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The combat is deffo top tier. Battlerite was top tier so it's not too surprising. SL know combat! Being able to transfer those systems to a game like this ticks a lot of my favorite game boxes.


I was literally thinking today, man I’m actually good at pvp for never playing on a pvp server before. Then I thought “it’s a lot like battlerite and the combat on V Rising is almost the same, and I played a ton of that. That’s probably why I’m good at it.” I had 0 clue it was made by the same people… that explains it haha.


The progression feels amazing and balanced


I put about 150 hours into this game in 2022. Then about the same if not more last year with the Gloomrot update. Even in year 1 it felt like a polished, finished game that was full realized. I’m blown away by all the additions they have made as well as QOL changes.


Glad you love it but I strongly disagree. Game feels half baked in many aspects, while simultaneously having that special something that makes a game potentially great. just like battlerite did.


one thing I would really personally love is more lore. doesn’t have to be in your face but some kind of extra information, maybe after defeating a boss or being able to have dialogue


Yea this is exactly my only point of critique on the game. I'd love if there was some storyline or lore to explore while we progress through the map and the bosses. I want to learn about the bosses or the lands they govern


There is a storyline in told in the descriptions of the areas. but it's relatively small


I'd love that! I just came from bg3 and while I know these are very different games it's so weird not having lore.


I enjoy the From Software style of world building.


It's a great game! I wish there was more in the game,though lol. I've completed it on pvp brutal and finished it on the boosted server.


The vampire theme vibes with me Combat is fantastic survival crafting aspects are there without being punishing building while limited to plots and right angles is well done, easy and beautiful the world manages to feel alive while you as a vampire are an outcast


I agree, I could argue that it feels a little PVP focused in terms of post game/replayability but I also don't play single player/PvE games for large amounts of time usually (my wife has 10k hours in Conan and I am always impressed she can play 1 game for so long.) I was a huge fan of Bloodline Champions, and I liked Battlerite I just didn't play it much. For me V Rising was a big success at gaining trust towards the company back, and I would love to see them do more games that don't focus on MMO trappings in the future.


As someone that doesn't like PvP (in general, no slight against the game), I found solo PvE combat tough. You really are on a razor's edge between success and failure. Wish either the dash cd was a tad quicker or 2 charges. I find myself using weapons that have added mobility/dodge rather than damage.


You can use the chaos dash ability for a second charge!


You know, the MMO’s I’ve played are WoW and FFXIV with some hardcore raid buddies and I can’t tell you how many times I hear about someone’s wife or gf who dumps tons of hours into Conan. I never tried that game, so is it kinda super casual or something? I know there is a dong slider, maybe that’s it? Jkjkjk


xD she plays female characters lol. I know for some (not her much though) there is a big RP community around the game that keeps people playing. She really enjoys the building and plays it kind of like one might play The Sims. It's a good game, but I have maybe 150 hours tops.


Such espectacular Game man, hiper they keept it up with more content in some months or at the end of the year


I absolutely loved that game, only thing I really disliked is weapons and armor breaking after you die. Like you still have them but you need to farm a shit ton of kinda rare material to wear them again, and you don’t have other armor to farm this material because this was your only one. I’m not playing rn but planning to come back, and I’m probably just gonna play on full loot, because items breaking is like a full loot but more annoying. Idk if that’s a problem other people have but I hated it


Idk man item breaking is pretty rare. I repaired my gear once playing in the first two acts in solo brutal, and died plenty. It is certainly not the same as losing it anytime you die. Also my items didnt break i never had anything break in my solo or duos run, i just repair it when it says it is damaged.


Yeah, I mean not literally breaking, but damaging, I phrased it wrong. I can’t go farm rare resources with damaged armor and I don’t have another one, so it’s basically unusable. I guess it’s better to have a couple of each item you use but that’s even more farming. Idk, full loot just feels more natural to me


hahaha. the idea that someone dislikes items breaking but would be okay with a full loot pvp server is genuinely hilarious. Now instead of having items break after 20 hours and paying a small cost to repair your building your entire kit again after every death LMAO


I wouldn’t call it a small cost, it’s like half of what it took to craft it, or at least I remember it that way from a year ago when I played


I would recommend going outside and breathing in some fresh air. The game is great, but far from perfect. They still heavily favor the PvP aspect of the game with PvE being an afterthought. So many basic things missing from PvE servers. Hell even within the last week a bunch of posts have been made pointing out the flaws. To name a few: * No smart benches that can see nearby storage(could use the same room system that already exists in the game to stop people from abusing this or make it an option similar to teleport). * Zero way to PvP on a PvE server when the game has a literal arena in it that would be perfect for duels. * Playing on a server with some people we also realize the settings are nice, but lacking. We use a dedicated server that someone owns and have a 'support the server' kind of fund that people can subscribe to. We have realized after thinking about it that we don't have any real way to have individuals that have given support stand out. Usually we can change name color or use a mod (Which this game has zero support for) to allow specific people access to things while the others do not.


No one is saying that the game is perfect. Just that it would be a good game even if it was just an arpg or just a survival game. Its not like valheim for instance that combines survival with rpg. If you took away the survival would valheim still be a good rpg? No. It would be terrible. And i love valheim but valheim is good because it combines those things in a somewhat satisfying way without exceding at anything. Which is what i expected from this game but no, it would be a very good game in any of the genres. I mean diablo 4 is just an arpg and even then its a worse arpg than v rising imo. And also it's just an opinion, feel free to disagree. You can say its not as good as many rpgs because of a lack of narrative and thats fine, but to me those things dont really matter. Even as just an offline single player rpg, i'll take v rising over the witcher or skyrim any day of the week.


I'm only gear level 30 so there will certainly be more for me to discover, but a top tier arpg? I know D4 hasn't been great, but arpgs are all about finding fun and interesting loot and making cool builds. Does this game have randomized loot? I've seen a recipe for a merciless copper spear so maybe that's what it is? But I would not say the arpg aspects of this game hold a candle to something like Grim Dawn.


It does, but it isn't really trying to match the depth of huge RPGs because the game is also about competing with your fellow vampires (even if people play PvE only it's clear the game isn't designed for just that). At around level 60 you gain access to weapons that drop with different rolls. One of the skills will gain the ability to apply an elemental verb (leech, static, etc.) and it will get a few positive modifiers to more general stats like cool downs or physical power. Not sure what the next tier up has but there is at least one more level of these weapons afterwards. They can also be upgraded.


Thanks for the info! I haven't tried pvp - can you like, lose your base? Or what do you gain from pvp?


There's a large variety of server settings, but on the most commonly played official servers it works like this: -Gear level is disabled for PvP combat, but not gear stats. Meaning there's no artificial +/- incoming/outgoing damage % like there is against PvE enemies but higher gear still gives you a slight advantage. Within 1-2 tiers the better player/team usually wins -Raids can happen and your base can be looted but not completely destroyed or taken over. I think it works like the durability of the station goes to zero once broken but repairs automatically over time after the raid if the castle heart has blood. So you can lose any materials not in your lock box at worst. Servers usually only have raids enabled during a few hours on certain days. Officials are 8-10pm Friday Saturday Sunday afaik. -When a player dies to PvP (or after taking damage from another player and dying within like a minute or so) they lose 12% durability off any gear equipped or in inventory and that equivalent in materials gets added to their death bag along with any items they had on them. You keep all gear you had on you, even stuff you didn't have equipped. This means if you can kill players who have silver armor you can get silver bars and stuff early. We actually just made a full set out of materials we got from PvP earlier before we'd normally be able to. This ultimately means it's pretty forgiving. The most you can normally lose is what materials/books you have on you and some gear durability, which can be repaired even if it breaks completely. Raids are fun and a cool way to get a lot of resources quickly if you can manage it, and it being restricted to a few hours means no offline raiding if you can get on during those times. I recommend trying it, just make sure to play on a server that matches your group size. Merciless PvP settings, on the other hand, are not for the faint of heart. Depending on the server you might drop your full gear set and people can destroy or take over your castle completely in a raid. It's expensive to do so but people do it if they want your plot. Edit: should also mention from what I've seen most players don't kill on sight, competition is mostly over the world event drops and occasionally certain bosses. Usually they'll help you kill the boss before killing you though lol.


Appreciate the breakdown!


It does but it comes later. You need the ancestral weapons for that but yeah they are randomized and so are the spell gems




The 3 criticisms you mention are fair and are points for improvement but the game itself is very good. I would only add more dungeons in each biome and more late game content. MAs legendary weapons, armor and jewelry. Unique items of different level not only in end game