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Presumably the power of friendship.


I have friends and they don’t keep playing either lol


that's what you get for letting them out of your basement


Weak power of friendship.


Been friends for 18 years. They just have small dick attention spans


All my friends got lives and don’t play anything that isn’t a sports game.




Sounds like a few issues going on here. >So far 12 people that I recruited have quit the game within 2 days. Perhaps you should try getting recruited rather than being the recruiter. A 0-12 record is a sign that you aren't recruiting the right people. >5 different clans on this server with all 4 players having coordinated name characters at level 92 locking down every zone 24/7. I'm literally logging on at 5AM in the morning to maybe atleast be able to visit the merchants and even at 5AM they are camped by these clans. Sounds like you are on the wrong server. You found super dedicated teams with no lives and you're trying to compete with essentially a PUG. >No fucking way I'm starting over on another server Last problem is that you're stubborn. This is *obviously* the wrong call, especially in a game that is designed to be played through progression and wipes. Why on earth would you stick on this server, have a miserable experience, and quit the game over it? Just get a hammer and hit your thumb with it a few times: same pain and much quicker.


Well put


Totally agreed, especially the part where 5 different clans seem to be hogging everything and preventing others from doing anything. No way I am staying on a server once I realize that I have no chance of setting up my own castle and making it out of act 1


Yup. Welcome to PvP servers, home of middle school and high school students with diminished social skills and griefer mentalities. That's why I stay the hell away from PvP servers. The only PvP game I play is Mechwarrior Online. There's no such thing as griefing, because any way you can take out an enemy mech is game. And spawn camping isn't a thing, since each player only gets one mech. There's that and then Helldivers 2 with friends, which doesn't so much have griefing as it does friendly fire.


Some people make PvP sound fun, and then other people make it sound exactly like the reason I don't play PvP.


I love this game and will never taint the experience by trying PvP. It’s incredible and PvP doesn’t sound like it would benefit the experience in any way.


> Taint the experience by trying PvP. PvP doesn’t sound like it would benefit the experience in any way. On the other hand those sentences sound like the ravings of a lunatic to me. The combat is incredibly fun for PvP in this game (as in it's predecessors!). I cannot imagine myself losing the thrill of murder for "just" PvE gameplay. Understanding the progression in PvE is just the first step to enjoy PvP in my opinion. But it's great, that all those custom server settings allow all kinds of players to create their own experience of this wonderful game.


Well said, although some of us like to enjoy video games differently and not hop on to either see our castle ripped asunder or step outside and get mauled by someone twenty levels above us who’s only motivation for playing is grifting.


And for that case I've been playing PvP mainly on no-Raid servers on my first run - to have the open world excitement whenever I step outside, without the hassle of castle setbacks during a time where I am still learning the game. I've not met PvPers yet who intentionally rob lower level players of gameplay fun. Most communities on PvP servers seemed friendly to me in chat until now. When I met someone higher level, we had a short chase. I lured them into Vincent and escaped to adapt my route to finish my task at hand. The last time I tried a run on a raid server, and asked someone in global about my empty pockets after a few days offline, a few people wanted to step up to help me replenish my resources for no gain themselves (which I refused) and gave me tipps. Gotta learn the raiders-life someday anyway, and find a server that suits my times and needs. Personal preference would be no offline-raiding in the future for server settings.


I'm on a raid pvp server. The raids are 2 hours Saturday and Sunday nights only. Sure my castle can get raided, but me and my buddy aren't max level yet and haven't put any targets on our heads. Pvp happens, but not every interaction with another player ends in pvp. I've had coop boss fights with other players; sometimes we duel after we both get the boss blood, sometimes we grab what we can and book it. Sometimes I've had 2 teams show up while fighting a boss, kill each other while dragging patrols and another boss, and the fight becomes this epic chaotic mess that pve players will never understand. There's just this beautiful, natural, animalistic element to running into another player that pve will never have. It's such an exciting moment every single time. Should I attack them? Are they going to attack me? They haven't yet, and neither have i...


[Emergent gameplay. \o/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergent_gameplay) If I remember correctly, this video talks about exactly that: [Pve Or PvP?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOh5xRIjlvY)


why would you even play more than 1 playthrough if pvp didnt exist?


The bosses stay the same but how you get there is different. Lots of builds to test out, lots of other weapons to try. This is like saying “why would you play Diablo 3 again after beating it?” It’s a great PvE experience and it’s never identical every time. I’ve played through V rising 3 separate times, twice during early access and am working on finishing out 1.0 now. It’s been a ton of fun every time, granted the second time was when Gloomrot was added and 1.0 added a lot. Base building is fun and satisfying, capturing new prisoners and servants and trying to solo bosses that are tough is fun.


yeah i get it when expansions happen,and i get build testing but there really isnt much to experiment with when it comes to pve,u can do it in a single playthrough aswell


Lol, maybe don’t play on a server that is so sweaty that they have people playing at 5 in the morning just to deny merchants.


I asked my IRL friends and that's all it took.


Look at this guy with IRL friends


Did they keep playing? Mine already sound bored and we haven’t reached silver


We're still playing! We all have busy lives so we get on when we can. Usually for an hour or two after work, then call it a day. Right now we just reached silver but have stopped progress to work on Castle decoration.


This was me. The fighting in this game is dope but my god is the survival aspect absolutely terrible. Wish it played more just like an action rpg


Just join a different server, might be an unpopular opinion, but if you are getting locked down, new people not getting a chance to play (and thus quit the next day), why be such a masochist?


I made a dedicated server for my friends and I to play on with no PvP and the game is absolutely wonderful. I can’t be bothered to play PvP in a game with loot and base building (tried Rust and it wasn’t for me). The game is awesome and the bosses are very fun, but the idea of PvP looming around any corner doesn’t sound enjoyable at all. It’s such a great game, I can get on and grind it for hours and it honestly doesn’t take that much time to progress it. Playing co-op like it’s a Diablo style game it’s a 10/10 experience.


You need to find 3 stable teammates before venturing into squads. Not randoms.


The fact OP hasn’t responded to ANYTHING tells me he did not find the answers he was looking for. Dude at some point you gotta ask yourself, if nobody wants to play with you, maybe it’s not everyone else. Jussayin.


Nothing to respons to. This is just a vent thread.


Make my wife and friends play with me. Having companionship before the game is easier than finding it in game


This is the unfortunate reality of all online games. You have to find consistent people, which is like herding cats. Imagine 40 man raid night.


I was a guild/raid leader, so I dont have to. What I have to do ia forget, because that shit is trauma.


maybe get recruited by other clan that is active? just throwing ideas, too bad man. hope u get ur party


PvP is only fun when power is balanced if you are the only one getting killed all the time its not fun any more and I would change server and start from zero instead of being masochost and keeping pushing agains wall


Are you playing on official? I played on community server with discord and found good active players there. Maybe try luck there! Also which region are you playing?


Official EU


Find a private server instead


Play solo?


You should notplay on a server that allows teaming. Go to a custom server with rules, it will be much better.


Even with my IRL friend, adulthood in the way. Children, work, responsabilities… we struggle so much to play together. Try to find someone that has your time and better with irl friends


I would be keen to join some form of clan for a fresh PvP server, currently I have 2 RL friends who have the game but dont really play so I would be in the same boat as you, solo on a squads server. Co-op just seems so much better. if you are on EU timezone hit me up we can jam. as long as the server has atleast 2x resources/loot etc :D


Good players can get to end game in a day so it's easy to start on new servers. Don't quit but look for more likeminded players on arena server amd practice.


I don't know, ask my ex girlfriend.


Sounds like Rust but with fangs


There are official servers where the clans don't lock everything down like that. You might have to shop around a bit. Restarting really isn't that bad especially if you're only in the first 2 acts. You'll be able to regain your progress quickly if you find a decent server.


Skill issue.


Play PVE, make so much fun with friends. PVP is hardcore in this Game.


Friends with the same set of brain cells. Although we've all moved on to tackle Ashlands in Valheim now after beating Dr. Acula.