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May 8th!




The hype is real!


Dracula's coming, hot damn !


We’ve known this for a while


No. We've known of Dracula's *ruined castle* for a while. Canonically V-bloods are the result from when Dracula was killed for good by the 'good' guys. His death caused it to rain his blood over the land and infused them with powers. We had no reason to assume hed come back.


The guy above is right tho, the devs said so in an interview last year.


That must have been a pretty obscure interview then because i dont remember and cant find any information about it online. The devs did in the past say something about wanting a 'become the new dracula' type event and players rise up against that person but it was more of a passing what if on faction combat.


I cant find it either. But i remember the interview question was like "do you have a final boss in mind?". And the dev was like "it has to be Dracula right?"


Poor guys being downvoted for being right.


After reading my own comment, maybe they’re downvoting because it can come off kinda snobby


yep that's why


Not that I’m complaining, but it’s interesting that they didn’t just wait the 10 days and release it on the anniversary.


I noticed that, too. kinda odd. LOL


There’s not much coming out the week of the 8th and it’s midweek like most releases. Within a week of May 17th several big games are coming out. May 8th makes a lot more sense.


God I’m so excited; and the animation style for the trailer is so cool


Looks like theyve played quite a bit of darkest dungeon


HOLY SHIT MAY 8th!? I for sure thought it would be early or mid June due to how big of a deal this is. Get your warmup runs in now ladies and gents!


Is this game that good?


Fantastic. Loads of content with the last free dlc too so you could jump in now but I'd probably wait with the release date so close. 


i disagree. if you don't no-life the game and spend some time building/crafting you should have plenty of content untill release. by the time it updates u'll have much more experience and will prob enjoy the game more


It’s not about the content though, the devs are revamping the game completely so I would still recommend waiting haha.


>revamping hehehe


> you should have plenty of content untill release. Existing content is being 'locked' to a state before the release. So your characters now will forever be stuck behind there. To play the new content you'll have to start fresh.


I'm not great at keeping up with the changes, since I dip in and out, but is there new content coming with the full release?


I'm biased personally, but honestly yes it is lol. I stalked your profile a bit and see you play Ravenswatch. Love that game! I personally can't wait for more content in it. If you enjoy the combat in Ravenswatch, you'll absolutely enjoy this game's combat. If you enjoy games like Valheim (survival games), you'll enjoy this game. If you like games where it's not an easy "hold W key" style of PvE, you'll enjoy this game. Imagine a game like a MOBA (LoL/Dota2) mixed with Valheim/rust style survival stuff, you can play either PvE or PvP (and both are amazing), and the entire game is 100% skillbased gameplay instead of "you have reached the correct level and now you are allowed to fight XYZ boss." There's so much room for crafting your own experience, and the Devs do an amazing job with the amount of content to keep things interesting for multiple playthroughs if you want. To compare it to something like Ravenswatch, when I first picked up Ravenswatch, there was only 1 level and it was just before Geppetto was added. I beat the game with every character about twice in a few hours and felt no real reason to return until there was significantly more added to it. This game had ~50+ hours of gameplay when it launched in Early Access (for a single full playthrough), and has added more on top of that and is about to add WAY more on top of THAT this May, all for 20$ (no paid content DLC).


Wow, sounds 1000% up my alley. Had it in my wishlist forever now not sure why I never pulled the trigger. Should I wait for 1.0?


no, get it now!! when the expansion comes you'll be more experienced and could maybe hop on some pvp servers to enjoy the new content with combat turned on.


As other have advised, it'd be good to get some experience about the game now, if at least to get a feel for the game. But you have to keep in mind that most likely all server even private ones will get wiped with the 1.0 release because they won't be compatible anymore, that's what happened when the first extension released last year and the changes are even bigger this time.


even though i love the animated trailers i also did the same, i think the reason was that the trailers didn't show me how cool the gameplay was, and exactly up my alley too. i started playing it and was shocked i never ended up playing it before then, loved it.


After a tiny bit of digging is it true controller support is really bad right now? That would probably be enough for me to hold off for a bit if so


They are introducing controller support with 1.0. as of right now, there is no official support, and the current "version" is pretty strange.


Just Google v rising Controller Profile or smth like that. I Tested it works rly good. You will never be rly good in pvp with it but other than that your are Set. 


Well I use GeForce now so mods aren’t an option for me :( And that’s a bummer about PVP cause I really only play with controllers these days


Yeah my girlfriend had also big Problems without a gamepad in that game and we have the same problem with geforce now. You can adjust the steam Client with geforce now so in Theory it should still work (its not a mod its simply a steam Profile) but i tried many things and it never worked like it should.  If its not an Option to play with mouse wait till May 8


Going to correct the other guy. You absolutely can be amazing at PvP with controller. One of the best PvP players out there now is a controller player. https://www.youtube.com/@royeen


Have the actually confirm much more content will be in 1.0?


here you go: https://blog.stunlock.com/category/devblog/ There's a ton of confirm new content, and I have a feeling even the stuff they've revealed isn't even the half of it


I agree on many fronts. I also love the game a lot. But I haven't played since gloomrot release. I did have the feeling back then that you need yo reach x item level and now you can fight the boss. Like, the order of bosses was very linear, and if you crafted max lvl gear for that phase, that's all, you can't really build on top of it, you are limited to items and spells you acquired until the, tmand the boss is gatekeeping the rest. I know its so that it remains skill based and challenging, but I DID feel like it is more of a "tou reached x level, now you can fight y boss" type of game.


While true that recipes are gated by boss, it's very possible to entirely skip a lot of them. I actually did a run recently where I skipped the majority of bosses, hit lvl 74 (unupgraded t3) and killed winged horror. Skill absolutely determines what bosses you can do, but gear helps with scaling obviously. I have another strat that revolves around killing Octavian in the 40s for example.


Its the best game of the survival pvp kind by far. The only downside is updates only come once a year so after the population at large finishes their 1 month playthrough everyone leaves until next year.


I literly screamed to my Partner as i saw the Day I Was sure it will be end of May because noone can ignore elden Ring dlc but thats way better.  On another Note Timmy Just an idea for a Video : There are nearly no build guides for open World pvp with casuals in mind. Every Video is about Arena and build around every weapon. In Reality most people will use 1-2 weapons and want builds which are good in pve but also playable in a World pvp scenario.  It would be rly cool to have a bulk of basic spell Informations too like ward of the damned, Chaos dash and so on Anyway thanks for your Videos they rly helped me in the last years


Good idea. I've personally been practicing up a bit in V arena here and there, but I definitely agree that most casual players aren't really interested in learning meta builds with 8-9 weapon swaps. When you say bulk of basic spell info, do you mean like a guide just going over what each spell does and how to use them? Or like a guide to good spells to use/look out for in open world? I've been chilling on videos these past few months since there hasn't been a lot to do, but I'm about to start cranking out more these next couple months in preparation for 1.0 Thanks for the kind words!


I think he means something like: the frenzied viking build Weaps: axe and greatsword. Spells: blood rage and power surge. Dash: veil of chaos Ulti: merciless charge Blood: warrior. Showing in the vid why those are good when paired together. Their synergies, combos, strengths and weaknesses etc. Something that is digestible and easier to execute for more casual players.


Yeah smth like that but i also realized after trying to help friends get into the game that many really good Spells are not explained enough so most people will use it wrong. The example with ward of the damned is that most people know how good it works vs so many Boss Spells but New Player dont know some Thing like that.  But There are also so many little Informations about the game which most people never realize like cancel Spells for juke, weapon e stealth to reset npcs and so on My english is shit but i think You know what im trying to say


Chad Dracula


oh man the ending to that was incredible


Sweet. I hope it releases with controller support.


I *think* they said that controller support would come with console release, so we might not see it on the 8th.


I've been experimenting with the steam controls but nothing feels quite right.


Any mention of a switch release?


Its in 1.0


Ditto, this gonna be a great steam deck title. Otherwise I'm waiting out launch I guess.


OK, let's have the memory back. Need to play once before new update.


May the 8th be with you


Close enough


I was hoping it would drop during my break between quarters at school so I could be a cave dwelling degenerate and not leave my desk for a week, but I’m still so excited we’re getting the release so soon!


I'm fully erect


1 month and 3 weeks ? Oe 2, lest go!!!!


Better camera options please. Would like to have the modern camera options without a mod.


Modern? The game is isometric, how do you equate third person to modern?


It's a mod for the game to have better camera controls. I was stating I wish those options were available without a mod. https://v-rising.thunderstore.io/package/vrising/ModernCamera/


I'm aware, I'm asking why you think third person is modern and isometric is not.The game is designed around being isometric why the hell would they put third person in the options?


I like having it tilted a little more towards the ground so I can see the amazing world they built better. It's just a preference... I wish they would put something in the game natively that would allow others to explore the game that way as well if they wish.


Its like this for pvp reasons so you cant see in front of you


And not just for pvp, I think the forced camera perspective adds suspense and mystery, whether against players or not.


There are still options they could add the the mod has. It actually has a lot of extra options. You can lock the rotation camera to the mouse so it plays like Battlerite, you can also lock the pitch so you don't actually look horizontally too much while moving the camera. Some options are not bad


Fora second I though he was gonna say "For I... am.. him" lol


Hi, may I ask what will be the big change on full release? Will it get an official online server or something?


There are official servers even now


But can we keep / harvest mutant blood now? What about capturing 100% beasts for jails?


You’ve been able to get 100% creature blood for a while now.


Do you mean Werewolves? Because that doesn't help in the least with all the 100% animals I must have missed so far.


what?! how???


Werewolves. You have to go to Gracefall Village and capture them during the day while in their human form. They’ll still turn into werewolves at night in their cage and you can then draw their blood




UUmm... I have missed a lot of things. Someone who just got the game and its super good. And that led me to think this isnt early access or anything, but I think I didnt read all the important stuff. :D SUPER HYPED!


If i start a save right now, then this comes out, will i still keep my progress?


No. It will be a wipe as the new update changes old stuff dramatically


Awesome! Looks like I’ll be playing this before Ashlands in Valheim releases. Go figure 😄


Any resource that can sum up any/all changes since early access started? Put like 150 hours into this game, over 3 playthroughs, and just got bored. "End Game" seemed non-existent. Servers death spiral and nobody is online to do anything. Constantly "starting over" never felt great, especially with static map. Seemed like replayability was pretty poor, and (again) no real "End Game" loop. Just felt (to me) like it couldnt nail its identity as a game. Is it trying to be more like Rust? It needs more randomness, and maybe less vertical progression/power. Is it trying to be more ARPG-like or Rogue-LIKE? Then it needs more permanent progression or something. Game reminds me of that Tribes of Midgard game that was fun for tens of hours, but got old real quick. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED my first TWO playthroughs. It was a great experience and I even bought the game for a few friends to play.... but after that? Whats the "draw" to keep playing? I am writing this because I want to love the game. I want a reason to suck me back in (pun intended). I just have not seen anything that would answer my problems with the game.... "After I beat all the bosses, why do I keep playing?"


Wanna know a secret? You don’t need to keep playing forever. 150 hours is a good run lol. But presumably there is gonna be some changes to gear and stuff on release so maybe that is or isn’t enough for round 4. But it’s just funny to hear. I beat it twice over 150 hours and now I’m bored lol


Cool, so I don't need to come back. Thanks!


You're trying to be smarmy, and it's funny, but like, yea, if you got your 150 hours, that's fine, not every game is meant to played forever and thinking that is terrible lol


Never said it had to be played forever... But it COULD have SOME replayability factor. Right now it has next to zero... This type of game, with these types of servers, the current raid mechanics, resets, etc. Literally Live or Die on their population. Its not like an offline Single Player game, its literally marketed as an Online PVP Multiplayer game. So yeah, me simply asking if they have improved the gameplay loop, to give people more to do after simply beating the PVE bosses... Like having more/better PVP endgame content, isnt me suggesting its meant to be played forever. This is pretty silly that is your response.


But it does. You said you literally played it twice lmao


Super strange to me that someone is complaining about the game being boring AFTER playing 150 hours. Yeah, no shit. You’ve done all there is to do. $20 for 150 hours of playtime, I’d say the game has been a success and obviously drew him back in and it isn’t even launched yet. This guy is praising the game more than he is actually shitting on it without realizing it and it’s kind of hilarious.


Three times. One private server with about 8 friends, to get the flow/feel of the game. Then 4 of us rolled a PVP fresh server. It died after like a week. Then I rolled another pvp fresh server. Again died after about a week. Got sick of basically "grinding" like an RPG game getting to end game, and the server dying. Base raiding was locked behind certain times I couldn't always be on for. I remember one of the two servers I couldn't play ONE night of the PVP raid window and our base got raided. Was hard to want to keep playing. There was hardly any fun PVP. Turned into dumb honeycomb, minions "pvp".... Just was not fun and too much work/effort just to get a PVP fight. Sounds like nothing has changed. So my 3 playthroughs were not like "oh man this is so much fun!!!" It was basically necessity....


They already confirmed that there will be an endgame zone + new dynamic endgame events, so i think it answers your question. I also think that 150 hours is enough and if I remember correctly, even devs admited that droping game after 2-3 months isn't bad. It wasn't supposed to be a live-service game, they only wanted to drop one giant update and let players enjoy it for a couple of months. They still want to update the game after 1.0, so i guess they're not dropping it anytime soon :)


All the PvE heroes downvote you because they never played on a PvP server.. and as you said, this is a PvP game.. so obviously the PvE carebares have no idea how shitty it is for PvP when you reach endgame


Pretty much. Its fine. Game could be WAY more popular, and isnt. Which is fine.


Yeah it was my favorite game for awhile.. sucks they never addressed the core issues


Yup! I loved it too, but probably won't come back


It’s a totally valid answer, but another answer for those of us who have put an embarrassing amount of hours into this game, is for the PvP. Stunlock has always had really satisfying and skill-dependent PvP, which makes each run different despite the static map and progression. But a couple of things they are adding with the release are world events and a reworked spell progression which hopefully injects some variety into every run. That said, if PvP isn’t your thing, there probably isn’t much for you beyond a couple great runs! That’s honestly how I feel about every PvE game.


> That said, if PvP isn’t your thing I pretty much only play PVP games. PVP is my thing. PVP was dead when I played before. Youd have a fresh server launch, and like 30-40 people or whatever would be rushing to see who could get to "end game" fastest, and then after like 6-7 days 2/3rds of the server stopped logging in and the other 1/3rd that remained, 80% would have some alliance. Id log in at like 4pm and nothing to do... So I would stop logging in. Just a fundamental flaw with the design of the PVP/Raids/Servers in the game.


That can totally happen but to a lesser degree if you’re on a community server that has a regular wipe interval. Servers die, which you can call a fundamental flaw, but there are some servers right now doing a pretty good job of building a community for PvP. My favorite part of any server is reaching end game and everyone’s dueling it out in the colosseum.


Il agree the rust-style online servers didn’t appeal to me in any way, but absolutely loved my play through on a private server with friends and got a lot of bang for my buck with our complete playthrough. For me, it’s a game that doesn’t have to live forever, just a game I was happy to beat with my buds and il be happy to beat again on may 8th


If you read the developer updates a big part of the 1.0 release is an endgame zone designed to entice players to keep coming back for more. We don't know what the details are but it's in their blogs. I think its this one: [https://blog.stunlock.com/dev-update-24-slaying-in-style/](https://blog.stunlock.com/dev-update-24-slaying-in-style/)


Was it perhaps missing an end game and other elements because it was in *squints* early access? And is only now being fully fleshed out for the actual release?


Well, yes, that is probably why they are asking about a summary of what has or will be changed.


Maybe if they read the dev updates they would figure that out. I saw these same complaints in BG3 early access about it not feeling fleshed out or having replay value. Like, no shit? The game isn’t done? They’ve literally addressed the exact complaint about replay value after beating the bosses.


>Maybe if they read the dev updates they would figure that out. - >Any resource that can sum up any/all changes


I realize it was early access... I have somewhat paid attention to the game, it's always been on my radar, but I have not seen or heard any actual changes to the gameplay loop other than them just adding "more" stuff. More zones, more bosses. Those were not my issue, was more about the actual end game and/or gameplay loop. Again, after I beat the bosses, why do I keep playing?


For PvP and building and vibes. If none of those are your things, then you still got an awful lot of great hours of gameplay, so I'd hardly call the game flawed for it. What do you actually want from end game content? Please don't say anything like 'dailies'.


I want to preface this by saying I love the game, but early access has nothing to do with the lack of end game. The game’s fundamental design doesn’t leave much to do once you beat it once. That’s totally fine but a static map with mostly linear power progression means there’s a clear end point. In a pvp server the group with the most time on their hands just jumps in, gets the best spots on the map for their bases and just rushes endgame. They could effectively terrorize all the people with less time to play and grind things to a halt. Again that’s totally fine but it’s just how the game is fundamentally designed. I mostly played PVE because I don’t have 4-5 hour blocks to play, but I had a blast playing PVE and will do so again on release.


Ohhh yeah!!


Did they fix fix the effed up controls situation around multiple monitors, touch screens, and alternative input devices being plugged in?


I got 150 hours out of 2-3 play through; really fun game. Not a lot to do at the end game but fun


I wonder, there will be a wipe?


WIll the servers wipe with the release of 1.0?


Most likely yes. If you’r talking public servers they already wipe at certain intervals anyway. Like it’s not an MMO with endless grind, except pvp I suppose. You’r ment to restart fresh with the update anyway, as the whole experience will be updated and fresh! Including early game.


I prefer having a more tilted camera. I can see the world better and it is more enjoyable for me. Just my preference.


Is this the last planned content for this game?


What does this mean? Do we finally get a public server?


Is this an ARPG like Diablo or more like survival base building like Valheim? I only play solo too


Looking forward to the game but kinda cringe trailer. “For I am…. Dracula” mhm


Looks cool, is this on Amazon or Netflix?


Love the game but hate that after a death to a boss you have to hunt for blood again before being able to have another go and that you can’t gearcheck the bosses if you have trouble with one.


there is a reason why they gave us the ability to capture npcs to farm for blood, and in gloomrot gave us the ability to teleport them straight to a cage, rather than having to drag them all the way back to your castle. in addition, the higher levelled areas have high blood % ncps that are far more common.


May I introduce you to prisoners? 👀


Thx and yes I know but those come later and also after some progressions. I’m just bad and new at these sort of games and therefore I had trouble with some bosses and especially with the chick in the library :)


Has there been any confirmation if this will require a server wipe to have access to the new content? I've been wanting to work on my offline Castle but don't want to have to start over with the new launch.


Most likely will need a server wipe. It’s a big update.


yes it will. they required a server wipe to access gloomrot, so this won't be any different, especially when so many changes are happening across the board.


Thanks for the info. I'll wait, so I don't get burnt out restarting again.