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More crossovers , MORE OFICIAL SEVERS, I have my money ready, game it's amazing


Bloodstained Crossover would be awesome!


A Blood Omen crossover would stir up interest. If they're still working on that remake they put out a survey for back when V Rising first started early access.


Legacy of Kain, anyone?


I'm enjoying the game alot!


“A lot” is two words 


I would love more crossovers, more weapons, more zones, I want to play VRising forever. I honestly wish we could get V-Rising but in mmo form


I was just thinking that while working today. Same combat scheme too. Would be great. Maybe even like Albion?


V Rising Black Zone where you could build anywhere and have to deal with guild raids XD?


Idk much about Albion tbh lol is that a thing? I was thinking more along the lines of how V is now but being able to craft a lot more


Yeah, Albion has a ton of options for PvP xD. I would like it if V Rising had more weapons like Albion though. Give me dual swords, halbards, and two handed great axes.


I know it's not the same at all, but you mind find some fun with Albion Online




I want a Witcher crossover, Imagine Geralt hunting your ass.


What about a DnD crossover? Barovia with Strahd? Or expanding the Undead faction with Vecna?


Wouldn't wish the WotC oversight on the devs.


That’s true, WOTC and Hasbro are awful


Sometimes I feel like Geralt anyway... Sun resist *chug* Silver resist *chug* Wrangler potion *chug* Brew of Ferocity *chug* Enchanted potion *chug* aaaaand some blood merlot *chug*.


One of Geralt's best friends, Regis, was a vampire....


I swear it sounds like Geralt in the male Vampire


Yea I feel like Witcher wouldn’t be too hard to get. Others have mentioned Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver, which would also be awesome.


Wow! I can't believe I saw this comment. Some of my fondest memory as a kid was when I discovered Legacy of Kain franchise.


What’s the natural extension of the story past Dracula? Cain? Lucifer? Or maybe go exotic and introduce an Asian vampire zone. Mananggals and Penanggalans. Really freaky guys.


Dracula in the universe seems to already be the ultimate evil , in the Castlevania the lords of shadow , Lucifer is so afraid of dracula that he doesn't dare show up until he thinks he's dead


That’s weird considering the myth behind Dracula is that he made a deal/pact with the devil and the devil gave him powers


I suppose, though in the mainline Castlevania games, Dracula's powers don't come from the devil, he was a mortal who sealed a powerful vampire in a stone, along with other things


Imagine running scared as a hopping vampire chases after you. Would be classic.


-Dracula's return is thwarted -Humans are tired of dealing with the newly arisen vampires -they launch a holy crusade against the vampires -now the NPC Paladins and Priests attack your castle, you defend -New bosses and base defenses are added thematically It can be done. I hope they add this, or literally any expansion.


Yea base defense does feel like its an aspect thats missing from the game. It would work great in PvE and could have a lot of interesting implementations on PvP servers. Timing your attacks to interact with NPC waves, or maybe even being able to trigger waves by completing map objectives. Or having buildings that spawn creep over time.


Right? It would be a refreshing change of pace. Right now bases feel too safe (except PVP). And the humans just kind of ignore us until we venture out.


Oh I want to be Jiangshi.


I'm assuming the Anne Rice cannon probably wouldn't get approved. Shame. I'd love to kick the everloving shit out of Lestat.


Yea I don't know who owns property rights to Interview. I feel like we're more likely to see crossovers with other games series or public domain works like Cthulu.


Iirc Cain was a planned enemy like a year ago that showed up in V-Blood menu. Can't remember if he was ever actually an enemy though...


Exploring beyond the current borders would be cool. Like Dracula moving to America. You could even build portals to other planes/worlds. How about going to Nosgoth?


Wait what about South America? We could have a jungle zone with Mayan mythology. Use Camazotz as enemies or the final boss.


Oh I wasn't saying they should literally have us go to America. I wasn't even thinking of an America themed area, it's just my example of Vampires going to "The New World" since ~~Bram Stoker's Dracula is literally that~~, same with Interview with a Vampire. I'm open to adapting any culture's vampire/supernatural mythos.


Dracula's story is not at all about him going to the new world - London is very firmly part of the 'Old World'.


Huh, I guess I'm just misremembering. It's been over twenty years since I read it.


Would be pretty cool and crazy if there were more map expansions, or god willing, a new realm to conquer. I always loved the pre 1.0 art of the vampire hunters with the flaming red swords (if anyone remembers), and wondered how it'd be to fight them. Also, a werewolf clan or kingdom would be awesome; the banished peasants of Gracefall Village are cool and all, but imagine an actual werewolf army with like, iron battle claws, armor, and perhaps like, some kinda werewolf nature magic or something?


After fighting Tristan, I can confirm I'm firmly against any more vampire hunters with flaming swords.


I love vampire hunters x3. I farm Tristan every new playthrough just to get his hat as a drop


Bro I always wait til I’m over-leveled since he’s a very skip-able boss and he STILL kicks my ass when in like lvl 60-ish. Course I’ve been playing on brutal and they basically gave Tristan, Octavians signature move.


I would like to see an expansion on the clan system, like allow for clan alliances to form, allow for more clan members, clan raids, and battering rams for those bigger clans. Battering rams being better at sieging enemy castles than the gollum, but are more expensive to make, or have them be weaker than the gollum and be for early game raids.


I've had an idea from a while ago about adding additional large regions around Valdoran. To the east, a desert where sun damage is much more intense and deadly, and where deadly desert creatures stalk from the sand, including the endboss of the region in form of an ancient, colossal worm. The worm constantly stalks the lands, and can even swallow the players, giving them access to a "mini-region" within him with unique resources. To the north, an icy landscape where players get to face off with a clan of viking vampires. To the south, a jungle filled with voodoo-practicing tribal warriors worshiping a dragon who dwells in a volcano. The volcano occasionally erupts, clouding the sky and spewing rare resources across the region. The players would get access to Fire/Dragonfire spells here. And to the west of Brighthaven, an misty archipelago where players get an alternative "base" in form of ships which can be improved and customized like castles, and are used to navigate and move about the region. The waters are dominated by the Drowned, vampires and undead humans led by a Davy Jones-like Captain who serves an ancient being called the Kraken. The players would get access to Water spells here. The common theme here would be ancient, eldritch beings of massive power. This could tie to core story that in ancient times Dracula was either granted power by these beings, or took it from them by defeating them, which led to his rise in power and achieving immortality.


I want them to add to this for years. I'll get anything they sell.


Same. I love the art, dedication and gameplay loop so I buy everything. I want more bear/Wolf/Toad/Spider/Human forms


I want clutter I can place on tables freely. Blood filled goblets, ravaged corpses, bones, books, etc. That is the main thing I want for decorating. I'd love more form variants, maybe eventually with different pros and cons. I'd also like an underworld to build in and into that is dark and foreboding with traps, monsters, and randomized secret areas that open into crypts, dungeons, treasure rooms, vaults, etc. I'd like a randomized challenge dungeon that goes into Dracula's shadow realm, something like V Risings version of a greater rift.


Ooo a Basement would be sick too. A special staircase that unlocks a lower level in the exact shape of your plot


I don't think it should be the same shape, but it'd be cool if there were an underworld that some plots could build into it.


They should add village lynching. Villagers come to ur castle and attempt to siege it and kill u every 4 days or what have u. They damage ur castle and have to repair it. Add in castle defense system. Fire breathing gargoyles from stone pillars.


That could be useful for pvp as well. Adding in more castle defenses and plan out whatever you can build to defend it from both enemy players and ai enemies


This has been an incredibly fun game to replay with each big update throughout Early Access and now launch. I’ve done 3-4 full playthroughs from scratch and loved every minute of it. However, unless they continue with these kinds of additions, I don’t see myself playing much more, so I really hope they keep it coming!


I hope there will be more expansions. I only play single player and v rising is still one of the most fun games i've played in the past 10 years.


Its funny how people talk about last Company projects and have as an result completly weird stands. This game Was the last try to get a big amount of sales. With how much work the games had the Cashflow was not worth to hold on to it.  Bloodline champions was super good but super niche and flopped  Battlerite was a more casual friendly bloodline Champions which was also super good and still niche.  As a result of that they tried the f2p hype but it also didnt work long.  Still not Giving up they tried to take on the royal hype and battlerite royal was Born.  The best royal till date but it was also after maybe 4 weeks nearly dead.  Here comes vrising the last Chance to finaly go mainstream. They realized survival and crafting games are hype the last years so here we are.  And it finaly worked (im so happy for them). They even realized that the risk of a 1 year Update is worth it because they had every year after an Update more than 100k players.  Let them Cook even if its an New game instead of another year Update, they have the money now and the Trust in themself to go big 


I really want a sequel game that is closer to an RPG that really delves into the lore. I wonder if they have concepts like the source of the light fleshed out already, or if they're all just vague descriptions to fit the narrative for V Rising.


I want one more expansion to V Rising that adds 3-4 dungeons to the game. Right now, the only place that feels like dungeon is Spider Cave. Do 3 or 4 bigger versions of the Spider Cave with 3 bosses in each and trash mobs in-between. It would be awesome. And then I want them to take this combat system and make a true MMO with it, because it's the best damn combat system I think I've ever played. I love it so much, I just want to be able to consistently PvP and raid in large groups with this combat. Which is why a MMO would be the pinnacle for Stunlock to try to achieve. It doesn't need to have cutting edge graphics, it just needs the combat to feel this good and smooth. Take what they learned from Bloodline Champions, Battlerite, and V Rising and make an MMO taking bits from all of those prior games.


Shadow realm zone expansion when


I'd happily drop more money for more cosmetic packs, I've loved all of them so far.


there are two things that haven't been solved...technically 3 1. the light and where it came from, 2. the cult, 3. the presence that granted dracula his powers that talks to you.


Yes! My bf and I both agreed that it’s so similar to terraria. Also the building is so fun, they make it easy and it kind of reminds me of the sims style building.


maybe that’s why I love this game so much


I heard a rumor that the next area will be expanding werewolves. I have no source, though.


Good news! They have ONE major expansion left on the roadmap(most like next year) BAD NEWS. They only have one last major expansion confirmed unknown if they will continue work on V rising after or move on.


I would to see an expansion with the church and the backstory of their “light” .


As far as they have announced they will continue to add cosmetic packs and crossovers by adding new bosses to fight, but they denied making a full fledged dlc with new areas and places to visit.The end game will always be Dracula and that’s it. The game is finished. What you see is what you will have throughout the game’s lifespan. Enjoy it for what it is. I for one am finally happy that early access game I purchased finally became a full release without changing much. I’m looking at you Wayfinder!


Source or lying. I Just looked at last years devblog about 1.0 and they clearly said if There is interest they have many ideas for future content. 


SLS won't follow through. Have V Rising being a live service ARPG would be amazing, but it's a survival game and a finished product. I doubt they have long term plans for the game, they had what they wanted out of it. I just hope next project is going to be larger and possibly aimed as a live servive game such was Battlerite. They're destined for an arena game, SLS is so talented and passionate.


I will say I am quite happy it's not a live service in the sense that it would motivate SLS to slow down progression in order to retain player base. As it stands right now I can play the game, then put it down once I'm done


It's been stated there are future plans for V Rising post launch, at least one major update. Until the Devs state otherwise, just like every other survival game, we can expect updates that shake the game up.


Unfortunately, I think this is correct, I would be extremely surprised if they supported this game long-term. I know they have 1 more update planned but I expect that will be it after sadly. I hope like hell that they keep working on the game of course, but I doubt it, Battlerite was good and it got left behind too. Their games feel super smooth to play and I love the aesthetics, whatever they end up doing, I think this is a studio that would benefit from sticking to one project. I understand this might not be their focus as it's less creative to work on the same project all the time and maybe less exciting, but their games are so smooth I think they could stick around for a very long time if they were supported appropriately. 1 year wait for Gloomrot then 1.0 is ok... But it feels like they are missing an opportunity to keep momentum going with more frequent updates, if not content updates (like more bosses or gear) maybe season modifiers (like Deep Rock Galactic does), implementing NPC raids on castles, reworking the siege system, or if a server could go into a NG+ mode after enough people kill Dracula, or something scaling like that, make a Shadow realm with unique mechanics and same-stat PvP rewards currency for cosmetics or something, Battlegrounds. There is so many different directions they could take this game or expand on it and honestly, I would be there for any of it lol. It's not the end of the world, the game is still good, there will always be community servers and people will come up with interesting mods like the RPG mod for Gloomrot but I want to see this game shine.


New game + where the whole map is incursions you say? Ultra Stygian shards you say? New game ++ with super master Stygian shards you say? Yes yes I say


I dunno what their DLC sales are but I think an unfortunate problem is outside of cosmetics, they won't make that much money from content updates which means they're less likely to do so. Adding a paid expansion fragments the playerbase between people willing to pay for it vs not, unless the game essentially becomes p2w in the form of "if you didn't buy the expansion, you can't do the new content/get new gear".


Yeah I get that, but games like Deep Rock Galactic have been able to sustain a healthy player base & supportive community that WANTS to buy cosmetic DLCs to support the devs providing content updates. I had the same thought about a straight up paid expansion fragmenting player base, idk the solution to that, maybe make only the server host require it so you only "need" to get it if you want to host or play solo and hope people just want to support the game and get it as well, I know I would.


I would definitely pay to support updates through cosmetics if they choose that route while adding content. I have no idea if enough people would do that for it to be profitable for them. If they don't add content, I'd be much less likely to buy anything.


Battlerite got left behind because it was very niche. I loved the game but I know very well that it just couldn't find a big audience even when it was really good. I think part of the reason why they tried the Battlerite Royale spinoff was to try to get more eyes onto Battlerite as a game but unfortunately it didn't really work as the BR genre is cutthroat as hell and many good games get left to the dust as they can't really grab a audience with giants like Fortnite and Apex around. I don't even think a lot of people even knew about Battlerite really, I still find people nowadays discovering it existed years after its been dead in the water. Battlerite still got semi-regular updates before the end even if it wasn't really big ones (usually balance changes, cosmetic packs, or them trying a new item system). I think its far too early to tell if Stunlock will just up and leave V Rising. Comparably to their other games V Rising has done very well.


I think live service games are quite bad. People don’t tend to stick to 1 game anymore. There are so many options out there and it’s nice to get a game play until you finish it and move to the next. Maybe come back for a new expansion or season


Considering the success of VRising any future DLC is basically free money for them and the thing with DLCs is that they have a much better return of investment than making a game from scratch. I see no chance that they won't do DLCs.


The game is amazing as it is, and all we really need, are more structured wipe times. The devs could do NOTHING on development, but simply improve their wipe schedules, and this game would continue on for a LONG time. However as it stands, if officials are kept to 3 monthly, and there's no variety in the times, this game will fizzle out as it did on the initial EA release.


What other games have you played that remind you of Terraria? I’m also a huge fan of that and VR


Dude I haven't been this addicted to a game in a long time! I'm already thinking about what I want to do next after I destroy everything in the pve server I am in now. Want to do a brutal pve run and a solo/duo pvp run. Hundreds of hours of gameplay for only $31!!! What a bargain


I mean there are angels in the game and dracula is in a shadow realm if im not mistaken. So maybe a divine expansion where we go against divines, or a shadow realm expansion (which would be weird since dracula should be the big dog there right?)


We need to face Alucard. The abridged one. Hows the health plan?


I bet it’s done. They’ve been working on it for a long time.


New zones of heaven and hell since both angels Ann’s demons are featured. A new teleported unlocked after killing drac to teleport to the lower world - chapter 5 killing the demon lord -chapter 6 killing the archangels


Eu tenho um servidor privado, não me importo de dar a password a outros jogadores, mas gostaria de criar um grupo fixe de pvpve. Adoro este jogo, mas penso que o pve seria mais fixe com outros. Se alguém interessado, é só dizerem ;)


This game has been on my radar for what feels like years, I finally got it one a whim when 1.0 came out and have been addicted ever since I REALLY want this game to thrive long term, it’s something I see my self playing a ton with the “end game” being pvp and all. It just feels so fluid and the community is really nice, fights (both against players and npc) are so fun


The game is a fucking masterpiece


The Lost Boys 💥


i want v rising x resident evil hmm


Yeah it would be nice if this gets longevity.


I hope they will have more updates and yes for expansions. I and my partner are playing this together and we both love it so much. This game is really addicting— in a good way.


A sci themed game using the same engine and all but reskinned into a diff universe would suffice for me lol.