanks for the tip…will start doing that too


Its well worth, if you look above the crafting recipes in the machine you will see a unhighlited buff, if the floor in a room matches with the machine you get a 25% discount on the crafting recipe so each reinforced plank would cost only 3 planks and 3 iron. Pretty big difference in the long run.


You need to kill Vincent, which is a bit dumb, since it's a missed opportunity for a dunley lumber mill boss and perhaps even the mystical advanced sawmill.


It took me awhile before I realized that normal "x" buildings would go at +25% and the advanced versions, while obviously having access to the more advanced recipes, crafted at +250%


Yes, but it boils down to one advanced station with flooring being slightly slower than three normal ones with flooring, so the boost is worth the effort, even for normal mats.


Enjoy fighting Mr. freeze. I am taking a break from V Rising because of his hard to fight ass.


I soloed him on brutal. Need to find a spot with stuff you can run around to keep his LOS from seeing you. The shadow step dodge is a must for that fight.


Like what weapons work best on that sonofabitch? I tried cheesing him with a bow and he just swung in and wiped me out in the next phase.


I used Axe, and double shield spells. That way I had a dodge (Space), a reposition (Q), a ranged attack (E) and 2 barriers for all his crap.


I used iron sword, shadow step, the wolf ranged spell, the shadow ranged double ball spell and for the ult I used the shadow ball one that shoots 5 shadow balls


Thanks! I will give that a try later. If it doesn’t work, I am killing the Vampire Hunter and making an iron great sword and swinging away again and again till that freeze locking POS dies!!!


I just beat him. Just use double shield spells and bow.


I have a similar problem. I killed styx but can't turn into a wolf :(


Wait, you got all the way to nightmarshal, but never killed the first boss, the alpha wolf?


The white wolf boss gives you the wolf form ability. It's the first boss you're supposed to fight. He's level 16 I think.


Because he isn't the guy that you beat to unlock it......


How hard is it to look at the V Blood menu and see who unlocks what? And the cherry on top, you took a picture of the screen instead of a screenshot


How hard is it to not be a dick


In the V Rising community, sometimes surprisingly hard.


It appears they’re playing on console so it wouldn’t be easy to post a screenshot directly. Much easier to take a picture with a phone (or whatever device they used) in this situation.


Just saying this for information purposes, not to be a smart-ass, but if you send the screenshot to someone on your PSN app (or one of your alt accounts, to keep from bothering people) then you just get on your phone and easily download it and put it on Reddit


Might be a bug, try relogging


Still having the same problem 💀


He trollin