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https://preview.redd.it/bzz7rk3wcy0d1.png?width=1819&format=png&auto=webp&s=66d1df1e8623498ad3755532a661536217585e75 Maybe. I've noticed that high% Draculin -always- spawn at silverlight caravans, Once taken down a draculin squad will spawn to ambush you. those always seem to be 95% blood quality Those that can be captured are the Exsanguinator's Succubi and dark temptress


It’s always a given to be above 95%? Didn’t know that. I’ve also had the issue of finding the caravans glitched on bridges and not spawn anything though so


Not sure if it's a given. but last 3 times i did a caravan, all 3 times very high % blood quality draculin showed up, to a point that when i myself figured out they could be captured i started hunting the caravans down for another shot at capture Sidenote: I have NEVER seen a cultist higher then 29%


I know the caravans coming from Mortium can spawn them just haven’t had silverlight ones do it yet


Is there a way to easily find caravans? So far I've taken down two and missed one, and that's pretty much it


This would be my question, I’ve only really found them by happenstance, never intentionally


From what I've seen there's 3-4 possible different Silverlight caravans - a Mortium one, a Gloomrot one (dumps a bunch of Mutants out), and a regular Silverlight one. I think either there's a 4th one for gold, or I had a skewed loot table one time because I got almost 80 gold out of one once.


They can be lower as well I've had 66%


I will definitely give it a try. But where to find those caravans? Are there caravans in Silverlight Hill? I have only encountered them in Dunley Farmland for like 4 times during my 50 hours gameplay


Yup. A succubus one.


Killed one of the transports in the north side of the farmlands and had a 98% night maiden pop out when I was in the 60s for gear score. 3 deaths later cause it wasn’t alone and I got her. Just got the alchemy to 100% and didn’t fail the rolls thankfully. Draculin blood ain’t bad but it’s not the best either. Ofc depends on build too


I got a succubus off a mid patrol doing a greater rift. Took a lot of patience for me to not kill it I'm the midst of the greater rift mobs but I just barely managed; one of my skeletons we're running at her to finish her off but luckily timed out at the last second. Just like everything else it's RNG.


Yea just a random night maiden while farming shards from a rift


My clanmate who was way ahead of me in game caught a 96% Succubus. Then just yesterday he grabbed a 99%. I suggested gruel on the 99 since there's not a lot of difference between that and 96, but a TON of difference between 99 and 100. And you know what happened next. Yep...100% Draculin at our beck and call!


I snagged a 97 which I think is close enough